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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Surprised to see a fair few negative responses to this episode here, I thought it was really good.

I liked it. It didn't slay me. The high points were not as good as part 12's high point (Sarah Palmer) and the low points were better than part 12's low points (the prostitute leaving, Audrey scene). But, several cool bits. The explanation of the ring logic was awesome.

I literally shouted, alone in my house, "OH GOD NO" when they introduced James Hurley @ the Roadhouse. I get the wink and nod, but jesus christ there are 10,000 good things to wink and nod to, why choose something so fucking bad? In fact I think it's more likely that Lynch simply likes that song.


Junior Member
Did anyone notice in the establishing shot of the RR before Shellys scene, the trees were blowing in a sort of stop motion way like the woodsmen outside the convenience store?
From what impressions I've found it looks like we may be getting another winner next week with episode 14. I have no idea about anything that's in the episode, and I don't want to until I'm actually watching it, but people seemed pleased. It's going to be a long week.


From what impressions I've found it looks like we may be getting another winner next week with episode 14. I have no idea about anything that's in the episode, and I don't want to until I'm actually watching it, but people seemed pleased. It's going to be a long week.

Link to any info?
From what impressions I've found it looks like we may be getting another winner next week with episode 14. I have no idea about anything that's in the episode, and I don't want to until I'm actually watching it, but people seemed pleased. It's going to be a long week.

I read a summary because I'm my own worst enemy, but yes it sounds like a great episode.

Doesn't seem to have leaked outside of Sky Germany though.

Link to any info?

Reddit has a thread with a summary in it.

I liked it. It didn't slay me. The high points were not as good as part 12's high point (Sarah Palmer) and the low points were better than part 12's low points (the prostitute leaving, Audrey scene). But, several cool bits. The explanation of the ring logic was awesome.

I understand, I should probably emphasise I'm not throwing condescension at anyone who didn't enjoy it, I just thought it was going to be more warmly received whereas it doesn't seem much less polarising than 12, which even after a second viewing has remained the weakest episode for me by a clear margin.


From what impressions I've found it looks like we may be getting another winner next week with episode 14. I have no idea about anything that's in the episode, and I don't want to until I'm actually watching it, but people seemed pleased. It's going to be a long week.

No spoilers but it was a
mighty good
episode when compared to 12+13.


So no one noticed that Sarah Palmer had a plate of creamed corn beside her?

Either those are the largest corn kernels in the world, or someone shrunk Sarah and moved her into a miniature replica of her house.

Either those are the largest corn seeds in the world, or someone shrunk Sarah and moved her into a miniature replica of her house.

I was disappointed we didn't get another appearance from Twin Peaks' scariest resident the ceiling fan this week.

Reddit has a thread about the Big Ed scene before/over the credits - if you look at his reflection in the window, it glitches. This prompted one user to point out Robert Engels said the original S3 plan was to focus around shadow-selves, and that everyone's is mere seconds behind them (as shown by the Coop/Bowie camera scene in FWWM). Interesting stuff.

Any chance this series is released on Blu (that fucker) Ray by Christmas? I'm already looking forward to going through it again after it's aired.
OK, it was mentioned earlier but as creepy and ominous as Sarah Palmer's scene was this week I believe the closing scene with Big Ed has it beat...for now. His reflection in the window glitches and it's gotten under my skin big time. It looks completely intentional to me. What the hell is going on in Twin Peaks?

Link to any info?

Just some post from other forums like Reddit and Dugpa. One saying something to the effect of "episode 14 should please those unhappy with episode 12", with another saying that it was compelling from start to finish, and lastly one poster exclaiming "Holy Shit!"

Any type of straight info from the episode has been scrubbed by moderators.
I read a summary because I'm my own worst enemy, but yes it sounds like a great episode.

Doesn't seem to have leaked outside of Sky Germany though.

Reddit has a thread with a summary in it.

I understand, I should probably emphasise I'm not throwing condescension at anyone who didn't enjoy it, I just thought it was going to be more warmly received whereas it doesn't seem much less polarising than 12, which even after a second viewing has remained the weakest episode for me by a clear margin.

No spoilers but it was a
mighty good
episode when compared to 12+13.

That's great to hear.

Looks like some nice mac n cheese to go with her main course of vodka/tomato juice and cigarettes.

Yep, looks like no garmonbozia for Sarah this week.


OK, it was mentioned earlier but as creepy and ominous as Sarah Palmer's scene was this week I believe the closing scene with Big Ed has it beat...for now. His reflection in the window glitches and it's gotten under my skin big time. What the hell is going on in Twin Peaks?
The same thing that's going on when Sonny Jim blinks and Denise fans herself backwards, when people do things in slow motion, when Janey-E eats the same sandwich twice and when the French woman freezes as she drinks her fine Bordeaux.
Twin Peaks somehow became the most poorly-edited TV show and it's a pretty big bummer.
I'm losing track of the order of scenes. How the hell did Bobby just find the Major Briggs stuff in this episode? And we saw numerous day/night cuts indicating that the "one ep = one day" is definitely not consistent.


The same thing that's going on when Sonny Jim blinks and Denise fans herself backwards, when people do things in slow motion, when Janey-E eats the same sandwich twice and when the French woman freezes as she drinks her fine Bordeaux.
Twin Peaks somehow became the most poorly-edited TV show and it's a pretty big bummer.

I'm leaning towards this one being completely intentional (similar to the signals on the airplane window) and not just a mistake. Ed puts down his soup and whenever the camera cuts to the next shot his reflection is completely static with the cup of soup still in hand. Then, while the camera is still directed at the window, the cup instantly switches to being on the table reflecting as it should. I think Ed notices this as well because he has a reaction right after he puts the cup down and looks at the reflection. I mean, I could be wrong, but it seems it would take a lot of effort to make an editing error like that.

Edit: this post covers it better.


The same thing that's going on when Sonny Jim blinks and Denise fans herself backwards, when people do things in slow motion, when Janey-E eats the same sandwich twice and when the French woman freezes as she drinks her fine Bordeaux.
Twin Peaks somehow became the most poorly-edited TV show and it's a pretty big bummer.

Don't forget the diner customers changing mid scene.


I'm leaning towards this one being completely intentional (similar to the signals on the airplane window) and not just a mistake. Ed puts down his soup and whenever the camera cuts to the next shot his reflection is completely static with the cup of soup still in hand. Then, while the camera is still directed at the window, the cup instantly switches to being on the table reflecting as it should. I think Ed notices this as well because he has a reaction right after he puts the cup down and looks at the reflection. I mean, I could be wrong, but it seems it would take a lot of effort to make an editing error like that.
I'd like to believe that, but there have been far too many instances of bizarre editing that didn't amount to anything and I don't know what they could possibly do to retroactively add meaning to those. Even if they manage to somehow tie it into the plot, they're never going to make it look good.
I'd like to believe that, but there have been far too many instances of bizarre editing that didn't amount to anything and I don't know what they could possibly do to retroactively add meaning to those. Even if they manage to somehow tie it into the plot, they're never going to make it look good.

I agree that there have been numerous moments of sloppy editing all over this season. Some of them are even embarrassing like the different crowds at the diner. The reflection is the only instance that I've thought could be intentional. Mainly that's because of the shows history with odd occurrences with reflections/mirrors and that the reflection is looping.

On the otherhand, it could have been two shots composited together where the reflection ends up mismatched. That's the only explanation I can see for it being unintentional.


After this week's Audrey scene the theory that
she's in a coma
seems pretty obvious to me now.
"I feel like I'm somewhere else."

So no one noticed that Sarah Palmer had a plate of creamed corn beside her?

I thought it was macaroni cheese.

So just watched the episode (turns out it airs after GoT here in the UK) and I've got to admit...

...I ain't feeling it. It's entirely my gut feeling but we've only got 5 episodes left and the show introducing plot at this stage just has me baffled. Maybe it was just me coming straight off a damn good GoT episode but, I don't know, I've realised that I've felt very little towards most of the episodes bar 8 and the beginning. At this point it feels that I'm watching out of obligation to see how it ends than watching because I genuinely want to see what happens to Dr. Amp and his shovels next week.

Sorry to be so negative, I didn't exactly want to feel this way at all.

GoT is a pile of wank.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
You know what? I have a weird theory because I've been noticing something this season.

Big Ed at the end of the episode.

I didn't catch this on my first viewing, but as Ed at the end stares at the mirror his reflection is intentionally not synced up with his and just staring at him with the cup of noodles. And there's been several weird things similar to this all season. And I don't think it's unintentional either. Oddly a lot of this stuff has to do with reflective surfaces as well, I won't be surprised if we're going to get a scene where someone looks into a mirror and see's something terrifying. I think what's happening is as 'electricity is dying', the world and the Lodges are getting closer and it's beginning to have serious effects on this world. It's all throughout Twin Peaks. But I think part of this is reflections of oneself are acting bizarrely, I need to look closer at some past episodes but I recall there being a number of 'off things' and there's starting to become some reoccurring imagery I'm picking up on, including the fact that reflective surfaces in this series are doing some bizarre creepy things. Which as the series has a world where there's a doppelganger of everyone's shadow self, I think is intentional.

I will bet people that there's going to be something more with mirrors in the show in the future, there's already been a few important scenes with mirrors in the original series and this new season, but I will bet there is going to be some sort of fun creepy scene coming up involving reflections and mirrors before the new season is up. They've been doing a lot of weird subtle things with it in this series so far.


I'm losing track of the order of scenes. How the hell did Bobby just find the Major Briggs stuff in this episode? And we saw numerous day/night cuts indicating that the "one ep = one day" is definitely not consistent.

The timeline is fucked, and it has to be intentional.

For example, this episode Dougie walked in with the brothers and the girls and they talked about how they'd stayed up all night (the night that started in ep 11), but in ep 12 we get a shot of Dougie playing catch with Sonny Jim.

And the Becky scene is clearly from before she learnt of where Steven had been and went to shoot him
The timeline is fucked, and it has to be intentional.

For example, this episode Dougie walked in with the brothers and the girls and they talked about how they'd stayed up all night (the night that started in ep 11), but in ep 12 we get a shot of Dougie playing catch with Sonny Jim.

And the Becky scene is clearly from before she learnt of where Steven had been and went to shoot him

Okay I felt like this was the case. Always better when someone posts what they think and it matches for Twin Peaks.
Fuck you, James.

Ed still married to Nadine? Surely not. He was wearing a ring.

I wonder if Norma has ever thought about Annie in 25 years.

5 episodes left. Still no Coop.


The timeline is fucked, and it has to be intentional.

For example, this episode Dougie walked in with the brothers and the girls and they talked about how they'd stayed up all night (the night that started in ep 11), but in ep 12 we get a shot of Dougie playing catch with Sonny Jim.

And the Becky scene is clearly from before she learnt of where Steven had been and went to shoot him

Yeah this is another issue I have with the show. Timeline fuckery just makes things feel disjointed, I'd love to see the inevitable fan edit of the series which removes pointless scenes and puts everything in a sensible order.


Yo this ep was great. This is what happens when there are characters we actually care about, instead of Audrey and some bar randoms talking about some, out of context, other people we don't know like last ep. Someone mentioned Audrey is still in a coma last week. Seems about right to me.

Also damn, how depressing to see Big Ed like this.

I like that James is still seducing all the ladies with his singing skills too. Made me smile.


I'm losing track of the order of scenes. How the hell did Bobby just find the Major Briggs stuff in this episode? And we saw numerous day/night cuts indicating that the "one ep = one day" is definitely not consistent.

To add to this, (episode 14 spoilers)
in the very next episode they actually go on their forest adventure, so it's two days later by then
. The whole thing strikes me as bad continuity editing more than intentional weirdness.


Yeah this is another issue I have with the show. Timeline fuckery just makes things feel disjointed, I'd love to see the inevitable fan edit of the series which removes pointless scenes and puts everything in a sensible order.

Stick to Game of Thrones. We really don't need to turn Twin Peaks into paint by numbers TV.
Pro tip all - stay out of Reddit. I just had some major plot points for Ep 14 spoiled (I thought it was the same guy earlier who was keeping things intriguing and vague... but nope).

Holy shit though next week will be good.

inb4 nothing is intentional and it's all just bad craftsmanship

I hope not.

I don't believe it's anything but intentional for the diner switcheroo, or Ed's reflection. With Sarah's scene this week we're seeing that very weirdness - looping video - come to the forefront.

Not sure about the backwards blinking/reverse Denise but we'll see.


If episode 14 details did leak then I guess I'm staying out of this thread until next week because you just know someone will fuck it up and reveal spoilers.
If episode 14 details did leak then I guess I'm staying out of this thread until next week because you just know someone will fuck it up and reveal spoilers.

At this point it would be great if our respective content providers would just put the episode up after the Sky Germany blunder to save us from spoilers.

Stick to Game of Thrones. We really don't need to turn Twin Peaks into paint by numbers TV.

To be fair, GoT was fun this week. The previous episodes this season haven't done much for me though. But yeah, leave the Peaks as it is!

To add to this, (episode 14 spoilers)
in the very next episode they actually go on their forest adventure, so it's two days later by then
. The whole thing strikes me as bad continuity editing more than intentional weirdness.

[deep breath] IS IT FUTURE, OR IS IT PAST??


That looping TV sound drove me crazy. More than the entirety of Chapter 8.

And on top of that James started singing again...

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
How come there're spoilers? Has the whole episode been leaked?

Apparently in Germany instead of Part 13 they accidentally put up Part 14 mislabeled as Part 13.

People are being good so far and not posting spoilers, but do be careful. All I've heard is people saying it's a very, very good episode with some big reveals.
Apparently in Germany instead of Part 13 they accidentally put up Part 14 mislabeled as Part 13.

People are being good so far and not posting spoilers, but do be careful. All I've heard is people saying it's a very, very good episode with some big reveals.

Fucking hell. Haha.

Fuck it. Showtime, Sky, whoever the fuck else, just give us it now.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Has episode 14 made it's way online at all?

I will bet it won't, this same sort of thing happened in Germany for Part 5 and it never ended up online at all, just a few pictures to prove it actually happened, a few vague hints to what was in the episode that all turned out to be true.

To be honest Twin Peaks fans have been absurdly good in not spoiling things with leaks, Part 5 and Part 11 all had people who saw it early but there wasn't any huge leaks or spoilers spread. Part 14 so far is doing the same thing.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Though for anyone curious, somebody did take two pictures to prove that Part 14 was uploaded, the first one doesn't have any real spoilers, second one isn't really a spoiler but alludes to something pretty heavy if true. Both are by the same user.

First picture has no spoilers, second picture is from the roadhouse scene of the episode but screencaps something that if true is a PRETTY HEAVY ALLUSION towards something:

Non-Spoiler 'Proof' Screenshot someone took to show that Part 14 being uploaded in Germany on accident is real: https://i.gyazo.com/88e82348176b3909cf3f6a583f614b8e.png

Second screen, it's from the roadhouse scene but shows a part of it that alludes to something potentially big you (and maybe I) wouldn't want to know before seeing the episode if it's true: https://i.gyazo.com/930f869587e2c1ec2cd79bde2045cfe5.png

But all I'll look at and post, going to avoid any more spoilers.


To be fair, GoT was fun this week. The previous episodes this season haven't done much for me though. But yeah, leave the Peaks as it is!

At this point GoT is great as pure spectacle, but that's all it is. Without GRRM to fall back on, the writing and characterization are a joke. That's the last thing we should be hoping to turn Twin Peaks into.
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