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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Yes it does matter. Please give me a detailed reason of why Americans needs this firepower.

I don't fucking know? Don't look to me for that answer, You asked why America can't just ban guns, and someone gave you a very good reason why. It's not as easy to do ANYTHING gun law related because of the 2nd amendment.


My "hunch" is based off of the reported news. There isn't anything reported yet that has suggested Mr. Williams is mentally incompetent.

He executed two people on live television, filmed the event from his own point of view, then uploaded that video to twitter before he shot himself.

He's probably mentally ill.
An analysis precedes a diagnosis. The results from the analysis are the diagnosis.

What he was doing and what you are doing are the same.

His conclusion is that there is likely mental illness. Yours is that there is not.

Same method. If you're saying he can't make a hunch at a diagnosis, you're saying you can't make a hunch at mental stability.

My "hunch" is based off of the reported news. There isn't anything reported yet that has suggested Mr. Williams is mentally incompetent.

To add, no media outlet has dug up records suggesting that Mr. Williams had mental health issues either.


My "hunch" is based off of the reported news. There isn't anything reported yet that has suggested Mr. Williams is mentally incompetent.

There are miles of difference between mentally incompetent and mentally ill.

A person who is of sound mind does not shoot three people and post it on social media then attempt suicide.


Guns were banned in the UK in 1996 because of the mass shooting that happened. Why cant America do the same?

Apparently we are scared that your Redcoats may one day decide to take back your territory. It says so in the Constitution.
Reading the comments on the Breibart article was... odd.

A weird amount of them are implying that if Obama had a son, he'd do that exact same thing. That's an oddly specific racist claim, but a huge amount of them have been writing some variation of that at very similar times.

See for yourself, a lot of them are going with this strange "Obama's son" narrative that seems to have come out of nowhere.

This is a racist meme that started when Obama said that Trayvon Martin could have been his son, hypothetically.


Good luck with that.

I'd rather have a ban on straw purchases and other ways that illegal guns are pumped into inner cities underground. Not that this would happen either, of course.

The nature of this conversation, and many other controversial ones like it, is that the extremes dominate the conversation, when in reality there are countless gun owners who would be fine with tighter regulations and many nonowners that are able to process the fact that guns will never be banned in this country.

This situation creates a environment where nothing meaningful is done on either side of the issue. It would be amusing to watch if the effects of a delay weren't so fatal on a daily basis.


And most difficulty, shape the culture of future generations of American children to associate guns with bad things.

You have to be really carefull with that.

There's a thin line between what you suggest and 'ban all video games with guns in them'

I can easily separate the two, real guns are fucking bad news especially in the hands of disturbed people, but fake guns are no different than fake swords or dragon ball energy blasts.

I could easily see people pushing to ban anything related to guns to make the US finally get over it's obsession with them, and that leads to banning games.


Neo Member
Jesús, fucking terrifing, this should have ended a long time ago. Shame that the conversation to be had will be twisted away from the solution: Gun ban.
Can you please explain how you would implement a ban on the 300 million+ legally purchased guns without a complete bloodbath occurring? People keep saying the same things over and over but not one fucking person has actually laid out a plan on how you could possibly accomplish this? This is honestly getting ridiculous. How many times in this thread have people said something about the gun control conversation that needs to happen and not offered a single fucking idea other than ban guns. How is a conversation supposed to occur if nobody even presents any ideas? How would you guys fix this problem? How many posts do we need pointing out that America needs to fix its gun problem while not offering a single fucking idea about how to do it?


Junior Member
To add, no media outlet has dug up records suggesting that Mr. Williams had mental health issues either.
Mental health issues go undocumented all the time.

No one said he definitely had them. People have guessed that it's likely.

You're just being obstinate and have added nothing.

Further, no one has said any potential health issue is cause for absolution for his action, in case you decide to bring up that also-tired point that has been repeated.
I'm sorta inclined to NOT believe the asshole that murdered two people and made sure that the whole world saw it.

Even if they were racist, it doesn't fucking matter. You shouldn't get gunned down for being dumb. End of discussion.

To me, it seems like he really, really had a personal beef with her. He focused on her, the whispered 'bitch'...the camera man was not the primary target at all. He waited until the camera was focused on her before firing...

And he left the station 15 years ago?
I think it's possible to ban guns and remove them from the populace. But this would have to be done gradually over time, starting with tighter restrictions, more stringent checks and psychological profiles, and maybe by making certain types of guns more difficult to be purchased.

Start by slowly but steadily limiting the flow of new guns into the existing ecosystem.

Introduce buy-back programs that let people trade in guns for cash.

And most difficulty, shape the culture of future generations of American children to associate guns with bad things. It's going to take institutional change in educating future populace as well as introducing, gradually new rules.

This could take a century or two. It might not happen in our generation but it could be more likely to happen in future generations. We just have to engineer and reshape our culture in a specific direction.

edit: I guess what I'm saying is that an out-right ban is unrealistic, but you could take measures to slowly reduce the stream of new guns to a trickle and THEN try to deal with eliminating the existing pool.

I dont see how that would cause an angry employee from still killing, weve had cases here where people still use swords, and people still use knives to kill at work. A truly angry person would still find ways to kill no matter the tools available to them. Why else are criminals removed from society?
I go to a weekly support group for mentally ill folks. Every time a tragedy is blamed on some nebulous "mental illness" it makes things harder for us. We fucking h-a-t-e it. This guy was a piece of garbage. That was his mental illness: human garbage disorder.

I got to say I laughed out loud on that last line.


No unfortunately, it doesn't matter. You have to first understand our constitution.

Appeal to tradition is a fallacious means of argument. "Because that's how it's always been" is not a reason why someone should continue to do something. IIRC, the need to bear arms is largely based on a time the U.S. did not having a standing army. Now that you're no longer under threat from the red coats, why should the common person be able to have handguns?
I'm sorta inclined to NOT believe the asshole that murdered two people and made sure that the whole world saw it.

Even if they were racist, it doesn't fucking matter. You shouldn't get gunned down for being dumb. End of discussion.

To me, it seems like he really, really had a personal beef with her. He focused on her, the whispered 'bitch'...the camera man was not the primary target at all. He waited until the camera was focused on her before firing...

And he left the station 15 years ago?

I think it was two years ago.

The 15 years ago thing was another station.
He executed two people on live television, filmed the events from his own point of view, uploaded that video to twitter, then shot himself.

He's probably mentally ill.

"probably" isn't a diagnosis. He shot, not executed, three people, two killed & one in critical condition.

Again, I'll wait for news media that isn't NeoGAF to report his mental health. Too much misinformation and hyperbole flying around.


Appeal to tradition is a fallacious means of argument. "Because that's how it's always been" is not a reason why someone should continue to do something. IIRC, the need to bear arms is largely based on a time the U.S. did not having a standing army. Now that you're no longer under threat from the red coats, why should the common person be able to have handguns?

I'm not making that appeal. I explained why we can't just say fuck it and change things. It doesn't work that way. No matter how much some wish it. You know, reality and all being what it is.
How did this guy know they were doing a story there?

Was he stalking them or something? He must have gotten a tip of where they were doing the interview? Or maybe he saw it on TV and happened to be nearby?

It says he was fired a few years ago, so I doubt he would have immediate access to the station's reporting schedules.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You have to be really carefull with that.

There's a thin line between what you suggest and 'ban all video games with guns in them'

I can easily separate the two, real guns are fucking bad news especially in the hands of disturbed people, but fake guns are no different than fake swords or dragon ball energy blasts.

I could easily see people pushing to ban anything related to guns to make the US finally get over it's obsession with them, and that leads to banning games.

You bring up an interesting point. There are two things at play, the Culture of Guns and the Owning of Guns. They are two different things, yet are often intertwined.
Honestly, I'm not sure how to reconcile the culture aspect with our obsession with guns in all forms media and elsewhere.
Has this been linked to yet?

We’re now averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2015 - Washington Post


If only regular hard working Americans had easier access to guns, they'd be able to prevent so much death.


Said this before, but the second amendment needs to be repealed. It's simply an obsolete idea and is no different than the right to own a slave.


I dont see how that would cause an angry employee from still killing, weve had cases here where people still use swords, and people still use knives to kill at work. A truly angry person would still find ways to kill no matter the tools available to them. Why else are criminals removed from society?

Someone with a sword/knife is easier to get away from and is easier to stop than someone with a gun.
Can you please explain how you would implement a ban on the 300 million+ legally purchased guns without a complete bloodbath occurring? People keep saying the same things over and over but not one fucking person has actually laid out a plan on how you could possibly accomplish this? This is honestly getting ridiculous. How many times in this thread have people said something about the gun control conversation that needs to happen and not offered a single fucking idea other than ban guns. How is a conversation supposed to occur if nobody even presents any ideas? How would you guys fix this problem? How many posts do we need pointing out that America needs to fix its gun problem while not offering a single fucking idea about how to do it?

Ban sales of new handguns. Solves a bit of the problem right there. For existing handguns, ban sales of ammunition. Solves a bit more of the problem there. Regulate and register all long guns. Regulate long gun ammunition sales. Eliminate private sale loopholes. Solves a bit more. Will it be perfect? No. Will it go a long way to ending these things? Yes.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions

They are referring to the incident in France. It's a disingenuous comparison.
Although, I'll agree that training and bravery play a larger role then just having a gun when faced with a situation like they did in France.


Ah, remember when I was talking about that gun debate thing happening?

(reads thread)


Guess we just wait for the next story... that should be in a few hours.


No unfortunately, it doesn't matter. You have to first understand our constitution.

Not even our politicians understand our constitution and they've been arguing about it ever since.

Honestly, a great deal of change was once thought "impossible" too. Repealing slavery? Once impossible. Votes for women? Impossible. Equal rights? Impossible. Gay marriage? Impossible.

... I like to dream of the impossible.
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