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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?

It seems there's multiple of him or he's able to create copies or something, but yeah the Soot Hobo (now officially known as Woodsman, who was seen in FWWM) is the smae character seen in the prison cell and seen walking down the hallway in the morgue in Part 7. I don't know if/think he was possessing the man to murder though. There's also just a singular actor credited as "Woodsman" and it's the same actor who played the Woodsman in Part 1 & 7 (though the role was previously untitled), so I take it he's the main Woodsman and the others are... Something.

I also will say the scene in Part 7 with the Woodsman slowly approaching the military person on the phone is even creepier with the context of what he does.
The "got a light?" guy is the ghost that was in the prison cell in the second episode, right? He possesed the school principal and murdered that woman?

Different actor, actually. Different from the one we saw in episode 7 as well.

He's credited as the "Woodsman" though, who was a Lodge resident in FWWM.



This show is about to lose me. This most recent episode bought it time, because it was visually enticing, but Dale Stupor has all but ruined things for me, and the pacing here is starting to get noticeably horrible (3 minutes of cleaning trash on the ground?)

Hoping this show veers into territory that is actually enjoyable to watch. The first two episodes were brilliant, the two after had strong moments, but 5,6,7 were just...
I am both confused and creeped out by the latest episode. Feel like it will hold a lot of answers down the road. At least we know where the first scene of the season takes place now.

Never knew a bomb could be so beautiful.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I could see myself coming around on this episode if a few things end up being true.

1. It's not Laura in the dragonball, but merely her picture as a premonition and a symbol of Twin Peaks itself. Senorita Dido smiled because she thought it was a nice picture, not because Laura is a Chosen One. The Lodges seem to exist outside of time, so this isn't too crazy.


2. That dragonball allowed the Giant to manifest in Twin Peaks, and isn't actually tied to Laura or the doppelgangers or anything else silly.


3. All this stuff about Babylon ends up being BS. The MOTHER isn't a god, just some mindless being that acts as a passageway for otherworldly beings. She didn't birth BOB or the other Lodge revenants, she just allowed them to enter this plane of existence.

The further we get from any possibility of this being a preordained struggle between Lodge gods and midichlorian-Jesus Laura Palmer, the better.

So my personal thoughts on these:

1 & 2.) I think people marking Laura as some cosmic force of goodness or something have been watching too many sci-fi movies. I said this several pages back, but I don't think this scene was supposed to be about some conflict Laura and BOB are in. Laura's orb was generated in response to the events that happened by The Giant, but I don't think she was made to combat the forces of evil. Not only does that directly contradict her character and things the show has emphasized several times, and doesn't really make sense with the series as a whole, but there's multiple ways to read into this scene. It could do with Laura's doppelganger, it could be representative of her tragic fate at the hands of BOB, like it could be so many things but I think too many leapt at "COSMIC DESTINY LAURA TO DEFEAT BOB" stuff simply because that's a common trope with these kind of things, but when has Lynch ever been a trope follower? And like Laura wasn't all good, that's like the whole point of the series. She wasn't a bad person but she wasn't as good as many people thought she was either and was involved in all kinds of shit. And she's been dead for years now at this point in the series (she's actually been dead now longer than she lived), I just think this line of theory is people jumping the gun at taking this at face value.

3.) Mother I am interested in, and Mother is a supernatural entity obviously but there's more going on with the character than I think people realize. Here's what we know about Mother so far:

-Mother appeared in the box as slightly transparent and then rushed and killed the box watchers but slashing them into pieces.

-Mother when she first appeared in the box VERY BRIEFLY can be seen clutching onto a Gold Orb with her back turned.

-Mother seems to be extremely violent, we've seen scenes where she's around three times, and in two of them she is super aggressive, breaking into things with one her murdering people mercilessly and the other the implication if she barged down that door she'd murder people mercilessly.

-People in the Purple Ocean place seem to know her and refer to her as Mother and seem afraid of her (at least the Blind Lady and the American Girl do).

-Mother is seen floating around in a dark place (I almost wonder if this is the Black Lodge?) and spits out from her open mouth a sac of Egg's, one of which seem to include BOB, and that sac is earlier seen being pulled out of Mr. C.

Other stuff is speculation, but it appears like Mother appeared in the box chasing Cooper (and notably before she appeared the Box got all super dark like the void she was floating in the newest episode), and there's some visual similarities to what Dougie's orb turned into and what Arm's Doppelganger's face looked like to Mother.


This show is about to lose me. This most recent episode bought it time, because it was visually enticing, but Dale Stupor has all but ruined things for me, and the pacing here is starting to get noticeably horrible (3 minutes of cleaning trash on the ground?)

Hoping this show veers into territory that is actually enjoyable to watch. The first two episodes were brilliant, the two after had strong moments, but 5,6,7 were just...

What didn't you like about episode 7? It was my favorite and the closest to the show I wanted from the beginning. Linear story telling, plots from previous seasons, it was great. (imo of course)


Credit to G42.2 on Dugpa for sharing.

Most amazing thing I've ever seen.


It's a chunk of Ike's hand. The tree was telling Dougie to "squeeze his hand off". If you slow down the scene when he lets go of the gun you can see a chunk of his palm is missing.

I rewatched the scene multiple times, and you can't see any chunk of his palm missing in the scene. The gun is clean when Cooper pries the gun off Ike's hand.


-Mother is seen floating around in a dark place (I almost wonder if this is the Black Lodge?) and spits out from her open mouth a sac of Egg's, one of which seem to include BOB, and that sac is earlier seen being pulled out of Mr. C.

Asked a couple pages back but didn't get a reply: How sure are we that the thing we're calling Babalon is the Mother being? While they are both milk white and have breasts Babalon doesn't have nipples, Mother does. Babalon has no face, Mother has a mouth and eye holes. Babalon has backwards arms/hands, Mother doesn't. Babalon has horn like protrusions, Mother doesn't (though Mother is kind of obscured so they might not be visible). Not saying they aren't the same but as of right now they don't seem to be.

Also, after Mother's escape from the box and her banging on the door, what was the third time we saw her? Can't recall for some reason.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Asked a couple pages back but didn't get a reply: How sure are we that the thing we're calling Babalon is the Mother being? While they are both milk white and have breasts Babalon doesn't have nipples, Mother does. Babalon has no face, Mother has a mouth and eye holes. Babalon has backwards arms/hands, Mother doesn't. Babalon has horn like protrusions, Mother doesn't (though Mother is kind of obscured so they might not be visible). Not saying they aren't the same but as of right now they don't seem to be.

Also, after Mother's escape from the box and her banging on the door, what was the third time we saw her? Can't recall for some reason.

I have nothing to say about the Babylon stuff, but I've had the theory the thing in the box is Mother mentioned in Part 3 since the premiere and it's only been further established with this episode. What I said back then I still say now, the thing in the box has a form of a woman, in the timeline there's something referred to as Mother banging on the door in the purple place and then in the timeline after Cooper is zapped into the machine would be when Mother appeared in the box (presumingly after Cooper but went after where he came from, not where he went). Plus the first thing the entity in the box does is bang on the glass (shattering it after a few hits), and the Mother in the Purple Ocean place is just continuously banging on the door.

Third time we saw her was in the newest episode, she's floating in a pure black space and then begins to vomit up an egg sac. It certainly doesn't hurt that Mother seems to be giving birth through her face, that's for certain.


there is joy in sucking dick
Seeing all the amazing speculation in this thread, the conversations about the minutiae and the various aspects of cinematography just reinforces how special this season is. Bear witness y'all.


I have nothing to say about the Babylon stuff, but I've had the theory the thing in the box is Mother mentioned in Part since the premiere and it's only been further established with this episode. What I said back then I still say now, the form is a woman, in the timeline there's something referred to as Mother banging on the door in the purple place and then in the timeline after Cooper is zapped into the machine would be when Mother appeared in the box (presumingly after Cooper but went after where he came from, not where he went). Plus the first thing the thing in the box does is bang on the glass (shattering it after a few hits), and the Mother in the Purple Ocean place is just continuously banging on the door.

Third time we saw her was in the newest episode, she's floating in a pure black space and then begins to vomit up an egg sac. It certainly doesn't hurt that Mother seems to be giving birth through her face, that's for certain.

I'm not disagreeing that the thing in the box is the Mother from the purple place. I'm saying that, despite her name, Mother might not be the thing giving birth to the stream/BOB.
Since this is likely the last thing David Lynch ever makes I'm glad he managed to squeeze in some 2001/tree of life-esque creation of evil effects reel in here and then follow it up with like a short horror film set in the 50s.

That was dope. Soon I would like a return to the twin peaks of old but so far I'm pretty damn happy with watching lynch experiment within this season and use it as a sort of sounding board for his ideas
Well the picture in the gold orb wasn't just any picture, it was the one to memorialize her after she died. It's only because she died that it had any influence. So I think she was supposed to die. Maybe I'm thinking too much into why they chose that picture though idk

I wish they'd used the picture of her looking upwards and crying from FWWM instead. But we shall see if that's even an option.

Or we never will.

I love that we don't know!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I'm not disagreeing that the thing in the box is the Mother from the purple place. I'm saying that, despite her name, Mother might not be the thing giving birth to the stream/BOB.

For what it's worth I don't think she gave birth to BOB, this will not be known until later maybe bit I'm thinking more Bob came with her. I don't think Mother is the point of creation, I think some people describing her as a portal isn't exactly wrong, or maybe giving birth to being from the Lodge into the real world. Not like they originated from her, I am right now taking it more like she gives them form in our world. That's just my theory though.


For what it's worth I don't think she gave birth to BOB, this will not be known until later maybe bit I'm thinking more Bob came with her. I don't think Mother is the point of creation, I think some people describing her as a portal isn't exactly wrong, or maybe giving birth to being from the Lodge into the real world. Not like they originated from her, I am right now taking it more like she gives them form in our world. That's just my theory though.

Sorry, 'give birth" was a mistake on my part. I meant something like "project forth". That said, I still think we're talking about two different entities. I'm a computer idiot so maybe someone else can post pics of both. They have quite a few differences as I mentioned.
So, I found out that the actress who played Marcia on the Brady Bunch (Maureen McCormick) was born on August 5th 1956. She was also at the premiere of season 3, although she isn't listed in the published cast.

As such I have decreed that we call the bug 'Marcia'.

This seems to be gaining some traction :)

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Actually, random thought for a second. So me saying what I just did above about Mother made me remember someone's theory a few parts back on Reddit which actually I think might have some further stuff to analyze with the newest episode. I think it deserved its own post.

So I don't think Mother gives creation to the beings from the Black Lodge, I think she gives birth to them in our world. Like... She isn't the originator of where these beings came from but she births them to have form in our world. That's just my current theory though, we won't know until we know.

But then how she does it to BOB, we see The Giant do something similar to Laura. And I just remembered a theory someone had gathered some evidence towards that maybe the Laura we know in the main series isn't the actual Laura but her doppelganger, and the 'real world' Laura has been in the Lodge Waiting Room all of this time, which explains why Laura is always just there in the Waiting Room and I recall this guy had a lot more evidence he was collecting. What if what happens in Part 8 isn't Laura being released as some entity for evil, but The Giant giving Laura's actual doppelganger birth in the world in place of the actual Laura. It's a bit far-fetched right now I know, but if the Machine works in a similar way to how I think Mother works and drops things from the Purple Ocean place into our world, the implication might be that The Giant isn't giving birth to Laura but forming something from the Lodge to be birthed in the real world. Time flow differently in these places, you must remember that it's how Fire Walk With Me is both a sequel and prequel. So maybe they knew what BOB was going to do to Laura and The Giant's act in this episode was to protect Laura and replace her with her Lodge counterpart like how Mr. C replaced cooper or Cooper replaced Dougie.

Just a thought.


there is joy in sucking dick
So, I found out that the actress who played Marcia on the Brady Bunch (Maureen McCormick) was born on August 5th 1956. She was also at the premiere of season 3, although she isn't listed in the published cast.

As such I have decreed that we call the bug 'Marcia'.

This seems to be gaining some traction :)

Marcia Marcia Marcia

*radioactive bug crawls into mouth*
For those looking for hq wallpapers, here's a big imgur gallery full of em from Part 8. There's 150 in there so data/mobile warning and all that:


Finding lots of cool stuff on the Peaks subreddit, someone got this in the mail today included with the recently-released 45 from Trouble (Riley Lynch's band that plays in Part 6):



Riley himself even dropped in to the thead:



I enjoy this show on some level, but this is on point. There have been charming character moments peppered throughout the season, but it's been a whole lot of weirdness.

I'd say Twin Peaks 2017 is definitely more "traditional Lynch" than the original Twin Peaks was. The original was pretty tame on the Lynchian weirdness compared to his other work, save The Straight Story and possibly Dune (still haven't seen that one myself) while I'd argue TP 2017 is full tilt Lynch. While I do miss the campiness and heart of the original show and the charisma of the characters, I do enjoy weird Lynch shit a lot too, so I'm more or less okay with how this season is going so far.

My biggest pet peeve right now is that I'm still kind of at a loss for the relationship between BOB, the doppelgangers, and the woodsmen, especially the first two. When Dark Coop first emerges from the Black Lodge at the end of the original series, it seems really heavily implied that BOB can create these doppelgangers but they are not he and he is not them. Yet when Ray shoots Dark Coop, the woodsmen use the wounds to preform an evil c-section and remove the BOB orb. So was BOB occupying the doppelganger? We also see a Leland doppelganger in The Black Lodge but as I recall in the original series Leland outside the Lodge had no telltale signs of being a doppelganger (black irises, the otherworldly monotone speech pattern that Dark Coop has). So can BOB occupy people and doppelgangers? If so, what purpose does the latter provide?

The other big question I have had for some time now is what is up with Mike? In the original series I always assumed Mike was an inhabiting evil spirit like BOB that eventually mended his ways from being pure evil like BOB. If they were similar in origin, why was there not a Mike orb in the Experiment's projectile vomit too? I've seen speculation that BOB inhabited Mike and that cutting off the arm excised BOB but that doesn't make much sense if Mike was inhabiting Gerard already. Then there's the whole thing with the Man from Another Place being the embodiment of the arm and him seemingly still being with BOB, so does that make him and the others we see above the convenience store in FWWM all evil, including the old lady and her son and if so, why is the Evolution of the Arm helping Dougie Coop?

The frustrating part is after reading The Secret History of Twin Peaks, I kind of thought I had a good idea of the difference of beings like The Giant and BOB were, as far as where they come from and their purpose, but the new show is kind of fucking that all up so far, or at the very least muddying the picture. Either way, I'm loving the ride I just don't know that at the end of the day Lynch's lore behind all these beings is totally rock solid instead of 25 years of retconning.

EDIT: Large edit regarding the Mother/Experiment where I assumed because we see American Girl in a place that looks similar to where Senorita Dido and The Giant are from, that her "mother" (possibly one and the same as Experiment) are also from there, but I realized I had my timelines all fucked up. Rewatching the first episode of The Return now, the Giant tells Cooper that "it's in our house now", probably referring to the Experiment/Mother. So it seems like either the Trinity test opened up a portal to wherever the Experiment is from, or possibly just straight up created the Experiment, and now it has invaded not only our world with it's evil, but seemingly the realm The Giant and Senorita Dido exist in as well.
I am right now taking it more like she gives them form in our world. That's just my theory though.
Oddly this got my googling about turning energy into matter, and a theory from a few years back that pops up in a few articles sounds strangely relevant.

"Atom bombs and nuclear reactors are practical examples of the formula working in one direction, turning matter into energy. But until now there has been no way to do the reverse, turn energy into matter. What makes it particularly hard is c2, the speed of light squared. It accounts for the huge amounts of energy released in nuclear reactions, the same amount you'd need to inject to turn energy into matter. But scientists at Imperial College London think they've figured out how to turn energy directly into matter.

The first step would be to accelerate electrons to just below the speed of light and smash them into a hollow solid gold shell called a hohlraum (German for empty room). The shell would be excited by a laser to create a thermal radiation field that emits light akin to starlight. They came up with the idea in less than a day over several cups of coffee after realising their work could be applied to an earlier problem, an idea proposed by two US scientists, Gregory Breit and John Wheeler, who worked on the Manhattan Project"

Which subsequently reminded me of this Fire Walk With Me script page someone posted on Reddit today

So my personal thoughts on these:

1 & 2.) I think people marking Laura as some cosmic force of goodness or something have been watching too many sci-fi movies. I said this several pages back, but I don't think this scene was supposed to be about some conflict Laura and BOB are in. Laura's orb was generated in response to the events that happened by The Giant, but I don't think she was made to combat the forces of evil. Not only does that directly contradict her character and things the show has emphasized several times, and doesn't really make sense with the series as a whole, but there's multiple ways to read into this scene. It could do with Laura's doppelganger, it could be representative of her tragic fate at the hands of BOB, like it could be so many things but I think too many leapt at "COSMIC DESTINY LAURA TO DEFEAT BOB" stuff simply because that's a common trope with these kind of things, but when has Lynch ever been a trope follower? And like Laura wasn't all good, that's like the whole point of the series. She wasn't a bad person but she wasn't as good as many people thought she was either and was involved in all kinds of shit. And she's been dead for years now at this point in the series (she's actually been dead now longer than she lived), I just think this line of theory is people jumping the gun at taking this at face value.

I don't think Laura was created as some sort of chosen one in order to literally battle BOB, but I do think that Episode 8 seemed to show BOB and Laura as symbols for opposing forces in the universe as they appear on Earth- the gold "Laura" orb a direct response from the Giant's essence to seeing BOB. Also gives some context as to why BOB was obsessed with Laura, and, as someone else said, brings the focus of Twin Peaks back to Laura Palmer's death as a sort of new catalyst for the activity that touches so many, and eventually brings Cooper to Twin Peaks.
what a fucking tv show. Part 8 was a mind blowing artistic achievement for lynch and everyone involved.

It changed my perception of what tv could be instantly.

I need more of this.

I want a David Lynch/Scott Walker collaboration.
Been staying out of this thread for obvious reasons.

I'm sure it was a shit show last night.

But is there a lot of actual discussion/theory crafting going on in the thread? Been sticking mostly to just my friends and Reddit for episode discussions.


This episode was so haunting and well-done..I can't stop thinking about it. At least we got plenty to chew on for the 2 week break. I am going to thoroughly read The Secrtet History of Twin Peaks in the mean time to see if it sheds any new light on the glorious insanity of part 8.
I've been thinking about the episode all day, and it suddenly hit me what a missed opportunity it was to not have the schmaltz slow-dance lovemaking song play during the atom bomb detonation.

First, it would have been lowkey hilarious.

Second, tonally dissonant music is my jam.

Third, and most importantly: "Going up and down. Intercourse between the two worlds." We basically watched our world and the spiritual world get it on.
I really don't understand the criticism of "this doesn't feel like twin peaks."

Did you really want a fan service rehash of season 1?

Did you really want Cooper to go to Twin Peaks again to investigate another murder?

I'm sorry, but that has been done, and you can rewatch those classic episodes over and over again until your heart is content. But I, for one, wanted something different. I wanted Lynch to use where the show left off as a springboard for more story and background. It makes so much sense to increase the scale of the show.


there is joy in sucking dick
The more I think about this episode, this season, I'm into it. What is the point of sustaining than improving. Moving forward. Although this season makes you question the cynicism. But that's a 2017 thing.


I've been thinking about the episode all day, and it suddenly hit me what a missed opportunity it was to not have the schmaltz slow-dance lovemaking song play during the atom bomb detonation.

First, it would have been lowkey hilarious.

Second, tonally dissonant music is my jam.

Third, and most importantly: "Going up and down. Intercourse between the two worlds." We basically watched our world and the spiritual world get it on.

I could get behind that but after rewatching the episode, the music playing during the atom bomb scene was perfect in that it was downright horrifying and gave a sense of terrifying awe to the explosion as the camera slowly panned in. Such juxtaposition with the calming melody heard when the Giant gives birth to....whatever the hell that golden orb is meant to be.
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