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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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That endless horn and the tone of the gibberish by the lady in the car that followed was uncomfortable and unsettling. The sound design of Lynch's works is always something else.

I had such an urge to kill her
The horne was pissing me off so much in such an uncontrollable way
I only just remembered Alicia Witt was in the second series.

So that gawpy Stephen fuck is having it away with a Hayward and the offspring of the two most beautiful people in all of Twin Peaks?

Am I supposed to believe that? This show is becoming farcical.


We watched the documentary David Lynch: The Art Life the other night at the cinema. Really great documentary, recommend it. Only touches on his films, mostly about his upbringing and his paintings.

But now we keep seeing parallels in his work (Twin Peaks at least) with the childhood experiences he relayed in the documentary.

You know when the woman Richard beat up and gassed comes crawling out of the bush and the boys see her? That's almost 1:1 something David Lynch describes happening to him in his childhood, something that haunted him for years. A fully naked woman emerging from the shadows of their street with a bloody face and sitting/lying down on the kerb.

It's cool to see how artists harness inspiration even from the darkest places. It's an important thing.

I had such an urge to kill her
The horne was pissing me off so much in such an uncontrollable way

Yeah. I really love that they're painting Twin Peaks as this place that's become really, really unhinged. Like anything that could be positive is tainted by the swathes of randos and assholes.

In fact they're painting all of the USA as a place which has become really, really unhinged, which is pretty accurate tbh ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I only just remembered Alicia Witt was in the second series.

So that gawpy Stephen fuck is having it away with a Hayward and the offspring of the two most beautiful people in all of Twin Peaks?

Am I supposed to believe that? This show is becoming farcical.

It always was pretty farcical.

Can't wait for Stephen to get his just desserts. Guy is such a cunt it's unbelievable. As is Richard.
I wonder if the Stephen/Becky relationship is how we're percieving it to be. Is Stephen the abuser or are they both abusing each other due to their degenerate life and drug use? Is it a vicious cycle of Becky cursing out Stephen and then Stephen cursing out Becky? Who cast the first stone/red coffee cup? I feel like both scenes of Stephen screaming at her and trashing the trailer and Becky threatening him with a weapon aren't the first time that's happened.

Given how the new guys of Twin Peaks act, its most likely Stephen is just an asshole. But their relationship is definitely bipolar and not helped any better with drugs.


I wonder if the Stephen/Becky relationship is how we're percieving it to be. Is Stephen the abuser or are they both abusing each other due to their degenerate life and drug use? Is it a vicious cycle of Becky cursing out Stephen and then Stephen cursing out Becky? Who cast the first stone/red coffee cup? I feel like both scenes of Stephen screaming at her and trashing the trailer and Becky threatening him with a weapon aren't the first time that's happened.

Given how the new guys of Twin Peaks act, its most likely Stephen is just an asshole. But their relationship is definitely bipolar and not helped any better with drugs.
I agree. Somebody already suggested yesterday indeed. They both can be abusing each other. The way she handed her mom was Insane.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
To be honest I do agree with people who think that Stephen and Becky are in a two-way abusive relationship, like Becky went fucking mental and apparently this wasn't the first time she had done this. The way she dealt with her mom jumping on the car, shooting the door irrationally, and the Stephen hiding with his mistress I think hints more than heavily that they're both pretty bad to each other, it's not a simple one is abusing the other kind of relationship.
Both Becky and Stephen are doing those drugs that Red deals. It's clear the drug plotline is a pretty big deal. It seems to run under everything going on in the town of Twin Peaks.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Both Becky and Stephen are doing those drugs that Red deals. It's clear the drug plotline is a pretty big deal. It seems to run under everything going on in the town of Twin Peaks.

If my current half theory that Red is "Phillip Jeffries" holds any water too, then we're probably going to be seeing a lot more of Red in the very near future. It's strange he's probably one of the bigger villains of this season as he's basically behind Twin Peaks going to hell (and has some of the biggest dickwards under him, such as Richard and Chad both seem to work for him), and he may even be the person directly contesting Mr. C under the guise of Phillip Jeffries (and if this is true and this theory does hold water, then that would mean he knows a lot about the other world, BOB, and Jeffries himself as well), yet he's been kept mostly mysterious so far (to the point we don't even know his full name outside of "Red" and have only had one full scene of him talking and then giving Shelly looks in a couple others).






True re Stephen and Becky both being kind fucked up.

That said, there are hints that Stephen is the real pusher/problem.

Like the way Becky looks at him when he says he used all of that coke (?) in one day, back when they're sitting in the car. She is genuinely like "this guy is fucked up".

Hard to defend running her mum over and shooting at a hotel door, though... Can't believe they're married.



I know we all know sycamores are a thing with the Lodges like Glastonbury Grove:

But when this popped up in episode 11:

and that's where the Woodsmen/soot hobos were, it reminded me of this in episode 3:

Dougie stares at it pretty intently which at the time I figured was the first of many "Coop is in there somewhere" moments, but now I'm also wondering if there isn't some Lodge related shit at Rancho Rosa. I've figured for a while now with it being in the show and the name of the new production company set up for The Return, there must be some kind of significance. Maybe that's it.


Chili Con Carnage!
I didn't think I'd be saying this a few weeks ago but I think I'm ready to wait till episode 18 for Coops return. The journey is so captivating in ways I can't really even explain, I kinda don't want it to end.

This feels like a very special TV series to me, to call it fan service sells it way short but the context of everything that came before has created this amazing spring board for 18 hours of Twin Peaks where LITERALLY anything can happen.


I know we all know sycamores are a thing with the Lodges like Glastonbury Grove:

But when this popped up in episode 11:

and that's where the Woodsmen/soot hobos were, it reminded me of this in episode 3:

Dougie stares at it pretty intently which at the time I figured was the first of many "Coop is in there somewhere" moments, but now I'm also wondering if there isn't some Lodge related shit at Rancho Rosa. I've figured for a while now with it being in the show and the name of the new production company set up for The Return, there must be some kind of significance. Maybe that's it.
Awesome. Really good theory, I like it. Sycamore might be something key here
I know we all know sycamores are a thing with the Lodges like Glastonbury Grove:

But when this popped up in episode 11:

and that's where the Woodsmen/soot hobos were, it reminded me of this in episode 3:

Dougie stares at it pretty intently which at the time I figured was the first of many "Coop is in there somewhere" moments, but now I'm also wondering if there isn't some Lodge related shit at Rancho Rosa. I've figured for a while now with it being in the show and the name of the new production company set up for The Return, there must be some kind of significance. Maybe that's it.


big ander

Never expected Bobby to be the heart of the return. He seems to be the only one of the OG younger generation aware of how cycles are repeating, how evil is continuing to ripple out through happenstance and the incomprehensible. Ashbrook is killing it.

there's no way Candie is anybody but Candie. and her being annie makes zero sense with Shiels being twenty years younger than Graham, unless the argument is that like, it's the same lodge spirit or whatever? But nah, she's just an awesome comic relief character.


Is it spelled Candy or Candie in the credits?

We already had a Candy earlier this season, I believe.


By the way, someone before said Candie can't be the same as Dougie/Coop because she can actually respond to people's questions unlike Dougie who just mimics the last few words that were said to him.

I think that the longer you are out of the Lodge, the more normal you become. We are already seeing Dougie/Coop become more human, especially in that last scene in the Italian restaurant. So maybe Candie has just been out longer... she still seems like she's in a daze, but can slowly respond to questions and act on her own.

The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that Dougie and Agent Cooper look exactly the same, why would Annie's version look different (Candie)?


Watched it yesterday and thought it was one of the best ones so far of season 3. The party with the lady honking and the sick / zombie kid was unsettling, what the fuck was that.

By the way, someone before said Candie can't be the same as Dougie/Coop because she can actually respond to people's questions unlike Dougie who just mimics the last few words that were said to him.

I think that the longer you are out of the Lodge, the more normal you become. We are already seeing Dougie/Coop become more human, especially in that last scene in the Italian restaurant. So maybe Candie has just been out longer... she still seems like she's in a daze, but can slowly respond to questions and act on her own.

The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that Dougie and Agent Cooper look exactly the same, why would Annie's version look different (Candie)?

Thanks. The "ie" naming convention and her constant daze could definitely point to Candie being from the lodge. I am still not sure I buy into her being Annie. Guess we will see.


That episode made me feel things. Really creepy in spite of the bad digital effects.

The latter half was so touching.

It feels like things are coming together.

7 more hours to go.

I'm pretty sure that swirl in the sky is just a built in effect in After Effects haha.


I have to disagree. Candie just had a really traumatic life and childhood.She is just in awe how great the brothers treat her. Not everyone got into the Lodge



By the way, someone before said Candie can't be the same as Dougie/Coop because she can actually respond to people's questions unlike Dougie who just mimics the last few words that were said to him.

I think that the longer you are out of the Lodge, the more normal you become. We are already seeing Dougie/Coop become more human, especially in that last scene in the Italian restaurant. So maybe Candie has just been out longer... she still seems like she's in a daze, but can slowly respond to questions and act on her own.

The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that Dougie and Agent Cooper look exactly the same, why would Annie's version look different (Candie)?

Yeah it's Candie*, my bad.

Someone mentioned it eariler but one of the Mitchem brothers clearly calls her Annie.

When they're trying to get her attention At the end of the episode:





Now it might've just been not a great take by the actor, but he doesn't pronounce the "c" or the "d" in 'Candie' at all. I watched with subtitles and it still says 'Candie' but That's clearly not what he says. That was on CraveTV though, I noticed back when people said Mr. C talked like a lodge spirit to Gordon and the subtitles on other streaming services supported it with Mr. C saying "it's evry good to see you again old friend" on CraveTV the subs still said "very" not "evry" unlike other streaming services. So if one of you in has like the official Showtime app, watch the end of episode 11 and see if the subtitles say 'Candie' or 'Annie'.

As for why would Annie look different and Dale wouldn't: who knows. We know lodge spirits can steal people's souls(Bob did it to Windem Earl) so maybe her soul was stripped from her body and placed in Candie?? Maybe the Annie that came out of the Lodge in season 2 was a doppelganger like Mr. C.


Yeah it's Candie*, my bad.

Someone mentioned it eariler but one of the Mitchem brothers clearly calls her Annie.

When they're trying to get her attention At the end of the episode:


Just watched it. When the girls arrive at the restaurant, one of the brothers says, "Candie. Candie. ... Candie, look at me. Where have you been?"

That third Candie... does sound kind of like Annie. Hard to be certain if it's intentional. Could be. But the subtitles (on the official Showtime Anytime app) show it as Candie that third time.
And for what it's worth, when i re-watched the Mr. C scene (yrev very good...) the subtitles showed "very very good" on the same app... so... not definitive. :)


It sure sound more like 'Annie' than 'Candie' to me that 3rd time. Again like I said it could've just been a not great take by the actor.

Either way I maintain that Frost and Lynch were trying to imply something with Candie in that scene. The camera is on Candie and she stares off into space, cuts to Dougie for a moment, then cuts back to Candie. There's so much attention drawn to her in all the Mitchem Brothers scenes.

And for what it's worth, when i re-watched the Mr. C scene (yrev very good...) the subtitles showed "very very good" on the same app... so... not definitive. :)

I swear folks said the subs said 'yrev' on some apps, weird.

big ander

Just rewatched, both Mitchums blatantly say "Candie" every single time. Some of them are a little hurried and mumbled, sure, but that's been part of their frustrated delivery the entire show. You guys are hearing what you want to hear.

Besides, how would that even work? That implies at the very least that the Mitchums know Candie had a previous life as Annie or something. In the wildly unlikely event Annie does factor into any of the show she's not going to show up in the body of a now-established comic relief character.

Am glad I went back to watch so I could see Dale react to that slow Badalamenti piece again. whew. stunning moment.


Kind of scratching my head at those theories of people having completely different bodies and actors like Annie and Jeffries... like stop please.

I wonder if the drug Red sells is connected to those nasty girls getting infections.
20 minutes into the episode I told my girlfriend "I give up. I have no idea what this show is about. And it's like a mentally challenged person trying to tell you a story."

Then out of nowhere it started getting better and better, and by the end it's one of my favorites of the season. The way that it ended was magical. There were a lot of hilarious moments.

One that stuck was that crazy girl might be get the crazy behavior from her mom. She sees the guy she likes and leaves her daughter in the middle of a panic, like WTF.


I double-checked episode four. I was kind of wrong. On the mobile Showtime Anytime app, It shows Mr.C saying "It's very good..." just one very. The other one (yrev) is omitted from the subtitles.


Kind of scratching my head at those theories of people having completely different bodies and actors like Annie and Jeffries... like stop please.

David Bowie isn't with us anymore, and probably wasn't able to film anything for this show yet his character is a major player in the plot. I'm probably off base with the Annie thing, but it's not hard to believe at all that Jeffries has been written in a way that the character can be on screen without recasting. Though I don't subscribe to the "Red is Jeffries" thing.

This is a show where Lelland was possessed by an inter-dimensional evil spirit, antagonist(Mr. C) of this season is a doppelganger fake copy of the protagonist(Cooper), and Dougie Jones(the real one) was a manufactured person that shriveled up and popped. But the idea of someone's soul getting in a different body is too much? ;)


maybe they'll do some animorph scene with a david bowie stock recording and do the same thing mr c had with bob in the prison mirror. But I just didn't like Red very much so far.
I wonder if the drug Red sells is connected to those nasty girls getting infections.

Probably, and also the OD that was reported at the High School. Maybe even the kid puking in the car. I believe a lot of the darkness of the town of Twin Peaks is related to this drug trade.


David Bowie isn't with us anymore, and probably wasn't able to film anything for this show yet his character is a major player in the plot. I'm probably off base with the Annie thing, but it's not hard to believe at all that Jeffries has been written in a way that the character can be on screen without recasting. Though I don't subscribe to the "Red is Jeffries" thing.

This is a show where Lelland was possessed by an inter-dimensional evil spirit, antagonist(Mr. C) of this season is a doppelganger fake copy of the protagonist(Cooper), and Dougie Jones(the real one) was a manufactured person that shriveled up and popped. But the idea of someone's soul getting in a different body is too much? ;)

It already happened before in a Lynch movie.

And your name? What the fuck is your name?
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