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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Remember when this show was about an FBI agent trying to solve a small town murder?

Anyway, I loved the opening and the 1950s sequence, but the 1940s stuff was garbo. Boring swirls of color and explosions followed by the first time I've ever rolled my eyes at Twin Peaks. Laura is some sort of celestial chosen one? What is this comic book bullshit?

The Lodge, and all of TP's supernatural elements, suddenly feel way less interesting.

Even though I thought the episode was amazing, I also agree with you. The visuals for a lot of the 1940s section were uninspired, and it took a steaming dump on the original series.

It's like Frost and Lynch set fire to Twin Peaks and used it as fuel to create something completely different but also incredible.
This is David Lynch's best work hands down. I don't even know that emotion I'm feeling right now but it left me holding my breath that entire episode and now I feel like I need to take a walk.
Alright sitting down with a six pack, not read anything yet apart from some HOLY SHIT posts so I might need more than that. Will report back in an hour!


Not Wario
Another small note- the demon frog or whatever it is crawls in through the window, which is exactly how we see Bob entering Laura's room in visions.

Alright sitting down with a six pack, not read anything yet apart from some HOLY SHIT posts so I might need more than that. Will report back in an hour!

Uh, good luck. Might want to put some protective headwear on first in case your brain tries to escape.


was Twin Peaks ever going to be "resolved" by keeping it to a small town drama? by the end of season 2 it was clear all kinds of wtf were part and parcel of the universe

i get why it's unsettling to go from OG twin peaks to ... this... but it's not like it had several seasons to flesh out everything. it's the swan song of the show and perhaps Lynch's career as a film maker (emphasis on this being a Lynch product), it was given this was going to be bonkers and not coffee and cherry pie


- An egg which hatched 11 years later as a bug frog
- The bug frog is BOB
- (I think)
- BOB is attended by the burned men
The eggs and Bob's Space Placenta (which the Blackface Elementals extract from Doop) are presented as separate things thrown up by Experiment-chan.

So I have a question.

How many drugs is Lynch on? All of them?
Hmm... let's count. Nicotine's a drug. Caffeine's a drug. Probably two-ish.



Absolute trash

And I like Eraserhead

But don't fuck with me. This is why artists can't get a blank check to do what they want. This is starting to feel like a messed up fanfic. I was enjoying the series, but this is basically an anti-Twin Peaks ep and Lynch trying to be funny. Nothing about this is Twin Peaks, but a moment of vanity of

I'll give the benefit of doubt before I go any further. Hopefully it will get back on track and I won't have to disregard this run, or at least have some decent connection with what is Twin Peaks. Twin Peaks, a small town that feels special, not some resort for worldwide demons or some shit.
was Twin Peaks ever going to be "resolved" by keeping it to a small town drama? by the end of season 2 it was clear all kinds of wtf were part and parcel of the universe

i get why it's kind of unsettling to go from OG twin peaks to ... this... but it's not like it had several seasons to flesh out everything. it's the swan song of the show, and perhaps Lynch's career as a film maker (emphasis on this being a Lynch product), it was given this was going to be bonkers and not coffee and cherry pie

Not really. Twin Peaks was always considered "special", and the darkness came from the woods. Even the Lodge was a very small and intimate location, as was the room above the convenience store.

Nothing in the original series indicated even a fraction of this scale.


Man this ep is basically ruining Twin Peaks as a place both wonderful and strange

I'm genuinely upset about this trash

Why did you feel the need to explain everything, David. No one wanted an explanation for everything, even less so in such a convoluted way that feels like a fanfic


Who cares?

This was never about relaunching the show.

This is the most creative and artistic drama that has ever aired on TV. A show that worries about ratings could never come close.

What we just shared is worth so much more than an audience friendly Twin Peaks reunion lasting multiple seasons.

The last thing I saw on TV that effected me this much was probably Ghostwatch.

TV just doesn't do what this does.

Like, never. Ever. Ever ever.

If you want something safe, then I hear Riverdale is legitimately brilliant and very Twin Peaks.

This is worth so much more than a few more hours of what we got back in the 90s.

This! So much. It's amazing how folks just don't get it, especially by now. Please go watch something else far more dull and predictable. Or maybe enjoy this for what it is, completely original television.


That was a fucking wild episode, just bananas after a certain point. Really glad I caught up in time to watch this one live-ish and see the reactions.


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
This is the water.
And this is the well.
Drink full and descend.
The horse is the white of the eye and dark within.


Man this ep is basically ruining Twin Peaks as a place both wonderful and strange

I'm genuinely upset about this trash

Why did you feel the need to explain everything, David. No one wanted an explanation for everything, even less so in such a convoluted way that feels like a fanfic

Come on bro. You sit on anything for 25 years it's going to feel more sacrosanct than something that just aired an hour ago.


Not Wario
Not really. Twin Peaks was always considered "special", and the darkness came from the woods. Even the Lodge was a very small and intimate location, as was the room above the convenience store.

Nothing in the original series indicated even a fraction of this scale.

This is my one reservation with the episode. I don't have an issue with taking an episode off to do some wild mythology building and I love silent movies, but the sense we get in the original two seasons is that the mysticism is largely confined to the Pac NW. Sure, there's Jeffries and the Blue Rose cases, so the idea that there are other supernatural happenings elsewhere is possible but the Lodges, at the very least, seem directly associated with Twin Peaks.

Think of the journalists/bloggers/etc. who have to write up the episode descriptions tomorrow for articles about tonight's episode...godspeed.

They should just pretend nothing happened after the NIN performance.
[hwuht, hwot, wuht, wot; unstressed hwuh t, wuh t]
1. (used interrogatively as a request for specific information):
What is the matter?
2. (used interrogatively to inquire about the character, occupation, etc., of a person):
What does he do?
3. (used interrogatively to inquire as to the origin, identity, etc., of something):
What are those birds?

[stressed th ee; unstressed before a consonant th uh; unstressed before a vowel th ee]
1. (used, especially before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a or an):
the book you gave me; Come into the house.
2. (used to mark a proper noun, natural phenomenon, ship, building, time, point of the compass, branch of endeavor, or field of study as something well-known or unique):
the sun; the Alps; theQueen Elizabeth; the past; the West.

[fuhk] Vulgar.
I'll keep watching because there's still hope that things will come back around and I want to wait for a complete product to judge but the initial prediction I made in this thread seems true. The idea that this would reignite the cultural phenomenon the original did has sailed, this is a hardcore niche series now.
Think of the journalists/bloggers/etc. who have to write up the episode descriptions tomorrow for articles about tonight's episode...godspeed.

"Skip to episode 9 after the nin performance. It's Super Nadine-tier for the next 45 minutes."

I'll keep watching because there's still hope that things will come back around and I want to wait for a complete product to judge but the initial prediction I made in this thread seems true. The idea that this would reignite the cultural phenomenon the original did has sailed, this is a hardcore niche series now.

Do you think Showtime was expecting season 3 of Twin Peaks when they cut the check? I feel that's what the fans were clamoring for. I'd take a James story arc at this point.


Think of the journalists/bloggers/etc. who have to write up the episode descriptions tomorrow for articles about tonight's episode...godspeed.
There is nothing extraordinary about this ep to be written plotwise. It is basically a dichotomy of good and evil presented in a clouded, heavyhanded way.

Honestly, to me it felt Eraserhead without the genius

I'll keep watching because there's still hope that things will come back around and I want to wait for a complete product to judge but the initial prediction I made in this thread seems true. The idea that this would reignite the cultural phenomenon the original did has sailed, this is a hardcore niche series now.

I should do the same and refrain for making further criticisms. I still believe this may be setting something interesting.

And I was defending this run and praising Lynch for not trying to emulate the original series just days ago. Heck, I was mostly enjoying it.
Not really. Twin Peaks was always considered "special", and the darkness came from the woods. Even the Lodge was a very small and intimate location, as was the room above the convenience store.

Nothing in the original series indicated even a fraction of this scale.

This. It doesn't even fit with Lynch's established brand of surrealism. It honestly felt like the Marvel Cinematic Universe Presents: Twin Peaks - The Prequel.

This episode still had some cool parts, but everything seems so irrelevant now that we're seeing the scope of this conflict. I'm all "What's going on in Buckhorn?" and Lynch is like "Who cares? Laura is space Jesus and this whole series is actually about a cosmic horror trying to enter our plane of existence!"


And I'm like "That sounds pretty generic and dumb. Laura is chosen to defeat BOB by being a teen drug addict who gets raped a lot by her dad? What's next, Dougie-Cooper goes off to find Excalibur to defeat the evil Babylon once and for all?"

I don't see how people can say this is profound and original, when it feels like a Superman origin story + some Lovecraftian antichrist stuff that only seems unique because of how unhinged the presentation is. It's actually a remarkably lame explanation for everything the series rightfully avoided defining until now.

The shark, I feel, may have just been jumped.


Good news, everyone. The people who are not enjoying the show are going to keep watching for some inexplicable reason. So look forward to more complaining about it not being this or that.


This is what Twin Peaks promo photos look like in the year of our lord 2017. What a time to be alive.
More here: http://imgur.com/a/IWQfX (not super exciting, but the period scene photos are quite pretty) As always, shamelessly borrowed from Ashok, who posts these on Dugpa.

Unrelated and possibly only interesting to me:
Part 7's promo images included this curiously revealing shot. Makes me wonder if Jean-Michel Renault shares Walter Olkewicz's health issues (because the show kept him conveniently framed behind the bar).

A similar shot of Olkewicz was actually one of our first leaked set photos.
Boy, was that a doozy. It instantly sparked loads of alternate reality theories... though I guess so does everything nowadays.
never seen so many people vehemently hate a show before. Most of my family and friends loved the old seasons, and now they absolutely hate this. And they for sure let me know lol


Not really. Twin Peaks was always considered "special", and the darkness came from the woods. Even the Lodge was a very small and intimate location, as was the room above the convenience store.

Nothing in the original series indicated even a fraction of this scale.

the original series stayed relatively grounded to its 'format' but revisiting the first two seasons recently, and maybe i'm misinterpreting things on my part, i get the impression it started out as a piss take on prestige television of the time but ended up as something completely different. like i don't lynch and frost started out with the faintest idea the more supernatural and darker elements would be expounded on nearly as much. shooting the pilot i don't think they ever imagined it'd culminate into a movie like FWWM

one of my favorite novelists said writing a novel is like charting a voyage to france but you end up in south africa. i think that's the case of twin peaks, small town murder drama where the world building took a life of its own


I was bored more than anything else but I appreciate that Showtime is letting him do literally anything that he wants (though he did threaten to walk away so I guess they dont have much of a choice)
Good news, everyone. The people who are not enjoying the show are going to keep watching for some inexplicable reason. So look forward to more complaining about it not being this or that.

There's only two kinds of people left at this point. The hardcore fans who are loving every minute and those who are waiting to see if it changes.

The marginal people have moved on.
I wish that the imagery was less literal.

Like, instead of Poorly Rendered Space Mommy vomiting frog eggs, it just showed spookily-edited footage of a frog giving birth, with maybe one of the eggs being pitch black. Mundane yet unsettling representations of inexplicably complex cosmic phenomena.


I have a lot of thoughts but for now I will just say that was an incredible episode of television. I don't think there has ever been anything this strange on tv before. I'm loving pretty much every minute of it.
The great irony is that this show is actually pretty similar to a film I saw earlier this year called The Void. You slap Lynch's name on that movie and it would probably get more fanfare than it did because it was rightfully kind of shitty and the acting was all over the place.
I can agree with the sentiment that I prefer the mystery of Twin Peaks to just be weirdness from the woods affecting a small town


That was a fun hour of television and I'm down as hell for the ride. They're delivering a season of TV like nothing I've seen before that's rooted in the spirit of the classic seasons. They're definitely opening up a ton of plot lines that I can't believe they'll manage to cover in the next 10 episodes, but I'm fascinated to watch them try
never seen so many people vehemently hate a show before. Most of my family and friends loved the old seasons, and now they absolutely hate this. And they for sure let me know lol

Yeah I have some friends and family who loved the show and are asking my opinion so far as it stands I'm just going to give them a brief synopsis on what happens to Cooper eventually, and tell them to not bother watching it. After this episode the world is too big and fanfic'd.


Don't know how this will tie up back to the present narrative, but visually and audibly, this was a beautiful episode.


imagine the feelings of long-suffering star wars fans (back before the recent ones) if when it finally came back, instead of giving the majority what they wanted it catered to midichlorian apologists.
This wasn't a protracted James episode though.


This episode was absolutely brilliant and I LOVE how season 3 is adding context to the original episodes. "Where I come from, the music is always playing", and then we see the music playing in the room with the giant and lady before seeing Laura's soul created.

The entity that created BOB is something I hope is touched on again beyond it appearing in part 1. It is VERY creepy and interesting, and apparently now loose in our world after emerging from the box in NY.
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