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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Someone said earlier that Kyle is the only one getting paid above scale. Not sure how legit that is, but he IS the star and he IS playing two roles, so I buy it.

SEPARATE THOUGHT: Considering how much you guys seem to love Carl, and it seems like a fair few haven't read Secret History of Twin Peaks, there's some interesting back story on him in there. (spoiler tags in case people want to read the book themselves).

- Carl was 'abducted' at the same time and from the same place, near Glastonbury Grove, as Margaret Lanterman, and has the same mark as her.
- Left Twin Peaks after high school to fight in Vietnam.
- He was rescued after an earthquake by a group of Aleuts during his time in Alaska. He lived among them and eventually married an Aleut woman who died in childbirth.
- Worked as a movie stunt man and tracker after wandering for a while after the death of his wife.
- Was known to write and perform music and poetry around the same time.
- Moved to Deer Meadow and opened the original Fat Trout Trailer Park.
- Moved back to Twin Peaks and was oft quoted, enough that the paper started a "Carl Said It" section.
- Wrote a letter to the then Twin Peaks Post alerting them that Listening Post Alpha (LPA) was being constructed on Blue Pine Mountain surreptitiously. LPA was built at the behest of Douglas Milford and under the supervision of Major Briggs and Milford wanted it kept under wraps, ironic since the letter was printed in the paper he owned (while he was out of town). Gordon Cole and the FBI were involved in smoothing over/covering it up, telling Mayor Dwayne Milford that it was part of SDI (The Strategic Defense Initiative, or "Star Wars" program).

In FWWM Carl says something like, "I've been places. I just want to stay right where I am." He is nearly brought to tears when he says it. He must have experienced something crazy. There seems to be quite a few people who are special and can see things like the lodges and the woodsmen. Laura, Briggs, Gordon and Albert, Jeffries, Carl, Margaret, Hawk, Desmond, Windom and probably a bunch more I'm forgetting right now.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
my current theory is that Red might be "Phillip Jeffries" throughout this season. The fact we're so far into the season and two of the most mysteries characters so far are him and this Jeffries is making me suspicious, that and we lightly see that Red might have something otherworldy about him. We don't even know Red's full name, which might suggest his identity is important.

We know Richard is working under him and he's not a nice guy, and Shelly is with him, but we don't know much else. I still need to compare the voice that talks to Mr. C in Part 3 to Red's voice, though. I'll do that right now.


my current theory is that Red might be "Phillip Jeffries" throughout this season. The fact we're so far into the season and two of the most mysteries characters so far are him and this Jeffries is making me suspicious, that and we lightly see that Red might have something otherworldy about him. We don't even know Red's full name, which might suggest his identity is important.
I like this theory. :)

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Holy hell, it actually could be.

I just compared the voice from Jeffries in Part 2 when talking to Mr. C to Red in Part 6 when talking to Richard. There's a filter over the voice in Part 2, but they sound REALLY similar. Like they have the same accent and speech mannerisms, even though the Jeffries voice is pitched different and digitally stretched out a bit, but they do this same sort of pause thing and talk in a similar accent and pace to each other. I think there might be something to this theory that Red is the current "Phillip Jeffries" actually, though need to see (and hear) more to confirm this as the tape recorder on Part 2 is digitally altered in at least two ways.

But if this theory holds water, then Red knows a lot and knows about BOB in particular (and obviously Jeffries somehow), and it might explain why Red has some sort of weird otherworld power he shows with the Dime in Part 6. Also explains why he's been left one of the only remaining mysterious characters so far and we don't even know his name outside of just "Red" still.
Holy hell, it actually could be.

I just compared the voice from Jeffries in Part 2 when talking to Mr. C to Red in Part 6 when talking to Richard. There's a filter over the voice in Part 2, but they sound REALLY similar. Like they have the same accent and speech mannerisms, even though the Jeffries voice is pitched different and digitally stretched out a bit, but they do this same sort of pause thing and talk in a similar accent and pace to each other.

If Red is fake Jeffries then
I hope Bobby knocks him unconscious and brings him in.

If he's not... actually that wouldn't change my feelings.


Cooper is having a great healing effect on everything Las Vegas.
Twin Peaks on the other hand is falling apart.

What does Cole and Albert refer to when calmly stating 'well I guess we found out' after escaping the vortex? They didn't seem mindblown.
Red is using his mumbo jumbo on Shelly. It's the only explanation.

Shelly only likes the bad guys. Probably dropped Bobby as soon as he became the man his father prophesized. She's a good person, but she gets goo goo for bad guys obviously. People like that are far too common sadly.




Before Cooper exits the Lodge, he goes near a vault with the #15 on it, before ultimately going into the outlet with #3 on it. He exits Outlet #3 in... Episode 3. It could've been a hint that he would return in Part 15, which would line up with the Mitchum's comment about waiting 3 more hours (Part 12, Part 13, Part 14 then Cooper's return in 15).
I'd be fine with 4 episodes of actual Cooper. Guess we'll see if a mention of two hours will happen next week then.
I found myself getting a little impatient with Dougie this episode despite liking his story. That was really because I just wanted to spend more time with Bobby who is easily my favourite of the returning characters this season. Overall, still a fantastic episode even if admitting to liking this season makes me a Trump supporter or something.
The scene of the kid and lady in the car was so fucking hilarious and unsettling and incredible.

The little kid rises out of her seat like a zombie and starts dribbling puke and the woman just flips out in her best Edith Massey voice. With captions it was like:

"Aah! Aah! Aah!"
[gurgling sound]
"Aah! Aah!"

There is nothing else like this shit out being shown to a wide audience. Love it. That weird "I want to laugh and also cringe and hide and also I'm kind of scared and grossed out" is just a crazy feeling.


Vomit really bothers me so I went from laughing my ass off to freaked out and disgusted then back to laughing and just like "What the fuck was that!?" She rose like a fucking old school movie mummy or zombie. "Rise from your grave!"
Can I make a left field prediction that I haven't seen discussed yet?

Since this season is all about isolated sequences coming back episodes later for payoffs....

Likelihood that Janey-E is pregnant from her and Coop's scene? As Coop obviously doesn't know better and was just enjoying the sensation. Would make for an interesting moral dilemma as Sonny Jim is technically "Dougie's", and he's obviously leaving them at some point
Likelihood that Janey-E is pregnant from her and Coop's scene? As Coop obviously doesn't know better and was just enjoying the sensation. Would make for an interesting moral dilemma as Sonny Jim is technically "Dougie's", and he's obviously leaving them at some point

Probably not. If Janey-E is the same age as Naomi Watts, she's in her late 40s.
The scene of the kid and lady in the car was so fucking hilarious and unsettling and incredible.

The little kid rises out of her seat like a zombie and starts dribbling puke and the woman just flips out in her best Edith Massey voice. With captions it was like:

There is nothing else like this shit out being shown to a wide audience. Love it. That weird "I want to laugh and also cringe and hide and also I'm kind of scared and grossed out" is just a crazy feeling.
His reaction is priceless.
If I had to try and sum up why I love part 11 so much, is because it was everything I love about the new series with everything I love about the old series.

You've got that amazing scene in the diner. You've got Margaret. You've got cherry pie and optimism in that last scene.

You've got foreboding and pitch black darkness. You've got new levels of horror and cruelty.

I hope Marjorie makes it. I can't remember the last time I was so fearful for the lives of fictional character's lives as I was for Gordon, Shelley and Bobby last night. And after 11 episodes, the new characters mean so much to me now as well.

And that scene with the zombie kid.
And that scene with the soot hobo.
And that scene with Dougie holding a box with a pie in it in the middle of the desert while the Mitchum brothers freak out.

Holy fuck Twin Peaks is a good TV show.
Vomit really bothers me so I went from laughing my ass off to freaked out and disgusted then back to laughing and just like "What the fuck was that!?" She rose like a fucking old school movie mummy or zombie. "Rise from your grave!"

ME TOO, except I'm only now realizing how hilarious it is. While it was happening, I was too grossed out to find it funny. But man did Dana Ashbrook absolutely kill those scenes. He's totally rocking the silver fox look; I think he looks better now than he did in seasons 1 & 2. So happy with Bobby's journey so far.

Not sure if it was posted but Vulture did an interview with Dana a few weeks ago. It's a great interview.
Strangest part of that Bobby scene outside the diner was the floating handheld camerawork. Really made it feel like a nightmarish scene alongside the incessant car horn.

Runner up in camerawork was that out of nowhere POV shot through the hallway after Becky shot the door. Thought the Deadites were coming.


All that amazing stuff that happened in that episode and yet all I can think of is the possibility that Candy might actually be Annie...
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