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Two new DOOM 3 XBOX screens

Oni Jazar said:
The funny thing is people bitch about upgrading their computer for $300-500 every couple of years or so but love talking about their HDTV and 5.1 setup. :p

I know. It's ironic isn't it? I just upgraded my PC to 4.1 sound, so it's all good.

Doom 3 is going to own me!


Gattsu25 said:
the xbox gamers started bragging about how good their version would be in comparision to a $1.5K despite the fact that this looks like ASS compared to Doom3 on med settings and probably still not comparable to the low settings

Can I borrow your copy of the Xbox version? I would like to see it for my self...

...oh wait you are basing your opinion on a few screens from an unfinished game lol

get your shit straight already.
whatever, this thread is lame...

however, doom 3 is not lame... the PC and xbox versions will BOTH rawk the house....

it is my most anticipated game even above halo 2 right now...

speaking of which, i never did go get that doom collection at walmart, i am going to go do that now.. that should please the PC gamers, as ill be playin doom1 thru final doom with keyboard and on my computer... and i am sure you could get a $150 computer that could run doom1-final doom perfectly ;)


looks fine to me. actually for all the recent games like thief 3, doom 3 and half life 2, ill rely on the xbox. i got my laptop last year and no way in hell am i upgrading. its a kickass laptop, with a crappy video card (didnt buy it for gaming, rather engineering simulations). hell i couldnt even run KoTOR or Halo.
so im actually kinda glad these games are getting ported to the xbox.
though, eventually when i do get a powerful pc in a few years, ill be sure to pick the games up again.
thing is, if you actually have a choice between the PC and xbox versions, ie, you have a pc that can run these games fine...then the choice is sorta obvious.
but not all of us have that choice.


signet said:
Can I borrow your copy of the Xbox version? I would like to see it for my self...

...oh wait you are basing your opinion on a few screens from an unfinished game lol

get your shit straight already.

I'm actually basing it on screens and videos...not that it matters...the game is not out...but many have tried and messed with the options in the PC alpha and even on my GF2MX that game looked better in stills than the XB version (it ran at 10FPS on average, however)


Tre said:
Yes, because saying a game looks like shit is insecurity. You're just a weee bit paranoid, guy.

I had read the whole thread up until this point. This is just pure stupidity. Console gamers are well aware of the benefits of console gaming as well as the limitations of their respective system and are quite happy with their gaming. It's a 150 dollar console for gods sake. As someone has said if you find a 150 dollar PC that can run this game as well or make it look as good as Riddick then please enlighten us, or else strip naked , douse yourself with gasoline and do us all a favor and burn.
What's so stupid about it? The game DOES look bad. I'm failing to see the problem here. I don't mind if you plan on playing it on Xbox, that's cool and all, choices are choices, but it DOES look bad. Are you just too quick to spout off "that's stupid" to grasp that?


Tre said:
What's so stupid about it? The game DOES look bad. I'm failing to see the problem here. I don't mind if you plan on playing it on Xbox, that's cool and all, choices are choices, but it DOES look bad. Are you just too quick to spout off "that's stupid" to grasp that?

There's no reason to debate someone calling a game a spade based on a screenshot. Kindergarten starts early tommorow, I think it's time for you to get a good nights rest.
Hoho, Kid jokes, securing your maturity on the internet since Usenet.

At this point, all we've got to go by is what? Screenshots. I didn't see anyone cutting Kabuki Warriors any slack pre-release. The game looks BAD. No amount of your witless quips can change that.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Tre said:
What's so stupid about it? The game DOES look bad. I'm failing to see the problem here. I don't mind if you plan on playing it on Xbox, that's cool and all, choices are choices, but it DOES look bad. Are you just too quick to spout off "that's stupid" to grasp that?

but it doesnt. check ANY e3 impressions. xbox doom 3 looks phenominal.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Tre said:
op: Someone forgot to tell the screens that :p.

tre, regardless, i played through the demo (more then once) and it was off the hook. hate on the screens all you like, but the game looks amazing in person. good frame rate too. oh, and there is some footage of the xbox game some where.... maybe xboxyde? i'll try to do some research. it wasnt much, but you'll get a feel for how the xbox version is shaping up.

by the way, is that you at xbl racing's rsc2 forum?


Not bitter, just unsweetened
hell, there was the xbox trailer at the MS conference, and it looked incredible. Sure the models are lower in polys and lower in texture res... but it really doesn't matter because it's still higher than the majority of other games out there :p


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
"I'll take my 65" HDTV, XBL, 5.1 surround sound and comfy couch over my 19" monitor, shit ass computer chair, and stereo speaker set-up any day of the week"

To each his own.

I prefer my comfy computer chair, 17" Sony G220 at real high resolutions, and Audigy 2 ZS + Klipsch Promedia 5.1 Ultras.

...oh wait you are basing your opinion on a few screens from an unfinished game lol

get your shit straight already."

You're delusional if you think a few months is going to make a revelation with Xbox hardware. The developer has probably already settled on the video quality and is trying to make framerates stable.


Tre said:
Wait, wait, wait. UT2K4's buggy? The same game I've never had a crash with? The same game that runs high speed on my rig with all details on? The same game that's currently the best FPS overall this year?

I thought you were just yankin' chains at first, now you're just full of shit.

As much as I love UT2k4, it does crash pretty regularly. At one point before the last patch it was very difficult to even complete a full game.


It would be interesting to actually do some research as to the costs of PC gaming compared to console gaming. I'd be willing to bet a high end console set up would be just as expensive as a high end PC one.

And you people saying your console cost you $150 are full of shit, unless you just recently bought it. GA is full of early adopters and multiple console owners, most people here have probably spent $600-$800 for their current generation consoles.


Well, the PC version of Doom 3 supports 6.1 (Xbox version only supports 5.1, SERVED :p ) sound. So if you don't have a crap motherboard or soundcard you can use a digital out to your amp and live in the glory of digital surround with the game.

Why don't you take that PC, hook it up to your 65" TV and digital amp. Keyboard/mouse controls with a high framerate, high resolution, better experience. :)
Someone please explain the appeal of Doom 3 to me. It still looks like ass, on any system. I remember seeing the demo back in the Cretaceous Period when they were demoing the freaking GEFORCE THREE. And now, more than three years later, what do we have? A generic FPS with wrinkly skin textures. Please people, play Far Cry instead.


Oni Jazar said:
Bottom line is, PC gaming isn't so different from console gaming as many would believe. Assuming that you like the same games then it comes down to your home setup and the price.

Setup: The only real difference here is screen size (larger TV screen) versus higher resolution. I'm sorry if your desk chair sucks. 5.1 is also available on PCs btw.

Price: If you're serious about gaming (and am I crazy enough to assume that if you're posting in a gaming forum you just might be) then you probably own multiple consoles some of which you bought at launch. Not to mention memory cards, controllers, live accounts. And dont forget to upgrade to the new consoles coming out in a year or two.

The funny thing is people bitch about upgrading their computer for $300-500 every couple of years or so but love talking about their HDTV and 5.1 setup. :p

I agree. Some people live in dorms or whatever and the PC is the central entertainment system and is more important to them then a couch or TV or whatever. For me, my home theater system is the center hub and has priority over my PC.

That's what I choose. It's any easy choice for me to want Doom III on Xbox vs. PC and I understand why other people want to play on PC. There is no right answer as to which version you choose. I'm just thankful I have a choice.

the xbox gamers started bragging about how good their version would be in comparision to a $1.5K despite the fact that this looks like ASS compared to Doom3 on med settings and probably still not comparable to the low settings

The Xbox version looks great. In fact it trumps many PC games. To me, consoles are powerful enough now that graphical degradation from PC to console version is minimal and definitely within my acceptable limits.


I'll take my 65" HDTV, XBL, 5.1 surround sound and comfy couch over my 19" monitor, shit ass computer chair, and stereo speaker set-up any day of the week

You do realise that you can plug your PC into your tv right? And with a HDTV, you can play at higher resolutions than your Xbox will produce (even though both wouldnt be comparable to the highest rez setting on your monitor).


Neutron Night said:
Someone please explain the appeal of Doom 3 to me. It still looks like ass, on any system. I remember seeing the demo back in the Cretaceous Period when they were demoing the freaking GEFORCE THREE. And now, more than three years later, what do we have? A generic FPS with wrinkly skin textures. Please people, play Far Cry instead.

Yes, as a fan of FarCry you'd know a lot about generic FPS games.

FarCry is probably one of the most overrated and overpraised games I've ever played. It's a solid game, but its incredibly repetitive, has tons of sound bugs, and the botched 1.2 patch didn't help either.


Will start substantiating his hate

> HELL YES progressive scan makes a game look better.

What does progressive scan have to do with HDTV?

> It gives you far superior resolution compared to standard video.

No it doesn't.

> Guess what? it won't run on ANY of them.

I have two systems, one with a GF2 MX and one with a Radeon 9800 Pro. The alpha runs on both of them.

I'm not surprised you can't get it to work though.

> I realize that it MAY be possible to get the game running smoothly enough if you turn off
> the per-pixel lighting, stencil shadows, bumpmapping and glow effects

Not on a Geforce 2 MX.

> but then, what's the point?

The point is that a GF2 MX can output a nicer picture than what you get in the Xbox version. The Xbox version, whether you like it or not, is severely downgraded. Shouldn't come as a surprise either. Vicarious Visions is handling the port after all.


cybamerc said:
> Guess what? it won't run on ANY of them.

I have two systems, one with a GF2 MX and one with a Radeon 9800 Pro. The alpha runs on both of them.

I'm not surprised you can't get it to work though.

> I realize that it MAY be possible to get the game running smoothly enough if you turn off
> the per-pixel lighting, stencil shadows, bumpmapping and glow effects

Not on a Geforce 2 MX.

> but then, what's the point?

The point is that a GF2 MX can output a nicer picture than what you get in the Xbox version. The Xbox version, whether you like it or not, is severely downgraded. Shouldn't come as a surprise either. Vicarious Visions is handling the port after all.

I believe this news. In regards to the alpha alone, the GF2MX was able to produce images that looked far ahead of the Xbox version...the xbox version clearly beats in it framerate, though (10fps average, highest being 17 and lowest being 2)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Well, I tried the Doom 3 alpha on a GF2mx and it didn't work. It would immediately hang at the initial window with a whole mess of flashing, red errors. This wasn't on my PC, though. Throwing their GF4ti back in there yielded perfect results.

I tried out a number of games that use similar effects to Doom 3, so if they are working in Doom 3...they are doing something impressive. Far Cry looked absolutely HORRIBLE on that card. All of the shiny surfaces and perpixel effects were just flat out GONE, the flashlight was f*cked, the texture surfaces just looked nasty, and all of the models looked screwy. Halo PC was even worse when running in DX7 mode. The textures were actually quite different and lacked the layering previously found in the game, the flashlight was awful looking, etc etc. Silent Hill 2 PC used a different flashlight effect (per-vertex lighting ala PS2).

How the hell did they pull off some of those effects in Doom 3? I mean, I've NEVER seen a DX7 card display the type of flashlight effect present in Doom 3. Your word isn't good enough, back it up. Based on the tests that I conducted, I am VERY skeptical that those effects will display properly on a GF2mx.

Obviously, those are DX games...so perhaps they are pulling those same effects off in a different fashion on OGL. However, despite whatever base they started with, I don't believe that the final product remains a DX7 engine...


Will start substantiating his hate
You have three people in this thread who have seen the alpha running on a GF2 MX and a quote from Carmack. NV1x/2x documentation is available at nvidia.com if that isn't enough.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
You have three people in this thread who have seen the alpha running on a GF2 MX and a quote from Carmack. NV1x/2x documentation is available at nvidia.com if that isn't enough.

The alpha is missing certain things that I am interested in seeing, though. In particular, there is no flashlight or similar effect present in the alpha. I want to know how that is handled on a GF2mx.
Well, I've seen the alpha leak running on a P4 2.3 GHz with 640MB RDRAM (or thereabout) and a Geforce 2MX 64meg... It averaged 7 fps and looked quite awful by comparison to another system, a Athlon XP +1800 with 512MB DDR 2700 and a Radeon 9200, which itself ran the alpha at 6-17fps on average. Many effects are simply gone in the GF2MX trial...and certainly, the image quality fucking sucked...much more than any screenshot I've seen of the XBOX version.


dark10x said:
Well, I tried the Doom 3 alpha on a GF2mx and it didn't work. It would immediately hang at the initial window with a whole mess of flashing, red errors. This wasn't on my PC, though. Throwing their GF4ti back in there yielded perfect results.

It worked on my GF2MX setup. Sure, I was running the alpha at resolutions below 640x320 at 9 frames per second, but it still worked. :)


Will start substantiating his hate
dark10x said:
The alpha is missing certain things that I am interested in seeing, though. In particular, there is no flashlight or similar effect present in the alpha. I want to know how that is handled on a GF2mx.
Unfortunately I can't find the console commands but I've had the flashlight enabled on my GF2 MX system.


This thread went to crap when Tre hit that reply button.

I rarely if ever game on my PC anymore, although it's powerful enough to run Doom 3. I see no point. If not for Doom 3 on the Xbox I probably would have passed up on Doom 3 entirely. However, is it confirmed that there will be no split screen mode? I haven't been completely up to date on multiplayer features so I don't have a great idea of what other modes there are going to be.

These shots look OK for an Xbox game. There are many more visually impressive games on the Xbox coming out though. I'm sure it'll look better in motion and the animation is going to be top notch. I'll have to give it a spin.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:
Unfortunately I can't find the console commands but I've had the flashlight enabled on my GF2 MX system.

If you find them, let me know. I was completely unaware that the flashlight was even present in the alpha in any form.

I've NEVER seen lighting of that quality on a DX7 class card, so if they can pull it off, they are gods. This isn't even necessarily about this argument here, but if there is any way you could find some screenshots of the flashlight beam in Doom 3 running a DX7 class card, I would appreciate it.

What kind of framerates did you pull on that GF2mx anyways?


Will start substantiating his hate

> What kind of framerates did you pull on that GF2mx anyways?

2-3 fps in the bigger rooms. Double digits when looking straight into a wall :p


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
cybamerc said:

> What kind of framerates did you pull on that GF2mx anyways?

2-3 fps in the bigger rooms. Double digits when looking straight into a wall :p

Ha ha, sweet!

I just found the console commands for the flashlight, though.

Using the flashlight:

flashlight 0 (turns it on)
flashlight (turns it off)

That's quite interesting, actually. Was it simply a light projecting from your point of view, or was there actually a full flashlight model? How does the actual beam compare to the current build of Doom 3?


As for your consistant harping about the Geforce 2mx, listen: It seems plainly idiotic to pander on about how you can achieve high visual quality settings at slide show framerates--the game is unplayable and, in that regard, vastly inferior to the Xbox version. By your same logic, no doubt, would it not just as easily be possible to program the Xbox version to display the exact same high-quality image at an ungodly 2-7 fps (remember, our little box is running a custom Geforce 3-4 chipset?) but there would be no point. the argument that "ancient hardware" outperforms the system is somewhat shot-down, imo, by the fact that it obviously can't run it smoothly. Let's also not forget that many of the effects in the Xbox version simply aren't in the alpha--the reason the xbox was chosen for the "only" console port, as stated by carmack himself, was that it posessed the capabilities of running all the technologies that were doom 3's basis. (check out the G4TTV Icons documentary). The xbox version represents excellent visual performance for the lowest cost. No, it doesn't hold a candle to the game running on a 9800 pro--but then again, that's a $200 video card alone, and perhaps a *bit* more than most casuals will want to spend for a single game.

The problem comes when two systems have been bashed for not being able to move the game...And after the first screens of the XBOX game appear then you ask to yourself: "And that's what my GC/PS2 is unable to move ?"


dark10x said:
I tried out a number of games that use similar effects to Doom 3, so if they are working in Doom 3...they are doing something impressive.

I don't remember there being a flashlight when I tested it out with my GF2MX, then again...I only recently found out the command for it. The game looked as it does when I *tried* it out with my 9800pro...just at a lower resolution and with a pathetic framerate...what you say, though, is true...though I'd put it another way

dark10x said:
I tried out a number of games that use similar effects to Doom 3, so if they are working in Doom 3...then those other games weren't optimized at all.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
When I said "they are doing something impressive", I meant that id software was doing something impressive...not those other companies. If id can achieve those effects using the DX7 feature set, I will be VERY impressed. I have attempted to locate information on this and the only thing I was able to find was that the NV10 path (which a GF2mx will end up using) does not support the usage of vertex shaders.

m0dus said:
Again, it simply boils down to the technologies that id seems adamant about not sacrificing for a port--technologies which drive the visuals (shadows, lighting, texturing, etc) that are at the core of the design of the xbox graphics chipset. Effects that, on the whole, are simply unavailable to the PS2 and GC. Take Riddick as another example--the game is going to be on the PS2 this holiday season. I think, either way, it will be incredibly telling indeed how much will have to be sacrificed to get the game even running.

I'm pretty certain that the Gamecube could replicate most of the effects (if not all) found in Doom 3. I'd say that the largest problem with the PS2 and GC as far as Doom 3 is concerned would be the lack of ram. I'm starting to wonder if the right team could actually pull this off on PS2, though. If what cyba says is true, it should be possible to display these types of visuals on the PS2 hardware. Like I said, though, there is more to this than just the display capabilities...


M0dus, my argument was never that the GF2MX was comparable to the XBox version in playability, but that it raped it in image quality. I was simply responding to the $1,500 computer needed to run Doom3 comment

Gattsu25 said:
the xbox gamers started bragging about how good their version would be in comparision to a $1.5K [PC] despite the fact that this looks like ASS compared to Doom3 on med settings

in every post where I mentioned the GF2MX I even stated that it's framerate was unplayable


Jejeje...Unplayable ?
I plan to beat Doom III on my PC. I'll turn everything to the minimum settings and let's play !!!! 10-15 fps gaming rocks (although dangerous for more than 30 minutes).


DaMan121 said:
You do realise that you can plug your PC into your tv right? And with a HDTV, you can play at higher resolutions than your Xbox will produce (even though both wouldnt be comparable to the highest rez setting on your monitor).

Yes, I could disconnect my PC, drag it out to my living room, break out my VGA to RGB cable and my keyboard and mouse extenders... but why?

I used to do this with Counter-Strike, but then MS gave me CSX. Like I said, the minor graphical hit is acceptable to me. Plus, I like playing with the Xbox controllers and the cheat free XBL.

There really is no incentive for me to get Doom III on PC. Like Vagabond, if the Xbox version never existed I wouldn't have gotten the PC version anyway.


Why don't you take that PC, hook it up to your 65" TV and digital amp. Keyboard/mouse controls with a high framerate, high resolution, better experience.

Hehe, or a big ass projector with wireless keyboard and mouse on a leather couch. Only downside to my setup are the lower resolutions of the projector, 800x600/1280x720 are the big ones I use.. oh and 480p for consoles. So I do get a bit higher resolution than the Xbox, plus all the detail my 9800pro can muster, keyboard/mouse, sound through my sound system, and all the comforts of a console. :p

BUT, it's hard to argue with co-op mode. It's one thing I loved about Halo, and with the AI tooled for co-op play on Xbox, I have high expectations for that version. Even if the graphics can't compare to my PC.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Gearbox has a LOT to learn...

Halo on DX7 hardware is SOOOO bad looking. Here are some shots I took when I tested it...




Far Cry wasn't THAT bad, but it still looked a lot worse than normal...

If Doom 3 really can display all of those effects properly on a GF2mx, I will never again doubt the power of id.
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