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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End


Its my brother's birthday tomorrow so I've plans with his family during the day and at night we'll watch the episode.. Stocking up on donuts before heading over.

Its been quite the ride and may I say, as an older member who saw the original run completely alone when it aired, its been great to discuss the return here. Hopefully showtime will bless us with another year!


So close now. My hand's shaking, but I'm not sure why.


Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
I should get a donut to honor Twin Peaks while I watch it. Hmmm, donuts.

I don't think I can get cherry pie for tomorrow though.
I'm in South Carolina visiting the wife's family and with no wifi. :( I will have to wait until Tuesday to watch the finale since my data won't cover it. Nooooo


Not Wario
Sleep schedule is super screwed up from headaches- just woke up for the day- but I'm still contemplating rewatching everything tomorrow. If I can fall asleep at a reasonable enough hour to still wake up on time for it, I think I'm in.

First thing I'm going to do tomorrow is get me a dozen of that original glazed Krispy Kreme. I can't fucking wait.



This is a good idea and I'm stealing it.


So I just realized I don’t have showtime to watch the marathon but I do subscribe to their ondemand thing via amazon. While it’s not the same, I’m still debating getting up at 4 because I’m dumb.


Not Wario
So I just realized I don't have showtime to watch the marathon but I do subscribe to their ondemand thing via amazon. While it's not the same, I'm still debating getting up at 4 because I'm dumb.

This is what I'll be doing assuming sleep works out. It's not dumb!

...is it dumb? :(

Is cherry pie any good? I usually avoid cooked fruit pies.

I like it, but a great apple pie is usually better in my mind. Not a fan of fruitcake or fruit desserts in general, but pies are great. Heat it up and get some great vanilla ice cream to go with it.


Stormy Grey
So I just realized I don’t have showtime to watch the marathon but I do subscribe to their ondemand thing via amazon. While it’s not the same, I’m still debating getting up at 4 because I’m dumb.





My realistic expectations:

-Bob shows up in a horrifying scene. The mirror scene in episode 5(?) used Bob way better than I ever hoped this season would show him. Even though it was a great and quite creepy scene, it wasn't even nearly as frightening as some of the stuff seen in season 2 though. So I'm expecting at least one more use of Bob and I'm expecting it to be amazingly creepy. I expect his laughing face from episode 14 to appear somewhere.

-A new place in the Lodge we have never seen before. There will also be a new way how time and space are going weird. Just like the "Purple Room" scene was made in a completely new way, I expect there to be another new idea brought in the last two episodes.

-Cooper and Gordon Cole meet and their chemistry is as great as it ever was. There needs to be a scene where the exact opposite to the "Cole meets Mr. C" scene happens.

My unrealistic expectations:

-Annie appears (dead or alive - probably dead)

-Ontkean as Truman makes a quick appearance. Maybe dies and appears in the Lodge after that.

-Sam Stanley and Chet Desmond make an appearance.

-Windom Earle is seen in some form or another in the Lodge.

I would like to see those things.


My realistic expectations:

-Bob shows up in a horrifying scene. The mirror scene in episode 5(?) used Bob way better than I ever hoped this season would show him. Even though it was a great and quite creepy scene, it wasn't even nearly as frightening as some of the stuff seen in season 2 though. So I'm expecting at least one more use of Bob and I'm expecting it to be amazingly creepy. I expect his laughing face from episode 14 to appear somewhere.

-A new place in the Lodge we have never seen before. There will also be a new way how time and space are going weird. Just like the "Purple Room" scene was made in a completely new way, I expect there to be another new idea brought in the last two episodes.

-Another appearance of Wally Brando. And if not appearance, he will be mentioned/acknowledged in some fashion (I will accept even showing how he never was in the picture with Andy and Lucy, if there happens to be some sort of a "dream fantasy" plot going on).

-Cooper and Gordon Cole meet and their chemistry is as great as it ever was. There needs to be a scene where the exact opposite to the "Cole meets Mr. C" scene happens.

-Philip Gerard shows up in the real world.

-We get to see/hear what happened to Donna.

My unrealistic expectations:

-For some reason the cold feeling of the Red Room in this season has been intentional and they'll suddenly bring back the same warmth and closed feeling seasons 1 and 2 and FWWM had. The coldness has been because of some plot reason and now that plot advances and we get to experience the Red Room in the way we used to.

-Annie appears (dead or alive - probably dead)

-Ontkean as Truman makes a quick appearance. Maybe dies and appears in the Lodge after that.

-Sam Stanley and Chet Desmond make an appearance.

-Windom Earle is seen in some form or another in the Lodge.

-Leo is acknowledged.

-The Annie/Lana Miss Twin Peaks weirdness from the Secret History is explained at least a bit.

-We see a "what if" kind of scene that shows the Palmer family as if Laura had never been killed, and Bob will be part of that scene.

Yeah, the only unrealistic expectation I really want to see is Ontkean as Harry again

It won't happen, but man just imagine how incredible that would be if they'd managed to get him in there for the finale despite everything we know about him not being back


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
I'm relistening to Philip K. Dick's Ubik on audiobook in preparation for tomorrow. It might not mirror what's going to happen, but it's got the same crazy dream logic.


Not Wario
If I could have 1 appearance from a member of the old cast that hasn't shown up yet, it would be Ontkean. Got to have just one scene with Harry and Dale together again.

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
While it'd be cool to see Ontkean, all I'm hoping for is a striking finale. There's two more episodes, so I'm curious where they may go with everything.
If I can't have Ontkean then I want a huge dose of Ray Wise instead.

With lots and lots of Cooper.

And, I can't believe this is wrapping up within the next 24 hours.
Was at a farmers market today and saw a delicious looking cherry pie.

Bought it immediately.

Am ready for tomorrow night. Well, will be once fresh coffee is brewed at 7:45 PM tomorrow....

What about the turkey jerky? Was that there before?

Can't wait to find out where all this Sarah Palmer stuff is going to lead to.


I'll be watching the finale tomorrow, and have time to rewatch 2-3 episodes from season 3 tonight, recommendedations for which ones?

Also, I'm gutted this is my first time posting in the thread, kind of held off even looking as I love this show but was worried I would see a lot of negativity (which always bums me out way more than it should). Really glad to see how positive and respectful people are even if they have problems with the show.


I'll be watching the finale tomorrow, and have time to rewatch 2-3 episodes from season 3 tonight, recommendedations for which ones?

Also, I'm gutted this is my first time posting in the thread, kind of held off even looking as I love this show but was worried I would see a lot of negativity (which always bums me out way more than it should). Really glad to see how positive and respectful people are even if they have problems with the show.



I'll be watching the finale tomorrow, and have time to rewatch 2-3 episodes from season 3 tonight, recommendedations for which ones?

Also, I'm gutted this is my first time posting in the thread, kind of held off even looking as I love this show but was worried I would see a lot of negativity (which always bums me out way more than it should). Really glad to see how positive and respectful people are even if they have problems with the show.

I have a good feeling that episode 8 will be included in most people's replies.

Other good choices are 2, 3, 11.

I could really name many more.


Stormy Grey
It would be an interesting way to subvert the finale for Season 2 by having a happier ending, with Cooper finally overcoming the darkness of the Lodge after being imprisoned for nearly 3 decades. His triumphant return in episode 16 has all the hallmarks of the trademark Cooper charisma and infallible spirit. Everything that happened around Dougie felt guided by some cosmic positivity, changing everyone's lives for the better. If that's what he can do while impaired, what could be possible now that he's 100% Coffee & Donuts again?

On the other hand, the power of the Black Lodge and its spirits are genuinely otherworldly, and I highly doubt the One Man FBI could realistically put a stop to their plans and seal them from mingling with our planet again. There's also something to be said about the original's bleak ending and how the near total loss against evil was what made it memorable and kept people talking. Lynch, Showtime, and multiple key actors & actresses have all said that the door is open for a Season 4. But will it be one that starts off with a more positive and enlightened township? Or will we see another painful setback in a neverending battle?

It could honestly go either way. I haven't talked about it much here, but one thing I've absolutely loved about the current season is how unpredictable it is. We've all had 25 years to imagine every possibility and somehow, Lynch and Frost found ways most wonderful and strange. Some slight disappointments that some returning cast have been given very little in the way of screentime so far. Untimely losses of talent who played fan favorites changing the landscape of what may come in the future. Twin Peaks itself is such a different beast than it was 25 years ago that for some, it's hardly recognizable. But honestly, for me? That's the most exciting part. It's not Season 1 or Season 2. It's Twin Peaks the way Lynch and Frost imagined it to be a whole lifetime away from its original airing, and everyone involved seems pleased that it came together exactly how they wanted it to. I honestly don't know if I can ask for more than that.

I've been responding to messages in Cole-isms all day today. I've got the fangirl jitters at 4am. It's hard to process that we're less than a day away from what everything has been leading up to, and I don't think there's any way it can disappoint me. There's never been anything like this on TV - an artsy underdog returning after studio meddling ran the golden goose into the ground, and here it is 25 years later, laying a few more eggs as seeds for Tulpas. Thank Dougie.
I just finished episode 11, I'm hoping that 12 plays out better since I don't have to wait a week until the next episode and also by knowing where these plots lead to.

I also wanted to say that the scene in the desert with the Mitchum Bros. and Dougie is one of the highlights of the season.
Happy Twin Peaks finale day, GAF. The journey wouldn't have been the same without y'all, can't wait for the post-series discussion but wishing it didn't have to end.


Does anyone have any nice, high-resolution TP related wallpapers on hand? Maybe something Red Room inspired.


Happy Twin Peaks finale day, GAF. The journey wouldn't have been the same without y'all, can't wait for the post-series discussion but wishing it didn't have to end.

And enjoy watching live people! I am in the Amsterdam/Paris Time Zone. So I won't be watching live. But wish you all the luck and joy and abundance.
But I would be getting up around 7am to download and watch the final :D


Not Wario
Well screw sleep. Still awake from my 6 pm wake up. Guess I'm up till the finale ends. I'll be in an appropriately dreamlike state for the finale.
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