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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Chitown B

I haven't really been dying for it, or expecting it thus far, but I think Cooper might wake up next week. The Dougie stuff is pretty close to complete as an arc - he's made friends of his enemies, he's made his wife happy, he's done well at work, everyone basically loves him. The only things left are Tom Sizemore's character and the guy in the high rise vegas office.

Also, 2:53pm will be coming up in the next episode, most likely, and it feels to me like that time is going to do something to Cooper. Maybe that's when he was originally supposed to re-emerge or something like that.

I could also see Coop remembering everything with Janey-E and staying with her and Sonny Jim in the end, at the end of the show, if everything turns out well.

you think it'll be next episode? Hawk said this ep that the date was in two days.
This is what I was thinking, and would go along with the general sentiment we've been seeing that the world seems out of balance. I'd be fairly surprised if things returned to normal though after Coop becomes Coop again.

Taken from dugpa, didn't realize this was Gersten Hayward (Alicia Witt) on first viewing:


Here she's a 41 year old playing a 20 something....


Here she's a 41 year old playing a 20 something....

If she's playing her original character grown up that would be about her age, since she was a preteen kid in the original 25 years ago. I think Steven (is that his name?) just happens to be cheating on Becky with an older woman, rather than her being portrayed as young.

Sky Chief

What did Dougie say after "damn good" and before the final credits? I've tried paying it back a few times but can't understand what he's saying.


I haven't watched this season at all.

Does it live up to Season 1?

It's nothing like season 1 except in brief spurts, so no. It's good, and you need to have seen all of Twin Peaks to get the most out of it, but at the same time it's basically a different show. If you go in wanting season 1 you'll immediately realise you aren't getting that, the question then becomes if you like what it is or if you just wanted more of the old Twin Peaks and don't like what it is now.
The best scene might have been Hawk/Truman/Log Lady. The foreboding "there's fire where you're going" was classic Lynch. And discussing the symbols on the map was classic Twin Peaks.

Also loved the entire Bobby/Shelley segments. This episode had strong characterization.
Amazing episode. Some random thoughts:

- The traffic scene with Bobby and the screaming lady made me laugh so much, it was incredible. I felt it was some sort of commentary on the pacing of the season (she was late, it was already past 6:30, she just wanted to go home... You see, she's like most of the audience who wants to see more of Twin Peaks and fast).
- The final scene hit me hard, it felt like a farewell ceremony to Dougie. I think Dale will return next week or the week after, tops. Practically all the story threads surrounding him are now resolved. Kyle was amazing in this role.
- I feel like Candie is probably in the same state as Dougie. She is generally unresponsive to anything going on around her. One thing I find curious, and again I'm assuming it's commentary - we don't know Candie, so we don't know how she behaved previously. So, most of us just assume that's just the way she is. If we didn't know Dale, would we really notice him and try to help him?

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I haven't watched this season at all.

Does it live up to Season 1?

If that's the way you're measuring up the series, you might as well wait for another couple of episodes to be released and binge watch them to get a bigger view of the new season as a whole.



Buy eyes. And I don't mean this as a "haha different taste", no, literally, you need new eyes.

Co-sign. She looks great for being 40ish. I think she was just done up kind of trashy in that scene.

- I feel like Candie is probably in the same state as Dougie. She is generally unresponsive to anything going on around her. One thing I find curious, and again I'm assuming it's commentary - we don't know Candie, so we don't know how she behaved previously. So, most of us just assume that's just the way she is. If we didn't know Dale, would we really notice him and try to help him?

I'm still not buying that Candie theory myself. Dougie is just mirroring other people. Candie is dazed but she's able to form a coherent thought on her own. Like when the Mitchums ask why the girls are late she says "There was so much traffic on The Strip. There were cars everywhere." That's a far cry from Dougie who would have just said "Late" and everyone fills in the gaps for themselves. If anything, Candie is kind of reminding me of Cooper when he first came to town in S1 and was enamored with the Douglas Firs and Snowshoe Rabbits. Kind of like everything is amazing to her, but she's not catatonic. Seems like something snapped for sure but I don't think it's a Dougie situation. Just my 2 cents.


Cherry Pie!!! The absolute best.

Also that kid: -


Yeah, I shot a gun, what are you gonna do about it coppa?

Zero fucks given :)
I haven't watched this season at all.

Does it live up to Season 1?

The Return is more like Fire Walk With Me than the TV series. It's not about who killed Lara Palmer. In fact, in many ways it intentionally trivializes that mystery in order to create greater mysteries. Which is about the best direction the show could go in, considering most people, Lynch and Frost included, were disappointed with the show's direction after Lara's killer was revealed.

The Return goes way beyond the town of Twin Peaks. It's creating a whole new mythology about Good and Evil in this world. It's fucking brilliant television, not in spite of, but because it's nothing like we expected or even necessarily wanted. Where most television these days is painfully predictable, we go into each new episode having no idea what to expect. That's what makes The Return better than anything that came before it in this series.

A lot of people are upset with the pacing of the new episodes, because it's attempting something that hasn't been done before in this format. It reminds me of season four of Arrested Development in that way, although The Return is not non-linear in narrative. I'd say it's more multi-linear, with several different stories playing out at once, but as the show goes on it becomes more and more obvious how they're all tied together. If you liked the first season and Fire Walk With Me, you're definitely missing out if you're not watching this. Just go into it without any expectations and enjoy the ride. Because it's absolutely one hell of a ride so far.
OH MY I posted on Amy Shiels her instagram that She Rocks Candy out of the Park and that she is terrific in every episode . And now she liked my comment :D Instagram is so awesome way to communicate with famous people as a fan :D

Haha some time back I commented on Kyle's instagram and even got a reply from him. And a bunch of likes. It was one of my finer fanboy moments.


I will say that as the show keeps going, I am starting to care about the ratings slightly. Obviously The Return is in the can but after 11 episodes, provided it fits, I would absolutely be up for more of this type of Peaks as long as Lynch & Frost write it, Lynch directs and Kyle comes back. Unfortunately I think the latter is a slim to no chance and I'm not sure Twin Peaks works without Cooper, Mr. C, or Dougie.

Chitown B

I will say that as the show keeps going, I am starting to care about the ratings slightly. Obviously The Return is in the can but after 11 episodes, provided it fits, I would absolutely be up for more of this type of Peaks as long as Lynch & Frost write it, Lynch directs and Kyle comes back. Unfortunately I think the latter is a slim to no chance and I'm not sure Twin Peaks works without Cooper, Mr. C, or Dougie.

The hardcores may love this style, but I think that Showtime was probably hoping for more original series fan service than it is getting.
I was freaking out thinking that the Woodsman were about to invade Twin Peaks during that scene with Bobby. Things seemed to be slowing down like when they show up. I thought it was going to be a woodsman in the car honking the horn. The shadow almost looked like it had a beard. That scene was so odd and anxious. Loved it.
Rewatching the episode... I'm not 100% sure how I feel about the Woodsmen being able to just invisibly insta-squish people's heads. They're definitely more of a threat than Bob ever was, which is pretty surprising.

It sort of cheapens the Lodge's whole gimmick if spirits can kill indiscriminately without possessing anyone. Maybe the victims need to be near a portal, but we've seen woodsmen in the Buckthorn jail and the morgue, so maybe not.

They didn't kill Ray though, so there must be some limit to their abilities.

They've been stalking Hastings since the start, so i guess it was just a matter of time before they squished him. There must be some kind of limit to it all or everyone else there would be dead too.


I didn't realize the piano-playing sister was that actress. I've seen her in bit roles over the past 20 years, but I would have never made the connection.

And I certainly had no idea she played the little (abomination) girl in Dune :lol
I will say that as the show keeps going, I am starting to care about the ratings slightly. Obviously The Return is in the can but after 11 episodes, provided it fits, I would absolutely be up for more of this type of Peaks as long as Lynch & Frost write it, Lynch directs and Kyle comes back. Unfortunately I think the latter is a slim to no chance and I'm not sure Twin Peaks works without Cooper, Mr. C, or Dougie.

Kyle as said he'd absolutely do more. And that makes sense to me, he has at most 7 out of 18 parts to play the Cooper we know and love. He clearly wants to explore that character more.

The show probably made all its money back before it aired an episode, with licensing it in other regions and merchandising. But it's probably not worth it to try again. Thankfully it sounds like we get a definitive ending with this season.
They've been stalking Hastings since the start, so i guess it was just a matter of time before they squished him. There must be some kind of limit to it all or everyone else there would be dead too.

My thoughts on their abilities as well. If they could've done harm to him they would've already done it as they were already hanging around the Buckhorn station. Their purpose there now appears to be just having kept tabs on him and the investigation in general. Spies for the mother!

Also as others have stated they may need to be at some sort of nexus point/concentration of energy like where Bill bit it to affect people physically. I do wonder if Twin Peaks is growing a concentration of the kind of energy they need for a full scale invasion not unlike in New Mexico. With all the seeming darkness and corruption in the town it seems like it's a psychic powder keg waiting to go off, perfect opportunity for woodsman interference.

There was a set photo leaked way back when they were shooting in Washington (pretty minor spoilers) in front of the RR showing
Red with a freaked out look on his face pulling Shelly by the arm into the diner as though they're trying to flee from something. I'm thinkin if Red is spooked by whatever they're trying to escape it must be pretty bad. Course it could just be the cops :shrugs

And I certainly had no idea she played the little (abomination) girl in Dune :lol

This one caught me off guard too. "For he is the Kwisatz Haderach!"


If it wasn't for the batshit insanity of episode 8 and getting my lore boner wanked this would be my favorite episode. This episode had everything that was great about Twin Peaks. Weird freaky shit, tons of humor, great emotional moments and a nice dose of nostalgia.

The honking scene was so funny holy shit and then when he confronted the crazy lady it somehow got even funnier. Easily one of the best scenes in the series. The Mitchum brothers are incredible. Dougie was amazing. The cherry pie! I love that it was in a big box. So silly. So good to see the Mr. Jackpots lady again having turned her life around. Awesome music as usual by Badalamenti. Diane is a god damn rat she knew exactly what would happen. Gordon and Albert don't even flinch in the face of interdimensional insanity. They have seen some shit. Other shows feel absolutely mundane compared to this. It's ruining other tv for me. I can't even get myself to watch Game of Thrones. I know it's just going to disappoint me again.


Kyle as said he'd absolutely do more. And that makes sense to me, he has at most 7 out of 18 parts to play the Cooper we know and love. He clearly wants to explore that character more.

The show probably made all its money back before it aired an episode, with licensing it in other regions and merchandising. But it's probably not worth it to try again. Thankfully it sounds like we get a definitive ending with this season.

Yeah I'm not counting on it, but after having been fine with them just wrapping it all up previously, I've now moved to hoping that they do more, just because I love watching this show.
Tons of great moments in this episode.

One of my favorites was when Gordon had his arms up as the vortex descended upon him. There were tons of great visual and audio distortions as the portal grew in size and intensity.

Then, BAM.

The camera quickly pans way out showing a bird's eye view of the whole scene. There is little sound, and you see everyone just staring at Gordon as he flails his arms around. I literally laughed out loud.


just watched Eraserhead for the first time. Very Twin Peaks.
Underrated post.
Pattern on the wall when Cole was about to be sucked into the portal is the same as the one in Laura's dream in FWWM
Love shit like this.
This intrigued me a lot, the subject of who could see the Woodsmen. Albert in particular was interesting, because wasn't he the guy who was there to keep Cooper grounded in the previous series? If he's seeing the extraordinary stuff, then the two "normals" in Tammy and the detective are essentially stuck in the Albert role from before.
Gordon is the one who established the Blue Rose cases which I think deal with mostly supernatural stuff. I think he is familiar with this kind of thing.
That was a rebound episode for me. I'm back!

(I was never actually gone. >_>)
Don't worry the next episode will drive you away again!
So was Gordon about to get sucked up into that vortex or see "one of their meetings"? Curious why the nonchalant behavior and whatever he was doing with his hands...
He didn't remember what happened until later. Seems like he may not have even been aware of what was happening luckily Albert had the sense to grab him. Probably would not be a good thing to go to that place.


I was freaking out thinking that the Woodsman were about to invade Twin Peaks during that scene with Bobby. Things seemed to be slowing down like when they show up. I thought it was going to be a woodsman in the car honking the horn. The shadow almost looked like it had a beard. That scene was so odd and anxious. Loved it.

Yeah it had this weird slow motion effect going on. It gave it a sense of dread. Usually when that slow motion thing happens bad things go down. I think it's even in Inland Empire if I recall correctly. Bad shit is going down in Twin Peaks.


The camera quickly pans way out showing a bird's eye view of the whole scene. There is little sound, and you see everyone just staring at Gordon as he flails his arms around. I literally laughed out loud.

Same. I think the point was to illustrate that what he was seeing and what everyone else was seeing was quite distinct.

Also I kind of go with the woodsmen being able to wack Hasting because it was near a point of power.

Also, WTF with the sick girl in the car, that was pretty damn creepy. Bobby was great in the whole scene though.


Haha some time back I commented on Kyle's instagram and even got a reply from him. And a bunch of likes. It was one of my finer fanboy moments.

Awesome right? It feels a bit surreal being in contact with celebs on social by being just a common person/not famous at all. I never used twitters but it's way better with facebook where there is just someone handling there page...


Yeah Dana Ashbrook is totally nailing it as Bobby, just wow. This episode is really quite awesome. The flute, oh my just great, really nice. Yeah the woodsmen indeed, that was quite something. Its really really obvious that Diane is either a doppelganger or she is just working with the Woodsmen/ Bob/Evil Cooper. I am still wondering at what point will Albert and Gordon actually see through Diane her bullshit? And I am thinking now was she really raped by Evil Cooper? Perhaps it was consensual sex?




Yeah Dana Ashbrook is totally nailing it as Bobby, just wow. This episode is really quite awesome. The flute, oh my just great, really nice. Yeah the woodsmen indeed, that was quite something. Its really really obvious that Diane is either a doppelganger or she is just working with the Woodsmen/ Bob/Evil Cooper. I am still wondering at what point will Albert and Gordon actually see through Diane her bullshit? And I am thinking now was she really raped by Evil Cooper? Perhaps it was consensual sex?

I'm still of the thought that she is "good" and perhaps she is being manipulated to do what she is doing.

Also since both Cole and Albert know that Diane is likely compromised, I suspect that the coordinates she saw were altered to trap her...we'll see.
I feel like Cooper has to lose Janey-E and Sonny Jim. He isn't her husband or his father, he's known them for like a week, and given how fiercely Janey-E stands by Dougie in all his slowness, it seems like she was very much in love with him. It would be really weird if Cooper stuck around with them.

Killing them off would be the easiest way to tie that subplot up.
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