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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Regardless, the obsession with this online vigilantism is disgusting. It just reeks of "I'm helping I'm helping!".

Listening to police scanner radio and blindly repeating nuances of police and detective information used in a specific way to determine course of action is negligent in my opinion. How many incorrect names and small pieces of information have already been reported, in the name of justice?

Yeah you're right. Not that I ever agreed with dumping info out willynilly (although I did post about the car being empty, seemed innocuous enough) just that at this moment I wanted to know everything I could as this hit home for me with having been friends with so many producers and anchors for so long. My wanting to know everything I can isn't the same thing as agreeing with internet sleuthing though and as things get more heated in these threads they do tend to get more and more like that. I appreciate your levelheadedness


Gold Member
I've seen be headings, burning, stoning etc...

But the video of him walking up to them casually and waving the gun has actually made me sick. I almost threw up. It's feels too surreal... I feel guilty, as if I had no right to watch that video. Those people, in that moment... Jesus christ.


I know what you mean. I've seen a lot of messed up stuff on the web, but this is unlike anything I've ever seen. It's sort of similar to the guy who rolled up to his ex-wife being interviewed by a report and shot her up, but seeing a POV video is some next level stuff. Truly terrifying.


I can't believe they didn't notice him standing there, just terrible. I can't see how this doesn't end with the guy offing himself.


Honest question, why is it assumed it was mental health? This always seems to be the narrative for when these things happens and all it does it deflect the discussion.

There has to be *something* that is not balancing out right within the mind for these type thoughts to come up and then it has to be taken to another level for them to actually follow through with the idea. Using the term "normal" and "sane" loosely here but murdering someone for any reason is not normal behavior.

We have a stigma in America that people with a mental health issue or something of that sort is less of a person for asking help. That shouldn't be the case at all. We should more than happy and welcoming these people into facilities with open arms whenever certain emotions are triggered where they feel like they need to carry out violent acts like this. But we don't. We'd rather just try to fight a war against a conservative nation about taking their guns away.


Unconfirmed Member
It's both and more. There is no one magic cure-all thing you can do to solve the problem.


If you tie it to mental health, the permits would have to be for a short period of time and then would only be renewed if they are found fit. And then you have the issues of rounding up the guns if a person's permit is revoked.

And I'm not sure if you're ever going to get a full ban on guns.
His facebook had a video from a couple days ago of him reporting on guns. Him holding guns and the danger of selling guns. He posted it 3 days ago. He knew.


That's not him. Like, other than being black that doesn't even look like him.

Yeah, this is the guy:

Because a person who walks up to two former co workers and shoots them dead in cold blood, and films it and uploads it to the internet, probably has mental health issues. I'm no Sigmund Freud or anything though.

I think it's reasonable to assume he has some degree of mental health issues. In addition to gun safety and gun control, these tragic events should be a reminder that we still have work to do in the mental health field.


Bull. Shit.

People deal with racist comments and getting fired all the time. If that's reason enough for you to snap to the point that you to kill two people, you never should have had a gun in the first place.

He is clearly mentally unstable to own a gun. But how would any of the safeguard against mentally unstable stop this when it's probably just a dude just snapping one day.

Can't just throw eveything at "Mental Health" issue, more regulated gun control has to go with it too.


Gold Member
Awful. And once again, WTF America. Unstable individuals are everywhere, but in very few other civilized societies are guns readily available to just about anyone.


Before I saw the names I was deathly afraid that it was one of my friends who hosts the FOX Morning show out of Roanoke...So happy it wasn't her, but my heart still goes out to the victims...so ridiculous and sad.


Junior Member
"Some" mental health?

People, stop it.

He fucking filmed himself killing these people. There is no "some."

The guy if fucked up. Gun control is fucked up.
Can't just throw eveything at "Mental Health" issue, more regulated gun control has to go with it too.
No. Shit.

Point out to me at any point when I said otherwise. Yeah, you can't.


Only watched the Twitter video that cuts off as he pulls the gun on them. Definitely don't want to watch the rest. That video already made me feel sick.

I hope they catch him before he kills himself, or worse, hurts other people.
I think it's reasonable to assume he has some degree of mental health issues. In addition to gun safety and gun control, these tragic events should be a reminder that we still have work to do in the mental health field.

True. I'm in NO way excusing what this guy did one bit, but I would not be surprised that somewhere in the lead up to this there were signs or signals by him that were ignored, because people just don't want to deal with a disgruntled or angry person and would rather just sort of sweep them under the rug.
Guns have nothing to do with art. Your point is as invalid as it was before.
The only point was pointing out that the Australia and the US are different. Things that fly in Australia doesn't mean it'll fly here. So perfectly valid point. Take it up with the person who brought up Australia in the first place.
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