What's the story behind this?
Those tweets are quite old, I think she said they settled the issue but I believe she was frustrated how little the original cast was in the show besides Kyle? I can't remember though
What's the story behind this?
OK, after marinating for a day, I feel like I have to get some thoughts out of me before I can go back to launching hot one liners (because, like James, Net_Wrecker's cool, he's always been always cool)
Damn good TV.
Um, David is very interesting, hes very abstract. In the same way that you can meet a close friend 10 years later and its the same, its that. Because David saw something in my soul that connected with his soul. I think his daughter said it was like a first crush he had when he was young, or something like that. Thats why Davids work is so memorable. Its never weird for the sake of it everything is very deeply soul-based. Thats why its as intense as it is. Thats why it evokes big reactions, of love or hate.
So being back in there, there was a road to get there that we had to walk on. Because it was happening, and then it wasnt happening, and then it was happening and I had some frustrations dealing with the whole show, with David, I just had feelings about it. So finally we came to terms with what we were doing, and he wrote this beautiful stuff for Audrey to do, that was upsetting and sad and haunting. It was David again. You go over to Davids pool and you dive in.
One time I was supposed to do this scene, and I dont think I was there at all, or I intellectualised it too much. Its just this short scene where she gets really upset and she gets really lost. We went to shoot that, and we ended the day, and he knew subconsciously it wasnt right. The next day I was totally lost and he said well thats the one. And he didnt say anything, we just knew. Hes a little maestro, a little magician.
Understanding with David is overrated, dont try to understand it. Theres no one way to understand it however you interpret it, he would tell you thats correct, and mean it. Its not about his ego getting one thing across. Hes about all of us being connected on a larger level.
The finale wasn't satisfying but I loved every second of it.
Nothing about this ending makes S4 in any way realistic.
Episode 17: 10/10
Episode 18: Lynch/10
This has been my favorite take on the finale so far. It views the finale through a lens that results in an interpretation of Twin Peaks I'm most fond of: Not Laura as some Christ-like figure, just a girl who wasn't helped.
Turns out Julee isn't happy with how she was treated either. There's a post up on Reddit. Check it out.
I started thinking that most Lynch films give me this feeling.My reaction was bewilderment and really unsettled? I didn't know what to make of it and it was uncomfortable as hell too. I still don't know what to think of it honestly.
BRB using google since no link
pls post link if you find it
Turns out Julee isn't happy with how she was treated either. There's a post up on Reddit. Check it out.
To be honest, who really cares what Julee thinks? :/
I started thinking that most Lynch films give me this feeling.
I wonder what she had in mind. She was very hyped two days ago, saying in Instagram how she was hoping she'd done a good job. EDIT: Also, it's incredibly how everyone who finds fault in the show says it's David Lynch just slapping everyone in the face. Doing one's stuff without any external pressures probably gets those kind of responses.
Cool! My favorite movie was just a dying girl's dream.Then it's pretty much just 'it was all a dying girl's dream' trope. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DyingDream
New interview with Kyle:
He talks about his thoughts on the ending and confirms there have been "no discussions" about a season 4.
Yeah, I don't know. Maybe they recorded more stuff but that's all that made it onto the show? Maybe she just hated the finale?
I don't even know. There seem to be some indications that things weren't necessarily pleasant on set, but it's all very vague.
I for one can't believe we only got Leo in episode 17. What about the spiders man
On this thread: From moment 1, there's been a feeling that some have been downplaying the praise as Lynch fanboys losing sight of his failings, or falling victim to hyperbole, or whatever, and it's annoying. I'm not going to go back through 2 OTs and thousands of posts to pick fights and call people assholes, but there have definitely been more than a few posts displaying asshole tendencies, at the very least (and if you're feeling a type of way right now, it was probably you. Yes you, with all that salt in your veins). To these people I say- Get a grip. Open your eyes to the fact that other can earnestly enjoy something you don't, and find meaning in something you can't. That doesn't mean anyone thinks you're dumb, it's just means it's not for you. it's possible to discuss what you didn't like about the season without attacking the people who did. Lynch operates on emotion, sometimes putting sequences together purely to stimulate something in you, disregarding narrative logic to take you to a dream place and express ideas abstractly. This will not hit everyone the same way. He knows this. You should know this. It's OK to not like this. We've been here before. If Lynch makes something else, we'll be here again.
Just finished the episodes. I'm up early tomorrow so I probably should have waited and been sleeping by now lol.
I don't quite know what the fuck I just watched. Episode 17 is such a contrast to 18, but even some things in 17 were making my head spin.
The what year is it followed by the screaming is one hell of a bitch of a cliffhanger lol. If Lynch ends Twin Peaks here fans will be hounding him till he is sadly no longer with us.
spiders was the dreamer
think about it
Y'all this entire mythology was just Leo trying to convince Shelly that THIS IS WHERE WE LIVE.
Well people, it's been a pleasure watching this season with you all. I hope I wasn't too much for those who were positive about the season. While I may not have enjoyed the season, I throughly enjoyed reading your theories, live reactions, and hot takes. If this is to be the final season...well it was something alright. At least we got some sweet music out of it. Even if we didn't get enough Angelo...;_;. I should probably stop myself before I get sad again lol. Cheers, TPGAF.
New interview with Kyle:
He talks about his thoughts on the ending and confirms there have been "no discussions" about a season 4.
Well people, it's been a pleasure watching this season with you all. I hope I wasn't too much for those who were positive about the season. While I may not have enjoyed the season, I throughly enjoyed reading your theories, live reactions, and hot takes. If this is to be the final season...well it was something alright. At least we got some sweet music out of it. Even if we didn't get enough Angelo...;_;. I should probably stop myself before I get sad again lol. Cheers, TPGAF.
This is a good catch! I just watched that scene again and the camera clearly pans to focus on the tree/light and stays focussed there for a couple of seconds after Cooper drives away.one of my favourite shots of the whole show:
that moment is even more profound now than it was when it aired. Back then I cheered with tears but now it's just tears. What an amazing moment, not just because Dale Cooper got back but because he got back at a time when we needed him the most. Only for thing to go south pretty quickly.
On a rewatch it seems like the Fireman basically set a trap for Evil Coop all along. As soon as Evil Coop travels through the portal into what I presume is the white lodge, we see him stuck in some kinda cage, which is then immediately spat out directly at the entrance to the Twin Peaks sheriff station. Everything the Fireman has done has been to get this specific set of people to be at the station at this exact point in time, to kill Evil Coop and BOB, and it works pretty much perfectly.
I take episode 17 as almost a satire of the upbeat, happy ending to the series we probably all thought we wanted. After the above reunion, Cooper travels back in time, finds Laura on the night of her murder, and saves her life this time, altering the future like Marty McFly. With the music building up, and the scene of Pete going out fishing that morning, it's a beatiful moment. In many ways, that's your ending right there - and I think a certain type of audience member could definitely stop watching The Return at that point and call this a great success, with everyone living happily ever after. But having watched it twice now, I'm glad that's not what happens.
My take on ep 18 is that when Judy realises Cooper has changed the course of events and saved Laura from ever dieing, she yanks her away and traps her in basically a dream world prison alternate universe kinda thing. That's where Coop and Diane go in the final ep, to rescue Laura 'cos - presumeably - she's some kind of force for good or ultimately a weapon that will stop Judy permanently.
Coop thinks that finding trapped Laura in the dream world and driving her back to her house will snap her out of whatever spell she's under and whatever fake life she's living there, but when they arrive he realises it ultimately doesn't matter that they've driven all this way - they are still trapped in a fake reality in a fake time. I wonder if the more time he spends there the more he forgets that he's Coop too and sucumbs to this alternate world himself as well (drifting in and out of becoming "Richard"). We see this happen to Diane basically the first night they arrive and she bails on him.
I think it's ultimately an upbeat ending though, albeit a major cliffhanger, 'cos Laura does seem to snap out of it at that very final moment when she screams. I presume if we were to see just 10 more minutes of screen time, this fake prison dream world would come crashing down right there (which we see happening to the house), and Cooper and Laura would most likely be alive and well in the present, ready to face Judy. But we don't get that far.
Random other things; is Audrey also trapped in a similar kinda prison world? If so why/how?
Additionally, in ep 18 could Coop's change of persona from positive cheerful good old Coop, to somber serious Coop, also coincide with the birth of the new Dougie 2.0? Perhaps Cooper had to sacrifice some of himself to "give" to Dougie when creating him - the price he had to pay. Dougie sure seems happy when he shows up at the door, whereas our Coop doesn't crack another smile from that point on. In fact he's 100% ice cold for the rest of the ep.
that moment is even more profound now than it was when it aired. Back then I cheered with tears but now it's just tears. What an amazing moment, not just because Dale Cooper got back but because he got back at a time when we needed him the most. Only for things to go south pretty quickly.
that moment is even more profound now than it was when it aired. Back then I cheered with tears but now it's just tears. What an amazing moment, not just because Dale Cooper got back but because he got back at a time when we needed him the most. Only for things to go south pretty quickly.