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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
If you saw his twitter, I'm confident it's gonna end in suicide. Last week or 2 has been him posting pictures of himself at younger ages. Just reads like he was reading off his highlights of life.


This is fucking terrifying and really bad timing on my part. I clicked that link only to view the tweets that was quoted here. Didn't expect crystal clear videos of the actual shooting. My skin is crawling right now.

Patrick S.

I think the first shot missed, but a few of the subsequent ones in the video were on target. Amazing that she was still able to run away. Is that because of adrenaline?
From what I saw in the video, he was pointing the gun right at them in no less than 4 ft, but none of them noticed.

Did you watch the whole video? The Twitter one? How is that not completely derailing your day and fucking with your head? This madness is just unbelievable.
Honest question, why is it assumed it was mental health? This always seems to be the narrative for when these things happens and all it does it deflect the discussion.

Because a person who walks up to two former co workers and shoots them dead in cold blood, and films it and uploads it to the internet, probably has mental health issues. I'm no Sigmund Freud or anything though.
yeah sure, but that will never happen. nobody even thinks these two things go hand and hand so they're not going to waste precious time fighting an unworthy cause compared to something like gun violence

what? almost every gun control advocate understand mental health is a huge issue.

and almost every pro-NRA person blames mental health rather than guns.


Junior Member
See nothing wrong with what he said. Everyone is a good guy with a gun and responsible gun owner before there is a motive or a catalyst.
Bull. Shit.

People deal with racist comments and getting fired all the time. If that's reason enough for you to snap to the point that you to kill two people, you never should have had a gun in the first place.


It's really the core of humanities problem. Some people cannot empathize unless they themselves have been in the appropriate shoes. Otherwise people freely judge from a distance thinking they know all they need to know.

That's what education should be about IMO. Showing people things they aren't exposed to normally to help them empathize
I don't know if empathy can be effectively taught like in an educational setting, in my opinion it is something you experience. And the sad thing is that mental illnesses seem to be a common factor in alot of shootings, and the question arises how do we proactively treat the individual.

Because a person who walks up to two former co workers and shoots them dead in cold blood, and films it and uploads it to the internet, probably has mental health issues. I'm no Sigmund Freud or anything though.
Mental illness and premeditated murder comes in many forms. Sure, we can discuss the topic, but none of us actually know the whole story or they guy's thought process or lack there of.


Facebook and video are still up at the time of my posting.

This guy is way too fucked up.

Ya I just watched that video. Crazy. Looks like he shot the girl first, about 3-4 times as she ran away. After that the video goes black and you hear 4-5 more shots.


God this guy is a stupid mentally ill fuckstick. Watched the video before Facebook blocked it... I hope they put him down asap.
Yes, really. And I don't know what snark you are referring to. The reference to the talking points is about how often these debates take place, not about you personally. Not sure how you could interpret it any other way.

9/11 was unprecedented in substantial ways. Are you really going to debate this? The fact that terrorists had committed attacks before doesn't change that. The shooting we saw today is extremely common by comparison. Any legislation that is discussed in light of this will just be a continuation of discussions that have already taken place for decades.
The snark being the ping pong ball comment and assersion I spend so much time on this. But sorry for the misunderstanding if that was not the intention.

And I already stated events in the 1990s obviously were not on the scale of 9/11. But they were still major and global in scope for the time. At that point, they were unprecendented, shocking, and never really seen before on US soil. Oklahoma City was massive. Yet we managed to avoid passing laws to shit on the population at large. That move eroded my trust the current politicians and government can pass something actually useful and rational. As I also stated, I do support gun reforms, its just going to be specific, though.

Generally there is only a larger push for bans, etc. when large events happen. Which is why I mentioned proposed legislation always focusing on magazine size and long rifles, even though they are rarely ever used in everyday crimes. Why doesn't most legislation focus on handguns, which are the main culprits in those everyday crimes and discussion you mention?

Irrelevant to U.S. gun control.
It speaks to the differences within the countries. Messing with the US bill of rights like so many think will be simple just isn't going to be taken lightly. It will face unprecedented scrutiny and resistance. It's borderline political suicide. So yeah, I'm not sure what Australia has to do with this. I'm not the one who mentioned the country anyway.
I've watched videos of people getting shot. Wartime footage and such. But the second the bead was drawn on that poor woman, I don't know how you could not avert your eyes. It was so close up.


Honest question, why is it assumed it was mental health? This always seems to be the narrative for when these things happens and all it does it deflect the discussion.

Mentally same people don't shoot people.

Then film it. Then upload it to twitter.

Gun control is an important issue, but mental health importance isn't a deflection, it's simply not taken seriously enough until it's too late.
I don't see how anyone would WANT to watch that video he posted. I saw it accidentally because he posted it on twitter and feel like puking right now. And I only saw the first part when he was waving the gun and then start shooting Alison...
Because a person who walks up to two former co workers and shoots them dead in cold blood, and films it and uploads it to the internet, probably has mental health issues. I'm no Sigmund Freud or anything though.

Doubt a "background check" would have prevented this shit from happening
Fuck guns, rest of the world does well without their citizens having guns, why is it so fuckin hard to comprehend
I think I was just witness to one of the most fucked up moments in the history of social media.

Scary how people now have the ability to broadcast whatever they want to the world in the blink of an eye.


I don't know man. I feel like my day is completely wrecked because of seeing 2 seconds of that video. Just the clarity, I can't... Twitter needs some sort of safety nets where shit like that can't be uploaded.


I was reading the twitter timeline when the videos came up and started auto-playing. I scrolled to the top and saw the gun pointed at the woman and noped out of that shit.

man, fucked up
Man that video is fucking surreal. At first I thought it was a joke since it looked like a poorly made FPS. After a couple of seconds you realize it's the real deal. I thought he initially shot Adam in the back of the head and died instantly since the camera fell down. Nope, he started shooting Alison initially with 3 or 4 shots until the camera dropped and you can't tell where the rest of the shots went.

This is disgusting but amazing at the same time.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Do we have suspect?

Yeah, he former coworker. They were targeted. He posted a video of the shooting from his perspective. Facebook and Twitter are shut down now.

Didn't expect to see that video.


Limbaugh Parrot
ABC has received a fax from someone claiming to be Bryce Williams, it was a lengthy document & they have turned it over to authorities
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