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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Tales from my ass, but thats the only thing I could think of that would make the shooter target her.
How about being angry about getting replaced by her? Or maybe there was racism. Or maybe your love story was right. Thing is, we don't know. Let's wait up for more information on this.
ughh, this is just too much, i still got chills from watching the video a few hours ago.

All I can do is shake my head, the cycle of arguments just repeats, and sadly probably will quiet down until the next tragedy...

Why, as a whole, are we so bad to each other.


I got grudge sucked!
The fact almost 30 months had passed since he was fired. Its clear the guy had serious issues. I bet he was a troublesome employee as stated and considering he had a trackrecord at 2 stations I doubt anyone would touch him. Effectively ending his career. So revenge on two young people with their careers ahead of them

Right. Even if she interned there (which can sometimes be a semester of college) there isn't much there to tie them together. But the other thing is, given the time of her hiring, that he saw her as his replacement and that probably pissed him off.

We don't know if she actually said anything racist, or made an innocuous faux pas, said something that only he interpreted as racist, or he went through the mental gymnastics necessary to justify his actions. We also don't know what happened at the Tallahassee TV station other than what he alleged.


Junior Member
Expressing doubt isn't diagnosing, FYI.
An analysis precedes a diagnosis. The results from the analysis are the diagnosis.

What he was doing and what you are doing are the same.

His conclusion is that there is likely mental illness. Yours is that there is not.

Same method. If you're saying he can't make a hunch at a diagnosis, you're saying you can't make a hunch at mental stability.
Obviously not. 20 little (white) kids were blown to pieces at Sandy Hook and nothing changed. If that doesn't convince you gun control won't happen anytime soon, nothing will.

I haven't seen anything to suggest this guy couldn't have gotten a gun regardless of gun laws. He doesn't seem to have a criminal record or history of mental illness, so what law would have stopped him?

The most effective solution is to require liability insurance for guns. That way the market place would regulate who could own guns or not. Person fired from work because of anger issues would have a really hard time affording the insurance to own a weapon.


Not even an American version of the Oslo shooting with dozens of sons and daughters of notable Republicans killed would make the US actively talk about gun control.

It just won't ever happen. People that had no reason to die will continue to die in "the world's biggest nation" and nothing will ever change.

It's not really decent, I guess. But at least they have a little shame in them.

Sad but true, there's even the chance that if somehow heavy reform/ban went into effect the gun nuts would rise up and more shootings would happen.


Obviously not. 20 little (white) kids were blown to pieces at Sandy Hook and nothing changed. If that doesn't convince you gun control won't happen anytime soon, nothing will.

I haven't seen anything to suggest this guy couldn't have gotten a gun regardless of gun laws. He doesn't seem to have a criminal record or history of mental illness, so what law would have stopped him?

Its a culture of reduced guns that reduce the frequency of using weapons to kill people imo. Its the thing to do, picking up a gun, its the mental option made. Its what we are used to.

We need gun laws, there is no question there. America has little next to none. We need SOMETHING in the works, not just speculation about how it really wouldn't do anything. Its a numbers game. This is just one instance, so It would more than likely fall in the category of that % of gun deaths that still happen with gun laws.

If the gawker narrative, angry black man killing, makes it to the main stream, I see it being some sort of hopeful condemnation of guns in this nation, fueled by race play.
How about being angry about getting replaced by her? Or maybe there was racism. Or maybe your love story was right. Thing is, we don't know. Let's wait up for more information on this.
I agree. Till we dont see his memo we cant do anything but guess. People are acting like I'm giving out his address or something.
It's weird because there was some terrorism expert on the news yesterday and he said the one thing that's yet to come is live streaming of a terror attack, the vid this guy shot himself is real close to that.
Good luck with that.

I'd rather have a ban on straw purchases and other ways that illegal guns are pumped into inner cities underground. Not that this would happen either, of course.

I want to catch and fly and a unicorn myself.

I disagree. A handgun ban would be possible to accomplish.

In what alternate reality? We couldn't even get reduced clip sizes and more stringent testing for ownership.


Reading the comments on the Breibart article was... odd.

A weird amount of them are implying that if Obama had a son, he'd do that exact same thing. That's an oddly specific racist claim, but a huge amount of them have been writing some variation of that at very similar times.

See for yourself, a lot of them are going with this strange "Obama's son" narrative that seems to have come out of nowhere.


My "hunch" is based off of the reported news. There isn't anything reported yet that has suggested Mr. Williams is mentally incompetent.

There is a difference between someone being mentally ill and someone being declared mentally incompetent by the court. I doubt anyone here thinks he will be ruled mentally incompetent.


I clicked on a news article with what I didn't realize was going to be the POV video (I didn't know there WAS a pov video)

Horrible scarring shit.

Real Hero

Guns were banned in the UK in 1996 because of the mass shooting that happened. Why cant America do the same?

Because there's a bunch of people who care more about the right to own a gun than people being needlessly killed by them. It's price worth paying for some


I think it's possible to ban guns and remove them from the populace. But this would have to be done gradually over time, starting with tighter restrictions, more stringent checks and psychological profiles, and maybe by making certain types of guns more difficult to be purchased.

Start by slowly but steadily limiting the flow of new guns into the existing ecosystem.

Introduce buy-back programs that let people trade in guns for cash.

And most difficulty, shape the culture of future generations of American children to associate guns with bad things. It's going to take institutional change in educating future populace as well as introducing, gradually new rules.

This could take a century or two. It might not happen in our generation but it could be more likely to happen in future generations. We just have to engineer and reshape our culture in a specific direction.

edit: I guess what I'm saying is that an out-right ban is unrealistic, but you could take measures to slowly reduce the stream of new guns to a trickle and THEN try to deal with eliminating the existing pool.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Can't say one way or the other, but for the sake of human nature, I sure hope mental illness played a role.

Exactly. A fully healthy person cannot carry out an act like this.

I think people get their panties in a bunch when people talk about mental illness after a heinous crime as many take it as saying it reduce culpability, or that the person shouldn't ge the full punishment of the law etc.

When most are just saying if we had better mental health support services (as well as social services in general) in America maybe we'd have fewer of these incidents as people got help before they declined to this point. As a criminologist, I think those types of factors have more to do with our high violence rates than our absurd levels of guns in society (though that plays a role too due to being more easily lethal than other methods of attacking someone).


Someone at my table during my lunch break at work went "Oh here it is!" And started playing it on max volume. UGH.

Reading the comments on the Breibart article was... odd.

A weird amount of them are implying that if Obama had a son, he'd do that exact same thing. That's an oddly specific racist claim, but a huge amount of them have been writing some variation of that at very similar times.

See for yourself, a lot of them are going with this strange "Obama's son" narrative that seems to have come out of nowhere.

Obama made the comment about Trayvon Martin when he was murdered.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
What about it? This is 2015.

People have a fetish about it, and think the creators of the constitution were omniscient.
Since they apparently forget what actual guns were at the time of the writing of the constitution.


Just heard on the news that they were having problems with Williams and tried to sort out his problems but the guy continued do they had the cops escort him out of the building.

Station manager said he has anger problems


What about it? This is 2015.

I'm guessing you don't understand the basic points of our government. We have basic laws enacted by our constitution. The 2nd Amendment (being one of those laws) addresses the populations ability to own arms. Therefore a culture of owning weapons has been established for 300 some odd years. It would take a force mightier than currently exists to even get an amendment to the floor of our congress to even address the second amendment so right now it won't happen. That's the reality.
Just heard on the news that they were having problems with Williams and tried to sort out his problems but the guy continued do they had the cops escort him out of the building.

Station manager said he has anger problems

Yep. I posted this a few pages back:

General Manager of WDBJ discussing the killer:

"Angry man"

"Quickly became....gathered a reputation as a man difficult to work with."

"Looking for things to take offense to."

"Eventually after many incidents of his anger...we had to dismiss him."

"Did not take it well...had to be escorted from the building."

"None of his accusations could be corroborated in any way."

"Talked to everyone...diverse workplace...we got nothing about it."

"EEOC dismissed his claim out of hand...and that was that."
Guns were banned in the UK in 1996 because of the mass shooting that happened. Why cant America do the same?

Because we are retards. We as a nation can see a problem, gather evidence and research the problem, see how others have handled the problem, and take what we have learned and throw it out the window.


Guns were banned in the UK in 1996 because of the mass shooting that happened. Why cant America do the same?

Guns and violence are a religion in America. We have many citizens who worship guns, and while they are not a majority, they are a substantial, vocal, and powerful voting bloc backed by a massive lobby. Then you have the rest of us, who are largely conditioned by constant violence to regard it as normalcy.

America is almost like an Islamic state in that we lose our minds over a woman's exposed flesh, but watching 3 people gunned down on the morning news is business as usual.


Then you don't understand how central the constitution is in US law. We have to have a supreme court just to interpret it so that possible laws don't infringe upon it.

It's not unprecedented. The 18th amendment to the Constitution was repealed.

I think it can happen, and hopefully will eventually happen.

I just might not live to see it. The America that passes a repeal will be a different, probably better, America than the one I grew up and know it as.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Yes it does matter. Please give me a detailed reason of why Americans needs this firepower.

So, they can fail at a fight against the US Military. I thought it was obvious.

Deku Tree

All this immediate reporting of what someone said that someone else said right after that someone was murdered is highly irresponsible sensationalism IMO. People just got murdered and we're talking about heresay of what they might have said. All this aftermath gossip reporting is usually wrong anyway.
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