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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Do you guys think that tweet is supporting guns or something. He's saying that the talking point of ''they could have saved themselves if they had guns!'' is strange since the one mass shooting that was prevented he can recall was prevented without guns.

Never said you should care either, just posting something.

Police stop mass shootings too, see the Pokemon arrests.

I was curious as too why a random tweet was posted, like if he was an expert or someone I should pay attention too.


Junior Member
This thread has taught me that people don't know what the word 'graphic' means. It doesn't require there to be exploding guts and blood to be graphic, people. That's gore.
I've been repeating this over and over again.

"Graphic" just means anything that's vivid and clearly effective.

That's exactly what the videos are.

Van Owen

Yeah, I hope investigators look very carefully to determine whether he was actually being discriminated against by the station since I think that's relevant in some respect to where he was at mentally. Was he just borderline paranoid schizophrenic seeing racist plots against him everywhere he went, or was there some substance to his allegations?

Is this a troll post?

Red Mage

I go to a weekly support group for mentally ill folks. Every time a tragedy is blamed on some nebulous "mental illness" it makes things harder for us. We fucking h-a-t-e it. This guy was a piece of garbage. That was his mental illness: human garbage disorder.

Yep. Blaming it on a vague 'illness' is a cop out, and a big reason why it's still difficult for people to seek help.
folks... let's take a moment here to mourn those lost. Now is not the time ONCE AGAIN to spit out how you fix the problem. Everyone thinks they have the answer.

Mourn these people.

The best way to mourn and honor these people would be to take steps to ensure their fate isn't a common occurrence going forward.

But that's too hard, I guess.


Genuine question, how did Australia pull it off?

The difference in proliferation is on a whole different scale.Australia had less than 500k owners and less than 1 million guns compared to 100 million owners and 400 million guns in American. A ban is not politically feasible or practical in the US.


You're right, it won't solve the problem 100% so we shouldn't do anything at all.

Way to completely twist my point....

Guns need to be completely banned, point blank.

My point was that government legislators have tried in certain parts of the country (Chicago, LA, etc) to place strict regulations on guns and it still hasn't made a difference.
Police stop mass shootings too, see the Pokemon arrests.

I was curious as too why a random tweet was posted, like if he was an expert or someone I should pay attention too.

Nah just a Saturday Night Live writer, I just thought it was an interesting... thing. Maybe not so much for this incident because surely even the NRA wouldn't think that reporters should be armed. I'm going to look up The Pokemon arrests.
Truth, I had a few moments in my classes today that I thought about what I would if an active shooter incident had happened right at that instant.

I even considered a change of seating in the future to maximize my survival chances.

Im a criminal justice major so we talk about this stuff all the time and when Texas is trying to implement campus carry as well everything just becomes a waiting game of if my campus may be the next on a list of mass shooting headlines. I hate it so much I hate guns Im sick of guns Im sick of how some people worship guns like if the government ever tries to take their guns away they're not going down without taking as many as they can with them. I hate the mentality towards guns in this country and I want it gone more than anything.

My parents shouldn't have to think in the back of their minds so often that I could be shot in a classroom.
folks... let's take a moment here to mourn those lost. Now is not the time ONCE AGAIN to spit out how you fix the problem. Everyone thinks they have the answer.

Mourn these people.

So you want someone else to die tomorrow? I don't get this reasoning. I'm sorry they're dead since they both had amazing lives both getting hitched sometime soon to their respective co-workers. But come on...who's next? It could be you or someone you love. This is ridiculous how any deranged person(which there are many) can just kill anyone they want. We'll be mourning forever because innocent people die every fucking day and according to you we can never talk about a solution. Get with the program. Save lives and stop mourning.


You can't ban guns outright in America. Not even because of the 2nd Amendment. I'm talking about logistics. There are way too many guns in way too many rural and hard-to-reach areas to systematically remove and dispose of them. How would you even start a process like that? Gun buybacks are good, but you never see crazy-huge turnouts..

We don't even need to worry about those guns - those guns are way out in the country, far from population centers, and will eventually become unusable due to wearing out.

The government controls the ammo supply. We just cut that off and nobody can shoot guns they don't have ammo for.

Institute a federal buyback program, let everyone turn in guns for money over a year, and set up a way to destroy the guns on-site where the public can easily view the guns being destroyed (a giant smelter, perhaps), and the amount of farm guns will be so small that we could easily document them.


Neo Member
worked well for australia.

get rid of the second amendment.

I could be off on my numbers, but Australia collected less than 1 million guns when the ban went into effect, correct? Somewhere around 600,000 are the numbers that I can find. There are 350-400 million guns in the U.S. Do you really think it would be just as easy as it was there, especially considering the redneck demographic that makes up a large portion of gun owners? C'mon man. It's not even comparable. We're talking 500x the number of guns that Australia had owned by people that are probably a lot more fervent in their love for guns. It wouldn't go nearly as well.

I'm all for a gun ban in USA, even if I'm not in the country. It would be a huge step in preventing tragedies like this. But logistically, how would it work? I can imagine millions of people own guns in America.
Approximately 100 million people own approximately 400 million guns. If you have ideas on how to accomplish a major disarmament of the populace with minimal problems, we're all ears.

"Do not tell me video games of murders have nothing to do with what happened today in Virginia."

and this guy is a journalist in my country.

Jack Thompson has a follower it seems.

There really needs to be stricter gun policies, but I'm afraid the discussion will continue to fall upon deaf ears.

So he's dead for sure now? Fuck.

At least that one lady managed to make it out of this tragedy with her life. RIP to the reporter and cameraman.
The difference in proliferation is on a whole different scale.Australia had less than 500k owners and less than 1 million guns compared to 100 million owners and 400 million guns in American. A ban is not politically feasible or practical in the US.

Is do nothing a better plan?
Clearly based on his Twitter/Facebook. Since a lot of his videos are from his past (Some more than 7 years ago), He looked at his past as his prime years. Most pics are from when he was younger.


Approximately 100 million people own approximately 400 million guns. If you have ideas on how to accomplish a major disarmament of the populace with minimal problems, we're all ears.

I'm not suggesting anything? I'm just asking how people think it would work. Calm down.


I could be off on my numbers, but Australia collected less than 1 million guns when the ban went into effect, correct? Somewhere around 600,000 are the numbers that I can find. There are 350-400 million guns in the U.S. Do you really think it would be just as easy as it was there, especially considering the redneck demographic that makes up a large portion of gun owners? C'mon man. It's not even comparable. We're talking 500x the number of guns that Australia had owned by people that are probably a lot more fervent in their love for guns. It wouldn't go nearly as well.

Remember how the second amendment prevented the US government from taking Japanese American citizens property and carting them off to camps en-masse?

The second amendment has already failed at it's inferred purpose - to keep the US government in check - and is no longer useful as of ~WW2, because the tactical and weapon gap between the government and the citizens is the size of the grand canyon. The last time citizens had the same arms the government had was 1863, Civil War.


Serious question how did Australia do the gun buyback? Did they give you fair market value or just say here is $100 pray we don't alter the deal further?

Didn't Australia also have a registry before? I can see a lot of Americans saying guns? I don't have any.
Just a thought. Would all the people harping on mental illness be happy if he was caught and was given a lenient sentence on the grounds of mental illness? I very much doubt it.
You can't ban guns outright in America. Not even because of the 2nd Amendment. I'm talking about logistics. There are way too many guns in way too many rural and hard-to-reach areas to systematically remove and dispose of them. How would you even start a process like that? Gun buybacks are good, but you never see crazy-huge turnouts.

The only way to actually do this would be to literally go door-to-door to every registered gun owner (thereby incentivizing illegal and untraceable ownership) to confiscate the gun and reimburse the owner. This is completely unfeasible from a logistics and a financing perspective, and that's before you consider the fact that many of these nutjobs (not all gun owners, but the ones who won't give them up quietly) would likely start an uprising against the government in the process. So now you've got the fucking National Guard storming some backwoods patch of land in Georgia because so-and-so wants to be a big man and stand up to the government.

And all of that ignores the already-sizable amount of guns owned illegally or untraceably. How do you find those? Raids? It's a PR nightmare.
No new guns. No new bullets.
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