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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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The main thing about Cooper still not being back isn't even that I want the super quirky Coop back, but that I want to see how he feels about his own failure.

He went into the Black Lodge unprepared and faced the consequences by being trapped in there for 25 years. I want to see the aftermath of all that on his actual persona. And I just feel like him not coming back until the two part finale isn't enough time to delve deep into that.
The main thing about Cooper still not being back isn't even that I want the super quirky Coop back, but that I want to see how he feels about his own failure.

He went into the Black Lodge unprepared and faced the consequences by being trapped in there for 25 years. I want to see the aftermath of all that on his actual persona. And I just feel like him not coming back until the two part finale isn't enough time to delve deep into that.
This is a good point. I don't really care about getting pie and coffee Cooper back, but I am disappointed that we're almost definitely not going to see Cooper come to terms with, and adjust to, the fate that's befallen him in a satisfactory way.

Assuming Cooper ever comes back, I suspect he will briefly despair over the time he's lost, then hop back on the PLOT train and ride it all the way to the end.

Mr. Tibbs

Indiewire: Showtime Boss Says Another [Twin Peaks] Season Is Unlikely, But He’s Waiting For David Lynch’s Call.

Showtime president and CEO David Nevins promised David Lynch that they wouldn’t discuss another season of “Twin Peaks” until after the show aired.

And so far, they haven’t had that conversation. Part of that is because of logistics: “David Lynch has been in France pretty much since the premiere event we had [in May],” Nevins told reporters Monday at the Television Critics Association press tour.

For now, at least, Nevins isn’t expecting another season of “Twin Peaks,” which was a tremendous, four-year undertaking for Lynch, who directed all 18 hours. Nevins hasn’t shut the door on the idea of another round of episodes, but admits he’s not racing to approach the auteur.

Asked if he’ll wait until Lynch calls him, Nevins admitted, “yeah, probably.”

Regarding the finale, the Showtime head mentions he's “really excited for people to see how it all comes together,” and reveals "new subscriptions were were driven largely by ‘Twin Peaks.’ It kind of did its job, for being such an unusual show for us.”


I'm on a mission to watch every David Lynch movie before this season ends. Tonight I watched Wild At Heart and I didn't like it much at all to be honest. I couldn't get over how phony Nicolas Cage's accent was, not to mention his singing.

All I have left to watch is Eraserhead, The Elephant Man, and The Straight Story.
I love how he trolls us by bringing back that corny ass song from James, performed at the roadhouse too nonetheless. James Hurley (the always cool gawd) gets a spot on that insane lineup at the bar alongside artists like Nine Inch Nails and Chromatics lol

pretty confused about the timeline of events so far though. surely its not still 2 nights away from that expedition with Hawk, Bobby and Sheriff Truman still right? I wonder if this whole season is just crosscutting not only between locations but also date and time too.

i had fun with it but I'm not gonna lie, its 2 in a row now where I haven't been as big on it as the 12 episodes prior.

everything involving Kyle McLachlan in here was fantastic, but these little vignettes with the twin peaks residents frankly bored me. it wasn't creepy, or funny. just solely mundane this time.

I would have much rather had more of Gordon Cole and Albert than that diner scene or the one with Nadine and Dr. Amp. Or go back to the sheriff's office, that would have been nice as well.

the Mr. C and Dougie portion was so good though, as per usual. anyways, pivot back to the unsettling nature of the show please.

edit: I think I got the number of episodes wrong. just -1 all the numbers in this post and its basically it lol.
What's going on w/ those 3 women that hang around the casino dudes. Did I miss an explanation or is it just an odd thing that'll forever be unexplained?

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So the CEO of Showtime has said they are completely down with doing more with David Lynch, whether that be Twin Peaks or something else. He also clarified this was always planned to be one season and people will see why when the season is completed.

But this is good news, probably in light that Twin Peaks helped dramatically push their subscriptions up.

The door's always open to David Lynch,, whether that would lead to another season, I don't know if he wants to do it. This was a Herculean effort. I'm not sure if any director has ever done 18 hours in a row of a series... It's remarkable what he achieved, fans are liking it and for me that's what's satisfying."

Showtime CEO David Nevins adds:

It was always intended to be one season. A lot of people are speculating but there's been zero contemplation, zero discussions other than fans asking me about it."

However, at the at the Twin Peaks festival Sabrina Sutherland commented the production side wants to do more, but they're waiting for discussions until after the season finale has aired.
So the CEO of Showtime has said they are completely down with doing more with David Lynch, whether that be Twin Peaks or something else. He also clarified this was always planned to be one season and people will see why when the season is completed.

But this is good news, probably in light that Twin Peaks helped dramatically push their subscriptions up.

at the end of the day its up to David Lynch. man took so long to commit to a new film/tv project after Inland Empire.

I would be up for it day one though. while I think The Return (as a whole so far) is a great thing to go out on I would like to see another movie from the man (it could even be a movie made for Showtime whatever)

Dynamite Shikoku

Congratulations, you really deserve it!
Do you really mean you think S3 is a "pseudo season"? It's completely in line with what went before in twin peaks, the S2 season finale and FWWM, I'm not sure what you expected!

The story isn't focused. Most of it is just David Lynch's Vignettes, which are mostly interesting too, but most of the scenes with the old characters don't feel worthwhile at all.
I'm glad that it's been cleared up that this was intended as a one time thing. The last thing I wanted was the new series to be open ended for a sequel. I'm not talking in the sense of the season 2 finale or FWWM, because I thought those were perfect endings and it was an accomplishment to be able to deliver that twice. I guess I'm more referring to a world where the season 1 finale was it for Twin Peaks. That would have been a brutal ending.


The story isn't focused. Most of it is just David Lynch's Vignettes, which are mostly interesting too, but most of the scenes with the old characters don't feel worthwhile at all.

I totally disagree, I feel the overarching story is very tight,much tighter then any s1/s2 stuff even. I have loved every scene with any old character, there has never been any series I weekly look forward to with this much anticipation without any clue what is going to happen the next week.


Jelly Belly
Great episode!!
And i have to admit but the ending with James gave me goosebumps.. the song was still the same but it was brought way less cheesy and James just look much more likeable nowadays then when he was back in the days. Maybe also because i am not a huge fan of Lara Flynn. I think it they dropped the falsetto the song would be much more likeable as well.
I totally disagree, I feel the overarching story is very tight,much tighter then any s1/s2 stuff even. I have loved every scene with any old character, there has never been any series I weekly look forward to with this much anticipation without any clue what is going to happen the next week.

What is the over-arching story though? It doesn't feel very tight or focused at all to me. There's something there about Cooper's doppelganger trying to do something, maybe kill David Bowie I guess. The FBI are trying to find Coop and investigate 'Blue Rose' but there's a whole lot of stuff which just feels like crazy tangents that will never coalesce into anything other than meaningless distractions. It feels like a very long TV reunion special showing us where the characters are now rather than a complete new chapter.

I wish I could share in the enthusiasm for this new series but it's been a really frustrating watch week after week, I feel conned. I will see it through because we're nearly there now but I feel now more than ever that the best spot for Twin Peaks to have ended would have been after the Laura Palmer murder is solved.


Jelly Belly
What is the over-arching story though? It doesn't feel very tight or focused at all to me. There's something there about Cooper's doppelganger trying to do something, maybe kill David Bowie I guess. The FBI are trying to find Coop and investigate 'Blue Rose' but there's a whole lot of stuff which just feels like crazy tangents that will never coalesce into anything other than meaningless distractions. It feels like a very long TV reunion special showing us where the characters are now rather than a complete new chapter.

I wish I could share in the enthusiasm for this new series but it's been a really frustrating watch week after week, I feel conned. I will see it through because we're nearly there now but I feel now more than ever that the best spot for Twin Peaks to have ended would have been after the Laura Palmer murder is solved.

But why would you watch week after week and feel frustrated every time instead of just quit it?
But why would you watch week after week and feel frustrated every time instead of just quit it?

Because I'm invested enough that I want to know what the outcome is. Though these days I usually wait a few weeks rather than tune in every single week for each one.

The promise of this season was to resolve a maddening cliffhanger from 20~ years or so ago so I had to know what Lynch would try with this season.
Could watch a whole series based on Dougie's family and the various friends he makes along the way tbh. Mitchum Brothers, Tom Sizemore, his boss etc. its all so good


Did Tom Sizemore break down because Dougie touched him or was he just breaking down because his conscience kicked in.

I thought he took Dougie's touching him as him being found out but I am not quite sure myself TBH.


I need a mod to change the OT title to Thank Dougie. Or make the next OT with that title.


This is us



pretty confused about the timeline of events so far though. surely its not still 2 nights away from that expedition with Hawk, Bobby and Sheriff Truman still right? I wonder if this whole season is just crosscutting not only between locations but also date and time too.

Well, in the diner scene in Episode 13, Bobby tells Big Ed and Norma that they found the cylinder at his father's house "today". Assuming the show is going chronologically, it's been one long night for Bobby as that would mean the scene where the accidental shooting at the RR happened earlier that night and that Bobby must have come back afterward to try to bump into Shelley again.

That said, there are two big indicators in this episode that we aren't seeing time in a linear fashion. First, as I pointed out earlier is the scene in episode 12 of Dougie and Sonny Jim playing catch, yet Episode 11 is when Dougie goes to meet the Mitchums and episode 13 opens with the conga line and words from Bushnell that Dougie and them have been out together all night. Now that could be explained away as Lynch putting the Dougie scene in episode 12 just so there was something with Kyle in episode 12.

The second one though is a lot more damning. Again, if we assume the episodes show time linearly, in Twin Peaks events from Episode 09 to Episode 13 are in a single day based on what Bobby said. Episode 9 is when they find the cylinder and Episode 13 he tells Norma and Ed that they found the cylinder earlier that same day. However, Episode 11 is where we see Becky go off and shoot up the apartment where Steven was meeting Gersten Hayward. In Episode 13, Becky calls Shelley and tells her Steven hasn't been home for two days. So either this scene takes place roughly 2 days before the shooting, or two days after. If it's the former, time isn't going linearly. If it's the later, either Becky has passed 2 days in less time than Bobby has passed a single day, or it's again, out of sequence. The only possible way you can square Bobby's statement of how much time has passed and Becky's measure of time passing is if Steven was missing for a day and a half before Becky shot up the apartment in Episode 11, but we get that scene with Steven pushing Becky around and getting in her face in their trailer at New Fat Trout Trailer Park in Episode 10, so there's no way that could be the case, thus it cannot be that these scenes are chronological.

How out of sequence they are is going to be really interesting to find out.

Oh a separate note, RE: whether or not The Return is focused enough and all that, just because we can't accurately predict where things are leading doesn't mean they aren't leading anywhere. As Hawk says in season 2, "You're on the path. You don't need to know where it leads. Just follow."

Daffy Duck

I thought he took Dougie's touching him as him being found out but I am not quite sure myself TBH.


I need a mod to change the OT title to Thank Dougie. Or make the next OT with that title.

Neither am I, I can't decide if Dougie is some celestial force now and makes people the best version of themselves.
I don't think the Audrey scene is a dream, Billiy was mentioned by people in the roadhouse IIRC. And we know the roadhouse is real because Richard and Chad appeared there.
Also, the fact that ike the spike is a dwarf tells us that the appearance of a dwarf in a scene doesn't necessarily means it's a dream.
And of course,she and Charlie don't speak backwards.
The story isn't focused. Most of it is just David Lynch's Vignettes, which are mostly interesting too, but most of the scenes with the old characters don't feel worthwhile at all.
I totally disagree with this. The only significant stuff so far which hasn’t had any clear link to the various plots which are now clearly interlinked are the various scenes with one use characters in the Roadhouse. Even then I’m withholding judgement on how relevant until I’ve seen the whole thing.



I mean, yeah.

I have had to subscribe to the reprehensible garbage fest that is Sky (Germany). If it wasn't for Twin Peaks I would have given those fuckers any money. Sky is so FUCKING BAD you guys. That subscription is going to be cancelled the moment I've seen the last episode, and I'm back to Netflix.

Luckily I wasn't affected by the Episode 14 thing, because I always watch on monday evenings.
Wow, when James started singing. I almost started tearing up. From how terrible it was. Was that actually him singing? Sounded so wrong. And bad. Don't get me wrong, all musical performances have been absolute ass (especially NIN - wow, that was bad), and it always feels pointless and out of place. But this was REALLY bad. I don't know, maybe that's the point. Or maybe Lynch just has hilariously bad taste in music. Which is fine.

Decent episode overall though.

what even is this post lmao. musical performances have all been fantastic aside from James "Always Cool" Hurley. but even that was great in how awful and unexpected it was to hear again.

I got the vinyl preordered. very eclectic range of songs.


Jelly Belly
Neither am I, I can't decide if Dougie is some celestial force now and makes people the best version of themselves.

Yes. It looks like people who stay close around him turn up to be a bit like who Cooper was before. Everyone is super friendly, patient and helpful.


Cooper has good karma. Now with innocence and pretty much no ego to get in the way, he becomes a mystical tuned fork that resonates with those in his life.
However, at the at the Twin Peaks festival Sabrina Sutherland commented the production side wants to do more, but they're waiting for discussions until after the season finale has aired.

Another season would lack the magic of this one; the benefit of 26 years of blue balls, the important cast members who have departed since the show was completed, the various actors who had left before (BOB can't be a blob forever). I just don't see it happening.

This season is lightning in a bottle for me but I'm under no delusion of a follow-up sustaining the magic.

Thats...... a really corny joke... lol.

"And what gift should we get Sonny Jim?"

Is how I took the joke. But how would the Mitchum's know his name? So I've probably misunderstood it.
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