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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Tears in the rain
Come on now haha. She's done essentially nothing this entire season.

She wrote an entire canon book on the show's lore, and her scenes have been amongst the funniest this season. Some of you are just hate watching at this point. bitchandhercrackers.jpg.


Ok y'all we can calm down a little bit.

If there are bad scenes in something Lynch does it doesn't necessarily mean it's the result of a creative genius who is deliberately toying with the viewers or making any statements. It could be that he just has written and directed those parts badly. It's not impossible. Same goes to Frost for writing.

I have a really hard time believe the scene with the french lady wasn't meant to deliberately make folks mad. lol

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
She wrote an entire canon book on the show's lore, and her scenes have been amongst the funniest this season. Some of you are just hate watching at this point. bitchandhercrackers.jpg.

They may as well be separate characters. Read some interviews where she openly discusses her non-acting and not getting into character. She literally does her own thing, separate from the book entirety because the director allows her to.


The worst episode by far. I loved the Sara Palmer scenes and the explanation to the whole blue rose cases. The Audrey scene felt out of place.

I'm starting to believe that Mitchum countdown theory is true so that means two more episodes, hopefully, till Coop comes. But who knows, the show can literally wait till the final episode till everyone goes to the meet up spot. Everything until then will be just filler like this episode.


Tears in the rain
Ok y'all we can calm down a little bit.

It's a David Lynch joint! Having a mixed reception is kind of part of the deal lol. Nobody is wrong though. This shit is SO WEIRD.....I 100% understand people who are disappointed cause this season is NOT going the way anyone could have expected.

They may as well be separate characters. Read some interviews where she openly discusses her non-acting and not getting into character. She literally does her own thing, separate from the book entirety because the director allows her to.

To me it works 100% and I find her fascinating. Still the same character, and it's canon material! To each his own I guess.


She wrote an entire canon book on the show's lore, and her scenes have been amongst the funniest this season. Some of you are just hate watching at this point. bitchandhercrackers.jpg.
If her scenes are amongst the funniest, I attribute that more to Albert and Gordon rather than her since they're in about 95% of her scenes.


Definitely the worst episode so far. The pace just ground to a halt, and there's only six episodes left. Too many moments felt like they were just treading water.
I'm starting to believe that Mitchum countdown theory is true so that means two more episodes, hopefully, till Coop comes. But who knows, the show can literally wait till the final episode till everyone goes to the meet up spot. Everything until then will be just filler like this episode.

What's this Mitchum countdown theory?
I'm also in the 'let down' camp.

More than anything, I was bored. I noticed the episode was another shorter 52 minute one, but by the time the Audrey scene rolled around I just wanted it to wrap up.

So much time wasting yet more characters added! I groaned out loud when Dr Amp showed up for the third time that felt exactly the same as the last two times.

When the man appeared at the ended talking about nearly being ran off the road though - I reckon Mr C is in town. And he's dressed like FBI Coop.

ALSO - Continuity. Jefferies started the Blue Rose task force and recruits Coop and Chet? Interesting. because FWWM is the first time Coop meets him.


Like I said before, I'm a huge Lynch fan, but this season has flaws and tonight's episode was very hard to defend. For me there was almost nothing in it to like besides Sarah's scenes, and it was just terribly put together even if you ignore the content itself. Several long, laborious scenes, and then very short scenes like Dougie's appearance or the sniping of the warden thrown in. It was like... who edited this?

Also, Lynch's apartment room scene is probably the single most awkward thing Lynch has ever put to film. From the moment Albert knocks on the door until the scene ended, just absolute awkwardness.
Like I said before, I'm a huge Lynch fan, but this season has flaws and tonight's episode was very hard to defend. For me there was almost nothing in it to like, and it was just terribly put together even if you ignore the content itself. Several long, laborious scenes, and then very short scenes like Dougie's appearance or the sniping of the warden thrown in. It was like... who edited this?

Also, Lynch's apartment room scene is probably the single most awkward thing Lynch has ever put to film. From the moment Albert knocks on the door until the scene ended, just absolute awkwardness.

I did think for a moment that it was going to be a coded scene, like FWWM. But alas no, just a pointlessly drawn out one to relay thirty seconds of info in the space of five minutes.


She wrote an entire canon book on the show's lore, and her scenes have been amongst the funniest this season. Some of you are just hate watching at this point. bitchandhercrackers.jpg.

Tammy Preston of Secret History is a completely different person from Tammy Preston in The Return. Book Tammy Preston would have made the show a lot better, Return Tammy Preston actively makes it worse.


Not Wario
I'm also in the 'let down' camp.

More than anything, I was bored. I noticed the episode was another shorter 52 minute one, but by the time the Audrey scene rolled around I just wanted it to wrap up.

So much time wasting yet more characters added! I groaned out loud when Dr Amp showed up for the third time that felt exactly the same as the last two times.

When the man appeared at the ended talking about nearly being ran off the road though - I reckon Mr C is in town. And he's dressed like FBI Coop.

ALSO - Continuity. Jefferies started the Blue Rose task force and recruits Coop and Chet? Interesting. because FWWM is the first time Coop meets him.

I assumed it was Richard leaving town. Mr. C. doesn't seem like the type to draw attention to himself unless necessary.


I must be the only person on the planet who really liked the Audrey scene and the bar scene at the end

The Audrey scene was 3 times longer than it needed to be, even for Lynch's style, and fans of that character are IMO justified if they're pissed about her now being completely and utterly unlikable in every way. Lynch went out of his way to make her actively horrible.


I'm also in the 'let down' camp.

More than anything, I was bored. I noticed the episode was another shorter 52 minute one, but by the time the Audrey scene rolled around I just wanted it to wrap up.

So much time wasting yet more characters added! I groaned out loud when Dr Amp showed up for the third time that felt exactly the same as the last two times.

When the man appeared at the ended talking about nearly being ran off the road though - I reckon Mr C is in town. And he's dressed like FBI Coop.

ALSO - Continuity. Jefferies started the Blue Rose task force and recruits Coop and Chet? Interesting. because FWWM is the first time Coop meets him.

Didn't they say Gordon started Blue Rose not Jeffries? Jeffries just one of the Blue Rose Boys.


Tammy Preston of Secret History is a completely different person from Tammy Preston in The Return. Book Tammy Preston would have made the show a lot better, Return Tammy Preston actively makes it worse.


They clearly hired Tammy Preston because she shared the same name as the real Tammy Preston.

This way, if the Lodge agents ever find out about Blue Rose, they will target the new Tammy Preston while the real one is working hard behind the scenes.

It's genius really.

Bell is so bad she makes the whole thing even less believable than ghosts and space frogs.....


I half enjoyed this ep, half hated it.

It features some of the worst acting and editing of the season so far.

I really liked the one shot we got of Coop getting hit by a baseball. Between that and everything between Gordon & Albert Lynch was serving up big cuts of comedy steak tonight.

A lot of the other scenes just didn't work for me and a lot of the dialogue had odd pauses between cuts and reactions that made the show grind.

Was Audrey drunk or was Sherilyn Fenn drunk?
I assumed it was Richard leaving town. Mr. C. doesn't seem like the type to draw attention to himself unless necessary.

The talk of the headlights reminded me of Mr C's introduction - creepy headlights and Mr C have gone hand in hand this season.

I'm genuinely annoyed at the second half of this episode, so little progressed. Six hours left.

Didn't they say Gordon started Blue Rose not Jeffries? Jeffries just one of the Blue Rose Boys.

Possibly - I need to go back and check, but i'm in no rush to watch this one again.


They clearly hired Tammy Preston because she shared the same name as the real Tammy Preston.

This way, if the Lodge agents ever find out about Blue Rose, they will target the new Tammy Preston while the real one is working hard behind the scenes.

It's genius really.

Bell is so bad she makes the whole thing even less believable than ghosts and space frogs.....

Candie is Agent Tamara Preston undercover. BELIEVE.


Why Fenn initially came across pissy on Twitter is now starting to make a lot of sense.

If I'd been her, on seeing the script, I would have had major, major reservations.

Kinda no win for her on that if she'd refused, she would have come across as aloof and crazy for not wanting to work with Lynch


The talk of the headlights reminded me of Mr C's introduction - creepy headlights and Mr C have gone hand in hand this season.

I'm genuinely annoyed at the second half of this episode, so little progressed. Six hours left.

Possibly - I need to go back and check, but i'm in no rush to watch this one again.

This episode felt entirely like a filler episode done to make it to a required episode order, but Lynch wanted 18 and directed all of these... maybe once it's all over the intent will become more clear, but right now I can't figure out why this one needed to exist.


Was Audrey drunk or was Sherilyn Fenn drunk?


Felt like over acting to compensate lack of lines / scenes. "I need to do something while I wait for my line" or "ok here's my line now, gotta make it count and make some quirky face !".


We need more Bobby.


I have a really hard time believe the scene with the french lady wasn't meant to deliberately make folks mad. lol

Sure. But when there are multiple scenes in a season, hell, multiple scenes in an episode like that, it becomes downright tedious and reeks of padding for time.
Didn't notice the parallels between Coop getting hit in the head with a ball, and Coop hitting Andy in the head with a stone back in Season 1.

Still unhappy with the episode though.


My prediction with Coop is that he comes back at the very beginning of the 2 hour finale and the rest of the finale is focused around him just kind of realizing everything that's happened and the bigger themes of the season coming into stark contrast through him possibly revisiting people in Twin Peaks and such. The story of the season revolves around his return, so at this point my guess is that once he actually does return the only thing left is an epilogue of sorts. Whatever is going on with the dead bodies and Mr. C will probably be resolved by the time he comes back, and I don't think the hobo men or glass box monster will ever be resolved.


Watching Gordon see that lady out broke me, idk why Lynch wastes so much time on stuff like this. I'm done watching, when it's all over maybe I'll checkout the last episode or two. I no longer feel the need to tune in every week and it sucks.
I'm just not finding it entertaining.



Felt like over acting to compensate lack of lines / scenes. "I need to do something while I wait for my line" or "ok here's my line now, gotta make it count and make some quirky face !".


We need more Bobby.

No, she definitely slurs a few words and mangles a few line deliveries. Watch it again.

Watching Gordon see that lady out broke me, idk why Lynch wastes so much time on stuff like this. I'm done watching, when it's all over maybe I'll checkout the last episode or two. I no longer feel the need to tune in every week and it sucks.
I'm just not finding it entertaining.

That entire scene was comedy gold.

Maybe your funny bone is broken.


I thought Audrey was hilarious and likable in the same way she was likable in the original show - bad girl who wants things her way.


I'm curious how people reacted to this at that peaks fest thing. The comic con reception was good but that was actually a really good episode. This was a total dud besides some great scenes here and there. Also getting sick of Lynch and his femme fatale fetish. I love curvy gorgeous woman too but just fuck off already you horny old man.


I thought Audrey was hilarious and likable in the same way she was likable in the original show - bad girl who wants things her way.

Yeah I actually liked Audrey in the scene, but the scene itself was just boring and went on way too long. Interested to see what's in store for her in the final stretch.

The God

What's up with the isolated events/scenes they've been having this season? Like the girls discussing Clark at the end, what's the point?


He may not be trolling but I got a little caught up for 1 second with the hospital bed shot then realized it wasn't Audrey but the pre school teacher instead.

I don't think anyone predicted Audrey married to someone like Charlie.


I am too, Lynch's interview a month or so ago touches well on Miguel Ferrer's involvement, Albert has always been one of my favorite TP characters and I'm glad he gets so much screentime this season.

Holy shit, I did not know he passed away. I only became a fan of Twin Peaks in June so had no idea who he was before then and he quickly became one of my favorite actors.

I have been watching this season thinking he was still alive, and now to know he passed away in January, I'm nearing tears. Dude was so good.



Maybe the reason Fenn wasn't excited about the role is the implication that she was raped in her coma by Cooper and then got really nasty like Diane and acts real bitchy. (Maybe a connection of Diane and Audrey being corrupted by Doop?) Honestly, why wasn't it Annie that had Richard? Could still have had her die during her childbirth if you couldn't get Heather back. Honestly better than the implication of someone raping a comatose high school girl. But I guess Lynch did show Leland raping his daughter very explicitly so oh well. I know he wants to talk about the evil of men but man he's fucked up when he writes that shit lol.


Watching Gordon see that lady out broke me, idk why Lynch wastes so much time on stuff like this. I'm done watching

I would ask what is wrong with you people, but I'm afraid to find out the childhood trauma you must have suffered to reach this point. Scene was funny af.



Speaking of Star Wars, my girlfriend and I currently are in disagreement about TP. I'm still onboard, albeit with much less enthusiasm, but episode 8 made her go out hard.

She said The Last Jedi should have a twist on that Luke be a vegetable who just repeats what Rey says for 95% of the movie and pass it off as 'challenging theatre' for those who have waited since 1983 to see him back on the big screen.

That did make me chuckle


Speaking of Star Wars, my girlfriend and I currently are in disagreement about TP. I'm still onboard, albeit with much less enthusiasm, but episode 8 made her go out hard.

She said The Last Jedi should have a twist on that Luke be a vegetable who just repeats what Rey says for 95% of the movie and pass it off as 'challenging theatre' for those who have waited since 1983 to see him back on the big screen.

That did make me chuckle

David Lynch was offered to direct Return of the Jedi...
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