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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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How would kids so young like below 10 years of age or even younger get in touch with such a drug like Red is dealing? Are they perhaps addicted because there mothers used hard drugs during pregnancy? I can't see any other way....
How would kids so young like below 10 years of age or even younger get in touch with such a drug like Red is dealing? Are they perhaps addicted because there mothers used hard drugs during pregnancy? I can't see any other way....

It's probably around the house and the kids get into it.

big ander

Another possibility: we'll never get confirmation the girl in the car was on drugs and she was solely there to add another surreal unsettling dimension to the scene
Who's Red?

That cockwomble who Shelley rushed out of the diner for?

mhm. and teleported a coin


David Bowie isn't with us anymore, and probably wasn't able to film anything for this show yet his character is a major player in the plot. I'm probably off base with the Annie thing, but it's not hard to believe at all that Jeffries has been written in a way that the character can be on screen without recasting. Though I don't subscribe to the "Red is Jeffries" thing.

This is a show where Lelland was possessed by an inter-dimensional evil spirit, antagonist(Mr. C) of this season is a doppelganger fake copy of the protagonist(Cooper), and Dougie Jones(the real one) was a manufactured person that shriveled up and popped. But the idea of someone's soul getting in a different body is too much? ;)

Bowie was ill but still working during the filming of season 3 so it's not beyond the realms of possibility that he's in it.

Unlikely though, for sure.
The drug thing in Twin Peaks isn't even based on fiction right? So many American City's with either Meth or Heroin epedemics?

I think small towns and suburbs get into all sorts of nasty shit. A place like Twin Peaks, sans the supernatural, wouldn't be shocking at all. On the surface it's quaint and beautiful but I am sure a lot of these types of places have a dark side.


Jelly Belly
It already happened before in a Lynch movie.

And your name? What the fuck is your name?

wasnt the mystery man just a symbol for the evil deed of Fred in his dream/projection of Pete? He never occupied a body or something because the mystery man only appeared in the dream to channel the truth which is that he (Fred) killed his wife. A bit like the monster behind Winkies whos the keeper of the blue box (reality) Or did i get that wrong?

Spoilered the comment for those who havent seen Lost Highway yet.

You're referring to Lost Highway, right? (I haven't seen that)

You should watch it. Its a good movie with the typical Lynch mindfuck puzzle.


Wait, Candie only started playing up after she struck the Mitchum bro?

There was no Lodginess involved in Candie's behaviour, right? She never saw anything weird or went anywhere Lodgy?

Am I forgetting something?

Loving the story starting to be more in Twin Peaks. Bobby > Dougie. Sorry, but its the truth.

Bobby is just great. Just great.


wasnt the mystery man just a symbol for the evil deed of Fred in his dream/projection of Pete? He never occupied a body or something because the mystery man only appeared in the dream to channel the truth which is that he (Fred) killed his wife. A bit like the monster behind Winkies whos the keeper of the blue box (reality) Or did i get that wrong?

Spoilered the comment for those who havent seen Lost Highway yet.

You should watch it. Its a good movie with the typical Lynch mindfuck puzzle.

The Mystery Man appears to Fred, too. I don't think you can ever say that an entity in one of Lynch's films is purely a dream character. They do seem to represent "the horrible truth" or at least serve as custodians of it, and sometimes seem to be dreamt up by a character, but I always get the sense that they have their own existence. They can appear to humans through dreams but it's like the human has tapped into another realm by accident. Very Lodge-like in that way.


Every new episode is just making me love the show more and more. It might honestly be my favorite series ever. It depends on the rest of the episodes of course, but I can't see them fucking it up.


wasnt the mystery man just a symbol for the evil deed of Fred in his dream/projection of Pete? He never occupied a body or something because the mystery man only appeared in the dream to channel the truth which is that he (Fred) killed his wife. A bit like the monster behind Winkies whos the keeper of the blue box (reality) Or did i get that wrong?

Spoilered the comment for those who havent seen Lost Highway yet.

Indeed, the mystery man is related to Fred and it seems his main interest is to torment him (and I theorize the mystery man is Fred after he is transforming at the end of the movie), but the truth about what happened between Fred and Pete it's still a mystery. We see Pete to turn into Fred after have sex with Alice, but I think something more happened at the fateful night, or at least it's I understand from Pete's parents dialogues.

I need to watch the two last episodes before to deep in the conversation here, by the way, but it's funny talk. The casting about Red it's truly interesting.
Another possibility: we'll never get confirmation the girl in the car was on drugs and she was solely there to add another surreal unsettling dimension to the scene

Certianly, but some things have come back that didn't seem like they would. The flipped fingerprint and the old jackpot woman could have amounted to nothing.

I don't know if we'll see the girl in the car, but I wouldn't be surprised to see someone with her symptoms.


That fucking girl in the car moment was so nightmarish.

My gf was looking at her phone (typical) while we were watching and I started stressing as the girl emerged from the shadows of the seat.


Jelly Belly
The Mystery Man appears to Fred, too. I don't think you can ever say that an entity in one of Lynch's films is purely a dream character. They do seem to represent "the horrible truth" or at least serve as custodians of it, and sometimes seem to be dreamt up by a character, but I always get the sense that they have their own existence. They can appear to humans through dreams but it's like the human has tapped into another realm by accident. Very Lodge-like in that way.

hmmmm that could be correct. Indeed only Lynch knows. It does give the mystery man more mystery to it.
My take on it was that nearly everything of the movie was a dream/projection. The whole beginning was a projection of Fred trying to imagine a life where his wife his still alive and the videotapes they recieved showed the intruder which in real life is Fred's memory about sneaking up his wife and kill her. After that dream failed and he ended up in prison he starts to dream about him being pete and leave the prison but still get haunted by the truth.
I always thought the whole movie took place with Fred being in prison and him dreaming about a life before getting in prison and a life after. But in both dreams he get haunted by the mystery man and videotapes which both are symbols for the horrible truth.
I need to see it again i guess. Mystery Man was great caracter.


Taglines for the next few parts:

Part 12: Let's rock. (July 30, 2017)
Part 13: What story is that, Charlie? (August 6, 2017 - show moves to 8pm EST)
Part 14: We are like the dreamer. (August 13, 2017)
Part 15: There’s some fear in letting go. (August 20, 2017)
Part 16: No knock, no doorbell. (August 27, 2017)

We're getting so close to the end! Aaaagghhh


Kind of scratching my head at those theories of people having completely different bodies and actors like Annie and Jeffries... like stop please.

I wonder if the drug Red sells is connected to those nasty girls getting infections.

Yeah, that's been my guess for a while now. Seems even more likely with Red popping back up in Twin Peaks and dating Shelley. If that scene with Red and Richard was solely to show Richard was morally completely fine with selling drugs, I think we'd have never seen Red again.

How would kids so young like below 10 years of age or even younger get in touch with such a drug like Red is dealing? Are they perhaps addicted because there mothers used hard drugs during pregnancy? I can't see any other way....

Well first of all, I don't think that girl was 10. That's just my guess, not that it matters. Second, if that girl in the car was on Red's drug, which is my personal guess, that was probably her first hit. Going with someone else's theory from a while ago that the drug is a way to harvest garmonbozia, perhaps part of how it works is to induce vomitting so that garmonbozia is vommitted up. This little girl has almost no pain and suffering and thus she vommits up only bile? Just a guess.

I'm still of the belief that Richard was just tripping balls there and imagined that coin shite.

I was definitely of that opinion for a while but now with Red being back, there has to be a reason for it and while that doesn't completely rule out Richard just being high as a kite, I think there's enough questions popping up around Red that it's not inconceivable that he's some kind of Lodge spirit himself. I'm about 60/40 on that one myself. Nothing too conclusive either way. He could just be another shitbag working for Mr. C or someone else.

I'm still not sure on the Red = Jefferies thing. I get the feeling that if Jefferies pops up in person in the show, he's still a 'good' guy and Red does not seem like a good guy at all. Mr. C working with or for Jefferies, I figure that was either a cover by Mr. C, or that Jefferies was a doppelganger too for a while, but may not be anymore. Definitely a hard web to follow as Ray betrays Mr. C and then calls Jefferies to report in like they're working together, but then you have that scene in episode 2 where Mr. C thinks he's talking to Jefferies too like they are working together. The best sense I can make of it right now is that Jefferies was a DoppelJefferies and someone the real one got out and is now plotting to bring down Mr. C and BOB. Or maybe Jefferies is evil as fuck and just wants BOB for himself.

As for the Candie is Annie theory, I'm certainly not here to shit on anyone's theory, just as I wouldn't want someone to shit all over mine, even if they disagree with it. That said, I'm really not sure yet. I've rewatched that part a few times now and now that it's been pointed out, I absolutely am hearing "Annie" on the third time. That said, it makes no sense for Rodney to know that Candie is Annie if she is indeed Annie.


I can't decide either way, but I'm leaning like 20/80 against Candie being Annie right now. I think we've all just got a little Candie fever, which I totally relate to.


Can you Lost Highway fans confirm if That's the Lynch film that takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks? I seem to recall this was confirmed but I can't remember.

I've seen people theorize Mulholland Drive is in the same universe but I really doubt it. There are fun Easter eggs like Laura Palmer being in the club Silencio and the theater in episode 8 IS the same theatre from the silencio scene in Mulholland Drive but ehhhh


Wait, Candie only started playing up after she struck the Mitchum bro?

There was no Lodginess involved in Candie's behaviour, right? She never saw anything weird or went anywhere Lodgy?

Am I forgetting something?

It's really hard to say. We see Candie twice before she starts acting weird. First time is leaning against the wall in the security room at the casino when the floor manager is getting tuned up by the Mitchums for letting Mr. Jackpots take them for $400K and she's kind of out of it there too, but in a way similar to the other girls. Second time she's swinging for the fly and she seems totally fine, but she doesn't say or do much so it's not totally definitive, at least not in my mind.

Real Hero

Can you Lost Highway fans confirm if That's the Lynch film that takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks? I seem to recall this was confirmed but I can't remember.

I've seen people theorize Mulholland Drive is in the same universe but I really doubt it. There are fun Easter eggs like Laura Palmer being in the club Silencio and the theater in episode 8 IS the same theatre from the silencio scene in Mulholland Drive but ehhhh
none of them do, there's no reason for them to


Jelly Belly
Can you Lost Highway fans confirm if That's the Lynch film that takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks? I seem to recall this was confirmed but I can't remember.

I've seen people theorize Mulholland Drive is in the same universe but I really doubt it. There are fun Easter eggs like Laura Palmer being in the club Silencio and the theater in episode 8 IS the same theatre from the silencio scene in Mulholland Drive but ehhhh

Nah. Cant see why. It could be tho but i dont see it. Perhaps i need te see it again.


Can you Lost Highway fans confirm if That's the Lynch film that takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks? I seem to recall this was confirmed but I can't remember.

I've seen people theorize Mulholland Drive is in the same universe but I really doubt it. There are fun Easter eggs like Laura Palmer being in the club Silencio and the theater in episode 8 IS the same theatre from the silencio scene in Mulholland Drive but ehhhh

Mulholland Drive was confirmed by Lynch to be in the same universe because originally it was going to be a spin off TV series for Audrey about how she goes to Hollywood. Obviously Lynch worked it around some and changed things but I do believe he maintains its the same world. According to the trivia page on IMDb for Lost Highway, Lynch said the same about Lost Highway in an interview but there's nothing backing it up or even a specific interview cited so that'll take some sleuthing to be sure.

EDIT: Found this on reddit:

There is one quote in one of Lynch's interview books where he says that LH's Mystery Man comes from the same place as BOB, but reportedly, in context, "place" should mean something like the mood he was in when he created both characters, a mental place. IMDB is misreporting a real quote, but one that was a lot more vague. And, reportedly, there was some header on Lynch's website way back when that seemingly tied together TP, LH and MD. But no-one could provide a screencap.

big ander

Can you Lost Highway fans confirm if That's the Lynch film that takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks? I seem to recall this was confirmed but I can't remember.

I've seen people theorize Mulholland Drive is in the same universe but I really doubt it. There are fun Easter eggs like Laura Palmer being in the club Silencio and the theater in episode 8 IS the same theatre from the silencio scene in Mulholland Drive but ehhhh

I haven't seen Lost Highway yet but I used a little thing called google. Apparently Lynch said something along the lines of a character from LH coming from the same place as BOB, which in context meant they share some creative inspiration.

Not to buzzkill but can we not do the shared universe stuff. this like "all tarantino movies are in the same universe!!" stuff. it's...I don't like it.


Can you Lost Highway fans confirm if That's the Lynch film that takes place in the same universe as Twin Peaks? I seem to recall this was confirmed but I can't remember.

I've seen people theorize Mulholland Drive is in the same universe but I really doubt it. There are fun Easter eggs like Laura Palmer being in the club Silencio and the theater in episode 8 IS the same theatre from the silencio scene in Mulholland Drive but ehhhh

Honestly? We don't know. The Black and White Lodge would explain a shared universe between almost any Lynch movie (and Twin Peaks), but it's just theories. There are callbacks, though. A lot of callbacks.



Thaaaaat was it, thanks.

I haven't seen Lost Highway yet but I used a little thing called google. Apparently Lynch said something along the lines of a character from LH coming from the same place as BOB, which in context meant they share some creative inspiration.

Not to buzzkill but can we not do the shared universe stuff. this like "all tarantino movies are in the same universe!!" stuff. it's...I don't like it.

I mean all we really do in this thread is speculate, we're just bsing until the next episode. I understand what you mean about shared universes, most of these films have different distributers so the cant really "connect" unless all parties agree regardless.
the scene in the desert had a similar idea to the Mulholland Dr's fast food scene. I keep waiting for a tense moment like that one, or for a scene as uneasy as some parts of the original Twin Peaks, but nothing yet has made me feel that pressure. I think I'm just too familiarized with Lynch's style at this point.


Mulholland Drive was confirmed by Lynch to be in the same universe because originally it was going to be a spin off TV series for Audrey about how she goes to Hollywood. Obviously Lynch worked it around some and changed things but I do believe he maintains its the same world. According to the trivia page on IMDb for Lost Highway, Lynch said the same about Lost Highway in an interview but there's nothing backing it up or even a specific interview cited so that'll take some sleuthing to be sure.

EDIT: Found this on reddit:

There is one quote in one of Lynch's interview books where he says that LH's Mystery Man comes from the same place as BOB, but reportedly, in context, "place" should mean something like the mood he was in when he created both characters, a mental place. IMDB is misreporting a real quote, but one that was a lot more vague. And, reportedly, there was some header on Lynch's website way back when that seemingly tied together TP, LH and MD. But no-one could provide a screencap.

If they do take place in the same universe then either Diane Selwyn or Janey-E Jones is a doppelgänger. Winkie's guy too. But they don't.
the scene in the desert had a similar idea to the Mulholland Dr's fast food scene. I keep waiting for a tense moment like that one, or for a scene as uneasy as some parts of the original Twin Peaks, but nothing yet has made me feel that pressure. I think I'm just too familiarized with Lynch's style at this point.

You watching it in a dark room, with loud volume or headphones? I think some past scenes reached his creepy heights, particularly in episodes 2 and 3.

big ander

It's not quite that literal.
Wouldn't it have to be? If you're going to argue they all "take place in the same universe" then there has to be a reason there are multiple identical pairs.

If you mean the non-literal version that's just "motifs repeat in the filmographies of directors" then sure.
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