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Twin Peaks Season 3 OT |25 Years Later...It Is Happening Again

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Feels like Lynch is slowly getting something out of his system as each episode goes by. Smart to release four episodes at once since I can see even fans of the show turning on this if they had to go through this opening stretch week by week.
But will episodes 3 and 4 air next week? Should I just watch episodes 1 and 2 for this week and wait till next week or something?
Now that is a choice I cannot make for you. If you have the restraint yes but if you're like me and need it all now and fear for spoilers then do it now!
I unequivocally loved the first two parts. I really struggled with the third part, and then the fourth part starting drawing me back in.

So then, open spoilers for 1 and 2 and then spoiler tags for 3 and 4 until they air, I presume.

I presume the box is designed to catch anything moving between two worlds, even if only for a moment. Whatever came after Coop... that shit was scary. I wonder where it's from and where it's going.

I loved the evolved arm, but most of the people we watched with hated it. I thought the visuals in the first two parts were incredibly strong. Also, 'James is cool. James was always cool.' was probably the part where I punched the air in triumph the most.

Damn straight Shelly (presuming that's Shelly!).

Familiar faces were great. I loved all the new stuff in South Dakota. I loved Mr C and how 100% scary and badass he was. I cried when Margaret showed up, looking terminally ill (seriously... getting wet eyed thinking about it) and I cried again when Laura said her line from the original dream ("I feel like I know her...") because I really wanted them to replay that whole moment.

I'll take some of it.

The Matt Lillard stuff was incredibly Lost Highway and I adored it. I adored seeing the Hornes, and seeing that Jerry has taken them into the recently legalized pot business (big laugh when Jerry showed up looking like that).

Then part three happened. I'm really surprised to see a lot of positivity for it to be honest.

I was with the opening scene in the purple, time fractured place until the space box stuff. I'm struggling with the video effects, even though I know they're a choice not a limit of budget. David loves the look of video these days and it's just something I've got to reprogram my brain to. I enjoyed the brief time we got to spend with Dougie, but again, the effects with Coop moving between worlds, and Dougie turning into the gold ball were very jarring for me. Even the scene in the sheriff's office seemed off. The Mr Jackpots stuff was funny, got old, and then went back to funny again, so I'd say I mostly liked that. It just felt like this one had a *lot* of filler, like painting the shovels. Nice to see someone pop up in a different role. 'American Girl' I believe Phoebe was credited as. And I'm really liking the way they end each episode with a song in the Roadhouse.

Part four really got me back into it.
Franklin Truman really seemed to ground the Sheriff's office scenes in a way that made the scenes there in four work in ways the one in three didn't. I love Deputy Briggs. I love Wally. I hope to see more of both. The scenes with Cole, Gordon, Tammy and Denise were lovely. It was a joy to hear Gordon throw out some new stinging insults. Tammy is a bit fetishized which is somewhat bothering me, especially after reading the book, but with Denise kind of warning Gordon about it, I wonder if there isn't more going on than making use out of how attractive Annie Wershing who plays her is.

One and two were better than I ever hoped. Three was what I feared in my most pessimistic moments. Four was closer to what I thought was a fair level of quality to expect.

Hopefully Coop is back with us now... or at least starting to feel more like himself again.

Twin Peaks is back. It's scary. And touching. And funny. And at times it feels like it goes too far in trying to do something different... but I don't think I want a Twin Peaks that plays it safe. So while I personally feel like part three had a lot of misses, the other three parts really stuck the landing for me.

I hope the story threads start coming together soon (and I expect they will). I hope we haven't seen the last of Bill, or the place Mr C picked up his henchmen.

I'm glad Coop is out, even if his brain is pretty fried by the transition.

And we've already seen nearly all the clips they previously released, with just a few small exceptions... so I have no idea where we're going.
I only watched parts one and two and will watch three and four tonight.

My girlfriend and I really liked the premier. We couldn't get to sleep afterward because we just kept talking about it and trying to hammer out all the information.

One thing, that's trivial in the scheme of things, is that the evolved arm is handled very non-Lynchian. We are told, directly, that it is the evolution of the arm. Without an ounce of crypticism, we are told directly what it is and where it came from. And then when the room starts shaking and Mike says something is wrong, the arm says it's its doppelgänger.

To be clear, I have nothing bad to say towards these events. It just felt so odd to have something bizarre in Twin Peaks explained so directly and with so little mystery. These kind of scenes lose something when they're being explained along the way. They cease to be puzzles, even if they wouldn't have been hard to figure out.

I'm so jazzed to keep watching. It will be a long day at work.


Oh, episode 4 is some good stuff.
Not that I didn't love 1 to 3 either, but I definitely had a lot more laughs in this episode if that's what you've been missing, and that moment when the Badalamenti music gets going was pretty powerful with how restrained the series has been with the music (even if I still think it's a little too restrained, stuff like the Any and Lucy's son scene could have used some). The most og Twin Peaks this has been so far for sure. And lots and lots of Gordon, which I always love.

I feel pretty sorry for Dougie though. Or rather, the void he'll leave behind once Coop's Coop.

Anyway, I'm not too worried about there being a lack of more of that stuff, I'm sure the moment Coop gets to Twin Peaks is going to be pretty magical (and the moment Coop gets to be Coop, depending on what comes first. Maybe it's one and the same.) And I'm sure it'll go incredibly David Lynch again soon too. I'm okay with all of it, there are a lot of episodes left and it's going to be one hell of a ride.
I can't believe the praise I'm reading for the effects. It doesn't look good. Some look worse than the effects used for the original series (TV... back in 89/90!). You end up kind of laughing at them, and I don't care if it's intentional or not. Some (not all) are just... wrong (and some are a bit off and quirky, and that's fine).

I have a feeling that this season (up until now, at least), you'll have diehard Lynch fans loving it just because it's Lynch, and other viewers will hate it/get frustrated. And, as a huge Twin Peaks fan, I just can't help but feel that these first four episodes are so disconnected from the original series. It doesn't do the series justice. A big problem I'm having is with the pace. It's just way.... too... SLOW. It's frustrating to watch. The four hours could have all been done in one or two.

Can't wait for more.
I only watched parts one and two and will watch three and four tonight.

My girlfriend and I really liked the premier. We couldn't get to sleep afterward because we just kept talking about it and trying to hammer out all the information.

One thing, that's trivial in the scheme of things, is that the evolved arm is handled very non-Lynchian. We are told, directly, that it is the evolution of the arm. Without an ounce of crypticism, we are told directly what it is and where it came from. And then when the room starts shaking and Mike says something is wrong, the arm says it's its doppelgänger.

To be clear, I have nothing bad to say towards these events. It just felt so odd to have something bizarre in Twin Peaks explained so directly and with so little mystery. These kind of scenes lose something when they're being explained along the way. They cease to be puzzles, even if they wouldn't have been hard to figure out.

I'm so jazzed to keep watching. It will be a long day at work.

Well, presumably they tell us that, because we were supposed to know.

Consider: If Michael J Anderson was doing okay, he'd have played both those rolls, and we would have instantly known it was the arm and his doppelganger without needing to be told. So they did this instead of recasting. That's my take on it.


Also, 'James is cool. James was always cool.' was probably the part where I punched the air in triumph the most.
Heh, same here. Almost did a victory lap around the room.

Tammy is a bit fetishized which is somewhat bothering me, especially after reading the book, but with Denise kind of warning Gordon about it, I wonder if there isn't more going on than making use out of how attractive Annie Wershing who plays her is.
That's Chrysta Bell. You're thinking of her audiobook voice.
That scene was pretty strange, it sounded like the co-creators arguing about the merits of Lynch's most recent "muse" and his continued creeping on his protégé.
I absolutely loved the first two episodes (will watch 3 and 4 tonight). Totally insane in the best possible way. First thing I'm not feeling is the arm's new form. I feel like the best creepy/surreal things in the show fall into a sort of vague uncanny valley, this felt a bit too outlandish, which I'm not against, it just felt a bit out of place. I like the eccentric characters in the red room and the weird things they can do like the iconic dwarf dance, this felt like a poor replacement. But it's a small issue in the grand scheme of things, and maybe it changes form again as the season progresses.
I absolutely loved the first two episodes (will watch 3 and 4 tonight). Totally insane in the best possible way. First thing I'm not feeling is the arm's new form. I feel like the best creepy/surreal things in the show fall into a sort of vague uncanny valley, this felt a bit too outlandish, which I'm not against, it just felt a bit out of place. I like the eccentric characters in the red room and the weird things they can do like the iconic dwarf dance, this felt like a poor replacement. But it's a small issue in the grand scheme of things, and maybe it changes form again as the season progresses.

Agreed, but my god I'm fine with it too because of how fucking weird it is.

Also that woman with Cooper... holy fuck.
Heh, same here. Almost did a victory lap around the room.

That's Chrysta Bell. You're thinking of her audiobook voice.
That scene was pretty strange, it sounded like the co-creators arguing about the merits of Lynch's most recent "muse" and his continued creeping on his protégé.

Thanks. I did a quick google to get the name.

Interesting that Chyrsta Bell actually looks pretty similar to Annie Wershing. I *loved* Coop calling Denise beautiful. That was an amazing moment.

The evolved arm's head is totally made of bubble gum, right?


Im happy that I only watched the first 2 episodes. There was a TON of stuff to absorb in there that'll take me a week to make sense of. And by that time....there will be 2 more episodes waiting for me!

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
So who else things the tree looks like a neuron?



I sort of love the new arm for how insane it looks, but I did like the Anderson character way more mind you. This one isn't a particularly good dancer.

But of course he had to be replaced and as far as replacements go I think that was a pretty great way to go about it. A new little person would have felt very off.

So who else things the tree looks like a neuron?


I was thinking nervous system as a whole actually. But yeah.
Man I'm still on cloud nine about these two premiere episodes. It feels like so much of lynch's past work. I got some blue velvet in there, mulholland drive, lost highway etc.

And that fucking ending. The way the credits just start rolling as the performance closes, such a beautiful scene. Song already on a playlist now. I always was annoyed at James in the past but I felt pretty sentimental when he appeared too, I hope things work out for him in here

I can't wait for Bobby to show up, and also more of the police station. And the kids that many of these characters have will be interesting to see

And that demon in the box was one of the scariest things I've seen in a while

Fuuuu, this is great. Bless up to showtime for funding this man.
In Episode 3....

When Coop is at the
casino, he visits the woman in the change booth. Her ring stood out, as it appeared to be green and gold, but my streaming picture wasn't sharp enough to see if it was 'the' ring - anyone else spot this?
Man I'm still on cloud nine about these two premiere episodes. It feels like so much of lynch's past work. I got some blue velvet in there, mulholland drive, lost highway etc.

And that fucking ending. The way the credits just start rolling as the performance closes, such a beautiful scene. Song already on a playlist now. I always was annoyed at James in the past but I felt pretty sentimental when he appeared too, I hope things work out for him in here

I can't wait for Bobby to show up, and also more of the police station. And the kids that many of these characters have will be interesting to see

And that demon in the box was one of the scariest things I've seen in a while

Fuuuu, this is great. Bless up to showtime for funding this man.

I don't want to say too much, but I don't think you'll be disappointed by the next couple of episodes.
Fuuuu, this is great. Bless up to showtime for funding this man.

I don't subscribe to any TV because I'm more of a movie guy. I do watch some shows sometimes but only when they're like on Netflix or some shit in their entirety because I like to binge seasons rather than getting dose by dose.

But with how thrilled I was that Showtime enabled this to happen I personally paid for a subscription and will take that dose by dose. I want to support them for letting such a batshit insane thing happen, and if future prospects fall through, I can at least say that I supported this.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
after watching the first two episodes, this feels more like eraserhead than twin peaks, which is a shame. it's not that eraserhead is bad, but i don't want 18 hours of it, while 18 hours of twin peaks would be cool. oh well. i will probably keep watching since it is still twin peaks, but i won't be in any particular hurry to see the new episodes and won't care about spoilers.

the best things were just stuff i recognised from the old show, and even then the closest the show came to feeling like twin peaks would have actually just felt like a parody of twin peaks, if it wasn't so goddamn serious.

james was always cool, tho. no lies there.
I don't subscribe to any TV because I'm more of a movie guy. I do watch some shows sometimes but only when they're like on Netflix or some shit in their entirety because I like to binge seasons rather than getting dose by dose.

But with how thrilled I was that Showtime enabled this to happen I personally paid for a subscription and will take that dose by dose. I want to support them for letting such a batshit insane thing happen, and if future prospects fall through, I can at least say that I supported this.

I'm probably not going to keep my Showtime sub past the airing of this series. Though I do intend to give Billions a spin. I love Giamatti, and I saw one scene with the genderless actor, and they were really good, so I'll watch an episode or two... but other than that literally nothing else on Showtime appeals to me in the slightest.

But yes... full credit to them for funding this and just giving Lynch 18 hours to evidently do whatever the fuck he wants.
after watching the first two episodes, this feels more like eraserhead than twin peaks, which is a shame. it's not that eraserhead is bad, but i don't want 18 hours of it, while 18 hours of twin peaks would be cool. oh well. i will probably keep watching since it is still twin peaks, but i won't be in any particular hurry to see the new episodes and won't care about spoilers.

I'm personally flipping my lid over it, but I see where you're coming from. Still, there's a lot more to go so we'll see.


after watching the first two episodes, this feels more like eraserhead than twin peaks, which is a shame. it's not that eraserhead is bad, but i don't want 18 hours of it, while 18 hours of twin peaks would be cool. oh well. i will probably keep watching since it is still twin peaks, but i won't be in any particular hurry to see the new episodes and won't care about spoilers.

the best things were just stuff i recognised from the old show, and even then the closest the show came to feeling like twin peaks would have actually just felt like a parody of twin peaks, if it wasn't so goddamn serious.

james was always cool, tho. no lies there.

Episode 4 feels very much like classic Twin Peaks to me
I've only seen Ep. 1 and 2 and it feels quite Twins Peaks-y to me. Granted, there's the use of other locations but I think the storyline needs that extra "breathing room" it's been given.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I said this a few pages back, but this feels like a sequel to every Lynch film, but it kind of happens in segments.

Episode 1 reminds me most of Inland Empire (the New York stuff) and Lost Highway.(the Bullhorn stuff) with traces of Twin Peaks and the opening parts of Mulholland Drive here and there.

Episode 2 reminds me most of Blue Velvet (the stuff with Dopple Copp), and the Black Lodge scenes from Twin Peaks (in.. well the Black Lodge scenes from Twin Peaks) with traces of Mulholland Drive and Eraserhead here and there.

So no actual spoilers but tonal spoilers for 3 & 4:

The first third of Episode 3 reminds me of Eraserhead and strangely the script of Ronnie Rocket more than anything, and then the rest really reminds me of Wild At Heart for some reason.

Episode 4 feels the most like Twin Peaks hammy side mixed with some of the odd humor found in Lynch's other films, and the last bit really reminds of Fire Walk With Me for a few reasons.

I feel like people will have diverse feelings for each episode based on what you personally like, or if you're like me and love most everything Lynch has done you may end up loving all of it. I can see people being really divisive about the episodes though.


Oh man episode 4.

When Bobby sees Laura's picture and the music starts playing after what seems like four episodes with no music....



Episode 4 is not even trying to hide the fact that it's doing a parody of Twin Peaks.

Wally and Bobby removed any single doubt you could have.

And there's nothing wrong with that :p .
How does Bobby figure into your "parody" theory? That was the most respectful treatment the character has received since the first few episodes of Season 2.

(remember, Part 3 & 4 details go in spoiler tags)

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
How does Bobby figure into your "parody" theory? That was the most respectful treatment the character has received since the first few episodes of Season 2.

(remember, Part 3 & 4 details go in spoiler tags)

I honestly thought the same thing, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way. I mean I don't know if I was supposed to laugh when
Bobby was crying
, but I did.


"James is still cool. He's always been cool."

Might have been due to the song playing but for some reason that makes me tear up.


I was not expecting this to go full Lynch. The first four episodes were nothing like I was expecting yet they were as good as I was hoping they'd be. I need more.


I honestly thought the same thing, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt that way. I mean I don't know if I was supposed to laugh when
Bobby was crying
, but I did.
Laughing at him is fine, people always reacted that way to emotionally charged scenes in the original Twin Peaks. That doesn't make it a parody.


Laughing at him is fine, people always reacted that way to emotionally charged scenes in the original Twin Peaks. That doesn't make it a parody.

How does Bobby figure into your "parody" theory? That was the most respectful treatment the character has received since the first few episodes of Season 2.

(remember, Part 3 & 4 details go in spoiler tags)

Because of the editing. They made him do it twice, at the beginning, and at the end of the scene.

And the second time was cut abruptly, clearly implying that it wasn't to be taken seriously.

Let's not forget the actor's direction.

It was a clear call back that made fun of something Twin Peaks abused in the past.


In Episode 3....

When Coop is at the
casino, he visits the woman in the change booth. Her ring stood out, as it appeared to be green and gold, but my streaming picture wasn't sharp enough to see if it was 'the' ring - anyone else spot this?

Okay, could some of you guys chime in here?

I took a screenshot, but it was really tough to get a clear shot of it.


The symbol doesn't look like a match to me, but the resemblance is uncanny and it doesn't strike me as something Lynch wouldn't have noticed. Any thoughts?


Death Prophet
I agree with some posters that ep 3
wasn't as good as the first two and took me out of it a bit. Although I loved the bunny scene with Andy, Hawk, and Lucy and there were other moments as well. Hoping ep 4 brings me back a bit.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
I really liked episode 3, but (and I will emphasize this as I fully believe it) I think this show is going to be divisive on opinions because the show is channeling a lot of different things from Lynch, and some parts of it may be less or more appreciated based on who you are and what you're looking for.

That'll be true of the series too, but I think there's good reason we see people who were less fond of 1 & 2 but loved 3 & 4, and the opposite who loved 1 & 2 but didn't like 3 or 4, some who liked 2 but didn't like 1 or liked 4 but didn't like 3, some who won't like any of it, or people who love all of it.


Okay, could some of you guys chime in here?

I took a screenshot, but it was really tough to get a clear shot of it.


The symbol doesn't look like a match to me, but the resemblance is uncanny and it doesn't strike me as something Lynch wouldn't have noticed. Any thoughts?
I also noticed this and it definitely looks like the Owl Ring to me.

Just spent the last four hours eating donuts and drinking coffee while watching new episodes of Twin Peaks. What a time to be alive!
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