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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Jumping man isn't the only mask wearer, don't forget the magician boy and his mask... the one that revealed the monkey face... a monkey later shown in conjunction with the utterance of "Judy".

And Naido is making monkey type sounds.
Jumping man isn't the only mask wearer, don't forget the magician boy and his mask... the one that revealed the monkey face... a monkey later shown in conjunction with the utterance of "Judy".

And Naido is making monkey type sounds.
Real Cooper also met Naido already, so if Jefferies thought he was speaking with the real Cooper, he may be referring to that as 'someone you've already met'.


Great episode. Glad Jeffries seems to be doing alright although turned into a tea kettle. So awesome to see some of what's above the convenience store. Seeing Jumping Man again was great. Margaret scene was really sad. I had a bad thought during the Dougie scene. What if that killed him? Do Lynch and Frost have the balls to just have him die? That would be really dark. I thought the tribute to the Log Lady character was really weird. I forgot Catherine Coulson had a tribute in one of the earlier episodes and apparently she had much fondness for her character. I'm cool with it now.
Great episode. Glad Jeffries seems to be doing alright although turned into a tea kettle. So awesome to see some of what's above the convenience store. Seeing Jumping Man again was great. Margaret scene was really sad. I had a bad thought during the Dougie scene. What if that killed him? Do Lynch and Frost have the balls to just have him die? That would be really dark. I thought the tribute to the Log Lady character was really weird. I forgot Catherine Coulson had a tribute in one of the earlier episodes and apparently she had much fondness for her character. I'm cool with it now.
I could see them killing the Dougie body, Cooper goes back to the lodge (or some sort of alternate space) and eventually finds his way into Mr. C's body


I could see them killing the Dougie body, Cooper goes back to the lodge (or some sort of alternate space) and eventually finds his way into Mr. C's body

Except that we still haven't gotten the Cooper driving scene yet. Doubt Cooper taking over Doop's body would change him that quickly.


I, for one, loved the Audrey scene. The indistinct sense of wrongness and double-meaning is fantastic. Audrey being such an irrational asshole is kind of frustrating, but the sense that there's more going on than meets the eye helps alleviate that somewhat.

Also, Charlie is fucking hilarious. I want to put him in a room with Mr C or BOB and just watch the ensuing conversation.

There's a difference between trying something new and hijacking a beloved series to get out all your pent up creative ideas before retirement. For those who aren't enjoying the show, the difference is important.

"BOB how many times have I told you to stop hogging all the garmanbozia? Don't make me take off my coat. You want me to end your story too?"

Hijacking is a strong word. Lynch and Frost created this. If they took over as Game of Thrones show runnners and made it a surreal, psychedelic trip than that would be a hijacking.


Not Wario
Dougie's body is back in the lodge already. Cooper came out of the lodge; he didn't inhabit Dougie. That's not to say he couldn't "possess" one of his selves, but no precedent for it yet.

What do we think it was Steven did? We've been getting the Becky, Steven, and Gersten scenes out of order, so I'm sure we're getting some climatic scene that took place between this scene and prior scenes with him. It's apparently something horrible enough to make him commit suicide; it's also something Becky (or the her Gersten refers to) could have done that he's mistakenly taking the blame for, if I'm hearing the convo right.


Dougie's body is back in the lodge already. Cooper came out of the lodge; he didn't inhabit Dougie. That's not to say he couldn't "possess" one of his selves, but no precedent for it yet.

What do we think it was Steven did? We've been getting the Becky, Steven, and Gersten scenes out of order, so I'm sure we're getting some climatic scene that took place between this scene and prior scenes with him. It's apparently something horrible enough to make him commit suicide; it's also something Becky (or the her Gersten refers to) could have done that he's mistakenly taking the blame for, if I'm hearing the convo right.

My first thought was that he killed Becky. I hope not. Although Gersten says she did it which could mean Becky as you pointed out. Whatever this drug is that they are taking it is some really bad shit.


My first thought was that he killed Becky. I hope not. Although Gersten says she did it which could mean Becky as you pointed out. Whatever this drug is that they are taking it is some really bad shit.

I hope not too, but lots of foreshadowing in that scene.

The roadhouse scene with James & the glove was a clear sign that the Twin Peaks scenes, at least the roadhouse, have been shown out of order. I know we've suspected that, but tonight was a real indication of a misdirection coming on.
I hope not too, but lots of foreshadowing in that scene.

The roadhouse scene with James & the glove was a clear sign that the Twin Peaks scenes, at least the roadhouse, have been shown out of order. I know we've suspected that, but tonight was a real indication of a misdirection coming on.
How so?

Freddie seems familiar with the roadhouse when he tells James the story of how he got his glove. Rene was at the Roadhouse with Shelly the first time James took Freddie there. This time she is there with her husband Chuck.

It all seems to line up, unlike the Dougie and Sonny Jim playing catch scene, or Bobby telling Ed they found something Major Briggs hid in the diner.

1. James takes Freddie to the roadhouse. Tells Freddie 'told you it was good here' and Freddie concurs. James is smiling at Rene who is there with Shelly and a couple of other girls.
2. James ask Freddie if he wants to go to the roadhouse. Freddie asks James who is playing and James doesn't know. Freddie guesses James just wants to see Rene and reminds him she is married.
3. James and Freddie go to the roadhouse. Rene is there with Chuck, her husband. A fight breaks out. Freddie nearly kills Chuck and his friend.


Man, what the actual fuck..........if that was a spoiler, then.....fuck, man!!!!!!

(edit: spoiler-tagged it myself......FUCK!!!!)
Yeah that was in the trailers before the show came out.

Seriously James sucks. He gets people killed, arrested, or murdered all around him. All because he wants another married woman lol. Like what happened to Donna? Why is her sister cheating with shitty people lol.
Yeah that was in the trailers before the show came out.

Seriously James sucks and gets people killed, arrested, or murdered all around him. All because he wants another married woman lol.

OK, whew ---- thought it was a spoiler of whatever supposed behind-the-scenes shot people have seen and keep spoiler tagging.

So Audrey has to be in a coma, right? As soon as Charlie took off his coat, when they were on the threshold of leaving, it became very apparent that Audrey seems to be trapped in some sort of self-induced mind-prison.....

Also, that last scene during the roadhouse song, with the girl crawling and then screaming.....very, very ominous and dream-like.....what could it mean?
OK, whew ---- thought it was a spoiler of whatever supposed behind-the-scenes shot people have seen and keep spoiler tagging.

So Audrey has to be in a coma, right? As soon as Charlie took off his coat, when they were on the threshold of leaving, it became very apparent that Audrey seems to be trapped in some sort of self-induced mind-prison.....
I still think it's a real world trap of an abusive relationship. Charlie is doing a lot of classic gas lighting stuff. Plus they're referring to real people we've met (or know exist).

We shall see though, if Audrey ever makes it to the roadhouse.


For all the hate the Audrey scenes are getting, I thought tonight confirmed these scenes aren't happening in reality: she specifically couldn't cross "the threshold" via her own actions. So yay coma theory!

edit: and of course this point is made right when I am typing my post! :)


For all the hate the Audrey scenes are getting, I thought tonight confirmed these scenes aren't happening in reality: she specifically couldn't cross "the threshold" via her own actions. So yay coma theory!

edit: and of course this point is made right when I am typing my post! :)

Doesn't necessarily confirm it. She could be agoraphobic for all we know.
I still think it's a real world trap of an abusive relationship. Charlie is doing a lot of classic gas lighting stuff. Plus they're referring to real people we've met (or know exist).

We shall see though, if Audrey ever makes it to the roadhouse.

As crazy as it sounds, that last scene gives the tiniest shred of legitimacy to the theory that the roadhouse songs are all in Audrey's head. That crawling, eventually screaming girl scene in the roadhouse during that crazy song, coming right after the stifling, intense Audrey scene almost seem to go together and complement each other, confirming to us, the audience, the frustration that Audrey feels. Just a very weird set of scenes back-to-back to end the episode.......


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Audrey's scenes all have the vibe of being in a dream and not being able to wake up. I've had that feeling before and this last scene really sells it.

I'm going with the coma theory for sure now. Ending song is called Axolotl, a creature that never grows up and matures.

Edit: Check out these lyrics too:

I'm glowing bright, obsidian
Axolotl, amphibian
Un-elemental chemicals
Got me growing six black tentacles
A little nightmarish, a little maudlin
Good golly go get the kid some laudanum!
Salvation's more than I can afford
Who needs The Devil when you've got The Lord?

Oh my soul
Losing control
Who built this heart?
Oh my God.

Now Sister Maggie's coming in fleet-foot
Baby's got a belly full of black soot
I've got the feeling I'd better just stay put
Ah she'll love you better than any real man could
An accidental amphibian
I'm growing giddy as a Gideon
Another head for the chopping board
Who needs The Devil when you've got The Lord?

Oh my soul
Who's in control
Who built this heart?
Oh my God.

Richard Horne anyone?


I thought the Roadhouse scene at the end was pretty funny. We see these big intimidating guys approach this girl and this is Lynch so we're expecting some bad shit to happen... then they just move her and take her table. Made me chuckle.

Also I'm in the "Cooper's back" camp.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
had to rewatch the Ed/Norma scene

who knew Twin Peaks and Otis Redding would be such a perfect match


Mr. C texting "Las Vegas?" certainly suggests to me that things are not being presented chronologically. That's the text that Diane received many episodes ago, right? One could argue he was texting the two assassins, but I don't think that's the case.


Also, was the b&w movie Sunset Blvd?

Yep, Lynch loves the movie, that's where he got his character's name from.

So I'm trying to wrap my noodle around Jeffries' numbers:

4, 8^0, 5, 5^3(?), 1., so maybe 4,1,5,125,1?

Idk I'm not much of a numbers guy but it is intriguing.
What was up with that last scene, with the random new girl screaming? Very ominous coming after the very suspicious dream-like Audrey scene. Would love to get a solid read on the meaning of that scene.....
There's a difference between trying something new and hijacking a beloved series to get out all your pent up creative ideas before retirement. For those who aren't enjoying the show, the difference is important.
That's a very succinct way of putting it. Seeing Coop's escape from the lodges? Surreal and wonderful. Everything after he enters the real world has felt like a meandering trainwreck of wasted, boring, some good some okay material.

And before you think I'm not a fan enough, I've seen Lost Highway more than you have! :lol

I'm with the people who demanded they should've condensed their bullshit to nine episodes.


That was a good episode. It's weird to think that we only have two weeks left. At this point I'm just expecting Cooper to do stuff in Twin Peaks and anything else will be left open. I doubt that they can resolve everything in three hours.


What was up with that last scene, with the random new girl screaming? Very ominous coming after the very suspicious dream-like Audrey scene. Would love to get a solid read on the meaning of that scene.....

I suspect it is more atmospheric scene setting than anything plot specific. The show is about to go to some very dark places with the ending looming.


probably already mentioned by someone else but Audrey being in a coma all along would totally align with the soap opera tropes TP loves to play with


This show is the cinematic equivalent of extreme edging, this thing is either going to blow so hard our minds will be shrapnel by the finale or give us eternal blue balls. I'm ready for either, bring it Lynch you magnificent bastard.


So I'm trying to wrap my noodle around Jeffries' numbers:

4, 8^0, 5, 5^3(?), 1., so maybe 4,1,5,125,1?

Idk I'm not much of a numbers guy but it is intriguing.
It's the coordinates (48°55'1, etc.). The kettle even formatted them properly, unlike Ruth. Way to go, Ruth, outdone by a kettle.

Chitown B

That was a good episode. It's weird to think that we only have two weeks left. At this point I'm just expecting Cooper to do stuff in Twin Peaks and anything else will be left open. I doubt that they can resolve everything in three hours.

does anyone have a list of things that need resolution.........?


If Cooper now wakes up, I bet he doesn't remember the time he was "Dougie" but the rest of the season we are seeing him noticing things that remind him of that time, even though he doesn't understand it yet, he is desperate to remember it and we will follow her journey back to Janey-E.

In fact he will be walking towards the Twin Peaks sign, but just as he's about to cross it he gets a vision that makes him turn around :D

"The Return" would be about Cooper returning back into Cooper and returning back to Twin Peaks but ultimately returning back from being Cooper to being Dougie and from Twin Peaks back to Janey-E.


I, for one, loved the Audrey scene. The indistinct sense of wrongness and double-meaning is fantastic. Audrey being such an irrational asshole is kind of frustrating, but the sense that there's more going on than meets the eye helps alleviate that somewhat.

Also, Charlie is fucking hilarious. I want to put him in a room with Mr C or BOB and just watch the ensuing conversation.

There's a difference between trying something new and hijacking a beloved series to get out all your pent up creative ideas before retirement. For those who aren't enjoying the show, the difference is important.

You know, I'm enjoying the show and looking forward to a new ep each week. Actually, I think this one was one of the best episodes so far. Still, I totally felt that way a large number of times.


If they have a funeral for Douglas Jones next episode I'm going to lose my shit. I'm imagining it in my head and I'm starting to be convinced it will happen. RIP Dougie.


Honestly loved every minute of this episode. Seeing Big Ed and Norma finally get together, the convenience store scene with Jeffries, and of course the heartwrenching scene with the log lady.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
If they have a funeral for Douglas Jones next episode I'm going to lose my shit. I'm imagining it in my head and I'm starting to be convinced it will happen. RIP Dougie.
I'd be laughing and crying at Cooper dying by sticking a fork into an electric socket as Dougie Jones.

But since electricity has been reoccuring this whole season, maybe he literally had to be recharged to wake up.
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