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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Tears in the rain
So here's the lowdown. Apparently some people in Germany might have got to see Ep 14 instead of 13 tonight. There are a few screencaps around on 4Chan and Reddit. The episode itself is not online as far as I can tell. Could be real, could be fake. Also the accounts who "saw" the episode were all mostly created today...Hmmm.


not a medical professional
Pretty sure the whole franchise discussion about Norma being the face of the franchise was lynch' self referencing.


I shot people I like more for less.
Great episode, liked it much more than last week's. The Dougie stuff was great, cracked up at the beginning with the Mitchum brothers. The cops tossing the fingerprint results was a funny moment too. Of course they wouldn't believe that. The Montana stuff with the doppelganger Cooper was great, you knew he'd easily be able to win, but the constant moving back to the starting position really let you know how fucked that guy was. Guess we'll be getting more about "Phillip Jeffries" soon enough. I was surprised to see Richard was in league with those guys too, wonder what will come of that. It was awesome to see Ed again finally. Still not sure what to make of the Audrey scenes. The stuff with Sarah Palmer was really tense, kept expecting a Woodsman to pop up because of the electricity noises and the looping footage. The end with James was priceless. A friend and I joked that he would sing that again this season before it started, but neither of us actually believed it lol


So here's the lowdown. Apparently some people in Germany might have got to see Ep 14 instead of 13 tonight. There are a few screencaps around on 4Chan and Reddit. The episode itself is not online as far as I can tell. Could be real, could be fake. Also the accounts who "saw" the episode were all mostly created today...Hmmm.

The poster on reddit giving actuals details/impressions isn't a new account and seems credible. A poster here also saw it. There's no reason to believe they're lying.
So here's the lowdown. Apparently some people in Germany might have got to see Ep 14 instead of 13 tonight. There are a few screencaps around on 4Chan and Reddit. The episode itself is not online as far as I can tell. Could be real, could be fake. Also the accounts who "saw" the episode were all mostly created today...Hmmm.

Just saw this. It looks like any discussion is getting deleted on the subreddit so I'm not sure what's up.
Can anyone find a place where there are screenshots or plot points?


Just saw this. It looks like any discussion is getting deleted on the subreddit so I'm not sure what's up.
Can anyone find a place where there are screenshots or plot points?
There was screenshots on Reddit, but mods deleted them. They also posted minor descriptions of who is in the episode and some locations featured, so I guess if it's not released by someone who downloaded it, we'll know if they were lying or not next week.
What do you guys think Audrey's line "It's like Ghostwood here" means?

Well, there's the obvious connection to Twin Peaks and the Ghostwood National Park, where her father tried to set up that resort in season one.

There's also what seemed like a reference to The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane, but I'm not sure what to make of that. Lynch seems to like this idea of women being trapped, thematically, so I don't know if it goes any deeper than that.

I am wondering if she's still in a coma or somehow "attuned" to the Black Lodge.
That was an amazing episode, the vegas stuff was really entertaining, as was Doppelcoop's arm wrestling and encounter with that fucker Ray.

Then the back half of the episode felt really, you know, Twin Peaks. Loved it.

And James... I shed tears of joy. So unexpected and brilliant.

Thanks to the incompetence of Sky Germany I could tell you in detail....



Supposedly Part 14 is still up on Sky Germany too, probably won't be for much longer but still, I would've thought they'd take it down by now

The God

damn I love how they zigzagged fan expectations of characters like Bobby/Ed and Norma/Shelly living happily ever after together

Chitown B

I actually think Audrey might still be in a coma and the Charlie scenes are just dreams. It explains the dissociation and her never being able to leave the house.

good theory. Considering none of the situation makes sense, and she doesn't know where the road house is even though she does, etc. And he won't tell her what she needs to know.
The James scene though. It was hilarious, but I didn't even laugh; I just kind of shook, and suddenly there were tears in my eyes. I cannot believe we got a Just You reprisal, of all things...


I keep thinking about the Doop/Ray scenes and the random wall-size video monitor set-up, like what the hell, and I thought it was great when they do the cut to the entire gang watching Doop and Ray on the big screen, ha.


Lynch actually did it, the absolute madman!

Great episode. The Montana scene with Ray and Mr. C started off kind of lame but man, what an exposition dump! Apart from all the talk about Jefferies, what Ray said about Mr. C having something inside that "they" want makes me think the suspicion I've been harboring for a while might be right, in that the Woodsmen are not the same as the Lodge spirits or BOB and they're out for themselves, whatever that means in their world. It's so weird, not much really happened this episode but for whatever reason it felt like the show was moving at warp speed compared to last week.

The one major problem I had with this episode is there's a pretty glaring continuity error. When Dougie, the Mitchums, and Candie, Sandie and Mandie come congaing into Bushnell's office to that horrific music, Bushnell makes it like Dougie has been with them all night since he dropped the check off and had some damn good pie. So what was that catch scene with Sonny Jim last episode? Either there really is something funny going on with the timeline, or that's a glaring error and for literally no purpose.

I need to go back and read everyone else's reaction to the episode but I'm really curious what Dougie's fascination was with Anthony's dandruff. At this point though, I feel like Dougie is definitely Lynch's meditation on listening to the universe or something. That's basically all Dougie does is listen to and do what he's being told, either by Philip Gerard from the Red Room, whatever the golden flame above the slot machines was, or just everyone around him, and everything keeps coming up aces for the dude.

Really interesting to see that both Bobby and Ed continue to fuck up with their ladies. From their perspective, it's really depressing but from Shelley and Norma's perspective, I guess theirs are stories of empowerment. Kinda-sorta. They both stopped waiting for their lovers to get their shit together and just did it themselves, Norma obviously being a little more successful than Shelley.

Last thoughts. It definitely seems like Audrey is either still in a coma or at the very least in some kind of mental ward and that Charlie is her therapist or doctor or something. That, and for the first time I'm starting to lose hope that there's going to be a "satisfying conclusion" to this. Still haven't made it to Jack Rabbit's Palace, still don't have Cooper back (not a huge surprise), there's nothing pointing Cooper toward Twin Peaks and unless "The Dutchman's", has something to do with Twin Peaks, nothing pointing Mr. C back there yet either. Seems like a lot of pieces to move on the board and then a finale to execute considering they've only got 5 hours left to do it in.


The one major problem I had with this episode is there's a pretty glaring continuity error. When Dougie, the Mitchums, and Candie, Sandie and Mandie come congaing into Bushnell's office to that horrific music, Bushnell makes it like Dougie has been with them all night since he dropped the check off and had some damn good pie. So what was that catch scene with Sonny Jim last episode? Either there really is something funny going on with the timeline, or that's a glaring error and for literally no purpose.
we aren't seeing things in a linear order. Dougie in 12 is also wearing the green suit he had from the beginning of his 'arc.' There's also Bobby in this episode mentioning that they found Brigg's note "today," despite multiple nights having passed since then.


I agree things are out of order, but the one scene we see of Dougie in Ep 12 iI'm like 99% sure was just him in his Cooper suite without the jacket. Everything was well tailored unlike that oversized abomination Dougie owned. I'd have to go back and see it again to be absolutely sure though.


Not Wario
So I went back to episode 10 and took a screenshot of the box picture Tammy shows Cole and Albert. Can someone with better facial recognition skills take a guess at whether this is potentially Charlie? Tonight's conversation had me more convinced he could be involved to the extent of potentially knowing Bad Coop.



I agree things are out of order, but the one scene we see of Dougie in Ep 12 iI'm like 99% sure was just him in his Cooper suite without the jacket. Everything was well tailored unlike that oversized abomination Dougie owned. I'd have to go back and see it again to be absolutely sure though.
you could be right (although I definitely remember thinking it was out of order at the time it aired, partially because of the suit) but either way with the other time shenanigans going on and Cooper clearly not having been home during Part 12, I think it's very likely that scene took place closer to 4 than 11.
So I went back to episode 10 and took a screenshot of the box picture Tammy shows Cole and Albert. Can someone with better facial recognition skills take a guess at whether this is potentially Charlie? Tonight's conversation had me more convinced he could be involved to the extent of potentially knowing Bad Coop.
Charlie's actor certainly isn't that tall, unless they're pulling some Michael Anderson in Mulholland Drive stuff. I think it's a different guy, as interesting as that would be.


I agree things are out of order, but the one scene we see of Dougie in Ep 12 iI'm like 99% sure was just him in his Cooper suite without the jacket. Everything was well tailored unlike that oversized abomination Dougie owned. I'd have to go back and see it again to be absolutely sure though.

I'm almost positive that the Dougie scene from last episode was probably not meant to be in there and was only inserted because Lynch knew there'd be a shitstorm if we didnt get at least one scene with Dougie (or Kyle Maclachlan in general). Thats why it doesnt really fit.
I really am so let down with this season, or at least the past 3-5 episodes. David Lynch got in a fight with Showime to double the episode order, and this is how he uses that time?

In some level, I understand the bit/joke with the absurdly slow pacing -- but I honestly feel offended that the show seems to not value my time. At some point I'm not amused anymore; I'm just wondering why I'm not doing something more entertaining like wahing the dishes instead.

The whole Dougie thing was amusing for 3-4 episodes. At this point it's run into the ground so hard it's in the below the KT boundry.

There are several momensts/scenes per episode that are cool and engaging... But barely half of them over the last month. Again, why did Lynch fight for extra episodes if he clearly has nothing of value to fill them with? We're going to get an episode with three reused Jacoby scenes in it at this rate...
I just about fucking died when James starting playing that riff. Top that off with the woman crying and I had a solid minute of laughter. Thanks Frost and Lynch.

I thought that was a great episode as well. Every scene with Mr. C ends up as a season highlight for me, and I loved the Derek Mears appearance. I couldn't help but notice that Richard and Mr. C locked eyes through the screen. I can't wait until their connection is revealed.

I can't get enough Dougie either. Though I feel his story is about to change drastically. Many of the loose threads he's involved in are tied up, and it's about time to send him northwest. He's probably still got to deal with the assassin's though.

The second half of the episode wasn't as exciting as the first, which kind of comes down to my biggest criticism of the season which is the sequencing of the scenes. Last week would have played better with certain scenes moved around and though I don't really have much of a problem with this week's I can understand the complaints of others.

I really enjoyed catching up with the characters of the original series. I was thrilled to finally see Big Ed, and then saddened when it was revealed that Norma and him are basically in the same situation. The more things change I suppose.

Audrey's scene really added to last week's in my opinion since it showed that something is clearly up with her. I found it odd that there wasn't any mention of her from Ben or others and it's starting to become clearer why that is. Sarah Palmer's scene was ominous as could be while also being devastating. I couldn't help but notice the sounds of electricity with the looping of the boxing match.

I assume we'll catch up with the FBI next week along with the Twin Peaks sheriff's department. Hopefully we'll get more Dougie and Mr. C as well since they bring up the stock up any episode they are featured prominently.
Surprised to see a fair few negative responses to this episode here, I thought it was really good.

RE: Sarah's looping boxing match - was Mullins one of the combatants?

No clue. This is a link to the episode on sky's site if you want to attempt to navigate around and figure it out though.


I have Now TV (Sky's UK streaming site) but sadly my credentials won't let me watch this. Feeling blue black lodged balls right now.
I got all the way through the signup process to watch until they wanted a German passport to verify my age. :( Too bad, I totally have a VPN that would've worked.
It was also nice that some of the mystisicm behind the owl ring was cleared up. Now I know why Laura was sent to the Lodge when she was killed. With this ring I thee wed. You basically become married to the Lodge.

So no one noticed that Sarah Palmer had a plate of creamed corn beside her?

Wow, that's an amazing catch, and creepy. Fucking creamed corn.

I got all the way through the signup process to watch until they wanted a German passport to verify my age. :(



Surprised to see a fair few negative responses to this episode here, I thought it was really good.

It was fine, better than last week. I was just hoping for more by this point, but there is next to no development on most of the plotlines compared to 4 or 5 episodes ago. Things happen and don't happen, if you know what I mean.

I'm just more and more sure of my opinion this should've been edited down to about 12 episodes or so. So much stuff is repeated, the long scenes where absolutely nothing happens are cute once in a while but it's happening in every episode, and some of the stuff is actually just kind of bad. There's a lot of really good stuff and I feel like it's basically being drowned. An engaging scene will last for 10 minutes and be followed by 10 minutes of nothing. That trend continued in this episode.
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