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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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They're too neat to be the missing pages from Laura's diary, right? No tears or anything.

Well, in FWWM Annie tells Laura the good Coop is in the Lodge and to write it down, so it could be a missing diary page. Real question is how it got there though
Some great scenes in this one, christ that little person killing spree scene was legit terrifying. Nice to see Balthazar Getty (drug kingpin) getting more air time, not sure wtf was up with that coin trick. And fuck yes for Carl Rodd getting some spotlight even if it was mostly related to tragedy.

Will gladly eat crow on the "where she drinks" Diane thing, Dern looks stunning in that getup and wig.

Thoughts on Dougie's boss saying how he actually helped him with the case files? Felt like that scene in Mulholland with the guy just getting info from Mr. Roque based on body language. Or a simpler comparison, "My man!" glitches in the simulation.

Ugh why can't we get two a week :/


Tears in the rain
Wasn't very impressed with this episode despite some great scenes. Really ready for things to happen.

People complaining about pacing IMO just don't get Lynch. He might or might not be telling a story. It doesn't matter. This was a collection of some of the best scenes I've ever seen on TV strung together in completely insane fashion.

If you are still expecting straightforward storytelling at this point, you might just want to quit.


Really great episode. Great pacing, lots of things happening, perfect mix of shocking and funny.

It also further cements how similar mine and Lynch's music tastes are. The music and ending song for this episode was all fucking amazing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
This episode had a lot of individually amazing scenes in my opinion. I actually think this episode had my favorite Dougie scenes, the scenes he had with Sonny Jim, his wife, and with his boss I think were my favorites of the Dougie scenes so far. Also I came to like Naomi Watts character a lot more in this episode.

The scene with the coin toss was bizarre but creepy, it raised a lot of questions in my mind but certainly kept me engaged.

The scene with the trailer park owner just enjoying life in the moment on the bench and seeing the kid and mother, and then the crazed out guy running the kid over and the last scene of the reactions of all those around had such a profound effect on me. I first was shocked, but then I started crying as the scene went on. I am the type who can cry during things I watch, but I don't even specifically know quite yet what made that scene so emotional for me. I think part of it was seeing the effect someone's own twisted selfishness and carelessness so deeply effected a woman and made a child lose his wife, and the trailer park owner seeing the horror of the scene and the soul (?) float away and realizing the tragedy that happened as he goes to comfort the woman.

The midget scenes were so out of left field and over the top plus with the weird theme music that I was both laughing and mortified, it also was interesting how the killer seemed so sad about his tool taking wear from use of murder.

Naomi Watts scene with the two guys Dougie owed money too was entrancing, as was the scene of the Police Woman speaking up to Chad, who cemented himself as a dick. Also Hawk's scene of derailing the door.

For what it's worth, what I pulled from this episode more than the others so far was the contrast of the season so far of beauty versus grime, the episode contrasted scenes of odd beauty in daily life among scenes of horrible violence, selfishness, and making life worse for others for self-gain. I think that was a big theme in this episode, people trying to live their lives and find beauty and meaning in it then senseless destruction and imposment from destructive people who tear others done out of maliciousness in one way or another.

I was absolutely entranced by this episode.
Wasn't very impressed with this episode despite some great scenes. Really ready for things to happen.

Things like a coin floating in the air and then ending up in someone's mouth and then getting pulled out and then ending up back in the guy who flipped its hands?

Or maybe a kid getting run over ending up with an actual tread mark?

Or actual Sharon Van Etten playing a song at the Roadhouse?


The coin toss scene is up there as one of the most fascinating scenes Lynch has ever filmed. What the hell is this fucking show.


Death Prophet
I think I may just wait until they're all out... I think I'll like it better that way. The pacing won't be such a problem to me. Every week I'm looking forward to getting Dale Cooper back.


You guys, I want a spin-off about the Small Stabber, the Minuscule Murderer.
Couldn't stop laughing until he was done with the brutal fucking murder.

I hope he can get the ice pick fixed. :'(

Will gladly eat crow on the "where she drinks" Diane thing, Dern looks stunning in that getup and wig.
Her costume is so overdesigned, for a moment I thought it was going to be Lil (Cole's mother's sister's girl).

The tape recorder came to life. What a weird show man.
^ underrated post


According to the credits, the midget's name is Ike "The Spike"


Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm still of the opinion that if the season continues as it is, it may be remembered down the line as Lynch's magnum opus. I can see why some in the moment don't like waiting week by week for something slow pace, but I think it truly is an 18-hour long Lynch film and I think some of the best individual scenes Lynch has ever produced are popping up in this series. I mean, we still have 2/3rds to do but it's tapping into like every faucet of Lynch's works in different scenes and I am finding myself engaged by it in a way I'm not used to by television, but it's hard to explain.

I can see why some people won't like it at all or enjoy all of it, but I legitimately think if it continues like this that this might end up being my favorite thing Lynch has ever done. And I think this season may be remembered down the line and analyzed end and back years from now, I honestly think it will be. This might sound pretentious or something, I don't know but I just have that feeling that this is going to grow more in the future than it specifically is right now, it feels like I'm watching something that's going to have one hell of a legacy.


Deer Meadow is in Washington hours away from Twin Peaks but Richard Horne ran over that kid which Carl from the Fat Trout Trailer Park witnessed and then drove by the RR Diner??


Naomi Watts is god-like in this. Her on the phone early in the episode is next level greatness.

"No, no, no, don't you dare go to his office. I'll talk to you myself...in the park at the corner of Guinevere and Merlin. By the mall. I'll be the one carrying a red purse."

Her saying "By the mall." is my everything.

edit: And every time she says "Sonny Jim" I smile like an idiot.
Hooooly shit that 1-2 punch of the Janey-E meetup scene and the office rampage scene. Janey-E went from frustrating to one of the best characters in the series with that scene alone. Then just as you're feeling great from that scene, you get the grotesque yet hilarious yet unsettling yet amazing office rampage by Smol Vin Diesel and his bff Ice Pick. It's like Lynch had to immediately balance out Janey-E's goofy feel-good moment by giving you an equally goofy horrific moment.

I thought the kid getting run over scene was pretty terrible other than Fucboi McConaughey.

I didn't like the drugdealer's magic powers or his knockoff Two Face shtick, since it feeds into the new season's trend of making the supernatural more banal. In the original series it was reserved to just a few individuals, and almost exclusively in just a few specific locations. Now everybody's shitting magic all over the place.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Deer Meadow is in Washington hours away from Twin Peaks but Richard Horne ran over that kid which Carl from the Fat Trout Trailer Park witnessed and then drove by the RR Diner??

I think in the earlier scene he mentioned hes been going to Twin Peaks every day recently for some reason, he doesn't quite know why. The guy driving him asks about it inthe scene before this.
Really good episode. First time I didn't fucking hate Dougie stuff.

Though I just remembered something, I looked away last episode when it cut to somewhere out of the country (I forgot which country). There was the cabin that the lady who called the hitmen did something on her phone.

I looked away the second time it was shown, and when I looked back there was a gold orb on a pillow. What happened there?


you can't put a price on sparks
One of the guys getting money from Naomi watts looked familiar. edit: it was Jeremy Davies from Lost.

Good episode too. Moved a lot of stuff along. I'm not convinced we will get regular Coop back and I'm fine with that
Between the random scribbles that blew the boss' mind and "the cow jumped over the moon", it feels like Lynch is deliberately fucking with fans and prodding them to overanalyze things that don't really mean anything.
Between the random scribbles that blew the boss' mind and "the cow jumped over the moon", it feels like Lynch is deliberately fucking with fans and prodding them to overanalyze things that don't really mean anything.

I think the whole Gordon Cole character, especially in this season is a wink and a nod that Lynch does things his way, and he doesn't give a FUCK if it makes sense or not.

Like the scene where Cole sees the glass box murders and goes "What the hell?", is him literally making fun of his own weird shit.

was sheriff nu-truman's wife a character in the original show? drawing a blank here

Nope, she's new, along with nu-Truman. She's great though. I love how over the top she is and how dead pan nu-Truman is with her.
So is the consensus the pages in the bathroom door will most likely be the missing pages in Laura Palmer's diary? When Annie told Laura that the good Cooper was trapped in the lodge and cannot leave? I wonder if this is the case who put them there. So many questions.


I think in the earlier scene he mentioned hes been going to Twin Peaks every day recently for some reason, he doesn't quite know why. The guy driving him asks about it inthe scene before this.

He said he was "going into town" which would be the town of Deer Meadow, not Twin Peaks.
So is the consensus the pages in the bathroom door will most likely be the missing pages in Laura Palmer's diary? When Annie told Laura that the good Cooper was trapped in the lodge and cannot leave? I wonder if this is the case who put them there. So many questions.

It would probably be MIKE? He was there when Laura was murdered and I guess I just associate him with the police station bathroom since that's where he started freaking out.


Kyle's performance is really quite something. In the hands of a lesser actor his comatose Dougie might come off as offensive, but here you're just rooting for him to connect the dots.
It would probably be MIKE? He was there when Laura was murdered and I guess I just associate him with the police station bathroom since that's where he started freaking out.
My memory of FWWM is not that great. Remember when he was trying to get in the train car, but could not get the door open? Did he get a handful of the diary pages?




- I was right about Mr. Todd hiring Lorraine to kill Dougie ("tell her she's got the job" from part 1). So now we know he works for Jeffries (or "Jeffries").

- I think I have a vague idea of what Cooper did to the case files. He kept circling the name Anthony, which is the name of his co-worker who he called a liar last week. So somehow he's indicated to his boss that there have been multiple discrepancies in Anthony's work. That's what Bushnell found "disturbing". Cooper has accidentally backed up his claim that his co-worker is crooked.

- Was that new Badalamenti music playing when the kid was hit by the car?

- Janey-E is great and I hope she sticks around for most of the story. That must have been the scene she talked about in an interview where Lynch directed her to "go out there and grab those guys by the balls!"

- I have a feeling that Carl Rodd has been given some of the material that had originally been planned for the Log Lady. That could be why Frost gave Carl some intriguing back-story in the Secret History novel.

- So many threads are about to collide: the DUGE LV plate, Dougie's ring from Major Briggs' body, the military investigator heading to South Dakota, Diane taking a look at Evil Coop, the Great Northern key in the mail, the small assassin about to target Cooper... next week could be big.

He said he was "going into town" which would be the town of Deer Meadow, not Twin Peaks.

Except that this is the NEW Fat Trout Trailer Park, which could be anywhere. (It seems to be in or very close to Twin Peaks.)


Between the random scribbles that blew the boss' mind and "the cow jumped over the moon", it feels like Lynch is deliberately fucking with fans and prodding them to overanalyze things that don't really mean anything.

So the random scribbles are connecting names/locations in the insurance racket. He flicks from sheet to sheet, he sees the patterns showing up of repetitiveness from case to case, pointing to fraud by the other agent, the one called a liar last episode, who was looking shifty as anything when Dougie went into the office.


Tonight, felt like a bunch of moments either written for fan theories, or showing that fans got things right back after FWWM. Electricity! The sign posts! "I've already been places." The classic stoplight changing colour to red!

Loved it.
- I think I have a vague idea of what Cooper did to the case files. He kept circling the name Anthony, which is the name of his co-worker who he called a liar last week. So somehow he's indicated to his boss that there have been multiple discrepancies in Anthony's work. That's what Bushnell found "disturbing". Cooper has accidentally backed up his claim that his co-worker is crooked.

So the random scribbles are connecting names/locations in the insurance racket. He flicks from sheet to sheet, he sees the patterns showing up of repetitiveness from case to case, pointing to fraud by the other agent, the one called a liar last episode, who was looking shifty as anything when Dougie went into the office.

Good catch. The way his boss reacted made it seem more profound and personal. Like Dougie revealed some life-changing truth.
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