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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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6 episodes left. At the pace we've been going I have very serious concerns about the climax. Third act should be starting around next week or the week after and almost fuck all has happened in the second act.

I feel the same way. I've been fairly optimistic this season and loved episode 8 of course, but at this point...the pacing is glacial.


SHoTP spoiler related to Part 12:

Shouldn't Tammy know most of what Gordon tells her after reading the dossier? I don't expect Lynch to adhere to much of the book, but that's kind of a bigger thing to ignore.

Or maybe Tammy was supposed to do more 'understanding nods' in that scene but Bell forgot.
Frost hasn't even started writing that book when this was filmed. We're rapidly approaching the end and I still have no idea how to fit the novel's timeline and characterization into this show's reality.

I'd be curious to know if there were actual episode-length scripts written, or if arcs were devised for each character and written as distinct entities with the "episodes" being found in the editing room

And next episode should we expect Hawk, Sheriff Newman, and Bobby to follow the map? If we each episode as a day, that should be the case, right?
It was one giant script, though I'm not sure how it was structured. They referred to it as a film screenplay, which makes it sound like it had some structure to it, but who knows, it could have been a collection of story arcs.

Given the speed at which we're moving, we could reach "the day after tomorrow" in the finale (even though we'll go though double the day and night transitions along the way).


Permanent Junior Member
Bummer of an episode. I felt like there was some hype leading up to it, and I loved last week's episode, but this one did little for me and my friends.


How I felt about the majority of the episode.



Guys, I feel like we are taking for granted the time we get to spend with Albert and Gordan this season. I understand that some of the filler episodes can be annoying and that we all miss Coop, but goddamn I'm happy to be spending this time with two characters I love.


Although a little slow, the first two thirds were good with some great Sarah Palmer moments in there. Fuck that fan.
The last third was a dumpster fire and soured me on the rest, which I think is what it did to a lot of other people in this thread. If it wasn't for that, this episode could have been decent.
This was the first episode I didn't like.


Guys, I feel like we are taking for granted the time we get to spend with Albert and Gordan this season. I understand that some of the filler episodes can be annoying and that we all miss Coop, but goddamn I'm happy to be spending this time with two characters I love.

Too bad he can't do that for the other characters that I liked as well; both old and new cast. There's so much potential for both old and new here and some just haven't been used as well as others.


Too bad he can't do that for the other characters that I liked as well; both old and new cast. There's so much potential for both old and new here and some just haven't been used as well as others.
Oh I agree completely. Most of the old cast is underutilized and its a shame. Albert and Gordan were two of my favorite characters though, so I'm easy to please.


I like Albert and Gordon but the amount of time they're getting here just doing absolutely nothing is becoming tiring. I never thought I'd say that, but I also never thought they would get like 10 times the amount of screentime they ever got in the first two seasons.

I also think Lynch's loud speaking schtick with Gordon becomes less funny the more of it we get.

Eh, Gordan is performed as well as he was in the original show, but Tammy I won't even try to disagree with.

Her acting when responding to Albert's job offer was unbelievably cringe.


Guys, I feel like we are taking for granted the time we get to spend with Albert and Gordan this season. I understand that some of the filler episodes can be annoying and that we all miss Coop, but goddamn I'm happy to be spending this time with two characters I love.
I just wish they were written (and in Gordon's case performed) better, same goes for Tammy and Diane.
Overall, the FBI subplot might have been the weakest part of the show, there was some great stuff in there, but it tends to look weirdly amateurish compared to just about everything else.


I just wish they were written (and in Gordon's case performed) better, same goes for Tammy and Diane.
Overall, the FBI subplot might have been the weakest part of the show, there was some great stuff in there, but it tends to look weirdly amateurish compared to just about everything else.
Eh, Gordan is performed as well as he was in the original show, but Tammy I won't even try to disagree with.


You know what's a funny useless plotline now that I think about it? The one with the Hastings and his wife cheating on each other lol. Like you didn't even need the wife. All you needed is Hastings and his lover's plotline. The lover is murdered and he's thrown into jail still, wife or not. Pretty much Doop was there in the house to cut off that wife plotline xp. That talk with the wife could have been told to the police captain or anyone else.


You know what's a funny useless plotline now that I think about it? The one with the Hastings and his wife cheating on each other lol. Like you didn't even need the wife. All you needed is Hastings and his lover's plotline. She's murdered and he's thrown into jail still, wife or not. Pretty much Doop was there in the house to cut off that wife plotline xp.

Seems like maybe it was designed as some half baked explanation for why Hastings went off the deep end. I'm sure there will end up being a lot more characters and subplots that'll seem redundant by the time the show finishes.
I'm at the point where I expect Coop to show up in the last scene of the finale. He'll be in a cafe, having some pie with coffee and he'll look directly into the camera and say that's a damn good coffee.

Cut to black. No music over the credits. Fin.


Seems like maybe it was designed as some half baked explanation for why Hastings went off the deep end. I'm sure there will end up being a lot more characters and subplots that'll seem redundant by the time the show finishes.

Which makes you wonder why waste so much time with that when you could have used it for character development, plot movement, better dialogue, and more wtf crazy scenes. Lynch gotta Lynch but man, this season has been a rough going, no doubt. Speaking of people being underutilized, 'Always cool' James hasn't popped back into the Roadhouse and Big Ed has only been mentioned lol.
Anyone here have Final Cut or Premiere or some other movie software?

If so, could they produce a version of Audrey's scene with her theme in the background? Because that would have done wonders for it.

On the second watch. First time i'm having to push myself.

Zabriskie is fantastic, I feel like the second half of the episode took the attention from her performance. Her scenes both had that classic 'Peakness' we all crave and are begging for like filthy smack addicts.


Anyone here have Final Cut or Premiere or some other movie software?

If so, could they produce a version of Audrey's scene with her theme in the background? Because that would have done wonders for it.

I'll do it. Audrey's dance or audrey's prayer? Looking up the music on youtube.
I'll do it. Audrey's dance or audrey's prayer? Looking up the music on youtube.

Dance! Anything to inject some atmosphere into the scene.

I think it's hilarious that they squeezed Dougie taking a ball to the head into the show just so they could keep the 'starring Kyle Maclachlan' at the end.


Anyone here have Final Cut or Premiere or some other movie software?

If so, could they produce a version of Audrey's scene with her theme in the background? Because that would have done wonders for it.

Yeah Lynch is not using both Angelo and Jewel enough. I need more with those long shot scenes and he can't even give me that either lol. Nope it's gotta be as quiet as a pin drop. It's been getting better as the season has continued but it's still like oh come on man!
Truman says 'Miriam Sullivan' while talking to Ben, btw. So Chad is definitely fucked.

Yeah Lynch is not using both Angelo and Jewel enough. I need more with those long shot scenes and he can't even give me that either lol. Nope it's gotta be as quiet as a pin drop. It's been getting better as the season has continued but it's still like oh come on man!

Remember the cell shaded Prince of Persia game? Where you'd eliminate darkness from the level and at the end you'd see colour return and the flowers bloom? Is that what it will be like when Coop returns? The darkness disappears, flowers bloom and we get our god damn score back?

Also - Ben giving Frank the key, specifically as a 'memento for Harry' makes me think we will see Harry after all. Maybe. Possibly. Probably not.
This episode was OK. Definitely the weakest of the bunch. I'm not as angry about it wasting time as much as some people seem to be, simply because I love these characters and spending time with them, but yeah it was largely just treading water.


There were multiple scenes this episode where I just balled up my fist and almost felt like pounding it on my chair due to how excruciatingly slow and meandering it was to watch.
lmao, man oh man I'm REALLY glad I missed that second round of Twitter hype which directly referenced the hype Episode 8 got. How could anyone think that Audrey scene would be worth hyping? Like even if you didn't hate it (which I didn't), that was a noir parody level amount of name drops for characters we have no context for currently, and a weird long winded one sided conversation from a frustrated character airing to a (seemingly) frustrated audience. She even makes gestures like "COME ONNNNN, GET ON WITH IT" lmaoooooo

Anyway, I actually loved the first half of this episode

- Gordon and Albert continue to be a fantastic duo for info dumps, comedy, weirdness, and just plain ol Lynch awkward direction. This is becoming more bittersweet the more scenes we get between them, but especially so tonight because Albert's (non)reactions to Gordon in this episode were A+.

- I really liked the scene where they finally bring Tammy into the fold and just lay out the fact that almost everyone involved with the OG Blue Rose ground team has just POOFED into thin air. Chet Desmond reference!

- Diane walking through the red curtains was a very deliberately placed shot. I will not be surprised if that imagery comes back around.

- Sarah Palmer's scenes were fantastic. The way she's freaking out definitely points to some lingering possession or continued visions. Her warning was about the Woodsmen I'm guessing, and I'm dying to know what the hell was happening in her house.

- THE FAN IS BACK. 2nd only to the streetlight as my favorite "common object suddenly made ominous" shot in Twin Peaks.

- I really thought Dougie was going to throw the ball back to Sonny Jim and hit a bottle

- The Frank Truman and Ben Horne scene was great. Sometimes I still can't tell if Ben is putting up a front, but at this point it might be that I can't unsee him as a scumbag, particularly because Richard Beymer is inhabiting the character with the same mannerisms he did back in the day, only with less cigars.

- The French woman (prostitute?) was ridiculous, but all the cuts to Albert made it work for me.

- Hutch taking out the Warden like that was cold blooded. Didn't even blink an eye when the dude's son came running out. Next up: The Jones family. R.I.P. Janey E.

I've been readjusting my view of what this season is on an episode to episode basis, but one thing that's become increasingly clear to me since about Part 5 or 6 is that, yeah, Cooper coming back might very well be the ENDGAME. I think what people wanted was Cooper back in the first 3 to 4 hours, acting as he used to- part of the procedural element, and having strange dreams that lead him to answers (or more questions). Then what people expected after Dougie was introduced was Cooper back by at least episodes 4 to 6, maybe a bit damaged, but generally doing his Cooper thing. What I think we're GETTING is Cooper's return as the main event, and not much else beyond that. It feels like characters are being set up almost like cattle to be slaughtered every time a new major event happens and makes me think that Coop's return will have a severe ripple effect for a lot of these people. Also note that the dates for whatever is about to happen takes place across 2 days, and episodes have general been 1 day each. Earthquake and aftershock?


I've been readjusting my view of what this season is on an episode to episode basis, but one thing that's become increasingly clear to me since about Part 5 or 6 is that, yeah, Cooper coming back might very well be the ENDGAME. I think what people wanted was Cooper back in the first 3 to 4 hours, acting as he used to- part of the procedural element, and having strange dreams that lead him to answers (or more questions). Then what people expected after Dougie was introduced was Cooper back by at least episodes 4 to 6, maybe a bit damaged, but generally doing his Cooper thing. What I think we're GETTING is Cooper's return as the main event, and not much else beyond that. It feels like characters are being set up almost like cattle to be slaughtered every time a new major event happens and makes me think that Coop coming back will come with a severe ripple effect for a lot of these people. Also note that the dates for whatever is about to happen takes place across 2 days, and episodes have general been 1 day each. Earthquake and aftershock?

Something this post made me think about was how Cooper represents unbridled idealism with his boy-scout nature, and how this season is a purely bleak and almost unrelenting vision of the far more happy go-lucky Twin Peaks we knew in Season 1 and 2. It's like Cooper being gone directly correlates with the totally dark state of things 25 years later, and him coming back maybe not only has major implications for him but for Twin Peaks itself.


Eh, Gordan is performed as well as he was in the original show, but Tammy I won't even try to disagree with.
When he remembers how to play Cole, yeah, but half the time it's just Lynch being Lynch, as if he kept forgetting about Gordon's entire gimmick.

You know what's a funny useless plotline now that I think about it? The one with the Hastings and his wife cheating on each other lol. Like you didn't even need the wife. All you needed is Hastings and his lover's plotline. The lover is murdered and he's thrown into jail still, wife or not. Pretty much Doop was there in the house to cut off that wife plotline xp. That talk with the wife could have been told to the police captain or anyone else.
It might not have been key to the plot, but I'm glad that tiny subplot was in there because it gave us some fantastic scenes. Bill was a great character, the ghost of blackface past took him away from us far too soon. 😭


Maybe I'm not so down on this episode as I wasn't really waiting on Audrey's return or what have you, but I liked it, the beginning parts more so.

Sarah's scene at the grocery store and Hawk's visit to the Palmer house were both particularly unnerving, really strong performance from both. Since news about the new series came about I'd found myself thinking about Sarah's character and to get some focus on how much of a wreck she has become all these years later is pretty powerful stuff. I really hope she didn't hurt that grocery store kid (I really hope she did though).

The wider stuff about the Blue Rose team / taskforce / whatever was good, and it added a bit of colour to Sam Stanley's bits in FWWM where he clearly wanted a bit more involvement in their work.

The scene with Gordon and the French woman seemed to really hit hollow for a lot of people, I'm not sure everyone who was watching would have realised it was a call back to Lil the Dancer. Albert wasn't having any of it, and without an explanation I could only compare it to the Lil message (belligerent local law enforcement, drugs, lots of leg work) so perhaps they're going to be dealing with local police that are a bit more... inviting?

The last two scenes where every character named two or three other characters who all seemed to have something going on and whom we haven't (and probably won't meet)... Yeah I don't know. I read on either reddit or fb (or perhaps here) that this was somewhat reminiscent of invitation to love in the original series.

I mentioned a few weeks ago (after the Billy / Bing scene at the double R) that we might be hearing more and more music over time as the darkness descends on the town, I'd say this episode definitely ramped that up.
On the re-watch, it's definitely the Audrey scene that drags the episode down. Too long, too irrelevant (apart from the dream reference). Not an obvious progression of the Audrey we remember, either. Plus she has my Gran's hairdo now.

Quick question - can the audience's expectations be subverted when the Lynch movie audience expects their expectations to be subverted?

The scene with Gordon and the French woman seemed to really hit hollow for a lot of people, I'm not sure everyone who was watching would have realised it was a call back to Lil the Dancer. Albert wasn't having any of it, and without an explanation I could only compare it to the Lil message (belligerent local law enforcement, drugs, lots of leg work) so perhaps they're going to be dealing with local police that are a bit more... inviting?

I did notice the callback. But why would he do that if it's just him and Albert when they've spent the rest of the series walking off into the corner and turning the hearing aids up to the max?
Does the blue rose team thing retcon the part of Bowie scene from FWWM where Cole said “Cooper, meet the long lost Phillip Jeffries. You may have heard of him in the academy”? Pretty sure Cole said in this episode that Jeffries recruited Cooper to be part of the team.
Something I don't like about the season, is the repetition of musical acts. I have no issue with the closing acts at the Road House, but Chromatics turning up again in what I guess is around a week or so after their last performance? Au Revoir Simone doing the same?

I can suspend my disbelief regarding the Renault family's ability to book top tier acts, but repeat visits (in the same outfits no less) is as jarring as Norma, Dr Amp and Nadine's obvious footage recycling.
Something I don't like about the season, is the repetition of musical acts. I have no issue with the closing acts at the Road House, but Chromatics turning up again in what I guess is around a week or so after their last performance? Au Revoir Simone doing the same?

I can suspend my disbelief regarding the Renault family's ability to book top tier acts, but repeat visits (in the same outfits no less) is as jarring as Norma, Dr Amp and Nadine's obvious footage recycling.

Given that every one of those scenes has been disconnected from the rest of the events, there's nothing to say they didn't all happen at the same performance.
Given that every one of those scenes has been disconnected from the rest of the events, there's nothing to say they didn't all happen at the same performance.

I'll only buy that concept if Audrey gets to the Roadhouse looking for Billy, and in the background we see Shelly, Red and James.
Not loving this series. Feels like a bunch of fragmented narratives which fail to coalesce into a really strong central story. Across a 2 hour feature it might work but across an 18 hours TV series it's a painful watch.

It's a cool experiment but firmly in Arrested Development season 4 territory for me (which also had weird problems with its narrative)


I did notice the callback. But why would he do that if it's just him and Albert when they've spent the rest of the series walking off into the corner and turning the hearing aids up to the max?

Hence Albert's response, he seemed pretty done with Gordon's wacky shit.
On the re-watch, it's definitely the Audrey scene that drags the episode down. Too long, too irrelevant (apart from the dream reference). Not an obvious progression of the Audrey we remember, either. Plus she has my Gran's hairdo now.

Quick question - can the audience's expectations be subverted when the Lynch movie audience expects their expectations to be subverted?

Haha. Well, I guess that depends if people went in expecting Lynch or not. I get the impression some people (not necessarily on GAF) arent so into his films.

I think, even expecting your expectations to be subverted, being 12 hours in I dont think there are many who could say the majority of the show Cooper would be in that state, Audrey is basically unlikable, her son is a monster, Shelly hasnt grown at all, Shelly and Bobby arent together and their daughter is an abusive relationship with a drug addict etc etc. On top of all the other things. For the record I dont see any of that as a "fuck you" though.

Episode 12 still wasnt very good and there being only 6 hours left with an insane amount of plots still laying loose makes it worse. Episode 11 was so good too.


George Lucas and David Lynch...what a pair that would have been lol. Imagine a Lucas script directed by Lynch. Pure acid trip no doubt lol.

Most of Lynch's films aren't acid trips. I imagine it would have been more like Dune, although presumably with more competent writing and less fucking narrator.


Most of Lynch's films aren't acid trips. I imagine it would have been more like Dune, although presumably with more competent writing and less fucking narrator.

Dune is such a beautiful piece of garbage.

Honestly, Lynch was a terrible choice for both projects.
People should probably stop expecting things to get "tied up". It isn't going to happen outside of the major Cooper/Lodge related stuff. And that'll be ambiguous, obviously.

That book coming out later this year will be closer to an ending than the season will be.
Something this post made me think about was how Cooper represents unbridled idealism with his boy-scout nature, and how this season is a purely bleak and almost unrelenting vision of the far more happy go-lucky Twin Peaks we knew in Season 1 and 2. It's like Cooper being gone directly correlates with the totally dark state of things 25 years later, and him coming back maybe not only has major implications for him but for Twin Peaks itself.

I think I made a post somewhere in the thread that this season feels like Frost/Lynch trying to put the focus of the show back onto the Laura Palmer case, delve into why that was such an important event, and show how people are still living in that fallout 25 years later. And yeah, I agree that Cooper's absence (and BOB essentially winning) creating a vacuum that's being filled by a more bleak, modern element is a part of that, especially now as the stars are aligning again and old wounds are being reopened.
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