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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Why do you think that more strict gun control has not happened yet? I dont understand. It could save alot of innocent peoples lives.

Because the political will is not present in our current government or its representatives to do so unfortunately.


Not even our politicians understand our constitution and they've been arguing about it ever since.

Honestly, a great deal of change was once thought "impossible" too. Repealing slavery? Once impossible. Votes for women? Impossible. Equal rights? Impossible. Gay marriage? Impossible.

... I like to dream of the impossible.

I like to dream too.
It's not unprecedented. The 18th amendment to the Constitution was repealed.

I think it can happen, and hopefully will eventually happen.

I just might not live to see it. The America that passes a repeal will be a different, probably better, America than the one I grew up and know it as.
Ironically the 18th being an attempt to ban something that society saw as immoral and uselss to the country. Failed miserably and gave rise to modern organized crime. US doesn't exactly have the best track record with just outright banning things. Drugs being another thing that partially gave rise to the modern militarization of police. And games being played in poor/minority neighborhoods by the US government in the pursuit of foreign drug influences.

So, they can fail at a fight against the US Military. I thought it was obvious.
Not that I would ever think any sort of an insurrection would happen, I frequently don't understand assersion a smaller force couldn't take on the US military. History has shown that smaller sporadic guerilla forces have been an Achilles heel for the US military and other modern forces. Vietnam and issues in Iraq/Afghanistan being major issues. The world doesn't yet have an answer for organizations like ISIS who are by all accounts inferior militarily and less organized than traditional militaries.



Here comes the internet hate mob making things worse.

An argument for protection of anonymity on the internet if there ever was one.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Because the political will is not present in our current government or its representatives to do so unfortunately.
I would argue that fatalism about this issue is exactly what perpetuates the lack of political will.


"probably" isn't a diagnosis. He shot, not executed, three people, two killed & one in critical condition.

Again, I'll wait for news media that isn't NeoGAF to report his mental health. Too much misinformation and hyperbole flying around.

I understand where you're coming from... but in general, inferring mental illness seems fairly intuitive. A strict diagnosis is not possible right now, but given the events, I wouldn't dismiss that hypothesis as misinformation or hyperbole. It seems like a solid starting point for parsing through the facts as they stand right now.

Zeus Molecules

illegal immigrants are stealing our air
He executed two people on live television, filmed the event from his own point of view, then uploaded that video to twitter before he shot himself.

He's probably mentally ill.

Even more signs that he mentally unstable. He got fired from the station because of his anger issues and then wrote a manifesto that he sent to ABC to accompany his footage of murder.
How did this guy know they were doing a story there?

Was he stalking them or something? He must have gotten a tip of where they were doing the interview? Or maybe he saw it on TV and happened to be nearby?

It says he was fired a few years ago, so I doubt he would have immediate access to the station's reporting schedules.

They were doing a live remote for the morning show. They set-up, and probably did multiple reports throughout the show. If he saw them during the 5:00am portion, he knew where they were until 7:00am when they would breakdown and return to the station.
So the station they were working for, when it cut back from the station camera one of the victims was holding, the news anchor in the studio was sitting there staring at the screen in shock, that look she had was terrifying. Are there any reports on whether she/the rest of the crew stayed on the air and continued reporting on the situation? Just terrible.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I would argue that fatalism about this issue is exactly what perpetuates the lack of political will.


I continue to believe that change can be done, and i'll accept compromise if it means a reduction of guns in the hands that should not have them.


Neo Member
Ban sales of new handguns. Solves a bit of the problem right there. For existing handguns, ban sales of ammunition. Solves a bit more of the problem there. Regulate and register all long guns. Regulate long gun ammunition sales. Eliminate private sale loopholes. Solves a bit more. Will it be perfect? No. Will it go a long way to ending these things? Yes.

Thank you. That's all I really want is for people to start getting into specifics rather than the same old 2 word blanket statements. I agree with a lot of your ideas. I don't know that I support an outright ban on handguns all at once, but they should be far more difficult to obtain. Thanks for at least replying with something beyond the banal.
The 2nd Amendment could also get reinterpreted by the Supreme Court at some point.

SCOTUS can't change an Amendment. Neither can the President.

Amendments can be proposed in Congress when 2/3rd of both Houses agree. The states can play a role in proposing changes to the Constitution as well: 2/3rds of the state legislatures must call Conventions to propose amendments. Whether amendments are first proposed by the states or Congress, 3/4ths of the states must ratify them before they become a part of the Constitution.
I don't think banning guns will solve the problem. You have to go the core of problem for a solution.

I don't think people view it as 'the solution' as much as a way to mitigate certain events while a solution is figured out. Also note I'm someone who owns guns, and would like to continue to own them, but I still understand the reason why people want to ban firearms. I don't make it a significant cornerstone in my politics though, and personally am in favor of much stricter control.
Appeal to tradition is a fallacious means of argument. "Because that's how it's always been" is not a reason why someone should continue to do something. IIRC, the need to bear arms is largely based on a time the U.S. did not having a standing army. Now that you're no longer under threat from the red coats, why should the common person be able to have handguns?

You misunderstood him. He's not saying that's why we should have guns, he's saying that is why we DO have guns.

It's not about the desired policy, it's about the mechanism of government.


I'm all for a gun ban in USA, even if I'm not in the country. It would be a huge step in preventing tragedies like this. But logistically, how would it work? I can imagine millions of people own guns in America.


Before you guys can even approach gun reform you need to GET MONEY OUT OF POLITICS.

As long as NRA lobbiests are willing to give million of dollars to lawmakers and politicians to keep the guns flowing, nothing will change.

Getting rid of guns in the US will be a colossal task that probably wont happen in any of our lifetimes. All the while, killings like this will continue.


You misunderstood him. He's not saying that's why we should have guns, he's saying that is why we DO have guns.

It's not about the desired policy, it's about the mechanism of government.


There is a large amount of misunderstanding but it's expected in a thread that moves so fast.


Junior Member
I'm all for a gun ban in USA, even if I'm not in the country. It would be a huge step in preventing tragedies like this. But logistically, how would it work? I can imagine millions of people own guns in America.
1 in 3 people in the United States owns a gun.

There are over 300 million people in the United States.


If that was the case, then how did these people killed by knives, not get away and not stop their assailant? Everybody is not you.

Tell me where I said someone can easily get away from them. I said it's easier to get away and stop someone when they have a knife or sword. There's a reason our police don't run around with swords, they are still a threat but they aren't nearly as effective.
I think it was two years ago.

The 15 years ago thing was another station.

Ah thanks for the correction.

Still two years is a long time to hold a grudge for what basically amounts to mean comments (IF that is even true).

And the fact that he prepared by sending a manifesto and knew where they'd be...Christ what an asshole.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Of course they can, even more so in the heat of the moment.

Someone that has no mental issues doesn't just snap and kill someone.

And besides, this was planned out, premeditated act. He sent a long document to ABC apparently, planned to film it and do it during a live report etc. This wasn't a heat of the moment, crime of passion by any means.

Anyway, that's all I'll say as I hate talking about stuff related to my work in my free time. :D


Careful folks, graphic video was uploaded to Facebook of the video the gunman was filming himself when he shot them. It is full on FPS style view


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Is anyone else just stunned by how many times we have a murder thread on gaf and then talk about gun control?


worked well for australia.

get rid of the second amendment.

I'm all for banning guns, but you really think it would be as easy as 1,2,3?

Think about the millions of gun owners we have, think about how we have more guns than people here, think about all the crazies that would rather die and take as many people as they can with them than give up their guns.

If hypothetically the 2nd amendment were to be repealed tomorrow, we'd have to declare martial law across the nation, because things would get fucking insane.
I don't think banning guns will solve the problem. You have to go to the core of the problem for a solution.

More HR departments need to find ways to work with people and prepare them for when things at work dont go their way. Some people are bound to find external reasons for why they were prevented from a promotion or kicked out of the job or not given an opportunity that there coworkers were given.


SCOTUS can't change an Amendment. Neither can the President.

Amendments can be proposed in Congress when 2/3rd of both Houses agree. The states can play a role in proposing changes to the Constitution as well: 2/3rds of the state legislatures must call Conventions to propose amendments. Whether amendments are first proposed by the states or Congress, 3/4ths of the states must ratify them before they become a part of the Constitution.

I didn't say they would change the Amendment. I said they would reinterpret it.


Is anyone else just stunned by how many times we have a murder thread on gaf and then talk about gun control?

I will say it's interesting how American gun culture is something that's hard to explain to anyone outside of the country and maybe that's why it's constantly brought up because a lot of people think it's just a matter of banning guns.
The 2nd Amendment could also get reinterpreted by the Supreme Court at some point.

SCOTUS can't change an Amendment. Neither can the President.

Amendments can be proposed in Congress when 2/3rd of both Houses agree. The states can play a role in proposing changes to the Constitution as well: 2/3rds of the state legislatures must call Conventions to propose amendments. Whether amendments are first proposed by the states or Congress, 3/4ths of the states must ratify them before they become a part of the Constitution.



Getting rid of the second amendment won't happen for a good number of decades thanks to a combination of regional politics, district line restructuring, and good ol' fashioned lies and bullshit to slow things down.

So I like the idea of national gun buyback campaigns, in conjunction with de-escalating the drug war and providing specified levels of policing for highly impacted areas of violence. That would definitely be a start.

Oh also, a cultural shift on how we view mental health is definitely needed.
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