From reddit:
I really need to get myself a copy of Secret History.
funny how the dark hobos remind me of the shadows from deadly premonition
Sitting down and listening to the secret history audiobook.
This Twin Peaks shit is addictive.
I remember the logjam and fire from the book,, so why are they in New Mexico?
At this rate, Lynch may go so far as to deny Twin Peaks ever existed at all.
Actually, the best experience would probably be to have the book in front of you and the audio book to go along with's better for it to be read.
it's better for it to be read.
So Dougie is totally leaving Cooper prints on that gun, is he not?
How come?
I think it's really good as an audiobook! The voice actors do a great job and it brings a whole new dimension to it.
Everything about the original series was intimate.
How come?
Oh, you're right! The way Abe Woodsman speaks is also reminiscent of the nonsensical repetition of mundane phrases by the "taken."I was also thinking the baddies in Alan Wake.
It's a collection of really nice reproductions of in-world letters and documents, with photos and illustrations.How come?
A parallel dimension where half the actors are playing different part. I can't look at Warden Murphy without thinking of The Archivist because of that darn audiobook.I think it's really good as an audiobook! The voice actors do a great job and it brings a whole new dimension to it.
I remember the logjam and fire from the book,, so why are they in New Mexico?
Oh, you're right! The way Abe Woodsman speaks is also reminiscent of the nonsensical repetition of mundane phrases by the "taken."
Remedy really did operate on a similar frequency as Lynch when they made that game.
Oh... oh, okay. I didn't realize that's figuratively-literally the Four Aces Movie Ranch set. Spooky.You don't say.
Oh... oh, okay. I didn't realize that's literally the Four Aces Movie Ranch set. Spooky.
At this rate, Lynch may go so far as to deny Twin Peaks ever existed at all.
I love thinking about how someone like Madchen sat down to watch Part 8 and also had zero idea of what she was about to see. The secrecy they've kept this under is part of what's really impressed me.
It's a collection of documents/images so I think you lose something with just the audio
It's a collection of really nice reproductions of in-world letters and documents, with photos and illustrations.
That's certainly an interesting idea that potentially Laura had a doppelganger too, who maybe was the one who got murdered. If that's the case (it probably won't be, but still), then perhaps the series may end with Cooper helping to get the real Laura out of the Red Room?
wouldn't want it any other way
btw is the artifacting really bad for this show on showtime for anyone else? it's particularly painful during night scenes. i need blu ray yo
For those looking for hq wallpapers, here's a big imgur gallery full of em from Part 8. There's 150 in there so data/mobile warning and all that:
Finding lots of cool stuff on the Peaks subreddit, someone got this in the mail today included with the recently-released 45 from Trouble (Riley Lynch's band that plays in Part 6):
I always thought the milky white eyes were a sign of who was a doppelganger in Red Room, in which case we saw Laura's in the season 2 finale.
Unrelated to that, are the Charcoal Man and the Woodsmen different entities, or different names for the same creatures?
The Woodsman stuck with me. Couldn't get his face out of my mind when I laid down in bed. lol.
Same happened with BOB after certain episodes of the original show.
The most boring thing this season could've been was just a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.
I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.
The most boring thing this season could've been was just a nostalgia trip like any of the Netflix show revivals have been. After the end of season 2, the idea of Coop just immediately coming back and talking about pie and coffee and all the quirky stuff from seasons 1+2 would've been a bit phony.
I like that this is wild, unpredictable, and not a safe bet.
Wait a second, so this is super dumb but I just realized the Purple Ocean place is on top of a tall rocky structure, some theorize it's the White Lodge and while I am not quite sold on that theory if it is, and if the Black Lodge is on top of a similar tall rocky structure...
It'll be Twin Peaks.
If this is showing the origin of Bob I kind of don't like it. Feels like explaining away the magic a little bit. Sort of like the Star Wars prequels and their handling of the force.
I liked it better when Bob and the lodge beings were just malevolent spirits in the woods around Twin Peaks that had been haunting the area for hundreds of years all the way back to Native American times.
That being said, I loved the Woodsman. He was creepy as fuck. I hear the guy who played him makes a living as an Abe Lincoln look alike.
If this is showing the origin of Bob I kind of don't like it. Feels like explaining away the magic a little bit. Sort of like the Star Wars prequels and their handling of the force.
I liked it better when Bob and the lodge beings were just malevolent spirits in the woods around Twin Peaks that had been haunting the area for hundreds of years all the way back to Native American times.
That being said, I loved the Woodsman. He was creepy as fuck. I hear the guy who played him makes a living as an Abe Lincoln look alike.
I don't know how you can watch that episode and think they explained away the magic. That episode was magic.
I mean, it's probably science but so advanced that our human minds can't comprehend what we are seeing so it's completely abstract, strange and beautiful.
I don't feel like they explained away the magic one bit.
I think my initial understanding (insofar as anyone is understanding this episode, lol) of the Black Lodge and its relationship to the Trinity bomb test might have been off. My interpretation while watching it was that the woodsmen/lodge spirits were people caught in the blast and are now haunting the Earth (with that bombed out convenience store being the Black Lodge itself, the same convenience store we see in FWWM and that Jeffries visits). But it looks like other people are going with the view that the Mother, woodsmen, Black Lodge, etc. always existed in some other world, and all the bomb did was open a gateway between our world and that one, which allowed the woodsmen to come through and BOB to be born?