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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Though I am in favor of gun control, I don't believe public sentiment is ready for it to happen yet. The hard core gun fans will never come around, of course, but even the average American currently has a romantic view of guns and a naive understanding of the risks. To get change the environment for change must first be present.

The mass shootings are shocking, it's true, but the public has a short memory when it comes to such things and the gun lobby does not. For change to occur, the public must lose it's infatuation with guns, and recognize the effect that they have on the safety of everyone. So if you want change, let the politicians know - but don't stop there. Persuade the people around you of the harm that guns cause to our society. Only when the advocates for gun control become as organized and supported as the NRA will change stand a chance.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
First person footage to social media making shooter most famous person in the world for the week all while no moves have been made in the gun control area.

All while Periscope and other live streaming alternatives kick into overdrive and of course the entrenched 24/7 newscycle makes him legend.

Feels like some real on-the-precipice shit. Like this is staring down and knowing velocity is only going to terrifyingly increase.

Reform has to happen within the year, and it has to be deep and outrageous. To do otherwise is to turn the other way and just let human tragedy pile up.

Fuck the second amendment. Let the words stick in anyones throat whenever they go to use them. An armed militia is as important to your modern day life as it would be for vikings to justify axes and pillaging into a government legislation text.


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Yeah, I hope investigators look very carefully to determine whether he was actually being discriminated against by the station since I think that's relevant in some respect to where he was at mentally. Was he just borderline paranoid schizophrenic seeing racist plots against him everywhere he went, or was there some substance to his allegations?

How is that even related to the brutal killing of two people.


I'm sorry, releasing that information is grossly irresponsible on the ABC's part. What possible purpose does that serve other than to stir up the hive? Fuck I hate the media.


everytime someone shoots someone we shouldn't blame mental illness it really dilutes the real mental illness problems if it's always a scapegoat

People can't just be bad fucking people ?


"hello?" "this is vagina"
I'm really hoping by the end of my life people look at US gun ownership as a bizarre and disturbing historical oddity, along with all the reasons against them being banned.

2 months old but he point stands.


Wasn't this what people were asking for when it came out that he had shot himself? For him to live so we could learn his motives? Well, here you go.

There was no way ABC wasn't going to release at least portions of the letter.
You can't ban guns outright in America.

Put everyone in this country to a psych eval whether they own a gun or not. Don't pass? You don't get a gun or have your guns removed. Someone live in your household who is a nut too...okay, bye bye gun(why you test everyone). People buy guns in this country like they're fucking candy. I want the black one for my trip to the store. I sleep with this shotgun under my mattress. If I ever need to go ballistic...I'll use this one that I got off some gang member. It's a raging epidemic. "I" does not indicate me...using an example.
Just a thought. Would all the people harping on mental illness be happy if he was caught and was given a lenient sentence on the grounds of mental illness? I very much doubt it.

Being mentally ill rarely excuses committing a crime.

Most individuals, in the majority of cases, do not lose a sense of right or wrong.
So in his manifesto he says he did it because he got attacked everywhere he went for being black and gay.

The next few weeks are going be interesting as hell. /sigh

What a fucking asshole.
What's with the killers version of the video in the OP?

This thread ballooned over 35 pages in the time I went to lunch and got back. I have no idea what's going on.
You can't ban guns outright in America. Not even because of the 2nd Amendment. I'm talking about logistics. There are way too many guns in way too many rural and hard-to-reach areas to systematically remove and dispose of them. How would you even start a process like that? Gun buybacks are good, but you never see crazy-huge turnouts.

How much do they offer for gun buybacks though? I say if you increase the amount offered, more people will give them up. Not everyone, but you could significantly remove the amount of guns out there by offering stupid amounts of money for them rather than probably the peanuts that's offered now.
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