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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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With what we know right now, his motive could be anything. I wouldn't throw that around because race doesn't have anything to do with it. I was just making a point that I can easily see how an indignant person with delusions that he/she is "owed" something in one of these positions could very well spin whatever story they want to justify their actions.

It seems to me he's very much using racism as an excuse for his actions going from his comments.

If anything, it's making me angry that using racism as an excuse for murder gives other assholes an excuse to dismiss legitimate workplace racism in the future ie 'remember that Bryce Guy'


Wow, this whole thing is terrible. :(

Anyway, a thought: People who run up to on-the-scene reporters to yell expletives at the camera might be in for a bad time now.
I fear this is going to become the latest copycat trend :(

I remember on the show, The Following, there was reporter that was stabbed on live TV by a follower of the villain. I remember thinking how lucky it is that no one had actually tried assaulting/killing a reporter on live TV like that. Man, I really hope that this shooting does not start a trend. I wouldn't be surprised if, for the time being, many TV stations are going to require bodyguards be nearby the reporters.
I don't know why this keeps getting regurgitated, but no, they were not. The reporter was engaged to another reporter at the same station. The camera man was engaged to a producer at the station (she was in the control room watching the shooting happen live). Today was the producer's last day with the station. She and her fiance (the camera man) were moving to another city and another station. Her day went from bittersweet happiness to the total opposite. The reporter's fiance tweeted they had just recently moved in together and their relationship had not gone public yet. Sad way to have to announce that.

I posted that right as the story broke, we all know everything you said by now. Strange to quote me on that brother.
I don't think anyone really is. People are just searching for a why.


Not taking any sides here, but I'm having a hard time believing this. Those quotes he claimed was stated would be on par on what an average day is like at a workplace. No way he just pulled "collared green grill" out of his ass. Come on.

It's not a terribly helpful conversation to be having, I agree.


I still can't get over the fact that we witnessed the events unfold the way we did. That someone can murder two people and a short time later upload the PoV footage to social media for the world to see. Crazy times.

I'm surprised people actually watched it, personally. Nice to know people went along with exactly what he wanted. That's some John Doe shit right there.
I still can't get over the fact that we witnessed the events unfold the way I did. That someone can murder two people and a small time later upload the PoV footage to social media for the world to see. Crazy times.

Im stunned that it could just happen on air, I watch the news live and just thought of the camera going blank and hearing sounds like that, like the newscaster said, guns would be the last thing one would imagine.


We are all trying to understand why. I seriously doubt that mental illness played a role here, but here we have a ton of posts acting as armchair shrinks.

Can't say one way or the other, but for the sake of human nature, I sure hope mental illness played a role.


Junior Member
I'm surprised it hasn't happened more often tbh.
Don't remember if it turned out to be a hoax, but didn't a guy kill two people and upload images to 4chan?

I have a distinct memory of reading about that from months ago or maybe last year.

Not, exactly, the same thing, but pretty analogous.


The fact almost 30 months had passed since he was fired. Its clear the guy had serious issues. I bet he was a troublesome employee as stated and considering he had a trackrecord at 2 stations I doubt anyone would touch him. Effectively ending his career. So revenge on two young people with their careers ahead of them


time to take my meds
This is terrible, but unfortunately ex disgruntled employee crimes are nothing new.

The world is not going mad, it has been mad. We just hear about it quicker and more often now.


Exactly this for me. I have watched some shit on Liveleak through the years, and I definitely regret some of it, but I always remain curious. The second I saw the gun come up with him point blank I stopped the video. It really made me upset in a way fucked up videos tend not to and I stopped it before a shot was even fired. So awful and terrifying.

For me too. So incredibly weird and terrifying to see that gun pointing at them.
Don't remember if it turned out to be a hoax, but didn't a guy kill two people and upload images to 4chan?

I have a distinct memory of reading about that from months ago or maybe last year.

Not, exactly, the same thing, but pretty analogous.

Not sure if it's the same thing, but I do remember a guy that murdered his girlfriend and then posted pics of her body on his FB page, for all their friends to see. I think there was a thread about it.
It seems to me he's very much using racism as an excuse for his actions going from his comments.

If anything, it's making me angry that using racism as an excuse for murder gives other assholes an excuse to dismiss legitimate workplace racism in the future ie 'remember that Bryce Guy'

This, very much. It makes my skin crawl when stuff like this or the Boston bombings happen and you can just see the narrative unfurl before you for miles, all in a split second.
I've seen a lot of horrible shit on the internet but for some reason that first person cell phone video of him shooting them bothered me more than most things I've seen. Can't believe shit like this happens

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
We are all trying to understand why. I seriously doubt that mental illness played a role here, but here we have a ton of posts acting as armchair shrinks.

trust me black people deal with racism on the job all the time. Also people get fired for reasons they feel are bullshit and due to racism a lot too. To react to that by executing the people involved is not in any way a sane reaction. The sane reaction would be to try to sue and if they fails move on in life.
Hmm, i wonder if this will bring the gun control debate closer to reality...?

Obviously not. 20 little (white) kids were blown to pieces at Sandy Hook and nothing changed. If that doesn't convince you gun control won't happen anytime soon, nothing will.

I haven't seen anything to suggest this guy couldn't have gotten a gun regardless of gun laws. He doesn't seem to have a criminal record or history of mental illness, so what law would have stopped him?


I don't think the girl was there at the time.
She was he was fired two years ago, and she was an intern at that time is from what I gathered from the WDBJ7 reporting. But nevertheless fanfic. If people would stop to just imagine a story, that would be cool.


We are all trying to understand why. I seriously doubt that mental illness played a role here, but here we have a ton of posts acting as armchair shrinks.

You are like my little brother when we were kids and our parents made us pray before meals.

My brother.......telling on me because I didn't close my eyes...

Yeah, you are that person.


Jesus christ.

There needs to be serious gun control or a ban or something. This just cant keep happening.

RIP to those who lost there lives today :(


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Hmm, i wonder if this will bring the gun control debate closer to reality...?

Not even an American version of the Oslo shooting with dozens of sons and daughters of notable Republicans killed would make the US actively talk about gun control.

It just won't ever happen. People that had no reason to die will continue to die in "the world's biggest nation" and nothing will ever change.

What is so decent about hiding behind anonymity?

It's not really decent, I guess. But at least they have a little shame in them.


I still can't get over the fact that we witnessed the events unfold the way we did. That someone can murder two people and a short time later upload the PoV footage to social media for the world to see. Crazy times.

It was surreal being on his twitter page basically right when he uploaded the video. Such an odd, sickening experience. There is a certain visceral connection when you read a tweet or even a forum post because you realize in a weird way that there is a human on the other end. To feel that from him at that moment was jarring.


Obviously not. 20 little (white) kids were blown to pieces at Sandy Hook and nothing changed. If that doesn't convince you gun control won't happen anytime soon, nothing will.

I haven't seen anything to suggest this guy couldn't have gotten a gun regardless of gun laws. He doesn't seem to have a criminal record or history of mental illness, so what law would have stopped him?

I'll agree that criminal record or mental illness check wouldn't have stopped him, but severely more restricted access to gun would lessen the chance of him getting one. Why is this even debatable, other countries did it successfully.


I'm sure he did too. However, if thats the case, and judging by his Twitter comments, his mental illness caused him to live in a world of accusation, and prejudice towards anyone who refused him, or had differing views, regardless if it was race or not.

However, it needs to be pressed that this person is clearly mentally unstable.

I go to a weekly support group for mentally ill folks. Every time a tragedy is blamed on some nebulous "mental illness" it makes things harder for us. We fucking h-a-t-e it. This guy was a piece of garbage. That was his mental illness: human garbage disorder.
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