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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Reznor, 'She's Gone Away' from the Not the Actual Events EP that released back in late December. I bought it on vinyl day one and i'm still waiting for it to arrive :-/

When the song came out, and given the overall tone of the EP (it was post Trump's election) I assumed the 'she' was liberty.

Filming was complete by April 2016.


Same here, it just didn't occur to me whilst watching this was an origins story, just went totally over my head and I was just sat thinking WTF is this and WTF is happening right now?

We go back to 1945 and witness an evil God like being (per "Secret History" it is likely the Goddess Babylon) birth BOB and send him and all kinds of vile creations of the Black Lodge out into our universe via the atom bomb.

How else could one see that but an origin story? We go back 1945 and see the creation of Bob. I mean there is a lot of abstract visuals mixed in but that part of it is pretty clear, as clear as it gets in Lynch media.


Now this is a cool find, someone on reddit saw this on page 14 of the book Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town originally published in 1991 (and written by Frost and Lynch):


Finding breadcrumbs like this for their potential initial season 3 plans going back that far is a treat.

Very very neat stuff. Secret History references the Access Guide too if I'm not mistaken, so I suppose it's not too surprising this would too.

I really need to get my hands on one of these. Reprint pls.


We go back to 1945 and witness an evil God like being (per "Secret History" it is likely the Goddess Babylon) birth BOB and send him and all kinds of vile creations of the Black Lodge out into our universe via the atom bomb.

How else could one see that but an origin story? We go back 1945 and see the creation of Bob. I mean there is a lot of abstract visuals mixed in but that part of it is pretty clear, as clear as it gets in Lynch media.

Yeah, call me stupid or whatever but that was not clear to me.
And I have no idea what you're talking about regards gods and Babylon and such
Filming was complete by April 2016.


I once did an LSD/Acid trip by accident but some of this stuff is way worse then a LSD trip lol

Do mushrooms with some friends camping out so you have open space around you. I (cough) hear that's a much better experience and nothing like what happened in TP this week.

Yeah, call me stupid or whatever but that was not clear to me.
And I have no idea what you're talking about regards gods and Babylon and such

Babalon is a rather nasty goddess-type creature, that Jack Parsons (a real life Rocket Engineer and Aleister Crowley acolyte) tried to summon. The secret history book brings Parsons into Peaks lore. The bomb was essentially the opening of a pandora's box - the human race couldn't turn back. All of that concentrated evil opened a rift between the dark world and ours, allowing Babalon to vomit evil in our direction, including a certain long-haired man with the fashion sense of Jeremy Clarkson and eggs that apparently contain Frogroaches.

Also in the secret history - 8 woodmen were killed in a fire just outside of Twin Peaks before it became the town we know and love.
So hey...

lets all point and laugh at Tim Goodman from The Hollywood Reporter for being stupid enough to write this back in March:


TimmyTimTims said:
I am very, very skeptical that this will be the exquisite return of greatness everybody seems to be praying for. For starters, series that attempt comebacks — even those that try to do it before 26 years have gone by — are mostly creative failures. And this is before fans shake the cobwebs out of their unreliable memories and admit, with the joy-killing onset of clarity, that Twin Peaks wasn't really good for most of that second season.

But the biggest problem facing Twin Peaks is not the weight of our expectations. It's that Legion on FX has already stolen its most precious commodity, and its thunder — though the confirmation of that won't come until it's certain that Twin Peaks can't either match our highest hopes or, more likely, can't match the creative achievement that Legion has already put on the public record.

Seriously, what can Twin Peaks deliver in the realm of freak-tastic visuals that Legion hasn't already tossed out as nightmare bait? The show's exquisitely rendered conception of what life looks like from inside the mind of a mentally unstable person is already, bar none, the best that television has achieved.

So tell me again how Twin Peaks is going to be weirder than that? And even if Twin Peaks has (or had) creepiness whistling among the pines and something like the Log Lady or a dancing dwarf or an earnest FBI agent who likes coffee and pie, can it still compete?

That, if you believe Hawley is pulling it off right now and will continue to, is a spectacular example of creativity. And, dare I say it, likely weirder and more fantastical than anything Twin Peaks will come up with, thus negating that series' defining attribute.

I say it is time to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at him.


So hey...

lets all point and laugh at Tim Goodman from The Hollywood Reporter for being stupid enough to write this back in March:

I say it is time to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at him.

How is Legion? I thought it was an X-Men spin-off so I avoided it as I'm kinda tired of comic properties at this point.

Does Tim Goodman have a Twitter?
How is Legion? I thought it was an X-Men spin-off so I avoided it as I'm kinda tired of comic properties at this point.

Does Tim Goodman have a Twitter?

I've heard very good things and plan on watching it.

But underestimating Lynch's ability to create weird and frightening imagery seems really goddamn dumb.

I did tweet something at him. Nothing too mean. He's @BastardMachine
Legion is decent but the characterization was a bit too goofy (yes I see the irony with certain aspects of Peaks) for me, stopped watching during last season.

Remember seeing that article when it came out, gave it an eyeroll and moved on, nothing to get worked up about. Just seemed like standard clickbait garbo.

edit: Nm I was thinking of Preacher for some reason, Legion is indeed good shit, everyone should give it watch.
So it's very likely the song was written for the show.

Highly likely. I was just saying that when it came out I didn't draw the Twin Peaks connection at all, although when Mr & Mrs Reznor appeared on the cast list it became obvious this would be the performed song as (it's the only EP song she features on).

Incidentally, cast list watch:

Trent, Mariqueen and Robin Finck were all on it - Alessandro Cortini and Joey Castillo were not.

edit: Nm I was thinking of Preacher for some reason, Legion is indeed good shit, everyone should give it watch.

Yeah I thought that was crap too.
How is Legion? I thought it was an X-Men spin-off so I avoided it as I'm kinda tired of comic properties at this point.

Does Tim Goodman have a Twitter?

Legion is good. Probably the best superhero show I've watched in that it doesn't necessarily want to be a superhero show.

I really enjoyed Legion. I think both shows challenge their audiences in different ways, but Legion is definitely more accessible and decidedly less "weird" than Twin Peaks The Return. For as trippy and abstract as Legion's narrative can be, there's still a very clear and straightforward metaphor for whats happening on screen in relation to the story. It's a superhero show and everything can be explained through superpowers and X-men. Twin Peaks is a much more intriguing story and world in that respect and demands more of the viewer.

At the end of the day it's still apples to oranges and I find comparing the two shows using "weirdness" as a measure of quality to be a flawed experiment in the first place.
Hawley's a mostly okay showrunner, but thinking he's in the same league as Lynch when it comes to surrealistic visuals is pretty wacky.

That said, I myself was a little skeptical of how the show would turn out (as evidenced by my first post in this thread), so I have no right to point and laugh.
Observations while listening to TSHOTP

Can the cancer in the show (Log Lady, Tom, Harry) be related to the nuclear waste dumps carried out in the area?

At this point, I feel like Babalon was spewing forth all of the open plot ends left explore in the remaining ten hours.


So, um, what the fuck was that?

What was with the almost 10 minute nuclear explosion scene? What the hell was that thing that was born and made its way into the girls mouth? What the fuck at those black face guys?

I just don't know man. I'm down for anything Lynch and high concept shows/episodes in general, but this was something too high concept for me. I felt most of it went completely over my head or I just didn't 'get' what the point of a lot scenes was.

I'm tempted to rewatch the episode, but I feel it's only going to deepen the feeling of me not 'getting it'

One of the best hours of television i've ever seen. David Lynch getting to make this reminds me of George Miller getting to make Fury Road, just a director letting you know they still got it.


I do have to agree with Miles. I'm not sure if they knew scheduling in advance either, but that episode was certainly something to end on before a break.


So hey...

lets all point and laugh at Tim Goodman from The Hollywood Reporter for being stupid enough to write this back in March:


I say it is time to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at him.

One: it's pretty lame to see such a childish narrative "this'll outwierd that..."

Two: if you are going to make that claim then you really shouldn't ever be betting against David Lynch. 18 hours of David Lynch. Herion grade David Lynch to use the apt quote.


So hey...

lets all point and laugh at Tim Goodman from The Hollywood Reporter for being stupid enough to write this back in March:


I say it is time to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at him.

I could see where he was coming from, though I personally wouldn't have thought to try to make some dumb definitive battle between the two. Legion was trippy as fuck at times. Obviously the new TP has blown past that in sheer weirdness already but I'm not sure how many people were expecting anything like Chapter 8.

How is Legion? I thought it was an X-Men spin-off so I avoided it as I'm kinda tired of comic properties at this point.

Does Tim Goodman have a Twitter?

It is an X-Men spinoff but it's 99% its own thing. I thought it was fucking great. And Aubrey Plaza is awesome in it.


I can't get over how weird it is that Lynch isn't a film buff. In this long Q&A I'm listening to he says a few times how he almost never watches movies, yet he lives in and loves Hollywood.

For someone with such a grasp of the cinematic language its interesting how he's always been more of a painter without a real passion for films.
I mentioned this before haha.

He talks about frogmoths as something he saw as a kid in Yugoslavia (?). Obviously just another part of his subconscious coming to the fore in the latest ep.

And coca-cola. Obviously! Plus having a smoke and thinking about all of the little quinoas.
How much of Legion feels like capeshit, because I love Fargo but despise “comic book action sequences”.

Zero capeshit. I was hooked on the first episode because it was the first comic book show that felt refreshing and had a unique sense of identity. It has no interest in integrating itself in extended universes. It's its own thing.
How much of Legion feels like capeshit, because I love Fargo but despise “comic book action sequences”.

Not much of it. There's a few brief mutant action scenes but it's more about showing trippy shit due to the crazy psychic powers on hand.

Gotta say though Bryan Fuller or Hawley aint got shit on Lynchs work this season imo. That last episode I was in complete awe. Man is a God at unsettling imagery and pulling it out of some simple and sometimes goofy stuff


Unconfirmed Member
So hey...

lets all point and laugh at Tim Goodman from The Hollywood Reporter for being stupid enough to write this back in March:


I say it is time to laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh at him.
It is and was a tremendously disrespectful line to take against a consistent innovator of the film form and one of the most significant artists of the past 40 years.

At the time I read that I thought Tim Goodman must live in a total TV bubble to have spat out something so utterly ignorant. He does not deserve a job as chief TV critic for the Hollywood Reporter if he's so uninformed about the father and cousin medium to the one he writes about.
I can't get over how weird it is that Lynch isn't a film buff. In this long Q&A I'm listening to he says a few times how he almost never watches movies, yet he lives in and loves Hollywood.

For someone with such a grasp of the cinematic language its interesting how he's always been more of a painter without a real passion for films.

Oh he loves movies, but mostly older stuff. Adores Sunset Boulevard (major inspiration), Fellini, and Bergman.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh he loves movies, but mostly older stuff. Adores Sunset Boulevard (major inspiration), Fellini, and Bergman.
And Tati (the influence is all over Dougie's adventures!), Kubrick...

The guy definitely loves movies, but like a lot of veteran filmmakers, he's reached the point where he's bored or simply uninterested in keeping up with what's new for its own sake.
And Tati (the influence is all over Dougie's adventures!), Kubrick...

The guy definitely loves movies, but like a lot of veteran filmmakers, he's reached the point where he's bored or simply uninterested in keeping up with what's new for its own sake.

Yeah pretty much this. Dude just wants to paint at this point. Read an interview with the two guys that filmed him for The Art Life, that's pretty much all he does sunup to sundown, so much so that they asked their contact that got them access if he could get Lynch to do something else for the sake of footage lol.

I love Lynch's story of hearing about Kubrick seeing Eraserhead when it was on the midnight movie circuit and being ecstatic at hearing it was his new favorite film. Supposedly he asked his production team to study it for The Shining, saying that's the feel he wanted to capture throughout. High praise, that.


Unconfirmed Member
I love Lynch's story of hearing about Kubrick seeing Eraserhead when it was on the midnight movie circuit and being ecstatic at hearing it was his new favorite film. Supposedly he asked his production team to study it for The Shining, saying that's the feel he wanted to capture throughout. High praise, that.
I caught a few Shining echoes in Inland Empire, so the complement is returned.
Legion is totally cool and I'm glad no one has decided to slam it in reaction to the rancid ambiotic fluid leaking out of where Tim Goodman's brain is supposed to be.
Yeah pretty much this. Dude just wants to paint at this point. Read an interview with the two guys that filmed him for The Art Life, that's pretty much all he does sunup to sundown, so much so that they asked their contact that got them access if he could get Lynch to do something else for the sake of footage lol.

I love Lynch's story of hearing about Kubrick seeing Eraserhead when it was on the midnight movie circuit and being ecstatic at hearing it was his new favorite film. Supposedly he asked his production team to study it for The Shining, saying that's the feel he wanted to capture throughout. High praise, that.
Heh, Eraserhead was my first Lynch movie (if you ignore the scenes I had seen of Dune). That movie sure left an impression on me. I for one never saw movies the same way after that (i.e. I used to consider them just popcorn entertainment with shooting and EXPLOSIONS)


Unconfirmed Member
I once did an LSD/Acid trip by accident but some of this stuff is way worse then a LSD trip lol

Do mushrooms with some friends camping out so you have open space around you. I (cough) hear that's a much better experience and nothing like what happened in TP this week.
LSD is nothing like this week's TP. Unless you take a shitload in an environment you're utterly unprepared for I suppose, but I can't say one way or the other on that.

It's just as likely to be enjoyable or to take a turn as mushrooms.
Not much of it. There's a few brief mutant action scenes but it's more about showing trippy shit due to the crazy psychic powers on hand.

Gotta say though Bryan Fuller or Hawley aint got shit on Lynchs work this season imo. That last episode I was in complete awe. Man is a God at unsettling imagery and pulling it out of some simple and sometimes goofy stuff

The nuclear bomb sequence segueing into that Stan Brackhage bullshit was one of the coolest pieces of television I've ever seen.
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