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Two new PoP2 videos and three new music samples!


That trailer was so awesome. Ubi sure knows how to end a trailer :)

Can't wait for this.


03.11.2004 Live chat with Yannis Mallat

On Tuesday 9th November 2004 we will have a live IRC chat session with Yannis Mallet, executive producer of Prince of Persia Warrior Within. It will last one hour and starts at 5pm.

How to connect?

- Server Type: beyondIRC (irc.beyondirc.net)
- Channel: #POP

If you're not familiar with IRC software, you can easily join the chat by following the steps below:

- Go to http://chat.ubisoft.fr
- Enter a username (whatever you wish)
- You don't require a password
- Select the POP channel

Chat times around the world:
9:00 - San Francisco
11:00 - Chicago
12:00 - New York, Montreal
17:00 - London
18:00 - Paris, Munich


I know, I know.. this thread is useless without pics.



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