[TweakTown]: FTC calls Xbox Game Pass Standard tier a 'degraded product,' alleges harm to consumers


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
It's a fantasy to think that the FTC is going to break up Xbox the same way they broke up ma Bell in the 80s.

That being said, I would like to see the FTC fight any company that changes their service for the worse (in this case both in worse selection of games as well as worse price) while automatically opting in existing customers.


Identifies as young
Yes "core" effectively replaced XBL, but that does not mean that it did not become a part of "Game Pass". These things are not mutually exclusive. Game Pass is what MS makes it, and as of September last year, Game Pass became about subscribing in exchange for access to an arbitrary amount of available games. If we are to make the claim that Game Pass has "always been about day one games" until the "Standard" tier became available, that's just not true. Game Pass stopped being about day one games September of last year.

If you are going to go with that argument then one can say Microsoft started stripping away day one games starting back in September so pick your poison. Of course, if I or anyone else had made that statement last year then we would have been accused of crazy mental gymnastics. And they would have been right.


If you are going to go with that argument then one can say Microsoft started stripping away day one games starting back in September so pick your poison. Of course, if I or anyone else had made that statement last year then we would have been accused of crazy mental gymnastics. And they would have been right.
I'm sure you would have been accused of mental gymnastics, by a certain contingent of gaffers, but I don't agree that they would have been right.

I do love it when people like this crawl out of the woodwork just to essentially defend a mega-conglomerate, though. Like let's look at all the bits here that Fnor's left context out of

1: The US Judge that saw it as "no problem"? Oh, that was Judge Corley, whose son works at Microsoft in a rather well-off position in the company. Of course "that" US judge saw no issue with it; she'd have to admit a conflict of interest otherwise. Granted, why the FTC didn't elect for her to recluse herself is a whole different question.

2: The other regulators? You mean like the EC, who had an ex-Microsoft employee attempting to run for a position in the cabinet which was so rare that exceptions were being made to allow her to be admitted? That European Commission? Again that's a convenient piece to ignore.

3: What exactly are the external market factors that have led to Game Pass's price increases and tier structure changes? I'm not even saying they don't exist, or didn't have a factor here. But for someone who wrote multiple paragraphs to "shed light", you didn't provide any examples of these yourself or how they affected Microsoft's gaming division to force these changes? You can't just say "hey this thing exists and is the real reason why!"...without giving examples for how the thing that exists specifically pertains to the case being discussed xD

4: What you're relying on as the "overall market conditions" being as to why Microsoft, Sony, and other companies have raised prices on their subscription services probably aren't actually the slam-dunk conditions you think they are. It doesn't take an educated guess to see that these companies increasing sub prices (most of them anyway) are doing it to increase profit margins.

The "market conditions" you want to point to are things like inflation, but in Microsoft's specific case inflation would have to be proven to lead towards increased costs of equipment for running the cloud and data centers hosting Game Pass content & services. That inflation costs are increasing the licensing fees for 3P content in the service. And in either case, people could just as easily argue why a price increase for the service (and removal of Day 1 for Standard/Console tier) was taken vs, say, cutting back on the number of 3P games licensed for being in the service? Particularly if the latter would've helped with costs on MS's end.

Also and this is both ironic and kind of messed up, but I can see the FTC or others asking why couldn't the operational costs for Game Pass be partially absorbed by other divisions in the company, if the costs for buying ABK were in a sense mostly done through profits the other divisions accrued? And with gaming now being so important to Microsoft now corporate-wide (this was something Microsoft pushed hard to get ABK approved), if Game Pass is also gaming and even new COD games are being used as a catalyst to push it...can't the same be argued about Game Pass?

5: I ultimately don't know why Fnor brings up Sony into the argument because, ultimately, Sony weren't the ones who just bought a $75 billion-worth 3P publisher on top of a $7.5 billion-worth 3P publisher back-to-back. They're not the ones who have those types of M&As to work against them in the event they do increase prices on something like PS+. Which, was also 100% done to increase profit margins, won't deny that. But thinking MS having a curious eye turned to them over increasing their prices should ignore their recent M&As in gaming, just because Sony also increased PS+ prices and didn't spend $75 billion on buying a 3P, is short-sighted.

That said, I'm sure MS will respond to the FTC with some form of "But Sony Too™", and probably also touch on other sub services like Netflix and Disney+ having raised their prices. They'd probably do it just so FTC or any others would feel pressured from obligation to look at ALL the subscription services, to just drop any further inquiries. I don't even think things will get that serious; again this is just the FTC having some commentary; MS will respond and the two will go back to doing what they've been doing.


It's a new tear that doesn't have day one games, plain and simple, it's not replacing anything, the price that you're willing to pay may land on that tier, but day one games still exists on higher priced tiers. What you want is the ability to still pay less and get all the benefits of the higher tiers.
Please don't continue doing this when you feel the need to shill for Sony when there's no Microsoft console for you to do it for.

It's embarrassing, I'm embarrassed for you right now.

embarrassing parks and recreation GIF


Gold Member
It is a higher priced tier that replaces another tier while taking away day one games.
This is the issue, not just the price increase.

Also, if you unsub from the shadow tier does it go away? I'm not sure if we have an answer for this yet.


Whilst I applaud their toothless attempts to reign Microsoft in, they should probably just look at the facts now and call it a day. Xbox is a dying brand, the games are going third party, subscribers to Game Pass are in decline.

Somehow Microsoft managed to acquire the creators of Doom, The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro for $80b and LOST further relevancy.

That is an accomplishment in itself to be honest.


Identifies as young
This is the issue, not just the price increase.

Also, if you unsub from the shadow tier does it go away? I'm not sure if we have an answer for this yet.

Yeah, if you unsub from GP for console you can't get it back. If you want day one games you have to get Ultimate.
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Please don't continue doing this when you feel the need to shill for Sony when there's no Microsoft console for you to do it for.

It's embarrassing, I'm embarrassed for you right now.

embarrassing parks and recreation GIF

What's embarrassing is you not having the capacity to engage in a conversation. Where is the shill? Where am I defending MS? Did I say I'm happy with the price increase? Stop projecting, if you're embarrassed, look in the mirror to figure out why.


It's a new tear that doesn't have day one games, plain and simple, it's not replacing anything, the price that you're willing to pay may land on that tier, but day one games still exists on higher priced tiers. What you want is the ability to still pay less and get all the benefits of the higher tiers.
Its not. I did the same mistake as you. Its just the same shit as gamepass xbox tier. Has no pc, ea play or cloud gaming. The pc version has EA play, day 1 and its cheaper.


Its not. I did the same mistake as you. Its just the same shit as gamepass xbox tier. Has no pc, ea play or cloud gaming. The pc version has EA play, day 1 and its cheaper.

Would it make you happy if they removed the PC version which has EA Play and day one games or increased the price? because it seems more like a fairness issue than not being happy about the price increase.


They are right, but I doubt it really matters. Good luck trying to undo the merger at this point.

I think you're right about undoing the merger, but I wonder if this is setting precedents for any future acquisition attempts by MS in the gaming industry. I'd like to believe it is and that is a positive thing.


Gold Member
Yes "core" effectively replaced XBL, but that does not mean that it did not become a part of "Game Pass". These things are not mutually exclusive. Game Pass is what MS makes it, and as of September last year, Game Pass became about subscribing in exchange for access to an arbitrary amount of available games, with the option to pay more for day one access and a larger library. If we are to make the claim that Game Pass has "always been about day one games" until the "Standard" tier became available, that's just not true. Game Pass stopped being about day one games September of last year.
Really? So explain to me why every trailer Microsoft came out with at their showcase had "DAY ONE ON GAMEPASS" all over it. Now, that statement is objectively false for those tiers. I don't know if they changed the trailers but they should have. But in any case, they have been saying this for years, both before and after September of last year.

if you are getting less for the same price, it is by definition a degraded product. And with GP Standard you are getting less.


Gold Member
It's a new tear that doesn't have day one games, plain and simple, it's not replacing anything, the price that you're willing to pay may land on that tier, but day one games still exists on higher priced tiers. What you want is the ability to still pay less and get all the benefits of the higher tiers.
Let me sign up for that console tier. Oh wait.


Really? I don't know if they changed the trailers but they should have. But in any case, they have been saying this for years, both before and after September of last year.

if you are getting less for the same price, it is by definition a degraded product. And with GP Standard you are getting less.
I disagree with the statement you are getting "less for more money". You are getting something different for more money. Game Pass Standard includes a larger library than Game Pass Core, and "Standard" includes XBL access which wasn't the case with "Game Pass for Consoles. It's a mix of the two previously offered tiers. Again, I don't like the idea that multi-player is behind a $15 paywall, but that doesn't mean we should misrepresent the changes.

As far as your other assertion. You stated "So explain to me why every trailer Microsoft came out with at their showcase had "DAY ONE ON GAMEPASS" all over it. Now, that statement is objectively false for those tiers". To say that this statement is false "Now," ignores that this has been the case since September 2023, when Game Pass Core became available. To reiterate, a Game Pass tier, that doesn't include day one games, will have been available for a year when "Standard" replaces it.
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Gold Member
I disagree with the statement you are getting "less for more money". You are getting something different for more money. Game Pass Standard includes a larger library than Game Pass Core, and "Standard" includes XBL access which wasn't the case with "Game Pass for Consoles. It's a mix of the two previously offered tiers. Again, I don't like the idea that multi-player is behind a $15 paywall, but that doesn't mean we should misrepresent the changes.

As far as your other assertion. You stated "So explain to me why every trailer Microsoft came out with at their showcase had "DAY ONE ON GAMEPASS" all over it. Now, that statement is objectively false for those tiers". To say that this statement is false "Now," ignores that this has been the case since September 2023, when Game Pass Core became available. To reiterate, a Game Pass tier, that doesn't include day one games, will have been available for a year when "Standard" replaces it.
So you are saying that, if somebody was subbed to regular game pass and had access to day one games, but now that same tier doesn’t have access to day one and also costs more, it’s not a degradation in service because… an even worse tier was introduced? Dude, come on.


It's plain as day that it's degraded. Just over a year ago you could get Ultimate with the day one games for the same price as this new Standard tier. Fact is, Microsoft wanted a new tier for COD. They managed to weasel around promising "there won't by a new tier for COD" by creating this degraded tier below the existing Ultimate tier and then raising prices across the board to obfuscate that. Of course the corporate cheerleaders clap like seals at how genius that trick was, but I don't think the consumer or the FTC find it nearly as amusing.

We'll see how long Xbox lasts in the industry. They've already entered the bargaining stage by going the SEGA route and offering Steam Machine 2.0 hardware next gen.


FTC's got quite the hill to climb.

It's hard to argue that Game Pass Standard isn't worse, however, arguing that Microsoft is abusing its unique position must mean that everyone else in the subscription business isn't restructuring. And that's just not true. Now, did the ABK trigger Microsoft's reshuffle? Yeah, probably. But is that an abuse of their market power, considering the pre-acquisition ABK business model remains in place, with literally any inclusion in Game Pass being a net addition? I don't see the FTC winning that argument.
The FTC will be more concerned about those on console and gaming subscriptions and not competition in B2P games. To them it has resulted in an increase in price and a degraded service to consumers. Their argument wouldn't be that buy to play no longer exists.


So you are saying that, if somebody was subbed to regular game pass and had access to day one games, but now that same tier doesn’t have access to day one and also costs more, it’s not a degradation in service because… an even worse tier was introduced? Dude, come on.
False dillema, a customer subbed to "Game Pass for Console, will still have the ability to stay on that tier. If a customer had their sub lapse beforehand, they will still have access to every game that they had access to previously, with a delay on future titles.
If we stopped there you would be right, but you are ignoring they now include access to multi-player, which previously required a separate sub of $9.99 or bumping up the ultimate tier, which is currently $6 more and will be $9 more in September. It's not more money for less features, it's more money for different features. One can lay criticism to a change without misrepresenting a change.

Again, I also do not like the changes. It's ridiculous to lock multi-player behind a $15 monthly or $80 annual charge, but to imply "Standard" is a net loss in functionality, coming from Game Pass Core, or Game Pass for Console, doesn't logically follow. Coming from "Core" it is a net positive in feature set, and in coming from "Game Pass for Console," features are both added and lost. The idea that it is a "degradation in service" is a subjective matter and not an objective fact.

Edit: DarkMage619 DarkMage619 agrees with my assertion, so you know it's true.
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False dillema, a customer subbed to "Game Pass for Console, will still have the ability to stay on that tier. If a customer had their sub lapse beforehand, they will still have access to every game that they had access to previously, with a delay on future titles.
If we stopped there you would be right, but you are ignoring they now include access to multi-player, which previously required a separate sub of $9.99 or bumping up the ultimate tier, which is currently $6 more and will be $9 more in September. It's not more money for less features, it's more money for different features. One can lay criticism to a change without misrepresenting a change.

Again, I also do not like the changes. It's ridiculous to lock multi-player behind a $15 monthly or $80 annual charge, but to imply "Standard" is a net loss in functionality, coming from Game Pass Core, or Game Pass for Console, doesn't logically follow. Coming from "Core" it is a net positive in feature set, and in coming from "Game Pass for Console," features are both added and lost. The idea that it is a "degradation in service" is a subjective matter and not an objective fact.

Edit: DarkMage619 DarkMage619 agrees with my assertion, so you know it's true.
It's an objective fact

June 2023
$14.99 got you
Day one games
PC and console access
Online play

September 2024
$14.99 gets you
No cloud access
No Day one games
Console only access
Online play

How could you with a straight face say the service hasn't degraded.
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It's an objective fact

June 2023
$14.99 got you
Day one games
PC and console access

June 2024
$14.99 gets you
No cloud access
No Day one games
Console only access

How could you with a straight face the service hasn't degraded.
Cmon, you know this is disingenuous and a misrepresentation of my argument. I was specifically refuting the assertion that "Standard" was a degradation coming from "Core" or "Game Pass for console". A degradation is referring to "quality" and "ability" of a service. The ability is still there at a higher price point. I'm not stating it doesn't cost more for Game Pass Ultimate. If we were to entertain your definition, then just about every service offered, that now costs more than it did a few years ago, could be considered "degredated" (I'm not sure if that is a word).


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
It's an objective fact

June 2023
$14.99 got you
Day one games
PC and console access
Online play

September 2024
$14.99 gets you
No cloud access
No Day one games
Console only access
Online play

How could you with a straight face say the service hasn't degraded.

You're comparing two different things, the only thing they have in common is the price point in different points in time.

You have other arguments, but that is not degradation in service.


Cmon, you know this is disingenuous and a misrepresentation of my argument. I was specifically refuting the assertion that "Standard" was a degradation coming from "Core" or "Game Pass for console".
This isn't a few years ago though. This is literally last year when the FTC were making this argument.

A degradation is referring to "quality" and "ability" of a service. The ability is still there at a higher price point. I'm not stating it doesn't cost more for Game Pass Ultimate. If we were to entertain your definition, then just about every service offered, that now costs more than it did a few years ago, could be considered "degredated" (I'm not sure if that is a word).

You're comparing two different things, the only thing they have in common is the price point in different points in time.

You have other arguments, but that is not degradation in service.
Degradation isn't in a tier name vacuum, it's based on price only and consumer options to get that low price for the services they wanted. Otherwise MS can remove the Ultimate tier tomorrow and introduce a $30 tier called Ultra with no PC access and say it's not a degradation of Ultimate since it's a new tier now.
Ability has also been reduced and adamsapple at least knows this to realise that there are multiple consumer costing changes in structure. Say I wanted to play day one games and didn't really want online play? Do you at least see how that persons service options have been degraded even if we are going by tier names and ignoring all the price increases on all tiers within the year.
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It's an objective fact

June 2023
$14.99 got you
Day one games
PC and console access
Online play

September 2024
$14.99 gets you
No cloud access
No Day one games
Console only access
Online play

How could you with a straight face say the service hasn't degraded.
It absolutely is degraded but completely in line with the basic tier that other similar services provide.
I think people are forgetting that there is no such service as "Xbox Live" anymore. They have rebranded it all under gamepass. The basic tier is just that with a 25+ game catalog that rotates according to them, plus online play and discounts. This is exactly what Sony's service provides as their "essentials"

I dont like that there is an option for no Day one game drops as, thats supposed to be a main feature selling of the program, but i guess if you play month to month, this might help you save the 5 bucks that it takes you to get to the next tier. I'm not a fan of it, but hey- options are options.

Holy shit the blind defense of something that is inarguably degraded, worse for customers and against everything Phil was saying is insane. I'm sure it's a coincidence that it has happened shortly before the new COD drops also.

Company trying to capatalize financially ahead of major product relase. More news at 10. Everyone here's been joking that they gotta recoup the finances for that merger and are now shocked that they are doing so?

lets be honest, if you have gamepass and you like it, you'll probablly keep supporting it. If you tried it and didnt see the value, then you wont go for it. If you're apparenlty like half this sub and hate anything that xbox does, you were never going to use it to begin with.

On topic tho, if the FTC really wants to try and get one over on Microsoft, they should really get some lawyers or second chairs that have an actual idea about the gaming industry. The FTC lost the trial cause they kept pivoting to how it was going to hurt sony. They kept bringing up things that microsoft could do (exclusive content, skins, characters) that Sony was doing already (avengers spiderman, that samurai ninja skin from cod, etc) and that microsoft and nintentdo have been doing for third party games as reasons why the merger shouldnt happen. The only argument was the divestment of a cloud streaming monopoly even tho, the figures on that are so small. All they've done now, is add a basic tier without cloud gaming with a similar pairing as what their competition does.
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This isn't a few years ago though. This is literally last year when the FTC were making this argument.
I'm aware, I don't think it has merit in the context of how it is being argued. I'm not aware of any commitments that the price would never change.

Degradation isn't in a tier name vacuum, it's based on price only and consumer options to get that low price for the services they wanted. Otherwise MS can remove the Ultimate tier tomorrow and introduce a $30 tier called Ultra with no PC access and say it's not a degradation of Ultimate since it's a new tier now.
Ability has also been reduced and adamsapple at least knows this to realise that there are multiple consumer costing changes in structure. Say I wanted to play day one games and didn't really want online play? Do you at least see how that persons service options have been degraded even if we are going by tier names and ignoring all the price increases on all tiers within the year.
I don't agree with your premise that it is solely based on price. MS had multiple points of entry to their services beforehand, and they will have multiple points of entry after September. They consolidated two bottom tiers and price adjusted accordingly (I don't particularly like the new value proposition myself, as i stated many times).

I feel a little strawmaned as I wasn't originally refuting the FTC's claims specifically, but the assertions of other gaffers, in saying that I don't think that the FTC will be successful that what MS is doing is somehow a breach of any commitments. If raising the price of a product or service is considered "degradation", then in my legally ingorant opinion, we should expect a thousands of FTC suits going forth.
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I'm aware, I don't think it has merit in the context of how it is being argued. I'm not aware of any commitments that the price would never change.
How exactly does it not have merit? I don't remember anybody suggesting they broke some commitment. Just that they've degraded the service and increased prices.

I don't agree with your premise that it is solely based on price. MS had multiple points of entry to their services beforehand, and they will have multiple points of entry after September.
But those multiple points of entry are all now more expensive and a point of entry has been removed for somebody who wants day one games. 2/3 tiers have no day one games now. Somebody who wanted that can no longer get the tier they had before and if it isn't based on price what is it based on? tier names can be changed on a whim by the company that wants to "harm consumers" in the only way that makes any sense which the FTC care about. Price.
They consolidated two bottom tiers and price adjusted accordingly (I don't particularly like the new value proposition myself, as i stated many times).

I feel a little strawmaned as I wasn't originally refuting the FTC's claims specifically, but the assertions of other gaffers, in saying that I don't think that the FTC will be successful that what MS is doing is somehow a breach of any commitments. If raising the price of a product or service is considered "degradation", then in my legally ingorant opinion, we should expect a thousands of FTC suits going forth.
It absolutely is degraded but completely in line with the basic tier that other similar services provide.
I think people are forgetting that there is no such service as "Xbox Live" anymore. They have rebranded it all under gamepass. The basic tier is just that with a 25+ game catalog that rotates according to them, plus online play and discounts. This is exactly what Sony's service provides as their "essentials"
I'm not sure I see the relevance of Xbox Live but it can be argued that even that has degraded over the years but not due to the acquisition. Before they would normally give out free games that you got to keep as long as you're subbed and they were fairly recent games like PS+ Essentials offers. The games you got with Xbox Live and Games with Gold started to become a joke and running meme until it was replaced by Core where the value isn't the same as essential. Take a look at games that you get to play at any time as long as you claim from a year of Essential vs what you get to play as long as its in the library on Core. Gamepass Core got a bad increase from $59 to $79 a year regardless too (that I think was related to making the other tier seem like a saving).
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Identifies as young
This isn't a few years ago though. This is literally last year when the FTC were making this argument.

Degradation isn't in a tier name vacuum, it's based on price only and consumer options to get that low price for the services they wanted. Otherwise MS can remove the Ultimate tier tomorrow and introduce a $30 tier called Ultra with no PC access and say it's not a degradation of Ultimate since it's a new tier now.
Ability has also been reduced and adamsapple at least knows this to realise that there are multiple consumer costing changes in structure. Say I wanted to play day one games and didn't really want online play? Do you at least see how that persons service options have been degraded even if we are going by tier names and ignoring all the price increases on all tiers within the year.

Microsoft is going to have to put a lot of work removing all these "day one" references on their Game Pass website. There are a ton of them. Right now it is ok because they only show options for PC and Ultimate, but when Standard launches they will either have to clean up all this or put a shitton of asterisks beside every "day one" claim.

Interesting that Core is on its own page and not offered next to PC and Ultimate.





How exactly does it not have merit? I don't remember anybody suggesting they broke some commitment. Just that they've degraded the service and increased prices.

But those multiple points of entry are all now more expensive and a point of entry has been removed for somebody who wants day one games. 2/3 tiers have no day one games now. Somebody who wanted that can no longer get the tier they had before and if it isn't based on price what is it based on? tier names can be changed on a whim by the company that wants to "harm consumers" in the only way that makes any sense which the FTC care about. Price.

I'm not sure I see the relevance of Xbox Live but it can be argued that even that has degraded over the years but not due to the acquisition. Before they would normally give out free games that you got to keep as long as you're subbed and they were fairly recent games like PS+ Essentials offers. The games you got with Xbox Live and Games with Gold started to become a joke and running meme until it was replaced by Core where the value isn't the same as essential. Take a look at games that you get to play at any time as long as you claim from a year of Essential vs what you get to play as long as its in the library on Core. Gamepass Core got a bad increase from $59 to $79 a year regardless too.
I already explained why I don't buy the "degraded" argument. I don't think me repeating the same thing over and over is going to be productive. I already stated my position at this time. Even if my premise was referring to the specifics of the the FTC's suit, I have learned from the 2 year long acquisition thread that I shouldn't put much stock into the legal analysis and opinions of gaf.


Gold Member
Do the same to Disney, Sony and Netflix please.

or maybe dont allow mergers next time.
Did Sony or Netflix spend $tens of billions to take away content from competition while being one of the three largest mega corporations on the planet?

Disney is a different animal and they can break up that shit show as much as they want, lol.

Again, context people, context.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Degradation isn't in a tier name vacuum, it's based on price only and consumer options to get that low price for the services they wanted. Otherwise MS can remove the Ultimate tier tomorrow and introduce a $30 tier called Ultra with no PC access and say it's not a degradation of Ultimate since it's a new tier now.
Ability has also been reduced and adamsapple at least knows this to realise that there are multiple consumer costing changes in structure. Say I wanted to play day one games and didn't really want online play? Do you at least see how that persons service options have been degraded even if we are going by tier names and ignoring all the price increases on all tiers within the year.

Can't say I agree with this in this example. You're comparing two different tiers just because they were at the same price point at different times and passing it off as an example of service degradation.

Ultimate has not lost any of the things from your list.

You wouldn't say that the Popeyes chicken sandwich has degraded just because it's not $3.99 anymore 🤷‍♂️

Microsoft is going to have to put a lot of work removing all these "day one" references on their Game Pass website. There are a ton of them. Right now it is ok because they only show options for PC and Ultimate, but when Standard launches they will either have to clean up all this or put a shitton of asterisks beside every "day one" claim.

Interesting that Core is on its own page and not offered next to PC and Ultimate.



Ctrl + F
Replace All
"Game Pass" with "Game Pass (PC and Ultimate)"

Happy Well Done GIF
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Microsoft is going to have to put a lot of work removing all these "day one" references on their Game Pass website. There are a ton of them. Right now it is ok because they only show options for PC and Ultimate, but when Standard launches they will either have to clean up all this or put a shitton of asterisks beside every "day one" claim.

Interesting that Core is on its own page and not offered next to PC and Ultimate.



I mean yea, they have work to do. The question is, show us on this doll where MS hurt you, or someone show the FTC.
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