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Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| It's Just A Change, Not An End

Here's my checklist from last week, plot points remaining for the finale:

✓= Resolved
?= Semi-Resolved
X= Not Resolved

Top Priority:
?_What will Mr. C and Cooper's fates be?
✓_What's going to happen to Bob?
X_The fuck is up with Audrey?
?_Who is Judy?
X_Who called Mr. C?
?_Where did Laura go?
X_What's inside Sarah?
✓_Who is Naido?
✓_Who or what will Freddy punch?

They actually got most of the core stuff settled in Part 17, not a bad haul overall. But then...

Low Priority:
X_Seriously, is Red important at all?
X_Why is everyone in Twin Peaks getting sick?
X_Why did that rock vaporize Richard?
X_Who is Billy?
X_Is that "Experiment" monster still relevant or...?
X_Are the Woodsmen still important?
X_What was up with the frog-bug that crawled in the girl's mouth?
?_What's that ringing noise?
X_What's with all the gold?
X_What was up with The Arm and its doppelganger?
X_What is that strange purple dimension?
X_Who is Senorita Dido?
?_What is that weird mark that looks like a dot with horns?
?_Who is the "Linda" in "Richard and Linda?"
X_Did Steven really shoot himself?



I'm wondering if Lynch pretty much told Frost "hey, I'm going to confuse tf out of these people. You wanna wrap everything up in the dossier?"

"Sure man, go for it. I got this"

DL: I don't answer them really. But he really liked it. Believe it or not, Eraserhead is my most spiritual film.

JB: Elaborate on that.

DL: No, I won't.

Can anyone give me a reason why you think he put the season's events out of order at times? I mean if we can just chalk it up to, 'Well TIME PARADOX' then I guess whatever.

My complete guess is that some scenes felt out of order because of this being treated as an 18-hour piece rather than 18 episodes. So when it came time to edit, some things were placed in different ways than perhaps originally intended.

But it's a total guess.


wasn't the lightning that killed richard a trap that was meant for Mr C? he got several coordinated and used Richard to see if it was safe. It wasn't.
I don't remember who he got the trap coordinates from, though. Jeffreys?
"Lynch made a Season 3 about why Season 3 should have never been made."

Sounds pretty accurate, actually.

As much as Lynch likes to remind people of artifice, he's also super-earnest in his own peculiar way and I don't think he'd make something just for the sake of being cynically self-referential.

Well, not consciously, anyway.


wasn't the lightning that killed richard a trap that was meant for Mr C? he got several coordinated and used Richard to see if it was safe. It wasn't.
I don't remember who he got the trap coordinates from, though. Jeffreys?

And Ray


So Cooper (and Diane and maybe Carrie) are now like the Chalfonts. They walk in a reality of not their own sometimes inhabiting people and sometimes just appearing to them as "ghosts" (Maybe Cooper is inside some Richard and Diane is inside some Linda and maybe Carrie is the only real person but is inhabited by Laura).

that car ride was honestly one of the best things in the series. Dreadful as hell, I was so tense

There were moments like that but now that we know that nothing happens is there anything to like about those scenes in possible rewatches?

For me this season had many scenes I thought were horrifying to watch because of my past knowledge of Twin Peaks and nostalgia and expectations and all, but most of them ended up being nothing. Currently I'm not sure if I can go through some of those moments without pressing fast forward.


This makes more sense to me
So Cooper (and Diane and maybe Carrie) are now like the Chalfonts. They walk in a reality of not their own sometimes inhabiting people and sometimes just appearing to them as "ghosts" (Maybe Cooper is inside some Richard and Diane is inside some Linda and maybe Carrie is the only real person but is inhabited by Laura).

Oooooh, that's interesting.
That was pure Lynchian insanity. Dig what he went for but I don't feel like he stuck the landing completely. Like at this point it's pointless to even ask questions because we are now into time traveling/alternate dimensions territory. We're going to need another 25 years to piece everything together.

or maybe just the dossier.

There certainly will be nothing like it on TV, much like the original show. Unless he goes and does a S4 which is unlikely? who knows. Overall though, I loved S3 to bits.


Anyway, book things.

The RR at the end was just "RR Cafe", wasn't it? The book has a RR menu with information about Norma's parents that includes:

Page 184 said:
Mr. Lindstorm put up a big sign and thought that folks would refer to his place as "Marty's Railroad Cafe," but it wouldn't be long before people started calling it the Double R. After the war years, Marty yielded to popular opinion and added the neon RR that adorns the sign to this day.

I was also going to add something about the book's discussion of mysteries vs secrets but it's not as relevant as I remembered it being.


What was the motivation of the Arm's Doppleganger to send Coop to the Black Lodge? Just to delay Coop then? We didn't see that evil tree again this season either.


explain to me what a 4th season looks like.

Coop left a new Mr C behind, but is even badder than before, teams up with Judy to destroy the world. Only the Mitchum brothers and Dougie can save us, while Cole travels infinite multiverses with the help of his hearing aid to find Cooper again in the last episode of season 4.

Chitown B

I couldn't begin to guess at that nor do I care to. From what I understand, Lynch didn't rule it out but he seemed skeptical.

I feel like most fans came back for the original characters and town. They barely got any of that in S3, many have now died, and S4 everything seems to have been wiped. So it wouldn't resemble anything.

Chitown B

What was the motivation of the Arm's Doppleganger to send Coop to the Black Lodge? Just to delay Coop then? We didn't see that evil tree again this season either.

it didn't send him to the purple lodge. It sent him to New York. To get trapped and killed by mother. Naido (or someone) saved Coop from the box.


explain to me what a 4th season looks like.

Major Briggs' head travels time and space, and we see the invention of time. It's fucked up looking. It then finds Dale and Laura, now much older, who entered the new dimension's White Lodge, but in this new dimension, White is Black, and so they have been trapped. They break free, but are separated. Everything is messed up, and no one is who they were. Cooper tries to bring them all back to their original positions, but it's no use. Wacky things happen. Then he finds Laura, and they go to the coordinates (well, the 430 miles) that he and Diane had traveled through.

Lynch can figure out the rest.


Maybe the thread title should be rewritten as "Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| Naysayers redeemed"

I don't really dislike the last episode that much and the season was ok, but there is some irony in how people were dreading something like this happening after seeing the first few episodes and got told off very quickly :D

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Did anyone notice that the motel POST fucking Diane wasn't the same???

The car too. Everything changed.

The moral of the story is don't fuck your coworkers.


My actual thoughts is it was like dream logic, I've experienced that in a dream before where something happens, it takes over my thought process and I get an impending feeling that something is very wrong, then confirmation something is very wrong (the note, Diane/Linda missing), and then finding out things have completely changed. A very common way this surfaces in dreams I've had is the location is similar, but very different.

With the dream theme this season has had, that was one of the most striking moments for me since the whole thing felt it could've been lifted right out of a dream I might have. In fact, the whole second half of Part 18 worked on some severe dream logic. Paranoia about the headlights and how they're like a perfect distance away, trying to insist on something but no one believes you and you feel your right but nothing is adding up. There's more to my thoughts here, but the distinct feeling for me from te last part was it felt a lot like an uncomfortable dream, not quite a nightmare, but a dream where something just feels very wrong.


Maybe the thread title should be rewritten as "Twin Peaks Season 3 |OT2| Naysayers redeemed"

I don't really dislike the last episode that much and the season was ok, but there is some irony in how people were dreading something like this happening after seeing the first few episodes and got told off very quickly :D

Nah, naysayers would have only been redeemed had Cooper only awakened in the last scene of the final episode.

Instead he wakes up in Episode 16 just to be thrown back into Black Lodge multi-dimensional wackiness half an hour of screentime later.


Can anyone give me a reason why you think he put the season's events out of order at times? I mean if we can just chalk it up to, 'Well TIME PARADOX' then I guess whatever.
I think it's simply because this show didn't have a traditional linear screenplay to follow. It honestly feels like they wrote a collection of story arcs for Lynch to reorder in any way that felt "right" to him.

I've said this before and I'll probably keep saying this until I die, but I would love to see how the screenplay was structured. Hopefully they'll publish it someday. It would be quite the doozy if it turned out to be a cohesive progression of events, unlike the final product.
The way I see it, you've got two options for how to look back on Twin Peaks:

1. Remember the series as Season 1, the first 10 episodes of Season 2 and FWWM. View what followed as the equivalent of direct-to-DVD sequels.

2. Acknowledge the existence of the entire series, and accept that it will never reach a true resolution, because Lynch is dedicated to making everything unresolvable and inexplicable. He believes the questions are more interesting than the answers, so he will provide no answers. Provide your own.
Nah, naysayers would have only been redeemed had Cooper only awakened in the last scene of the final episode.

Instead he wakes up in Episode 16 just to be swiftly thrown into Black Lodge multi-dimensional wackiness half an hour of screentime later.


I didn't watch season 1 and half of season 2 for this...


It makes one wonder why Lynch didn't call this series some like Coffee and Cherry Pie: A Twin Peaks Story.

I mean (and to be clear I'm not seriously making this argument, but) one could say that given the statement by Showtime's president that it's "about Agent Dale Cooper’s odyssey to Twin Peaks", there's an argument for "The Return" being Cooper's return and not the show itself.

Chitown B

there are some stories that obviously got left on the cutting room floor. Becky's story was not resolved at all. I wonder if there is another "missing pieces" coming.
there are some stories that obviously got left on the cutting room floor. Becky's story was not resolved at all. I wonder if there is another "missing pieces" coming.

I don't really see what resolution she could have. Her boyfriend killed himself, he was a scumbag. She reconciled with her mother. Eventually she'll find out he's dead and Shelly will comfort her. The end?


just finished and... oh deer. they went ahead and did it. we got the how's annie ending of series finales

caveat here is there's a lot more to dissect and "make sense of". this one's a whopper though

my quick take so far is coop essentially removed judy from existence and ep. 18 was seeing the outcome "from the other side", and there may or may not be the twin peaks reality as we know it remaining, where things are more or less happier ever after. or at least that's the best way i can articulate it. but again, just my immediate take, sure to change


there are some stories that obviously got left on the cutting room floor. Becky's story was not resolved at all. I wonder if there is another "missing pieces" coming.

I will say it was kinda weird that they never went back to that, especially as there was the implication he might have done something to Becky?

I guess I should look at that timeline I say of what scenes probably took place on which days again. It'd make more sense if it could be post-17 (if... such a thing exists?) because I'd expect Bobby to be pretty distraught about his daughter being killed if that was the case.


I don't really see what resolution she could have. Her boyfriend killed himself, he was a scumbag. She reconciled with her mother. Eventually she'll find out he's dead and Shelly will comfort her. The end?

I honestly thought it was going to be that she was the abuser, and it ended in kinda a reverse Shelley-Bobby sort of way
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