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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Man, I know that was a tense scene and all, but I'm not the only one who laughed out loud when "Coop" said that line, right? It was really good.

...and then the boss' face got crushed

I laughed at the "Ray? Are you here? I came to see ya buddy" DoppelCoop has a great subtle comedy thing going on.


I laughed at the "Ray? Are you here? I came to see ya buddy" DoppelCoop has a great subtle comedy thing going on.

Yeah, the way he delivered that one made me laugh too, I'm really enjoying his subtle comedy thing.

You'll be cheering when Nadine is suplexing Mr. C over and over again and saves the world from doom.

well yeah, but that's why I didn't want to get it spoiled silly

big ander

How ignorant one can be though to classify something as NOISE. There's no such thing. Everything has texture. Newer NIN is not the best, but it's far from noise. Goddamn, now I'm offended.

well I mean there is a tradition of noise rock/noise music that's intertwined with industrial. so maybe he meant it as a compliment!
Since I don't want to engage with the spoiler discussion and the other discussion going on right now is Twin Peaks and music, am I crazy or does The Weeknd's "The Hills" sample the Laura Palmer scream? I've thought that was the case almost since the first time I heard the song like 2 years ago, but I've never found any kind of confirmation or even discussion about it anywhere except one post on reddit that was inconclusive.

The Hills - https://youtu.be/yzTuBuRdAyA?t=40s

The Scream - https://youtu.be/KlIlWsQ2FEk?t=48s

Maybe I'm just hearing things. Then again, El-P did sample FWWM at the beginning of Tasmanian Pain Coaster
Hmmmmm. Yeah I found a couple reddit posts and stuff where people are hearing it too but no confirmation. and to me it doesn't sound like Laura's scream, it just sounds like a synth sound.


Just got caught up with last night's episode.

Fuck yooooooou, James-haters.

Also, I managed to spook myself in the scene with Sarah Palmer. When she returned from the kitchen, I convinced myself I saw Bob's reflection in the far-left mirror and that the hair-reflection wasn't matching what Sarah was doing.

Of course, I was wrong. Just affected by the eeriness of the scene.


So, who thinks that performance last night was James's most important part in the show, the one that he alluded to in an interview? I don't see him returning after that.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Just got caught up with last night's episode.

Fuck yooooooou, James-haters.

Also, I managed to spook myself in the scene with Sarah Palmer. When she returned from the kitchen, I convinced myself I saw Bob's reflection in the far-left mirror and that the hair-reflection wasn't matching what Sarah was doing.

Of course, I was wrong. Just affected by the eeriness of the scene.

They framed the shot well, there was a couple times I thought I saw a figure because of positioning/shadows, but it was nothing.

Though the scene is still ominous. The looping TV some might not catch immediately, and the first time I watched it I can't believe I missed the cream corn right in the front of the scene, I saw it in the corner of my eye but I registered it as popcorn or something.
She probably got a peek of Coop's abs and found it hard to control her carnal desires.

Just had to grab this. Sleep tight y'all



So, who thinks that performance last night was James's most important part in the show, the one that he alluded to in an interview? I don't see him returning after that.

I don't think we're done with him yet. I've been hoping that his path will cross with Bobby's again. Maybe working together to help Coop or Big Ed.


They framed the shot well, there was a couple times I thought I saw a figure because of positioning/shadows, but it was nothing.

Though the scene is still ominous. The looping TV some might not catch immediately, and the first time I watched it I can't believe I missed the cream corn right in the front of the scene, I saw it in the corner of my eye but I registered it as popcorn or something.

Oh shit, I didn't even notice the creamed corn. Too distracted by not-Bob.


Just watched Ep. 12 and 13 back to back.

Pretty much hated 12. That seemed like I was watching some Anime-grade Filler for the most part. 13 was better, but not by very much. I kinda just sat there, slumped into my couch...

and then Episode 13 ended the way it did. Never ever ever ever have I felt so utterly and completely trolled like right now. I'm not even mad at Ep 12 anymore. Lynch & Frost might as well could have edited in a slow fade-in of a picture of them giving us the finger, smiling, during that last scene. That was goddamn fucking amazing.
I watched Tarkovsky's Stalker the other day and decided to read about it on wikipedia. I came across this relevant passage on the reception:

Upon its release the film's reception was less than favorable. Officials at Goskino, a government group otherwise known as the State Committee for Cinematography, were critical of the film.[23] On being told that Stalker should be faster and more dynamic, Tarkovsky replied:

[T]he film needs to be slower and duller at the start so that the viewers who walked into the wrong theatre have time to leave before the main action starts.

The Goskino representative then stated that he was trying to give the point of view of the audience. Tarkovsky supposedly retorted:

I am only interested in the views of two people: one is called Bresson and one called Bergman.

I get the feeling Lynch/Frost would have a similar response to many fans.
I watched Tarkovsky's Stalker the other day and decided to read about it on wikipedia. I came across this relevant passage on the reception:

I get the feeling Lynch/Frost would have a similar response to many fans.

That's a great quote that I've known about before, being a big fan of Tarkovsky. Although, it may not necessarily apply to Lynch's style, in my humble opinion. Tarkovsky's films are philosophical and existential by nature, and were largely rejected by the Russian audience because during Soviet times, the average movie-goer needed something straightforward and relatable rather than thought-provoking and melancholic.

Also for all of the issues season 3 is having with its pacing, I would still say a lot happens overall. In fact the first 3-4 episodes is especially where the largest amount of action and horror elements were present.

I'd like to believe that earlier claims by people in this thread about movies like Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive coming together in the third act might apply to this season. It could very well happen what with each individual storyline working its way to Twin Peaks.


Not sure if it was for Laura or Donna. He sung it with Maddie and Donna, and while he and Donna leave the room over a lover's tiff, Maddie (and the audience) gets this nightmare fuel..


I can share (and tag) my plot spoiler from earlier if the house requests it. Personally, I'd save it but just putting it out there.

That scene... how he slowly crawls up to the camera really is something straight out of a nightmare...

So, who thinks that performance last night was James's most important part in the show, the one that he alluded to in an interview? I don't see him returning after that.

Info gained at the fest:

He shot something with his bike on location, so he has more scenes.


As much as I mostly love this season, the "18 hour movie" thing is such a shit justification. TV is TV, it's an inherently different structure.
Hi guys. I just want to say this entire season has been an A+.

Solid A
I said this before and I'll say it again
I just wanted to see what happened to Coop, shit to blow my mind and to see my crushes / baes
I got what I wanted 😎
5 more episodes til the end 👀

Nothing will get wrapped up, if anything the gold shovel will knock Dougie out and Cooper will wake up

I'm not reading those spoilers, I'll wait


Can someone tell me, that Audrey scene, what was the significance of the fight scene and why was it looping or was it just Lynch showing she gives no shits about anything?
It's pretty amazing that David Lynch was given total creative freedom to craft 18 hours worth of a Twin Peaks revival. I don't even care that it's frustrating at times--I'd much rather have his full vision at the end than something pandering to us the fans, even if it ends of being flawed and unsatisfying (though I doubt that will be the case).
Hi guys. I just want to say this entire season has been an A+.

I love it, warts and all. I'm actually grateful for the pace and structure and admire the creative direction Lynch and Frost have took this season. There have been a few moments that haven't worked for me, mainly that's to do with where they were sequenced such as the introduction of certain characters.

I'm obsessed with the show though, and I'm not looking forward to the void that's going to be left behind when it ends. It has been taking up a good portion of my time with speculating and reading various forums. It has also managed to increase my love for the original series. I can safely say that Twin Peaks has joined the ranks of such shows like The Simpsons, The Wire, and Breaking Bad as my all time favorites.
I actually think Audrey might still be in a coma and the Charlie scenes are just dreams. It explains the dissociation and her never being able to leave the house.

I'm starting to believe it now, makes so much sense tbh
Audrey said she's feel like she's in two different places/ not herself 🤔

big ander

Can someone tell me, that Audrey scene, what was the significance of the fight scene and why was it looping or was it just Lynch showing she gives no shits about anything?

You mean Sarah? who knows why it was looping but it plus her very slowly checking vodka bottles for the last drops and puttering around her house seemed to show how lasting the trauma of the events 25 years ago has been and how she's just about completely shut down and is numb, trapped in a loop until she dies.


You mean Sarah? who knows why it was looping but it plus her very slowly checking vodka bottles for the last drops and puttering around her house seemed to show how lasting the trauma of the events 25 years ago has been and how she's just about completely shut down and is numb, trapped in a loop until she dies.

Yes Sarah, cool thanks. didn't know if the fight scene had significance that I am unaware of
It's so weird how much "troll" is being tossed around. I can almost guarantee that Lynch was not sitting down while creating this, rubbing his hands together Man From Another Place style, thinking about how much he's going to stick it to the fans. And Frost, while more connected with the fanbase, is not going to take the opportunity to come back to TP and troll people for the lulz. They're eccentric guys that form an eccentric creative duo who were given the freedom to make what they want. So yes, the show doesn't move like a standard show, but that doesn't mean every decision you don't like was because they're out to troll you and sit back and laugh at how dumb you were for ever liking this show.

Like this Audrey stuff, it's obviously leading to something. Either she's stuck in some alternate dimension, or she's in a coma, or she's in a nightmare, or she has amnesia from the bomb, or whatever. But this notion that "OMG YOU GUYS WANTED AUDREY SO HERE'S 'PUNISHED' VENOM AUDREY DON'T YOU HATE HER LOLOLOL" is just so off base. The one from Part 12 was just a boring scene that went on too long. The one from Part 13 is way better and offers a bit more insight into the possibility that something strange is happening. Even the Dougie stuff, which is being played as comedy a lot of the time, has a direction, its own set of characters, heartwarming scenes, and a pretty obvious stripping down of "Dale Cooper," the concept, and what he means to the world around him, even in a near comatose state. They aren't trolling you, and they don't hate the character.
I'm starting to believe it now, makes so much sense tbh
Audrey said she's feel like she's in two different places/ not herself ��

It's not a perfect theory since (as Plagiarize pointed out) she does make references to characters she couldn't have met if she was in a coma. Then again, we know from the Mitchums that the lodge can influence dreams to guide people, so maybe they're the source of that information. "Dreams sometimes hearken a truth".


So, who thinks that performance last night was James's most important part in the show, the one that he alluded to in an interview? I don't see him returning after that.
Calling it now, James has one more arc remaining, I know it sounds crazy and totally out of left field but just hear me out, I think James is going to get back on his bike and drive to a nearby town and start seeing a married woman who decides James is an easy mark to pin the murder of her hated husband so she and her lover can finally be together.
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