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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Chitown B

Maybe I'm imagining things, but I think Cooper has been slowly imerging for a while now. When he repeats phrases now, it seems more like Cooper is using the tools he has in order to communicate rather than just parroting people like he used to. Also I noticed one time this episode where he wasn't repeating phrases verbatim anymore.

No. We've been thinking that for 10 weeks. it's not different now, just wishful thinking.

Why is this surprising to people? It's fucking classic mythology. Jesus Christ.

he's no god. and it's not surprising so much as it pisses everyone off.


Ray said "there's something in you" or something to that effect. Not quite a confirmation imo, Ray doesn't know if the woodsmen actually took Bob out.
Wasn't Ray explaining the reason why Jeffries wanted him dead? So, before Ray shot him.
Also, as becoming increasing apparent, this quote Lynch said in an interview before the new season started airing is becoming readily apparent. I need to find the exact quote here, but some may remember it. He was talking about how sometimes in theaters the film reels are out of order and people can draw a completely different meaning out of that, and then slyly said watching the new season of Twin Peaks out of order might paint a very different picture to the audience. As the actual series certainly seems to be out of order, I'm curious if there's any specific reason or Lynch just wanted to experiment or something.

I can see a few fan edits popping up after all is said and done trying to make sense of it.

I'm kinda reminded of the cut up method that Burroughs used in his writing and later filmmakers like Nicolas Roeg/Donald Cammell applied with editing for the film Performance. It tends to create a more dreamlike effect due to the non linearity, which of course would suit Lynch's style. Pretty sure his and Dunham's methodology isn't quite the same as the former's however. As others have pointed out the main template really does seem heavily influenced by The Missing Pieces.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I mean, about Cooper/Dougie, one thing I noticed in this episode was Dougie was walking a lot faster than he usually does, but a considerable amount even, He was also talking with more life behind his voice rather than robotically, there's some scenes he actually made facial expressions rather than a blank stare, and he was generally more expressive too. He's still Dougie but there was very visible progress seen in this episode.
I mean, about Cooper/Dougie, one thing I noticed in this episode was Dougie was walking a lot faster than he usually does, he was talking with more life behind his voice rather than robotically, there's some scenes he actually made facial expressions rather than a blank stare, and he was generally more expressive too. He's still Dougie but there was very visible progress seen in this episode.

There's almost always something.

Well, other than last episode.


I still think Mr. C's assassin's are going to kill Janey-E and Sonny Jim in an attempt to get Dougie. They said they were going through Utah which is right beside Nevada.
No. We've been thinking that for 10 weeks. it's not different now, just wishful thinking.

he's no god. and it's not surprising so much as it pisses everyone off.

He's not god. He's Odysseus. It's called THE. RETURN. Not RETURNED.

This is the story of the return. I just don't understand what people were expecting after reading a clearly stated title.

Didn't the creators actually make an overt point to say it wasn't season 3 but "Twin Peaks: The Return"?

I may be remembering it wrong but I feel like that was a big deal to them.
I still think Mr. C's assassin's are going to kill Janey-E and Sonny Jim in an attempt to get Dougie. They said they were going through Utah which is right beside Nevada.

I dunno at this rate I can see dougie giving the cheese queen a bag of cheese puffs, and the other guy a casio calculator from 1987 and then they both swear loyalty to him.

I totally lost it here.
He's not god. He's Odysseus. It's called THE. RETURN. Not RETURNED.

This is the story of the return. I just don't understand what people were expecting after reading a clearly stated title.

Didn't the creators actually make an overt point to say it wasn't season 3 but "Twin Peaks: The Return"?

I may be remembering it wrong but I feel like that was a big deal to them.

No. The Return branding is all Showtime.

Totally on point though.
I mean, about Cooper/Dougie, one thing I noticed in this episode was Dougie was walking a lot faster than he usually does, but a considerable amount even, He was also talking with more life behind his voice rather than robotically, there's some scenes he actually made facial expressions rather than a blank stare, and he was generally more expressive too. He's still Dougie but there was very visible progress seen in this episode.

Considering that he showed the most emotion in episode 4 (crying when seeing Sonny Jim) and had already since then independently said phrases not just said to him, I'm no longer placing importance on finding any patterns in his "changes" or evolution as Dougie. It's time for Coop to come back. Dougie has overstayed his welcome.

Chitown B

No. The Return branding is all Showtime.

Totally on point though.

say "on point" all you want, but don't pretend that the massively large percentage of TP fans didn't want Cooper back solving the mystery for most of the season.

My 55 year old Uncle was a huge TP fan and at this point all he's saying is "i'm sick of this dougie shit, I might give up watching"

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Considering that he showed the most emotion in episode 4 (crying when seeing Sonny Jim) and had already since then independently said phrases not just said to him, I'm no longer placing importance on finding any patterns in his "changes" or evolution as Dougie. It's time for Coop to come back. Dougie has overstayed his welcome.

He'll return when he returns, but this isn't a 'pattern', like legitmately watch Dougie in the previous episodes and this episode. He's literally going a LOT faster than he ever has before, he's almost up to a normal person's walking speed. It was just something I observed this episode since even in Part 11 he was still walking as he always had been at a snail's pace, but then this episode he was walking almost at a normal person's walking pace.

I know it's not what people who are exasperated by Dougie want, but I thought it was quite notable in this episode.
I still think Mr. C's assassin's are going to kill Janey-E and Sonny Jim in an attempt to get Dougie. They said they were going through Utah which is right beside Nevada.

I doubt it. If this season has taught us anything is that the universe wants Dougie to surreptitiously succeed despite him being a bumbling idiot that can only repeat the last few words he hears. There are instances where the lodges intervenes like the slot machines and exposing the tax fraud via nonsense scribbles but in every other instance, things just happen to work out. Dougie takes someones coffee and it turns out he actually likes the extra green tea that he was forced to take instead. Dougie's car gets a bomb put on it, a group of thieves show up and get blown up trying to steal it. A coworker tries to poison him, Dougie sees dirt on his jacket collar, touches it, and the guy breaks down in a crisis of conscience.

If someone were to try to assassinate Dougie or even his family at this point, I'd be more likely to believe that Dougie will accidentally thwart a sniper shot by bending over to pick up a shiny coin off the ground and the bullet would then ricochet off of three surfaces and kill both the assassin and his girlfriend.
He'll return when he returns, but this isn't a 'pattern', like legitmately watch Dougie in the previous episodes and this episode. He's literally going a LOT faster than he ever has before, he's almost up to a normal person's walking speed. It was just something I observed this episode since even in Part 11 he was still walking as he always had been at a snail's pace, but then this episode he was walking almost at a normal person's walking pace.

I guess. Don't mean to sound like an asshole but I'm past caring about Dougie as either a character or an entity that's representing Cooper's return.


Not Wario
Cooper isn't showing up till the finale. Stop expecting anything else.

The weird Audrey Charlie conversation has me more convinced it was Charlie Bad Coop was seen speaking with in the NY box.

This is brilliant:

say "on point" all you want, but don't pretend that the massively large percentage of TP fans didn't want Cooper back solving the mystery for most of the season.

My 55 year old Uncle was a huge TP fan and at this point all he's saying is "i'm sick of this dougie shit, I might give up watching"

What can I tell you. This isn't an ABC show in 199nothin

It's an 18 hour David Lynch movie.

The original show was probably 20% Lynch's vision. It's not surprising that people are disappointed, sure, but the signs have been there from the beginning.
Cooper isn't showing up till the finale. Stop expecting anything else.

The weird Audrey Charlie conversation has me more convinced it was Charlie Bad Coop was seen speaking with in the NY box.

This is brilliant:


This is the most fucked up thing I've ever seen.

Where can I buy one.
say "on point" all you want, but don't pretend that the massively large percentage of TP fans didn't want Cooper back solving the mystery for most of the season.

My 55 year old Uncle was a huge TP fan and at this point all he's saying is "i'm sick of this dougie shit, I might give up watching"

I just mean 'on point' as accurate. I'm not saying that people should or shouldn't want the show to be different, but calling this The Return, was a good call on Showtime's part, because it's a very apt description of what this show is.

Chitown B

What can I tell you. This isn't an ABC show in 199nothin

It's an 18 hour David Lynch movie.

The original show was probably 20% Lynch's vision. It's not surprising that people are disappointed, sure, but the signs have been there from the beginning.

the weird stuff is great. I'm all for that, and so is he. It's the lack of Cooper, who was the backbone of the entire show - the point of the show being around originally.


About the thumbnail thing:
At least on HBO Nordic the thumbnail for the newest episode has always been either a promotional shot or a scene from an older episode for a day or two. Then it changes into a picture from the new episode.

This time on HBO Nordic it was a shot of Nadine from last episode.

Maybe I'm imagining things, but I think Cooper has been slowly imerging for a while now. When he repeats phrases now, it seems more like Cooper is using the tools he has in order to communicate rather than just parroting people like he used to. Also I noticed one time this episode where he wasn't repeating phrases verbatim anymore.

That's the hopes and dreams we've all been having for 5-6 episodes now :D
Just a few episodes ago I was sure the signs showed Cooper returning soon. Nope.

I have made my peace with Dougie though. He can be Dougie for the rest of the season if that's how it has to go :)
About the thumbnail thing:
At least on HBO Nordic the thumbnail for the newest episode has always been either a promotional shot or a scene from an older episode for a day or two. Then it changes into a picture from the new episode.

This time on HBO Nordic it was a shot of Nadine from last episode.

That's the hopes and dreams we've all been having for 5-6 episodes now :D
Just a few episodes ago I was sure the signs showed Cooper returning soon. Nope.

I have made my peace with Dougie though. He can be Dougie for the rest of the season if that's how it has to go :)
As I've said, if he wakes up and immediately takes care of business, that'd be a hell of a last episode.
Pretty decent episode. Every scene either moved the plot forward or felt emotionally significant for the characters. Not a lot of time wasting. I wish this had been the first Audrey scene. Way more interesting than the last.

That said, I'm worried that we're still introducing new characters this late in the game. Now we've got these crooked cops, Ed is relevant again (glad to see him though), and a lot of the setup is still extremely vague.

If the "low points" of this season were more like this episode, I think there would be way fewer complaints. The James scene was the best Roadhouse performance by far.


I wonder if Lynch at least gave Kyle a heads-up before he signed on to this thing about what kind of characters he was going to be playing for what is now obviously the vast majority of the show.
That said, I'm worried that we're still introducing new characters this late in the game. Now we've got these crooked cops, Ed is relevant again (glad to see him though), and a lot of the setup is still extremely vague.

I've already accepted the fact that not every loose thread is going to get wrapped up. At this point I'm just along for the ride, and if some character (new or old) appears I understand that it might be the last time we see them.

Besides, I don't think those crooked cops introduced tonight are really needed for any other reason than to illustrate how deep this Duncan Todd figure goes.


I mean, about Cooper/Dougie, one thing I noticed in this episode was Dougie was walking a lot faster than he usually does, but a considerable amount even, He was also talking with more life behind his voice rather than robotically, there's some scenes he actually made facial expressions rather than a blank stare, and he was generally more expressive too. He's still Dougie but there was very visible progress seen in this episode.

He's been showing all kinds of signs since episode 4.
And in that one episode he defeated Ike the Spike with lightning fast reflexes. And later he ate pie and totally blinked like a normal person and totally said a couple of words like the normal Cooper (at that point I was still seeing sign too and was excited about noticing that in a couple of forums :D ).

He's not god. He's Odysseus. It's called THE. RETURN. Not RETURNED.

This is the story of the return. I just don't understand what people were expecting after reading a clearly stated title.

Didn't the creators actually make an overt point to say it wasn't season 3 but "Twin Peaks: The Return"?

I may be remembering it wrong but I feel like that was a big deal to them.

I don't believe for a second you have had this figured out from the get go. Or even a bit later.

He'll return when he returns, but this isn't a 'pattern', like legitmately watch Dougie in the previous episodes and this episode. He's literally going a LOT faster than he ever has before, he's almost up to a normal person's walking speed. It was just something I observed this episode since even in Part 11 he was still walking as he always had been at a snail's pace, but then this episode he was walking almost at a normal person's walking pace.

I know it's not what people who are exasperated by Dougie want, but I thought it was quite notable in this episode.

So, the next episode will have Dougie almost getting a ball on his crotch, but he is so fast that he can react to it before he hits.

The next episode will have dougie say things a bit faster. This time REALLY walking like a normal person, I tell you, it looks as if he's really walking like normal!

The next episode has Dougie being hit on his head by a ball, just for giggles.

The next episode has Dougie driving a car. Not that good driving, but at least he's trying! Doing much more things than in previous episodes!

The next episode has Dougie having sex like an animal, although mumbling "dougie. sex. vagina."

The next episode... oh we ran out of episodes.



I wonder if Lynch at least gave Kyle a heads-up before he signed on to this thing about what kind of character he was going to be playing for what is now obviously the vast majority of the show.

So far Kyle has played 4 characters:

Cooper in episodes 1-3
The real Dougie Jones
Dougie Jones (Cooper)
Mr. C

Dude is honestly doing a fantastic job. Granted the former two were short moments, but still.


So uh, does Mr. C have super strength? Sure seemed that way when he punched that dude's face in.



Masterful episode.

  • Party train to and from Bushnell's office.
  • Light-up jungle gym with strobe light.
  • A criminal organization whose lair involves nothing more than a giant screen in one room and a small table and set of chairs to facilitate the ARM WRESTLING that governs leadership of said criminal organization.
  • "Do you need any money?" guy.
  • Big Ed.
  • Jacoby and Nadine.
  • Everything Tom Sizemore. "I tried poisoning Dougie and he saw right through me!"
  • Whatever the heck is going on with Audrey.
  • And the most important moment of all...the great James Hurley character salvation of 2017 reaches its zenith with him at the Roadhouse, I fucking lost it when he performed.


So good, arm wrasslin' and the most amazing gym set ever, only to be topped by James Hurley and Just You, wow, and the fill-ins for Donna and Maddie really made it I thought.

Sarah, oh man, that house is pure evil, and Audrey, the nightmare continues, I think she has brain damage/memory issues from the explosion. And finally, I thought we were about to get a "got a light" line at the very end with Ed.


loved everything about this episode, especially (oddly enough) the audrey and norma/ed scenes. Norma being told she has to update her business in order to survive, while Ed clearly not updating anything (he still only takes cash) and getting absolutely no business at all was a sad group of scenes.

and oh my fucking god james


A lot of people will pass on the scene because they didn't like Audrey last week, but this scene with Audrey and Charlie was very interesting. Audrey was saying she didn't know where the Roadhouse was or that she didn't remember what she asked for last episode, and Charlie was being ominous as fuck saying things like, "Is this where your story ends, Audrey?", and they started talking about children's fairytale-esque stories and something about a girl down the river, which I don't remember where but there was something mentioned earlier this episode about a girl down the river, I think in the R.R. Diner scene. It came off like for some reason Audrey doesn't remember who she is or has flashes of memories but not much more, and Charlie I have more questions about since he seems to know something Audrey doesn't and is being kind of creepy about it.

There's something weird going on with those two.

The timeline of it was clearly odd as fuck too - I even paused it, to say to my wife how this re-inforced the ideas of the different strands being on different times. Between that, and Briggs at the diner clearly suggesting it's the same day they found the tube + note etc, lots of evidence that Twin Peaks the town isn't operating in the same day to day timeline as Vegas etc.

Interesting episode.


My impressions of this episode:

-Not as good as the best stuff in the last episode and not as bad as the worst stuff in last episode.

-Dougie stuff was great as always.

-Mr. C stuff was great as most of the time. I got my fandboy penis hard from all the Philip Jeffries and the ring stuff. The arm wrestling scene was great!

-The Audrey scene was waaaaaaayyyyy better than in the last episode. I'd say her scene was actually great this time.

-I was afraid of something horrifying happening in Sarah's scene because of the "electrical problems" with the tv/dvd. Not sure if I was glad or disappointed nothing happened. I was pretty tense throughout the whole scene though.

-Surprised to see Norma and Ed seemingly not being together anymore and Norma having a new man. I'd say that scene was the least interesting in the episode. Wasn't bad though. It was quite like the normal drama scenes in the original. Nothing too interesting, but a nice feeling.

-Nadine and Dr. Amp will have sex so much.
I guess this also debunked our wild theories about where the Jacoby scenes are going to lead :D

-Holy hell, James sung THAT song! It was my favorite Roadhouse performance yet :)

-I'm not too fond of them using the slowest basic drama scenes towards the end of the episode and the more exciting scenes at the beginning. While this episode wasn't as boring as the last episode and I quite liked the feeling in the last 3rd of the episode it still kinda leaves bad taste to not have anything exciting to leave us wanting to see the next episode. This episode had good ending scene though. That's much more interesting to watch than the hipster bands they usually show.
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