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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Unconfirmed Member
This episode kinda made me think back to end of season 2 of Millennium which had a commercial break to commercial break sequence of crazy imagery backdropped with a song. No where near as crazy as episode 8, but just made me think back to that which was cool the time.
Heh, Eraserhead was my first Lynch movie (if you ignore the scenes I had seen of Dune). That movie sure left an impression on me. I for one never saw movies the same way after that (i.e. I used to consider them just popcorn entertainment with shooting and EXPLOSIONS)

Same, though my intro to Lynch was Blue Velvet, and that too rewrote my idea of what film could be.

This was before the DVD release, when the Eraserhead VHS was out of print. Had to rent it from Scarecrow Video in Seattle, they specialize in having a bunch of rare/out of print films, its a film geek's wonderland. Had to put down a few hundred dollar deposit just to rent it. Was appropriately confounded and intrigued :p

It's such a satisfying film for rewatches. Just soaking up that atmosphere is one of the best cinematic experiences out there. So glad we're getting shades of that in the new season.
BTW: Is Dune considered to be a Lynch movie? I saw it many many years ago and I thought it was terrible. The only bad Lynch movie. Then I started research online and I read that David Lynch himself hates it because the studio(s) had too much involvement and changed a lot.
I believe him because it really doesn't look like a Lynch movie.

Oh and I haven't seen "A straight story" yet. Should I watch it? I've heard it's more straightforward?!

I know this is OT but someone mentioned Dune so I thought this is a good place to ask these questions.


I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.
Dune had heavy studio influence. Lynch had a terrible experience. There's an extended cut but Lynch wants nothing to do with the film.

There are still some great visuals in the film but it's very clearly a compromised work.


I like Noah Hawley, I like Fargo, I like Legion. But he's always seemed like someone who was just emulating other artists (Coens, Lynch) to me.
I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.

I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.
Find one that likes it.

I hope you aren't too busted up over it.

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.

now you can marry david lynch


I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.

my mom is single


I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.

You made the right choice.
After rewatching part 8 and going to bed last night I got this feeling as I was lying awake staring at the ceiling... a complex emotion. I've got to try and capture it in words.

Great art inspires.

I'm going to go and bang out a few thousands words. Kiddie scribbles compared to what we're seeing unfold, but this need to convey what I'm feeling right now, is a rare and special thing.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I think some of you are over-praising episode 8. Yet, it's honestly the most fantastical episode of the entire series, and, personally, I feel like he finally did something interesting.

However, I think it's like the highlight so far only because everything else has been kind of meandering.

Episode one was so rough, and there hasn't been an episode so far that hasn't had some goofy shit that makes me go, "Damn, Lynch just robbed Showtime!" Not that Showtime has much of a high bar to go with it.

I'm overall ambivalent about the entirety of the season.
I think some of you are over-praising episode 8. Yet, it's honestly the most fantastical episode of the entire series, and, personally, I feel like he finally did something interesting.

However, I think it's like the highlight so far only because everything else has been kind of meandering.

Episode one was so rough, and there hasn't been an episode so far that hasn't had some goofy shit that makes me go, "Damn, Lynch just robbed Showtime!" Not that Showtime has much of a high bar to go with it.

I'm overall ambivalent about the entirety of the season.

i disagree


not a medical professional
I think some of you are over-praising episode 8. Yet, it's honestly the most fantastical episode of the entire series, and, personally, I feel like he finally did something interesting.

However, I think it's like the highlight so far only because everything else has been kind of meandering.

Episode one was so rough, and there hasn't been an episode so far that hasn't had some goofy shit that makes me go, "Damn, Lynch just robbed Showtime!" Not that Showtime has much of a high bar to go with it.

I'm overall ambivalent about the entirety of the season.

I think the people (myself included) who are absolutely enthralled with part 8 are likely huge film/art nerds, people who like certain directing styles or appreciate experimental type imagery in film.

The atomic bomb sequence was basically straight out of 2001 a space odyssey, the convenience store sequence was some nightmarish twilight zone imagery, and the desert / girl swallowing bug stuff was just.. something on its own.

I appreciate and am in awe that in 2017, this kind of episode aired on broadcast television.

For me, one of the things I've always wanted to see in a movie was a really incredible nuclear explosion in exquisite detail. When that scene started, I was just purely in awe, not knowing what to expect, but man I was not disappointed.

Does it tell a story? Does it mean anything? At a glance, probably not, but I have a feeling all the weird shit we're seeing will somehow come together bit by bit over the next 10 episodes.

We may not get all the answers, but this is not 1990 anymore. Twin Peaks was way ahead of its time then, and I imagine in a few years we'll look back on this season and see its influence on a lot of the television we'll be watching in the future.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Look, I thought it was brilliant that it instantly reminded me of Eraserhead and The Lady in the Radiator and the Mutant Baby, and that I felt like I could have been watching an extended clip of Doctor Strange-Love. But, eh, I'm not as impressed. Especially, when I consider the entirety of the season to be so messy.


not a medical professional
Look, I thought it was brilliant that it instantly reminded me of Eraserhead and The Lady in the Radiator and the Mutant Baby, and that I felt like I could have been watching an extended clip of Doctor Strange-Love. But, eh, I'm not as impressed. Especially, when I consider the entirety of the season to be so messy.



not a medical professional
Nah man I get it, there have been parts of episodes this season that have felt like they went on too long (Sweeping at the roadhouse anyone?) and serve no real purpose other than to potentially pad out episodes for runtime.

I think though, for me, Ep 8 was just such a major departure from what we all thought it was going to be. Things were starting to veer towards 'normal' in the last two parts, and then we get this as a huge curveball especially before a two week break.

It was different, and it's what resonated with me most.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I just broke up with my gf after she told me the new episodes were shit, boring and that the 8th ep was the worst thing she's ever seen. we normally don't see eye to eye when it comes to film and music, but this just went overboard. A part of me is happy it ended here.
Drink full and descend.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Nah man I get it, there have been parts of episodes this season that have felt like they went on too long (Sweeping at the roadhouse anyone?) and serve no real purpose other than to potentially pad out episodes for runtime.

I think though, for me, Ep 8 was just such a major departure from what we all thought it was going to be. Things were starting to veer towards 'normal' in the last two parts, and then we get this as a huge curveball especially before a two week break.

It was different, and it's what resonated with me most.
I actually thought that the season was going to be more like this episode. But now I just think they blew their budget with the effects and had to resort to doing Evangelion padding elsewhere.


Oh he loves movies, but mostly older stuff. Adores Sunset Boulevard (major inspiration), Fellini, and Bergman.

Yeah, I recently watched a bunch of Bergman films for the first time on Filmstruck and it's pretty obvious how massively influential he was for Lynch.

Like, you don't have Lynch without Persona, Hour of the Wolf, etc. It's all over stuff like Blue Velvet, Lost Highway, Twin Peaks.

One thing the two directors clearly have in common is the ability "to create such an environment of menace when nothing is actually happening."

A think a lot of Lynch's technique in camera movement, editing and sound design is informed by Bergman.

And by the way, you guys should totally watch Persona and Hour of the Wolf. Slow-burn psyche-exploring, crisis-of-the-spirit madness.


Kristine: Shut up. Let’s talk about David Lynch and the tradition of surrealism.

Sean: Ok. One of the things we talked about on the phone that I want to touch on is why surrealism is such an effective tool for transmitting horror in a way that linear narratives just aren’t.

Kristine: Sure. Because you can show indelible, horrifying images that tap into primal fears and you don’t have to introduce them with narrative.

Sean: I think audiences (esp. horror audiences) become immune to the tropes of narrative.

Kristine: Right.

Sean: And they prepare themselves for it because we’ve gotten bored with narrative, or at least overexposed to it. And so surrealism opens up a “new space,” one where we don’t know what’s coming and where we encounter things “raw” because we don’t foresee them.

Kristine: I agree.

Sean: So in a way, surrealism is the perfect antidote for postmodern malaise.

Kristine: Isn’t it interesting though, how we cant seem to desensitize ourselves to certain longstanding icks? Like Bird Beak Boys or Insect Men?

Sean: So yes, surrealism taps into a dark, primordial place. I think David Lynch has put some of the most terrifying things to film of any director. Some that spring to mind: Mrs. Palmer remembering Bob crouched at the foot of the bed in Laura’s room on Twin Peaks, the dumpster sequence in Mulholland Drive, and the weird man with lipstick in Lost Highway played by Robert Blake.

Kristine: I still cannot fucking believe that Bob scene was on network television in the early ‘90s. It’s unbelievably scary and fucked up and I cannot believe it aired.

Sean: It really is the most terrifying thing in America. I mean, I would bet money Lynch has seen Hour of the Wolf. It and Eraserhead are on some kind of relative continuum…

Kristine: It is. Hour of the Wolf reminded me of Lynch very early on, when the hat lady came up to Alma and was all, “I am 217. Or 76. Read your husband’s diary. Bye.”

Sean: You are killing me.

Kristine: Right? Just randoms coming up and being random but it is integral to the plot. Total dwarf from Twin Peaks: “Her arms bend behind her back… She is full of secrets.” That could have totally been in this movie. Lynch has definitely seen this.


I woke up with "this is the water and this is the well" stuck in my head and I immediately had to do this first thing in the morning. It's as if something was telling me that this has to exist (it does not, it should not).
Goddammit, brain, you're better than this.
Drink full and waaa.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So I'm still fascinated that this season of Twin Peaks may inspired by some of Lynch's scrapped projects, but I am personally thinking these four projects of his are the most evident he's been pulling from:

-Ronnie Rocket
This is apparently Lynch's most thought about movie that never got made. It's one of the earliest films he ever conceived, apparently he was thinking about this movie all the way back since he was working on Eraserhead and was still thinking about it after Lost Highway. He's revised the script multiple times, with these two versions having become available online:

The version from around the time he was working on Dune: http://www.lynchnet.com/rrscript.html

The version from around the time he was working on Wild At Heart: http://www.lynchnet.com/ronnyr.htm

Script followed two characters, a sort of Frankenstein-esque human machine who would dance and sing when charged with electricity and a detective looking into a strange industrial town the movie was set in. Both versions of the script have drastic differences, and the movie has a lot of strange elements from the detective having a special power no one else can do by being able to put a finger on his nose while standing on one leg, to a scene of them hiding out in a woman's place and going to her basement and finding nightmare teens and a gruesome scene.

The elements that reflect strongest in this season are the strong themes the film had about electricity and gold. The current of electricity and the properties of electricity and strange machines were a big part of Ronnie Rocket, and gold was a reoccurring thing in the second script especially with the film even ending when the characters all float and ascend to a Golden Planet and Ronnie turns into a golden orb.

There's a few scenes in the new season that have HEAVILY reminded of Ronnie Rocket, and the tagline of the movie and how Lynch always described Ronnie Rocket, "The Absurd Mystery of The Strange Forces of Existence," is literally said by Albert in Part 3 of the new series.

-One Saliva Bubble

This was an early project by David Lynch and Mark Frost, it was their pitch for a tv series before Twin Peaks ended up being what they were going with. This one also has a screenplay available online, which you can read here: http://www.lynchnet.com/osbscript.html

It's described as a comedy where a secret government project goes wrong, and several characters in a small town change identities. Not only is there some early Twin Peaks in the concept, but some of the stuff in the new season involving Dougie is very reminiscent of some parts of One Saliva Bubble.

-Woodcutters From Fiery Ships

This doesn't have a screenplay available, but it was a series being produced between Lynch and some Japanese anime studios, it was to be about a group of woodcutters on a ship and they smoke pipes and apparently look terrifying. There weren't a lot of details, but I'm sure you can begin to put together why I suspect this scrapped thing may have been pulled from in the new Twin peaks.


Lynch wanted to do an adaption of Kafka with his own conventions, but it didn't go through for a few reasons. He wanted to create a believable and disgusting bug thing, Lynch never described the series in detail but mentioned he loved Kafka and had a script that was close to his heart. With Kafka popping up a few times this new season and the Frog-Bug we got in the new series with impressive effects when one of the things we know is Lynch thought they couldn't do what he wanted with the 'bug' back then for his script, I have a sneaking suspicion he's snuck some of this into the newest Twin Peaks too.


Those are four scrapped projects of his I have a feeling he's been finally able to explore some in the new season, though also of course there's things from their original Twin Peaks Season 3 ideas, and I also suspect maybe some scrapped things from the original Mulholland Drive concept when it was Twin Peaks related.


BTW: Is Dune considered to be a Lynch movie? I saw it many many years ago and I thought it was terrible. The only bad Lynch movie. Then I started research online and I read that David Lynch himself hates it because the studio(s) had too much involvement and changed a lot.
I believe him because it really doesn't look like a Lynch movie.

Oh and I haven't seen "A straight story" yet. Should I watch it? I've heard it's more straightforward?!

I know this is OT but someone mentioned Dune so I thought this is a good place to ask these questions.
I really like Dune, (Baron Harkonnen's) warts and all. It's trying to be a blockbuster, so it has a different tone, but I don't agree that it doesn't look like a Lynch film. It does so way better than half of Part 7.
It's a poor adaptation and a pretty sizable mess, but it's worth watching for the visuals alone. There's no sci-fi like Lynch sci-fi and that despite not doing justice to the novel, that movie defined the look of Dune for decades.

The Straight Story is simply lovely. I've been foolishly avoiding it for a long time because its straightforwardness and "lightness" made it seem like it wouldn't feel like a Lynch film, but it's a Lynch film through and through. Maybe a little slower, but surely the new Twin Peaks prepared you for that.

Now this is a cool find, someone on reddit saw this on page 14 of the book Twin Peaks: An Access Guide to the Town originally published in 1991 (and written by Frost and Lynch):



Finding breadcrumbs like this for their potential initial season 3 plans going back that far is a treat.
Ah, crap, now I want to track down a copy of the Access Guide. Of all the things to suddenly become relevant to the show...
I'd love to hear the full(ish) story behind this.

Does there exist a gif of the arm screaming nonexistent?


Not Wario
^ I was literally just reading about Ronnie Rocket. If it wasn't confirmed before, it seems clear now that electricity is definitely pretty key to how the lodge inhabitants operate.


-Woodcutters From Fiery Ships

This doesn't have a screenplay available, but it was a series being produced between Lynch and some Japanese anime studios, it was to be about a group of woodcutters on a ship and they smoke pipes and apparently look terrifying. There weren't a lot of details, but I'm sure you can begin to put together why I suspect this scrapped thing may have been pulled from in the new Twin peaks.
Are you sure about it being planned as a series? I've only heard about it being a "CD ROM game" (what I wouldn't give to see a David Lynch video game, or anything interactive or designed to be literally non-linear).

The CD-rom game was "blocked from the get-go" in November 1999, because it would have been "completely boring to game buffs".

David Lynch wanted a "conundrum thing... a beautiful kind of place to put yourself. You try to make a little bit of mystery and a bit of a story, but you want it to be able to bend back upon itself and get lost."
"It was called... Woodcutters from Fiery Ships... Ceratin events have happened in a bungalow which is behind another in Los Angeles. And then suddenly the woodcutters arrive and they take the man who we think has witnessed these events, and their ship is... uh, silver, like a 30`s kind of ship, and the fuel is logs. And they smoke pipes." (David Lynch, in The Guardian, November 1999)

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I wonder if he's ever played any video games or if someone has shown him VR. I get the feeling he might actually dig some VR stuff since he's obsessed with painting.

I have my doubts on both accounts. Lynch has said in a few recent interviews as well he hasn't seen a new movie since 2010 and he doesn't think about what his works have inspired and his doctor tells him not to look into what people think about what he does online. So he doesn't.

Whenever asked about the phenomena on which Twin Peaks has had on media even to this day, he always responds with something that essentially is him saying he doesn't really look into what he's inspired or not.

Are you sure about it being planned as a series? I've only heard about it being a "CD ROM game" (what I wouldn't give to see a David Lynch video game, or anything interactive or designed to be literally non-linear).

It was a PC game meant to be like an interactive FMV game, but the main thing we know is some of the loose details and basic synopsis. Sad it never came to be, though.


Not Wario
Garmonbozia is pretty disgusting. They nailed the look of putrid filth in food form- creamed corn with streaks of black juice running through it? I can feel bile rising in my throat just thinking about it.


I wonder if he's ever played any video games or if someone has shown him VR. I get the feeling he might actually dig some VR stuff since he's obsessed with painting.
Well, there was a virtual reality theater at the Festival of Disruption and VVVR devs were asked to present at the "private opening party to bring people into a transcendental meditation experience," so he certainly had a chance to try it.
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