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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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I'm totally with you on this. The people that view success on ratings, and 'how many more seasons we're gonna get', are largely looking past the point.

Do we know for sure that this season doesn't end on another cliffhanger like last time? I was too young during the original seasons but I've talked to people who followed it and they describe a cultural phenomenon with viewing parties, talk shows interested in it, watercooler talk etc. The whole "who killed Laura Palmer" craze that blew up.

Now, I can't think of a single person I talk to outside of the internet who is watching regularly. These are people who always knew about the show mind you, they either didn't bother or stopped watching after the first few episodes.

At least we solved the mystery of why the Showtime execs freaked out back when this thing was being made.


This article is pretty good at addressing things. The premiere had 506,000 viewers live, but 3.1 million viewers on streaming.

That's front-end hype for a show coming back after 25 years of cult fans talking it up and a big marketing campaign. I'd like to see where things stand today.
Did Twin Peaks go full End of Evangelion yet?

This episode went beyond that already

This episode was not nearly disturbing, tragic, or visually interesting enough to be End of Evangelion territory, but by god did it make an effort. For starters, we're going to need at least a dozen more orgasming cannibal robot goddesses impaling themselves on spears.

I am expecting big fucking things from the finale now, though.

Sean C

This is what sucks if you liked TP and even had hope it would be continued beyond this season. The show's ratings are already abysmal and episodes like this should worry you that more people will give up on watching. What incentive does Showtime have to make more Twin Peaks at this point? It was already a big risk for them as it is.
Lynch was pretty open that this was the end of what he wanted to do with the property, as far as I'm aware.


imagine the feelings of long-suffering star wars fans (back before the recent ones) if when it finally came back, instead of giving the majority what they wanted it catered to midichlorian apologists.
imagine the feelings of long-suffering star wars fans (back before the recent ones) if when it finally came back, instead of giving the majority what they wanted it catered to midichlorian apologists.

Imagine if it was a musical about cowboy Jedis because the director was famous for making musical cowboy movies.


imagine the feelings of long-suffering star wars fans (back before the recent ones) if when it finally came back, instead of giving the majority what they wanted it catered to midichlorian apologists.

that is not an apt comparison, brew
imagine the feelings of long-suffering star wars fans (back before the recent ones) if when it finally came back, instead of giving the majority what they wanted it catered to midichlorian apologists.

That would literally never happen to Star Wars since it became the safest property in the world where the franchise itself is valued more then the directors input
Mind-blowing episode. Jaw-dropping from the moment
Mr C gets shot

NIN performance at the roadhouse
so early in the episode was brilliant, signifying that yeah, the standard episode is over, just about 15 minutes in..........buckle up, b/c Lynch & Frost are about to blow your mind

Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima was a brilliant and haunting addition. So much to digest.

Just so, so brilliant to have THIS be the episode before the 2-week break. Fans all wondering what the big reveal or cliffhanger will be, expecting to see Dougie, Twin Peaks etc. Nope, fuck your expectations ---- this is David Lynch we're talking about, and he will do what he knows you will love, despite your expectations.
imagine the feelings of long-suffering star wars fans (back before the recent ones) if when it finally came back, instead of giving the majority what they wanted it catered to midichlorian apologists.

I fucking loved this episode, but at the same time, yeah, this is pretty much shitting all over what Twin Peaks was.

It's going to be pretty funny seeing Lynch stans bend over backwards to defend this episode when it is pretty much EVERYTHING that they pinned on Frost for ruining Twin Peaks.


Lynch was pretty open that this was the end of what he wanted to do with the property, as far as I'm aware.

Eh, I feel like he has actually seemed surprisingly open to the possibility of another season?

But I'm gonna wait and see how this ends before I even try to consider any continuation talk. Twin Peaks might get nuked for all I know.
I just hope it doesn't over explain things (can't believe I'm saying that about a David Lynch anything). Like I loved the Matrix before the sequels got all in love with the smell of their own farts over the mythos and ruined the universe. I don't want to know how the sausage is made. And so far I miss the universe of the show being smaller.
I think that seeing how different everything is this time, actually strengthens the rest of the series for me.

To know, and finally see things only alluded to in the original series actually come to light, and get expanded upon creatively, and violently; all the while knowing that they take place in the same world as the log lady, and the Miss Twin Peaks pageant, just feels really exciting to me.


I hope one day we'll get a chance to see the script. I'd love to know how much of this insanity was on the page and where it was placed. This and every other scene, really.
Please, Frost/Lynch, publish this wonderful mess.
I fucking loved this episode, but at the same time, yeah, this is pretty much shitting all over what Twin Peaks was.

It's going to be pretty funny seeing Lynch stans bend over backwards to defend this episode when it is pretty much EVERYTHING that they pinned on Frost for ruining Twin Peaks.

What is there to aplogize for? What is wrong with the creators of the show making what they want? When exactly did all Twin Peaks fans agree on what the show was and Lynch/Frost decided to indulge them? Twin Peaks at its best has always been the creators doing what they want.

Artists are not beholden to the way the audience reacts to their art.
What is there to aplogize for? What is wrong with the creators of the show making what they want? When exactly did all Twin Peaks fans agree on what the show was and Lynch/Frost decided to indulge them? Twin Peaks at its best has always been the creators doing what they want.

Artists are not beholden to the way the audience reacts to their art.

Did you quote the wrong person?


Just got done.

Holy. Shit. I fucking love you David Lynch.

I have a feeling this will be a pretty hated ep so I should mention that Eraserhead is my favorite film ever. And by "ever" I mean nothing could ever possibly top it as long as I'm this consciousness and not another. So this ep was made for me.

Also, Penderecki's Threnody plus Lynch!? UGH so good!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm catching up with the discussion, but I want to repost what I posted right before this episode aired because I think it's even more relevant now.

I watched Twin Peaks in 2004 or so and when I watched the movie immediately after the finale I was disappointed. If you go in to it with the desire to see answers and a continuation it's disappointing. I get why there was a backlash from some people. You watch it now in the current context and it's a great film.

To be honest, I think the new season in some ways will also benefit from this.

People love episode 7 because it has answers, but to be honest while I liked the episode it's not my favorite of the new season like some people are saying it is. It's a good episode, but I think many are overrating it because it's provided some catharsis for them. I think some people have been harsher on the new episodes because it doesn't provide that catharsis, but I will bet a number of these episodes will go on to be more positively received down the line. There is some fantastic stuff in all 7 parts so far, and I think in the moment where you're more invested in seeing where the story is going it's easy to gloss over the things that don't seem as immediately important. But a big part of Twin Peaks and David Lynch as a whole is these apparently non-important bits, and more so it can be very hard to tell what's important and what's not. The guy sweeping peanut shells last episode could be a one-off intermission or gag, but for all we know he could become a major character and him taking out those peanut shells is going to turn into something big. That's always that possibility and don't you forget it.

I think that's what FWWM suffered for many was the lack of catharsis or answers to their burning questions of what they desired and it not being what they expected or wanted, but when taken as its own thing I think it's why the reception has risen so much recently on the film because on its own it's actually pretty fantastic. Not for everyone still, but Lynch never is and never tries to be. And I feel while overall this season has been well received, some of the specifics and some people are very evidently more invested in catharsis, moving the 'plot along', or seeing familiar things that they know they like. In the pursuit, and so far denial, of these things they're missing out on enjoying the show for what it's actually doing and its worth. I think many will come to like it more over time when those expectations are no longer in the way. How I go into each episode is I don't expect anything except I have liked almost everything Lynch has ever made and I want to see what he does. I've ended up enjoying every episode, and I think it's interesting how different each episode is in tone despite being made like a movie (each episode ends up having some clear themes and tonal things for some reason). And I will say I think some of the best scenes Lynch has ever filmed are in this series even so far not even half-way through yet.

I understand some people want Lynch to 'get to the point', but I think that's missing the point of what Lynch both wants to do and is doing. That might come off more pretentious than I intend, but I simply mean while I fully expect some more classic Twin Peaks tones to pop up in the series as it certainly has been so far, I also expect Lynch isn't just going to settle on that or is ultimately headed towards that. I don't think becoming more like the classic Twin Peaks is the end goal, just a roadstop honestly. I think this work in many ways has been Lynch revisiting a lot of things, and not just Twin Peaks. I don't think it's pure coincidence there's a lot in this season that wouldn't feel out of place in his other films. There's scenes that remind of everything from Eraserhead to Mulholland Drive to Wild at Heart to Twin Peaks. I can only guess, but as Lynch hasn't made a proper movie in over 10 years before this and as Lynch probably knows he's not getting any younger, I think in part he's exploring all the things he loves and would like to revisit, not as a best of album or anything but more Lynch had ideas he wanted to do and he did them.

Part 8 might be full of the answers people have been seeking (I will admit at the start of Part 7 I was surprised and happy how it felt suddenly getting answers to the Season 2 Finale stuff), but it also could go in a much stranger direction. We will know in less than an hour for what this part entails, maybe Cooper is coming back, maybe Cooper is never coming back, maybe this episode will be pure nightmare fuel, maybe it'll be one of the most beautiful things we'll ever see. It's hard to say, but I think the best way to enjoy the season is with an open mind rather than expectations. I mean, maybe an expectation to be surprised might be the best thing, and to see if you enjoy it. I certainly know I am so far, at least.
To think that a hobo blood bukkake was among the most "Traditional Twin Peaks" things to happen in Part 8...

I have to admit after 20 minutes in, this was the first episode I moused down the video players timeline to see when we got back to earth. I was like whelp better strap in I guess.


Imagine this came out first then 25 years later we get season 1 and 2.

Think about this when you feel let down or unfulfilled.
No, maybe I'm just confused by what you meant about Lynch stans defending this episode. It's late and that episode fucked me up. Although I think I get it now. Just the phrasing rubbed me the wrong way.

Yeah, it was a bit aggressively worded, but I loved the episode. I don't think anything needs to be defended.


David Lynch and Mark Frost created Twin Peaks. They understand it better than anyone. This is a continuation of Twin Peaks because they are saying it is.

Just because it's not what you wanted doesn't it isn't Twin Peaks. You don't have ownership of how it's presented to you.

Criticize it all you want, but you have no right to take it away from the creator.
He's right, you know?

Bunch of entitled wieners. :D
Remember when this show was about an FBI agent trying to solve a small town murder?

Anyway, I loved the opening and the 1950s sequence, but the 1940s stuff was garbo. Boring swirls of color and explosions followed by the first time I've ever rolled my eyes at Twin Peaks. Laura is some sort of celestial chosen one? What is this comic book bullshit?

The Lodge, and all of TP's supernatural elements, suddenly feel way less interesting.


Sick NIN performance that pretty much set the stage for the entire episode! Favorite episode so far this season and I have loved every bit if it so far!



I haven't read any other replies yet but I need to get my thoughts down:

- I think we saw the birth of BOB tonight
- I think the nuclear test in White Sands opened some kind of door, or attracted some kind of energy which resulted in the glass box monster (or another of its kind) laying an egg in our world
- An egg which hatched 11 years later as a bug frog
- The bug frog is BOB
- (I think)
- BOB is attended by the burned men
- They put the townspeople to sleep so that the newborn BOB can enter a host
- I think the BOB bug will soon jump from the young woman to her young male friend
- I think her young male friend is Leland
- Meanwhile, the Giant (??????) is watching this all happen and he births a soul, Laura, to be sent to earth as an antidote against BOB
- Does the Giant live in the White Lodge? It's the same place we saw Cooper talking to the Giant in Part 1
- Are Laura and the Giant one and the same?? Have they always been??
- The Giant wasn't in FWWM. Maybe that's because Laura was alive and on earth at the time. After she died and entered the Lodge, perhaps she was able to regain her true form?? Perhaps she appears as Laura at some times and the Giant at others? And then of course there's the old waiter...
- And now in present day the burned men have reclaimed BOB
- As Gordon would say, WHAT THE HELL

PS Amazing effects this episode and Lynch finally got to have his Kubrick moment
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