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Two new DOOM 3 XBOX screens

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
signet said:
And how long are you planning to play Doom 3? It is not an life long investment, just a simple game.

With mods it can put life into doom3 for a long long time, you have no idea.


Redmond's Baby
i will wait for xbox version. Not enough money for new PC - there are more important things to buy first.


signet said:
And how long are you planning to play Doom 3? It is not an life long investment, just a simple game.
Look at a game like half-life... People are still playing that like crazy. Isnt it the most popular game on the internet still with CS and DOD and the like?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
signet said:
I only assume that people with super fast PCs are buying them for the games and not for the added benefits of running office apps faster.

Yes they can be used for other tasks but they are made for gaming. As a gaming machine the Xbox is the wiser choice becasue it is cheaper and runs Doom 3 plus many others just as well.

You assume incorrectly. I'd also have to wonder why you assume the only other usage of a PC to be "office apps".

I use my PC on a daily basis, but I don't really play many games on it these days. I own all current consoles and have tons of games for them (over 100 PS2 games, for example). You simply don't seem to have any use for a PC and are unable to comprehend other potential uses.

For me, buying Doom 3 on the PC costs no more than buying it for XBOX. Why would I choose it on XBOX? I've already purchased both platforms and they have both more than made up for their original cost.

How much did you pay for your XBOX and how many games do you own?


dem said:
I have since given in to the dark side.... and I would never go back.

I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
signet said:
I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.

Why the f*ck are you buying it on XBOX then? You already HAVE the required hardware. You are sitting around bitching about spending money on a PC that you already HAVE!!!!

Doom 3 would run much smoother and look much better on your PC than it ever will on XBOX.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
signet said:
I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.

You have that rig but you arent even considering buying doom 3 for it? -_-

No hope at all


signet said:
I did give into the darkside and ran back screaming. Thanks to that poor decision I have a P4 2.5ghz with 1gig of ram and a 9700pro that does nothing but run some dam MMPORPG all day. Thankfully I have fount some uses for it but all my gaming is done on my consoles.

That PC will run Doom 3 much better than the Xbox, and the price to you is just the cost of the game. It mystifies me that you are claiming that PC gaming will somehow cost you a lot.


dark10x said:
Why the f*ck are you buying it on XBOX then? You already HAVE the required hardware. You are sitting around bitching about spending money on a PC that you already HAVE!!!!

Doom 3 would run much smoother and look much better on your PC than it ever will on XBOX.

After gaming for a few months with stuff like UT 2004 and FarCry I find gaming on the PC distasteful at best. Buggy, clunky and overall not as appealing as console gaming. I much prefer picking up X game and putting it into console X and start playing.

I am sick of companies release ever more expensive 3d cards just to put the old one out to pasture before they are even fully utilized.

Look at Doom 3 for Xbox, I'd like to see a PC running on a 733mhz celeron with a GF3 pull off visuals like that. It is impossible, gaming on the PC is an over power under utilize mess that I prefer to stay clear of.

You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.


Will start substantiating his hate
signet said:
You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.
What does that have to do with your initial claim that one might as well play the game on Xbox if they're going to play it on the medium setting on PC?

With a rig like yours there's no way the Xbox version will even come close. Hell, a GF2 MX renders Doom 3 nicer than the Xbox. Of course, it's totally unplayable but it just goes to show how poor the Xbox version looks.


signet said:
D3 on medium? If you are going to slum it up at medium might as well play the Xbox version.

Uh, NO! Medium still looks many times better. The only difference between the highest, high, and medium modes is how much texture compression is used. There is no difference in the actual texture resolution. Only Low detail changes the texture resolution.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Hell, a GF2 MX renders Doom 3 nicer than the Xbox

Heh, now you know THAT'S not true...

You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.

Doom 3 on XBOX will run slower than your PC could run it, will have more loading, and more load points. I agree that console games are generally much more polished than PC titles...but in this case, I think you'll find the opposite.

PC Doom 3 will likely run much better and feel more polished on your PC than it ever will on XBOX. Unless your computer was poorly assembled, you will not have to "configure" anything or even deal with "glitches" and such. The game should run perfectly.

I just can't understand your logic in this case.


Will start substantiating his hate
CrimsonSkies said:
"Hell, a GF2 MX renders Doom 3 nicer than the Xbox."

Doom 3 running on a Geforce 2 MX looks better than Doom 3 running on the Xbox. It runs like crap but it looks nicer.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
Doom 3 running on a Geforce 2 MX looks better than Doom 3 running on the Xbox. It runs like crap but it looks nicer.

The GF2mx is unable to display many of the more advanced effects used in Doom 3. The fixed function hardware of that particular card is not capable of displaying the shader routines properly.

Could you explain yourself?


Will start substantiating his hate

> The fixed function hardware of that particular card is not capable of displaying the
> shader routines properly.

Doom 3 is designed around the DX7 featureset. Some effects have been enhanced for newer cards but you're not missing out on anything as such by using a GF1/2. Doom 3 running on those GPUs simply looks vastly superior to the Xbox version even if it's unplayable.


I`m in the same boat as Signet. I agree with him 100%. I have a more than capable PC but I hardly play any games on it.
I just hate all the hassle with PC games, installing the games, driver upgrades, patches and all this shit. Plus the games are usually shoddy with very fluctuating framerates.

I used to be a PC nerd back in the day when 3Dfx was on top, but I grew tired of all the shit with PC gaming.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:

> The fixed function hardware of that particular card is not capable of displaying the
> shader routines properly.

Doom 3 is designed around the DX7 featureset. Some effects have been enhanced for newer cards but you're not missing out on anything as such by using a GF1/2. Doom 3 running on those GPUs simply looks vastly superior to the Xbox version even if it's unplayable.

It clearly is not designed around the DX7 featureset. Many of the effects employed during the game seem to rely on DX8 class hardware (afterall, Doom 3 was often demonstrated as a game for the GeForce3 card). It may have had an original base in the DX7 featureset, but that no longer seems to be the case. The dynamic lighting model is perpixel, for example.

Quite honestly, I don't believe that a good deal of the effects presented in Doom 3 are possible on a GF2mx. If you could present some information that suggests otherwise, I would be interested in reading it.


i think i'm the only guy on earth that doesn't have any 'hassle' with PC games. I've had my PC for a year and a half now, installed dozens of games, and I have yet to download any drivers or patches for games the entire time.


Gregory said:
I used to be a PC nerd back in the day when 3Dfx was on top, but I grew tired of all the shit with PC gaming.

lol me too, I guess we got kicked in the "nuts" enough with all the PC garbage back in the day. Shit I can't even count how many 3dfx cards I had (3dfx, voodoo, voodoo 2, voodoo rush, dual voodoo 2s, voodoo 3 3000, voodoo3 3500) the only ones I did not get were the voodoo 4 or 5s by then I was in nvida's pocket.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Doc Holliday said:
just wondering isnt doom3 an opengl game? what does dx have to do with it?

Yes, it is an OpenGL game...

DX is only being mentioned in reference to the feature set per graphics card. A "DX7 class" card is not capable of the advanced shaders found on DX8 class cards, for example. Using a different API doesn't necessarily mean you can simply use hardware functions that don't exist.

Demigod Mac


So much sexier than an Xbox. Admit it!


D3 was designed around dx7-level hardware and was using register combiners. Not sure what has happened since. I'm sure some effects are higher precision and faster now.. but I'm not sure I've seen anything that would be impossible on GF1/2. Though the way Carmack is talking about hell (makes me frickin giddy) who knows.


Insertia said:
i think i'm the only guy on earth that doesn't have any 'hassle' with PC games. I've had my PC for a year and a half now, installed dozens of games, and I have yet to download any drivers or patches for games the entire time.

Well, you don`t have to, but the card makers are making new and better drivers for their cards all the time. What really put me off PC gaming though was that after I installed some new drivers for my gfx card on my old PC, my PC went to hell. It wasn`t even able boot up afterwards, always just rebooting when the windows screen showed up. So I had to format and reinstall everything.

Sure, it was propably a freak thing, but I then decided all this crap just isn`t worth it.


signet said:
lol me too, I guess we got kicked in the "nuts" enough with all the PC garbage back in the day. Shit I can't even count how many 3dfx cards I had (3dfx, voodoo, voodoo 2, voodoo rush, dual voodoo 2s, voodoo 3 3000, voodoo3 3500) the only ones I did not get were the voodoo 4 or 5s by then I was in nvida's pocket.

Yep, I also actually had those dual voodoo 2`s.
I remember I was doing anything to get the best framerates in Quake 2, which meant I had to get 2 voodoo 2 cards... Man,what a ripoff that was now that I look back on it. I also had a PowerVR card at the same time, comparing framerates and image quality in games between the cards... Madness.

Then I got one of those Voodoo 3 cards and stopped after that.


Will start substantiating his hate

> It clearly is not designed around the DX7 featureset.

It clearly is.

All the basic features that make up the Doom 3 engine are part of DX7. Development of the Doom 3 engine was started when the GF1 came out.

"Nvidia GeForce[2]: We are using these as our primary development platform. I play some tricks with the register combiners to get a bit better quality than would be possible with a generic dual texture accelerator."

Carmack has stated on multiple occasions that the minimum specs for Doom 3 would be a Geforce 256 and a 1 GHz PIII. Of course this was before they found out that there was no way in hell they would ever be able to optimize to the point were it becomes playable.

> Many of the effects employed during the game seem to rely on DX8 class hardware
> (afterall, Doom 3 was often demonstrated as a game for the GeForce3 card).

The basic component which are dot3 blending, cube maps and stencil shadows are all DX7 effects! For more advanced hardware they're calculating shadow volumes on the GPU and using math instead of textures for highlights but those are minor things.

All the basic effects are intact on a DX7 class GPU!

> The dynamic lighting model is perpixel, for example.

DX7 supports dot3 dammit.

> Quite honestly, I don't believe that a good deal of the effects presented in Doom 3 are
> possible on a GF2mx.

You have the alpha. Buy a GF2 MX, start it up, see what happens.


Will start substantiating his hate
m0dus said:
I mean, you DO realize that the game, in its final form, likely won't even execute without DX9 functioning? :)
It may require that DX9 is installed but it certainly doesn't require a DX9 class card.

No, I'd say that the Xbox version running on an HDTV would put anything running on a GeForce MX series to absolute shame
Why an HDTV? First of all, Doom 3 Xbox only supports 480p, secondly a progressive scan capable tv isn't going to magically make the game look better. Keep in mind that I'm not talking framerate, just looks.


I think I have an old gefore MX sitting in the garage, I am almost tempted to buy Doom 3 now just to prove cybamerc wrong.


Wait it is a GF 4 mx 440, hope a demo comes out so I can try it. I'll run Doom 3 on a 1.2ghz celeron (almost twice as fast as the Xbox) and we will see what version "looks" better.


Wow, did this thread ever go uhhh ... weird.

I have a PC and an Xbox, but I'll definitely be picking up the PC version. I love my PC and I love spending money on it for no real reason. Why just last week I bought a new MX510 mouse and a spiffy Zalman CPU fan, for no real reason. Games like Farcry, Thief 3, Doom 3 and Half-life 2 (in sept!!) are reasons I like to spend cash on PC gaming. I also like a high end system so I can burn a DVD while downloading torrents and playing CoH, so I really benefit from the extra processing power, because my PC wouldn't be able to handle it otherwise.

I also picked up this keyboard because it glows.



Yeah, I'm a sucker for toys, but I can afford it so why not.

The real situation here is does the Xbox version look good, and I think it does. Could a comparable PC (spec wise) pull that off? HELL NO! So, if you are more buget minded the Xbox version makes a lot of sense. I have a choice and I'm picking the PC version.


Ps. I never have any problems with my PC. Six years ago, yeah, things were tougher, but now everything is much more standardized and simple. That being said, PCs aren't for everyone ... especially people that complain about upgrading ...



Hmm I tried doom 3 alpha on Athlon 1.2GHz + 256M RAM + Geforce 2 PRO 64 MEG RAM and the game did run, it even ran pretty good. Pretty good as in playable.. It wasn't smooth at all though. Way below 15fps but it ran.
m0dus said:
As for DX-9 -- I HAVE a Geforce 2 GTS, as well as a shuttle XPC with a Geforce 4 MX , and I have the doom 3 alpha. Guess what? it won't run on ANY of them. To the best of my ability, I should edit/add. both systems *have* DX9 installed--but that doesn't really mean a lick of difference? It would seem the hardware needs to support the feature set, and DX9 cards are the only ones out there that truly can--at least, to the quality of xbox visuals. edit: I realize that it MAY be possible to get the game running smoothly enough if you turn off the per-pixel lighting, stencil shadows, bumpmapping and glow effects--but then, what's the point? The Xbox version runs fine without sacrificing ANY of that.

The alpha is designed only to run on certain drivers. You simply don't have those drivers. I have run the alpha on a gf2mx. It works. It runs absolutely unplayably slow, but it works.

And it has been stated by the developers that it will run quite well on a Geforce 4mx, which I beleive has the same functionality as a geforce 2 mx (although i MIGHT be wrong there). in either case, it's moot, because i've run it (at about 5 fps...although i think that's largely because i only had 128mb, and the alpha needs around 512 to be playable) on a gf2mx.


signet said:
After gaming for a few months with stuff like UT 2004 and FarCry I find gaming on the PC distasteful at best. Buggy, clunky and overall not as appealing as console gaming. I much prefer picking up X game and putting it into console X and start playing.

You just get so much more for you gaming dollar when you game on consoles.
Yes, but the hilarious thing is that you've ALREADY SPENT "gaming dollars" on a PC rig which will outperform your Xbox for Doom 3. So what exactly was your argument, again?
Wait, wait, wait. UT2K4's buggy? The same game I've never had a crash with? The same game that runs high speed on my rig with all details on? The same game that's currently the best FPS overall this year?

I thought you were just yankin' chains at first, now you're just full of shit.
not sure why the insecure PC (or nbots/psbots pretending to be PC bots) have to come out each time a Doom 3 xbox thread pops up..

maybe people dont want to upgrade their PC for 1 or 2 games? maybe some people dont even like playing games on their pc?

I enjoy playing games with teh xbox controller and on my tv, and using xbox live...

that okay with you guys, or are you too insecure that you need to whine each time one of these threads starts?


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Having just seen Doom3 footage for the first time, I honestly believe that there's no hope for a good XBOX version unless the game is seriously re-tooled.
Tre said:
Yes, because saying a game looks like shit is insecurity. You're just a weee bit paranoid, guy.

yes, when you do it in every doom 3 xbox thread, when you already admit that you are getting it for PC... thats something wrong.

paranoid? no.. i just think its lame that people who are excited about doom3 for xbox cant have a thread without legions of pc douche bags entering and talking how bad it is on the xbox... we see what it looks like, if we like it, what the fuck do you care??? its just really lame and sad.. but nice try and sounding "cool" with the paranoid thing...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
DaCocoBrova said:
Having just seen Doom3 footage for the first time, I honestly believe that there's no hope for a good XBOX version unless the game is seriously re-tooled.

now look for Xbox footage. it impressed pretty much everyone at e3 2004.


I'm another one that will be getting Doom on Xbox instead of PC... I'm not dellusional. I know Doom will look better on my PC, but I really don't care.

I'll take my 65" HDTV, XBL, 5.1 surround sound and comfy couch over my 19" monitor, shit ass computer chair, and stereo speaker set-up any day of the week... even if I have to make a few sacrifices with marginally worse image quality and/or framerate.


Seriously, whatever floats your boat in terms of preference between PC and Xbox. However, it must be said Doom 3 PC will be superior to that of the Xbox version. Not only in terms of visuals and controls, but the fact it will feature heavy mod support.

If you've got a PC capable of running Doom 3, it's crazy to suggest you'd rather have it on Xbox. That's just silly.

Kon Tiki

Keyboard and mouse? Mods? Custom Maps? Willing to sacrifice all that just so you can sit on the chesterfield? You need a Phantom.


signet said:
What pains me are PC games who have to come into Xbox game threads and spout off how much better the PC version is. If you can find me a $150 PC that will run Doom 3 better than the xbox I'll listen. If you can't keep your yap shut.

the xbox gamers started bragging about how good their version would be in comparision to a $1.5K despite the fact that this looks like ASS compared to Doom3 on med settings and probably still not comparable to the low settings

get your fucking facts straight before you accuse people of starting shit

Oni Jazar

Please Lucky, like xbox fans aren't baiting with comments like this:

I'll take my 65" HDTV, XBL, 5.1 surround sound and comfy couch over my 19" monitor, shit ass computer chair, and stereo speaker set-up any day of the week

Bottom line is, PC gaming isn't so different from console gaming as many would believe. Assuming that you like the same games then it comes down to your home setup and the price.

Setup: The only real difference here is screen size (larger TV screen) versus higher resolution. I'm sorry if your desk chair sucks. 5.1 is also available on PCs btw.

Price: If you're serious about gaming (and am I crazy enough to assume that if you're posting in a gaming forum you just might be) then you probably own multiple consoles some of which you bought at launch. Not to mention memory cards, controllers, live accounts. And dont forget to upgrade to the new consoles coming out in a year or two.

The funny thing is people bitch about upgrading their computer for $300-500 every couple of years or so but love talking about their HDTV and 5.1 setup. :p
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