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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Fire Walk With Me has a 28 on Metacritic FYI, I guess it's garbage.

It's definitely worth a watch IMO. The few bad elements are truly awful, but the whole middle of the film was pretty great IMO.

Then worth a watch of the 3.5 hour supercut that adds like 1.5 hours of new scenes.


It doesn't seem like you're addressing my point re: the differences between the original and Return. It's good enough for you and me that it only has "core elements." It's pretty radically different though. That's not a bad thing, but it's pretty easy to see why fans would be disappointed or even just react more mildly. I just watched the entire original series; I don't really care what that video

I did address your point though, I explained why it has the same appeal to me as the original run did. And provided several links to illustrate where I'm coming from.

Yes, it is different in ways. But to me that's a good thing. You know how The Force Awakens is criticised for being too much like A New Hope? As much as I like TFA, I think that's a fair criticism. There's something about just being a retread that's ultimately forgettable. I think a lot of what worked in the original series was a product of it's time and would be disingenuous in a modern TV drama. An example being the scene where Bobby cries over Laura's photo and the original theme blades, it's ok to do that once for old times sake but if they did it over and over like the first series it would come off as trying too hard to Carter to our nostalgia.

Look, I totally understand why some folks aren't enjoying this new season. A revival of a beloved franchise never works for everyone. For my money anyways, it's far better than I was expecting it to be.

FWWM was awesome, had like 5 minutes of Coop and was pretty different from the show. I guess people had their expectations set wrong?

To be honest I get why folks hated FWWM when it came out. For one it's not a very good stand alone movie, kinda expects you to have seen the series. Secondly it's really bleak compared to everything else Twin Peaks, even season 3. I don't think there's a single lighthearted scene in that movie, it's a film about abuse and it's brutal.
Everyone is being so mean to this post for no reason. Perhaps there should be a little reflection on why this season isn't being received with the viewership, acclaim, our love from fans that the original was. It isn't perfect, is it? It doesn't feel a little farcical to put Cooper and pine trees on the face of all of the promo media and deliver 12 hours and counting of Dougie, set in Vegas? We're well past the majority of this season being aired. The criticism is fair and not nearly as vapid as some of you are acting.

It isn't like the original. It doesn't look like it or sound like it or feel like it and it doesn't have the same protagonist. That's okay, but acting like people are simpletons for being disappointed and saying "whatever Lynch says" isn't some kind of evolved form of thinking. In fact that is far more vapid and fanboyistic than Maligna's sentiment, which at least involves some critical thought and a comparative statement.

I'm enjoying watching and I'm going to see this to the end and all, but I'm really not impressed with the Star Wars Prequel logic that because the original auteur is involved, old fans need to shut up. I completely understand the disappointment, even as I enjoy the new episodes.

This is one of the more sensible, objective posts in this thread. I fully agree with it, myself. Particularly the bolded.


Everyone is being so mean to this post for no reason. Perhaps there should be a little reflection on why this season isn't being received with the viewership, acclaim, our love from fans that the original was. It isn't perfect, is it? It doesn't feel a little farcical to put Cooper and pine trees on the face of all of the promo media and deliver 12 hours and counting of Dougie, set in Vegas? We're well past the majority of this season being aired. The criticism is fair and not nearly as vapid as some of you are acting.

It isn't like the original. It doesn't look like it or sound like it or feel like it and it doesn't have the same protagonist. That's okay, but acting like people are simpletons for being disappointed and saying "whatever Lynch says" isn't some kind of evolved form of thinking. In fact that is far more vapid and fanboyistic than Maligna's sentiment, which at least involves some critical thought and a comparative statement.

I'm enjoying watching and I'm going to see this to the end and all, but I'm really not impressed with the Star Wars Prequel logic that because the original auteur is involved, old fans need to shut up. I completely understand the disappointment, even as I enjoy the new episodes.

You're right.


Everyone is being so mean to this post for no reason. Perhaps there should be a little reflection on why this season isn't being received with the viewership, acclaim, our love from fans that the original was. It isn't perfect, is it? It doesn't feel a little farcical to put Cooper and pine trees on the face of all of the promo media and deliver 12 hours and counting of Dougie, set in Vegas? We're well past the majority of this season being aired. The criticism is fair and not nearly as vapid as some of you are acting.

It isn't like the original. It doesn't look like it or sound like it or feel like it and it doesn't have the same protagonist. That's okay, but acting like people are simpletons for being disappointed and saying "whatever Lynch says" isn't some kind of evolved form of thinking. In fact that is far more vapid and fanboyistic than Maligna's sentiment, which at least involves some critical thought and a comparative statement.

I'm enjoying watching and I'm going to see this to the end and all, but I'm really not impressed with the Star Wars Prequel logic that because the original auteur is involved, old fans need to shut up. I completely understand the disappointment, even as I enjoy the new episodes.

Yep. I don't even like coming in this thread half the time because people get so defensive and hateful about everything. It's not that serious lol.


This thread just goes in cycles, we've had this exact conversation many times over now, and I'm sure it'll happen many times over too before the ending even.

It's kind of exhausting, to be honest. Regardless of where you stand on the new season, how about we try to not be so snappy. That work?


Not Wario
I like the new season considerably more than the previous two. It's just suits my preferences a lot more. That said, yeah, I totally understand fans of the original two seasons being disappointed at the lack of shared DNA between the past and present.
What is wrong with people in here? "I'm surprised your neck muscles can carry around your massive head" Chill out it's just a show. If people are getting so upset on either side about liking it or not maybe just check out of this thread. Many of you are acting like the lady in the car in the last episode 😁

I agree. Which is why it's disheartening to enter a thread and see a valid criticism be shit on in such a cavalier way. Then I gotta read "mr both sides are the same" tell me about mud slinging that I never seem to see from the "other side". For the most part I have checked out of this thread and I barely even made an entrance.


Then I gotta read "mr both sides are the same" tell me about mud slinging that I never seem to see from the "other side".

Guess this is directed at me, you're not making a good case for yourself when every time you post you come out swinging for the fences.
I agree. Which is why it's disheartening to enter a thread and see a valid criticism be shit on in such a cavalier way. Then I gotta read "mr both sides are the same" tell me about mud slinging that I never seem to see from the "other side". For the most part I have checked out of this thread and I barely even made an entrance.

It's a big thread. I don't want to dig through post because there's not much point it. There's been plenty of "you just want Twin Peaks to be simple and aren't familiar with the genius of Lynch" and also "nobody could possibly like this thing that I don't like, they're obviously faking it just because it's Lynch".

Debate is welcome, but people need to keep the insults out of here.

big ander

As much as I love the majority of this season, it could never surpass the first 17/18 episodes of the original run. Not that this return "isn't Twin Peaks," but that first season and a half is the absolute best of Twin Peaks. the absolute best anything, really.
Time is a flat donut.



As much as I love the majority of this season, it could never surpass the first 17/18 episodes of the original run. Not that this return "isn't Twin Peaks," but that first season and a half is the absolute best of Twin Peaks. the absolute best anything, really.

I think it still have the strongest series premier of any show I've seen. It's really impressive how well it's aged too, that surreal, weird, dreamlike quality of the show makes it feel distinct even in 2017.


This thread just goes in cycles, we've had this exact conversation many times over now, and I'm sure it'll happen many times over too before the ending even.

It's kind of exhausting, to be honest. Regardless of where you stand on the new season, how about we try to not be so snappy. That work?

Every page we get

Person 1: This new season isn't as good as the original! I want the fun Twin Peaks focus with Dale Cooper being classic Dale Cooper!
Person 2: You just want fan service and more of the same! Doing something different and unique is a good thing!

Person 1: You are just a David Lynch apologist who would like anything he put out!
Person 2: You don't appreciate art and are blinded by nostalgia!

Over. And. Over. And. Over.


It's definitely worth a watch IMO. The few bad elements are truly awful, but the whole middle of the film was pretty great IMO.

Then worth a watch of the 3.5 hour supercut that adds like 1.5 hours of new scenes.

Wait, is that actually commercially available somewhere? I've only ever seen FWWM and FWWM: The Missing Pieces.
Every page we get

Over. And. Over. And. Over.
These cookie cutter bastards having a discussion about a seemingly divisive topic, how safe and moist of them!

imho, the show is devolving into merely okay status- like, we're not even as fun as season 2 at this point. Which is really funny, considering expectations.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Wait, is that actually commercially available somewhere? I've only ever seen FWWM and FWWM: The Missing Pieces.

Not commercially available, and Missing Pieces is still currently only available on the TP Blu-Ray, but there is a fan edit putting the scenes back into the movie. Most fans agree it's not the best first way to watch both FWWM and Missing Pieces as Lynch intended them separate and they're maybe best experienced separate at first, but on a repeat viewing it's very interesting to see them together. There's some deleted scenes in Missing Pieces I wish ended up being in FWWM as they add so much (though on the other side I can see why some scenes were deleted, and some scenes work well as individual scenes but don't really fit the movie).

Which also reminds me, if anyone here hasn't seen Blue Velvet's fan edit, I highly recommend it. It similarly puts lost footage from Blue Velvet back in, and I think greatly increases the quality of Blue Velvet I think personally (and makes the movie 40-50 minutes longer).


I think most of the scenes in The Missing Pieces were wisely deleted from FWWM. Some of them are really pointless (Pete and Josie at the mill, or Chet performing feats of strength with that sheriff) and some, like the epilogue with Coop's doppelganger, while exactly the kind of you thing you'd want to see after S2, is pretty out of place with the rest of the movie.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I think most of the scenes in The Missing Pieces were wisely deleted from FWWM. Some of them are really pointless (Pete and Josie at the mill, or Chet performing feats of strength with that sheriff) and some, like the epilogue with Coop's doppelganger, while exactly the kind of you thing you'd want to see after S2, is pretty out of place with the rest of the movie.

I partially agree, but I think some scenes really add a lot. Especially the extended stuff with Laura and her family, I think it highlights Laura's dilemma better that she does love her mother and father and how horrific a thing is that's happening to her which is kind of lost in the final film. Also the uncut Convenience Store scene is a LOT better than the weird mish-mash they did in the final film.

The stuff with the side characters I think was a good call to take them out of the movie as they kind of butcher the focus the film has and while are enjoyable by themselves don't really add anything to FWWM, like the after-mentioned Pete and Josie Mill scene.

I do enjoy the extended Hap's Diner scene from the Chester/Deer Meadow stuff though, I will admit.


is there any word on the Criterion FWWM doing anything with the Missing Pieces?

It's there.

I partially agree, but I think some scenes really add a lot. Especially the extended stuff with Laura and her family, I think it highlights Laura's dilemma better that she does love her mother and father and how horrific a thing is that's happening to her which is kind of lost in the final film. Also the uncut Convenience Store scene is a LOT better than the weird mish-mash they did in the final film.

Yeah I agree on those. Also the scene where Laura is at Donna's house and sees how their family gets along.
Degrassi: The Next Generation but with Twin Peaks? That would be such a waste.

Hey man, you're insulting the classic Twin Peaks there buddy. A solid story of troubled youth in a small town as the Lodge spirits come out in full force? And they try to find comfort in the arms of their parents, the season one and two children we once knew? Parallels to conversations like the one Bobby and Major Briggs had in season one? Therapy sessions? Drunk driving, meeting at the Roadhouse, parties, and BOB invading the town?

Sounds like A+ television to me.

Disclaimer: No, I'm not 100% serious, don't crucify me and say "But Dougie Jones this, dirty bearded men in a room that".

This was one of the main theories floating around the other Twin Peaks thread before the season premiere aired, and one that a lot (myself included) thought sounded like it had a lot of potential.
So are there any theories as to who the hell Eddie is? I seem to remember somone here saying his name was dropped at the roadhouse in episode 7.

big ander

Leaked footage of Episode 13, looks like we're going into the White Lodge.

It has the Missing Pieces included, but not like a supercut or anything like that.
More footage, looks like they're introducing a Blue Place to complement the Purple Place. (I do not recommend watching this (edit: NSFW/L) clip showing what happens to people trapped in the Blue Place.)
So are there any theories as to who the hell Eddie is? I seem to remember somone here saying his name was dropped at the roadhouse in episode 7.
You mean Billy? The assumption is that he's the guy who owned the truck that Richard used and who was supposed to rendezvous with Andy. EDIT: and it was at the R&R diner right at the end of the ep.


Remember when this thread was good? Fun times. We were all eating cherry pie and drinking coffee. We are now in the season 2 phase of this thread. They never should have revealed that flipyap was the killer. Fortunately, there is still time for us to turn things around before the finale.


That scene with Audrey is insane. First we get her talking to a character we don't know, about characters we don't know, then we get her husband on a one sided phone conversation we don't understand, while Audrey isn't understanding either. And the scene is like 10 minutes long.
Seriously, no one but Lynch would pull that type of shit. I don't care whether it gets resolved well or not, I'm loving being along for the ride.

Same here, and that scene was hilarious. I love these bits the most.
Which also reminds me, if anyone here hasn't seen Blue Velvet's fan edit, I highly recommend it. It similarly puts lost footage from Blue Velvet back in, and I think greatly increases the quality of Blue Velvet I think personally (and makes the movie 40-50 minutes longer).

I never realized there was that much content cut from the film. It could use it in my opinion, some subplots needed more development.

remember when we all thought ray wise would have a major role as bob

I wish we could get more Ray Wise this season. Out of all the original characters I would want in a bigger capacity, Leland is at the top of the pack.


James has so far only shown up for 10 seconds to awkwardly stare at Shelly right?
Yep, end of Ep2, but it wasn't Shelly that he was staring at, it one of her friends sitting at the same booth. Speaking of that scene, in the same conversation, we first hear about her daughter Becky and husband Stephen, and even though Shelly suspects something is up, one of the friends says, "why, everybody loves Stephen". Interesting based on what we've actually seen of Stephen, seems he's hit a low, relatively quickly and recently.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Yep, end of Ep2, but it wasn't Shelly that he was staring at, it one of her friends sitting at the same booth. Speaking of that scene, in the same conversation, we first hear about her daughter Becky and husband Stephen, and even though Shelly suspects something is up, one of the friends says, "why, everybody loves Stephen". Interesting based on what we've actually seen of Stephen, seems he's hit a low, relatively quickly and recently.

It's also the first scene we see Red in, he gives her a look from across the Roadhouse at the bar.

I really do think Red is more important than he seems right now, he basically is the center of the drug ring in Twin Peaks right now, and if my theory on him holds any water he's more than that also.


It's also the first scene we see Red in, he gives her a look from across the Roadhouse at the bar.

I really do think Red is more important than he seems right now, he basically is the center of the drug ring in Twin Peaks right now, and if my theory on him holds any water he's more than that also.
Oh yeah, on re-watch I was trying to gauge her reaction to him and figure the extent of their relationship at that point. I think based off their second interaction we see, it's a fairly new development. I think he's fairly new to town, bringing Sparkle with him.

Re-watching his scene with Richard though, I'm currently thinking he's just a fairly high up the chain drug dealer, who also has a couple of parlor tricks. On first watch I thought his coin trick involved supernatural elements, but on re-watch, I think it's just an illusion- Richard literally just sampled the product and was really struggling to keep it together anyway, plus Red baited him several times physically and verbally, making him even more susceptible to suggestion.
remember when we all thought ray wise would have a major role as bob

Yea, I would have loved that. I'm not sure it would have fit into the mythos but I absolutely love seeing Ray Wise hamming it up. He played more of a Twin Peaks character in this season of Fargo than his 3 second cameo in The Return so far.
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