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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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So I watched episode 1 and some of 2 over again and I feel like I learned a couple of things I didn't catch before.

So, Bob killed Ruth. Obviously, because when Booper shoots Phyllis back at her house he shoots her directly in her left eye, which I did not even connect the dots during the first viewing. So, Bob possessed Bill and shot Ruth.
What I don't understand is whose body that is with Ruth's head and why it was placed there. Was that explained yet or does anyone have a theory?

Secondly, I didn't notice Hank's phone call after the discovery of Ruth's body by the cops. He calls Harvey I think t was and tells him he has something that only he will split with Chip. Is that anything special or am I reading too much into that scene?


I agree with some posters that ep 3
wasn't as good as the first two and took me out of it a bit. Although I loved the bunny scene with Andy, Hawk, and Lucy and there were other moments as well. Hoping ep 4 brings me back a bit.

I'm 90% sure the reason they're airing both 3 and 4 the same day next week is to make sure episode 4 does damage control for the people that can't get behind episode 3.

You'll be back don't worry.


There's so little music in these opening eps but it's getting to be more and more Twin Peaks each episode that by the end I'm convinced a whole episode will be non stop of that classic snappy, jazzy Twin Peaks music.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So I watched episode 1 and some of 2 over again and I feel like I learned a couple of things I didn't catch before.

So, Bob killed Ruth. Obviously, because when Booper shoots Phyllis back at her house he shoots her directly in her left eye, which I did not even connect the dots during the first viewing. So, Bob possessed Bill and shot Ruth.
What I don't understand is whose body that is with Ruth's head and why it was placed there. Was that explained yet or does anyone have a theory?

Secondly, I didn't notice Hank's phone call after the discovery of Ruth's body by the cops. He calls Harvey I think t was and tells him he has something that only he will split with Chip. Is that anything special or am I reading too much into that scene?
So episode 3 & 4 spoilers among this:

I think a lot of the stuff from the first episode will be addressed later. IE, the opening shot of the episode is of Jacoby, and we still don't know what he's doing. We do see him painting those shovels in episode 3 though. We don't know who was running the box experiment, where the security guard in the first episode went, what was the thing that appeared in the box that killed them, etc.

But from the same thing, the other half rose various questions. Who's body was that? What was that one guy doing? Is Bill going to be left to rot in prison or is the case going to come up again? Various things like this. I don't think a lot of this was introduced to be forgotten, though I don't think everything will be answered either. But as the 'premiere' of the movie, I think a few of these things will be touched more later in the film. Right now though the core story is focused on Cooper and his doppelganger, though I feel this isn't the plot of the whole season and just the first arc of the story. Other things are developing in the background, but I feel we'll see further developments of several of these threads.

Like I doubt they'd have that Hank scene at all in the car if they weren't eventually going somewhere with that.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
episode 3 is so fucking rad

except the chocolate bunny scene :/

the guy in the casino who says "helloooo!" is John Ennis of Mr Show
Just finished watching episodes 1 and 2 and I have to say I was rather bored throughout. That's not something I'd expect to say about Twin Peaks.

Hopefully it improves but that was a massive disappointment to kick things off.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I will say this; I literally have no idea how this season might possibly end.

I am grateful Lynch and Frost managed to get 18 episodes of this rather than the original 9 episodes they were slated for, I know some won't like the slow pace or whatever but I am fully appreciating that they have time to explore things and do the sort of slow shots Lynch likes to do, and to tell the story they want to tell.

Beginning of episode 3 makes up for its struggles
Shit was fucking crazy

I know not everyone's going to like it, but the beginning of episode 3 is up there as one of my favorite parts of the show so far.


There's so little music in these opening eps but it's getting to be more and more Twin Peaks each episode that by the end I'm convinced a whole episode will be non stop of that classic snappy, jazzy Twin Peaks music.

Not to say it will stick to it once it gets there but I'm thinking it might be building up to that, yeah.

I also noticed this and it definitely looks like the Owl Ring to me.

Just spent the last four hours eating donuts and drinking coffee while watching new episodes of Twin Peaks. What a time to be alive!

It looks like the owl ring to me too, but the symbol really does look different to me. Gah. I wish it was just a little clearer.


How I feel: if you love David Lynch's wide range of work you'll love these eps because it's glorious and someone gave this mad man money.

If you only watched Twin Peaks then you might be 50/50 on it, since Eraserhead tier level Lynch might not be your cup of tea.
How I feel: if you love David Lynch's wide range of work you'll love these eps because it's glorious and someone gave this mad man money.

If you only watched Twin Peaks then you might be 50/50 on it, since Eraserhead tier level Lynch might not be your cup of tea.

Yup, pretty much. Thank god I love both :D
It's Lynch unleashed.


So question, not sure if this is explained or not, spoilers for Episodes 1 and 2.

Okay, so I'm trying to make sure I've got this all. Gerard is possessed by MIKE.
Leland is possessed by BOB. MIKE severs Gerards arm. The Man From Another Place is The Arm. The tree is The Arm Evolved, so it's the recasting of TMFAP. So currently is Gerard possessed by MIKE? Is the Arm MIKE? Is The Arm's doppleganger BOB?


I've enjoyed all 4 eps quite a bit, even the slow and weird shit.

The first 3 are Lynch as fuck, which is definitely going to be divisive.

Episode 4 is comedy gold.

Oh, the show is super unsettling at times. Downright "Silent Hill done right."

Also, if nothing else, this show introduced me to Chromatics.

"Cherry" is a hot fucking song.
Okay, could some of you guys chime in here?

I took a screenshot, but it was really tough to get a clear shot of it.


The symbol doesn't look like a match to me, but the resemblance is uncanny and it doesn't strike me as something Lynch wouldn't have noticed. Any thoughts?

That's the owl cave ring alright. I wonder if it'll show up on more people's hands. I'll be paying close attention going forwards!
I'm not seeing anyone online talking about Bad Dale's conversation with Agent Jeffries, which is probably the most confusing thing that happened in episodes 1&2.

1. Where is Agent Jeffries?
2. Where does Agent Jeffries think he is?
3. Why would Agent Jeffries work with Bad Dale?
4. Does all of this happen before Jeffries shows up back at the FBI office in FWWM, hence the "who do you think this is?" comment towards Cooper?
5. Jeffries says Cooper was talking to Major Briggs. But Cooper has been missing for 25 years - there's no way Bad Dale would be having interactions with Major Briggs (whose actor is also deceased) in the 25 years Special Agent Dale Cooper has been missing. Is he referring to 25 years ago?
6. Jeffries knows about Bob!

Talk to me about this, people.


Just watched the first 20 minutes, and it seems weird, in a good way. Like I'm watching a show with quirky direction that hasn't been around in a long time. Guess that makes sense, it is Lynch after all. I guess you could say they started it off in a way that I wasn't expecting. But this is a good thing, I rather like the mystery it has. I will finish later tonight after work.

One thing that will bug me though, as being someone who studied sound design, is that the sound design (the foley work, and even the recording quality) is somewhat amateur level. Sound effects don't line up, I can hear where they cut voice recordings, and it just lacks polish that even the original seasons had.

It's not a big deal, just a bit distracting.


Just watched the first 20 minutes, and it seems weird, in a good way. Like I'm watching a show with quirky direction that hasn't been around in a long time. Guess that makes sense, it is Lynch after all. I guess you could say they started it off in a way that I wasn't expecting. But this is a good thing, I rather like the mystery it has. I will finish later tonight after work.

One thing that will bug me though, as being someone who studied sound design, is that the sound design (the foley work, and even the recording quality) is somewhat amateur level. Sound effects don't line up, I can hear where they cut voice recordings, and it just lacks polish that even the original seasons had.

It's not a big deal, just a bit distracting.

Lynch did the audio himself I believe.

The only time I noticed it as being a bit off, was the beginning of episode 3 - very distant.
Not to say it will stick to it once it gets there but I'm thinking it might be building up to that, yeah.

It looks like the owl ring to me too, but the symbol really does look different to me. Gah. I wish it was just a little clearer.

It looks too
similar to be a coincidence, but that's not the owl symbol? I wonder if this will go anywhere...


Because of the editing. They made him do it twice, at the beginning, and at the end of the scene.

And the second time was cut abruptly, clearly implying that it wasn't to be taken seriously.

Let's not forget the actor's direction.

It was a clear call back that made fun of something Twin Peaks abused in the past.
I think you might be underestimating Lynch's love for
Laura and cheese. It felt 100% genuine to me.
That's exactly the kind of impact Laura's death was always supposed to have on people of Twin Peaks and the melodrama might have been used here to highlight the difference in the way the outside world reacts to violent crimes committed on the show.

		Albert, I hope you can hear this. I've only been in Twin
		Peaks a short time. But in that time, I have seen decency,
		honor, and dignity. I have seen grief to break your heart.
		Murder is not a faceless event here. It's not a statistic to
		be tallied up at the end of every day. Laura Palmer's
		death has affected each and every man, woman, and child.
		Because life has meaning here. Every life. And that's a
		way of living I thought had vanished from this earth. It
		hasn't, Albert. It's right here in Twin Peaks.[/SPOILER]
And all that.


Lynch did the audio himself I believe.

I see. He wanted full control, I suppose. Probably should have let a sound specialist do it, but maybe it will pay off in the end.

And I guess it's just one of those things, because I worked on audio projects for college and now I notice things sometimes. It's probably also because there is a lot of silence, so my attention goes to those sound cues, whereas in other shows I may not pay attention as much. Some of it sounds good, though.
I'm not seeing anyone online talking about Bad Dale's conversation with Agent Jeffries, which is probably the most confusing thing that happened in episodes 1&2.

1. Where is Agent Jeffries?
2. Where does Agent Jeffries think he is?
3. Why would Agent Jeffries work with Bad Dale?
4. Does all of this happen before Jeffries shows up back at the FBI office in FWWM, hence the "who do you think this is?" comment towards Cooper?
5. Jeffries says Cooper was talking to Major Briggs. But Cooper has been missing for 25 years - there's no way Bad Dale would be having interactions with Major Briggs (whose actor is also deceased) in the 25 years Special Agent Dale Cooper has been missing. Is he referring to 25 years ago?
6. Jeffries knows about Bob!

Talk to me about this, people.

Have you watched Ep 4 yet? Because this is touched upon again.

In fact,
Jefferies comes up so frequently I'm beginning to wonder if Bowie did manage to film a scene or two before his passing.


Why this shit is way weirder and more inscrutable than the original show ever was. I figure ratings tank horrifically next week. Not that it matters much.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Have you watched Ep 4 yet? Because this is touched upon again.

In fact,
Jefferies comes up so frequently I'm beginning to wonder if Bowie did manage to film a scene or two before his passing.

Episode 3 & 4 spoilers:
I don't think anyone before the episodes aired would've called Jefferies being such a big role in Season 3. I thought they might mention him to pay respects, but he's actually a core part of the story so far. I doubt he filmed anything though, so I'm questioning where they're going with this.

Then again I don't think anyone would've guessed either the first thing Cooper does when he gets out of the lodge is go gambling in Las Vegas and become Mr. Jackpot either.


Why this shit is way weirder and more inscrutable than the original show ever was. I figure ratings tank horrifically next week. Not that it matters much.

They did pretty much come out and say, "this shit will be full on Lynch acid trip weird" beforehand.
Have you watched Ep 4 yet? Because this is touched upon again.

In fact,
Jefferies comes up so frequently I'm beginning to wonder if Bowie did manage to film a scene or two before his passing.

Reportedly not.

The Jeffries stuff in FWWM was always meant to get picked up again after the events of season 2 (it was more there to set up the movie sequel that never happened). I'd have been shocked if he wasn't touched on in some way.


It looks too
similar to be a coincidence, but that's not the owl symbol? I wonder if this will go anywhere...

Right?? The confirmation from the other people here got be wondering, but it really isn't the owl symbol. I don't know what's up with that, but as far as I know rings with a green stone that has a weird symbol carved into it aren't common enough for it to be a coincidence. Anyway, good catch. I sure as hell hadn't noticed that ring, I'll pay more attention from now on.

I see. He wanted full control, I suppose. Probably should have let a sound specialist do it, but maybe it will pay off in the end.

And I guess it's just one of those things, because I worked on audio projects for college and now I notice things sometimes. It's probably also because there is a lot of silence, so my attention goes to those sound cues, whereas in other shows I may not pay attention as much. Some of it sounds good, though.

I really love Lynch's sound design and I've continued loving it here, but yeah I haven't been noticing the flaws and I'm sure that's on me (and I'd prefer to keep it that way for my own enjoyment :p). But I imagine he didn't do the sound on his own with most of his feature films anyway?
Facebook comment (official Twin Peaks page):

Amazing start to this next chapter. Loved every minute and now questioning if Laura doppelgänger is the one that got murder and not Laura herself. Is it that the real Laura has been trapped in the Black Lodge this whole time? Then if that is the case the Black Lodge can be opened at anytime. Not just every 25 years. Is the paranormal box the key to the other side and how long has it been around?

Interesting theory.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Reportedly not.

The Jeffries stuff in FWWM was always meant to get picked up again after the events of season 2 (it was more there to set up the movie sequel that never happened). I'd have been shocked if he wasn't touched on in some way.

Frost mentioned some stuff in the new season are stuff they had originally planned for Season 3 back in the day, but they cherry picked what they wanted to use again from their old idea, had new ideas, and steered it all in a very different direction.

I actually want to say that they pulled some from things that never went through. I have the odd suspicion some stuff might be pulled from stuff that was planned for the original Mulholland Drive TV series back when it was Twin Peaks related, and it's probably just me but some stuff in the beginning of episode 3 really reminded me of bits of the script(s) for Ronnie Rocket by Lynch.
How I feel: if you love David Lynch's wide range of work you'll love these eps because it's glorious and someone gave this mad man money.

If you only watched Twin Peaks then you might be 50/50 on it, since Eraserhead tier level Lynch might not be your cup of tea.

i like lynch's body of work as a whole but twin peaks had a unique ambiance that isn't really present until episode 4 and that was pretty disappointing. obvious we've got a lot of show left and episode 4 was trending in the right direction. seeing the weird shit lynch comes up with is its own reward but i wasn't really into the first 3 episodes beyond that initial shock experience, p sure i'll never rewatch them.

the earnestness and naivete of the soap opera feel in the original series helped charge the darker moments and made them all the more shocking. seeing two people get their faces sliced into 1000 pieces within the first 30 minutes kind of took me out of the whole thing as being anything more than a series of lynchian set-pieces of terrifying weirdness.

and lack of badalementi music is a crime against humanity.


Right?? The confirmation from the other people here got be wondering, but it really isn't the owl symbol. I don't know what's up with that, but as far as I know rings with a green stone that has a weird symbol carved into it aren't common enough for it to be a coincidence. Anyway, good catch. I sure as hell hadn't noticed that ring, I'll pay more attention from now on.
I noticed it immediately, so now I'm a bit bummed out that it's not the ring. For a moment it seemed like an interesting piece of the puzzle.

Round Owl Cave ring: http://i.imgur.com/0K5dtZh.png

Oval Jesus Fish (?) ring: http://i.imgur.com/DYqN7rR.png

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Facebook comment (official Twin Peaks page):

Interesting theory.

That is an interesting theory, and with such a focus on the black lodge and doppelgangers this season I could see it possibly holding some water. All at once though I also kind of doubt it though, but I guess we'll see.


First two episodes are the best things I've seen so far this year - on TV or otherwise. It's as if Twin Peaks had a blue-velvet-wrapped love child with Mulholland Drive.

Two brief notes:

Don't get me wrong, the plot is definitely out there, but it's also a fairly direct continuation of Cooper's black lodge plight (which I appreciate). Still, the inscrutability of the New York/South Dakota is definitely channelling FWWM's Deer Meadow opening. Both make for a similarly expectation-defying return to a place both wonderful and strange.

Also, as a brief aside: Bob-Cooper and his band of cronies remind me of Frank Booth and co., and I fucking love it.


I really love Lynch's sound design and I've continued loving it here, but yeah I haven't been noticing the flaws and I'm sure that's on me (and I'd prefer to keep it that way for my own enjoyment :p). But I imagine he didn't do the sound on his own with most of his feature films anyway?

Lynch's films have always been as impressive aurally as visually in my opinion, in particular his use of ambient sound. There was some particularly 'odd' sound choices in Twin Peaks first time round too, but I think he was working with Alan Splet back then. I'm wondering now if I am mistaken now, but I swear I saw his name next to sound design during the credits for episode 3 (Lynch).

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
i like lynch's body of work as a whole but twin peaks had a unique ambiance that isn't really present until episode 4 and that was pretty disappointing. obvious we've got a lot of show left and episode 4 was trending in the right direction. seeing the weird shit lynch comes up with is its own reward but i wasn't really into the first 3 episodes beyond that initial shock experience, p sure i'll never rewatch them.

the earnestness and naivete of the soap opera feel in the original series helped charge the darker moments and made them all the more shocking. seeing two people get their faces sliced into 1000 pieces within the first 30 minutes kind of took me out of the whole thing.

and lack of badalementi music is a crime against humanity.

I fully believe Twin Peaks will play a bigger role deeper in Twin Peaks. We still haven't seen most of the returning cast we already know are in this season, and there's plot thread plantings already which feel like they'll be developed a bit later. I do think though that this whole season will tap into Lynch's whole repetare than just TP (I mean, that much is already evident), but it'll settle more into the town a bit in. Right now it feels like a lot of stuff is happening outside of Twin Peaks, but all roads will lead back to TP.

I also kind of am thinking maybe they're waiting to bash out all the music for when Twin Peaks kicks in proper.
Episode 3 & 4 spoilers:
I don't think anyone before the episodes aired would've called Jefferies being such a big role in Season 3. I thought they might mention him to pay respects, but he's actually a core part of the story so far. I doubt he filmed anything though, so I'm questioning where they're going with this.

Then again I don't think anyone would've guessed either the first thing Cooper does when he gets out of the lodge is go gambling in Las Vegas and become Mr. Jackpot either.

It's kinda typical that the character
whom the season 2 cliffhanger revolves around (and whose actress is alive and well) hasn't been mentioned once in four episodes but Bowie's character appears central to the plot.

Much like FWWM starts with the curve ball trip to Deer Meadow with Chet (please have a secret cameo, PS I love 'Wicked Game' and I don't care what anyone thinks), I expect this series to shift gear at some point and focus on Twin Peaks, certainly by the half way mark. In fact, think Mulholland Dr/Lost Highway narrative shift, but where that would happen on a timeline of 18 hours instead of 2.


Why this shit is way weirder and more inscrutable than the original show ever was. I figure ratings tank horrifically next week. Not that it matters much.

What a debbie downer.

Did you not watch Fire, Walk With Me or, like, any David Lynch movie?

As for everyone's speculative theories:

Never underestimate David Lynch's love for throwing a bunch of crazy shit at the walls and seeing what sticks. So many, many red herrings that will amount to nothing. I think he just likes using a bunch of vague symbolism to keep people guessing, including himself.

I love it.


Why this shit is way weirder and more inscrutable than the original show ever was. I figure ratings tank horrifically next week. Not that it matters much.

Because Lynch and Frost can stretch more with this series on Showtime than they ever could have on ABC in the early 90s. Also, it's been 26 years and things have changed with Lynch's style. I've only watched episodes 1-2 so far, but I expect we'll have some more classic Twin Peaks episodes and moments before season's end.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
It's still too early to say, but I think this season might actually be better received than I and many think it will be. We won't really know until later, but I'm noticing despite the fact the first two episodes try really hard to alienate people who want the 'comforting' continuation of TP, and it's had that effect on some people so far certainly, I'm seeing a lot more positive response from people than negative.

I think what's helping it is, in complete honesty so far there's nothing like this on television at the moment. In a time when so much shit is going down in the world, to escape to a surrealist odd world is oddly comforting despite the darkness. And for those who want something different from usual television, well here this show is just that in spades. Of course some will hate it, it's almost kind of designed to do that to some audiences with some purposely super slow shots and out there developments, but I'll be honest at the moment the immediate response to this is much better than I would've imagined.

I guess what will make or break it is if this thing spreads or not, and how it does works out if it does spread.


Because Lynch and Frost can stretch more with this series on Showtime than they ever could have on ABC in the early 90s. Also, it's been 26 years and things have changed with Lynch's style. I've only watched episodes 1-2 so far, but I expect we'll have some more classic Twin Peaks episodes and moments before season's end.

I don't want to speak for Jett, but before everyone jumps down his throat, I don't necessarily think he meant that as a negative. Just that the revival's style will prove more inaccessible than the original show.

Remember that a big part of the original's success was the mainstream appeal of the Laura Palmer hook. There's nothing really like that here - at least not yet.


I don't know what people actually wanted with the entire cast being 25 years older but I think what they've done so far is as good as you could hope for with how it fits together with the original show.

I also think episode 4 delivers a lot of what is missing in eps 1-3.

I don't want to speak for Jett, but before everyone jumps down his throat, I don't necessarily think he meant that as a negative. Just that the revival's style will prove more inaccessible than the original show.

Remember that a big part of the original's success was the mainstream appeal of the Laura Palmer hook. There's nothing really like that here - at least not yet.

There hasn't been anything like that since her killer was revealed in the original show. ABC forced them to do it and it killed the show, it was originally never going to be revealed.

After that the show went bat-shit crazy with a bunch of goofy shit everyone hated so I'm not really sure what people actually want.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I don't know what people actually wanted with the entire cast being 25 years older but I think what they've done so far is as good as you could hope for with how it fits together with the original show.

I also think episode 4 delivers a lot of what is missing in eps 1-3.

There hasn't been anything like that since her killer was revealed in the original show. ABC forced them to do it and it killed the show, it was originally never going to be revealed.

After that the show went bat-shit crazy with a bunch of goofy shit everyone hated so I'm not really sure what people actually want.

I honestly like Lynch's approach to the new season. "Fuck what the people want, I'M GONNA DO ME."

Chitown B

I do think the red room looks noticeably worse now. It was especially noticeable when it cut to the flashbacks, yeah. The red looks off and it's a bit of a bummer.

Likely because color correction and HD are so much better now. It probably looks like it was supposed but was too saturated in SD in 1991.


My boy Motionless-kun needs some love.



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