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Two idiots gets $25 million from NYC from idiot jury.

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the law seems to say that the city was liable for their injuries. i'm having trouble seeing what your problem is here because you're neither quadraplegic nor have you contributed to the new york city coffers

was the award high? i don't know. i would say yes, personally, but a jury of these men's peers said otherwise. if you think you know more about the circumstances of this case than the jury who observed the court proceedings from a 1 page newspaper article rip then well, i'm not going to say anything more. i'm only going to ask that you start putting these "I AM SO GREAT AND PERFECT WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD" link and sentence threads together in a single thread so i don't keep clicking on them. thanks dude.

way more

Now 38, he said he couldn’t tell from his perch that the water was only a few feet deep. He broke his neck when his head slammed into the sand.

His brother, John, dived in to try to help and suffered a similar injury.

Whatever the ruling, the 2cd brother is a huge dumbass to follow that.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Lets see, they climbed over a fence to dive into an area that was obviously blocked off.. well.. HOW STUPID CAN YOU BE?


Right now, all over New York, people are looking for places to dive off of that aren't marked "No diving". If they get hurt, then big bucks will come their way (and their lawyers' way).


NYC gets screwed again. Damn morons, juries, and lawyers.
New York City last year paid about $500 million in claims. In 1978, the total was just $21.4 million. There is no figure for a total paid by municipalities in the rest of the state, but officials estimate it to be in the millions of dollars.
A Half Billion Dollars.

Now just you wait. Someone who can't read English is going to dive and get injured and sue the city. They'll have to post 'No Diving signs' in every written language now.


i think for the most part english is ok to cover you wrt liability within reason. i don't know though, since ianalawyer


Truth be told I didn't think that was the worst part of the article. This section really got me:

The city Law Department cites other cases as examples of what it sees as unfair verdicts:

$1.2 million to a fifth-grade teacher who hurt his knee playing basketball in the school gym/cafeteria. He claimed the floor was slippery and not level.

That's the biggest bullshit I've ever heard.


Depends the media is very anti-compensation anyway so i take all of this with a grain of salt especially as hardly any details are being mentioned.
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