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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Junior, please.
Oh I'm sorry, so I HAVE to use my guns for killing? I use them for target shooting, particularly paper targets and skeet shooting (which is an Olympic sport if you haven't noticed). I know, I'm a huge danger to society.

Well gee, I guess you might have to find another hobby. Seriously, what kind of argument is that? "I like my target shooting, so guns shouldn't be banned." Unbelievable.

You personally are not a danger to society. However, your hobby involves lethal weapons that can be a danger to society. Stop pretending that guns aren't a problem because they can be used in a hobby.


The best thing about america is that we do absolutely nothing about either.

And we all just debate, pushing shit around, while the lobbied politicians aren't even listening to it.

Oh, I know. The more this sort of thing keeps happening the more infuriating it gets.

Where is the evidence this man had a mental illness?

Watch a portion of that POV video and tell me that it takes a sane mind to point and shoot a loaded gun at another human being for any kind of slight, percieved or otherwise.

A crazy idea I know but you could make it a little harder for people to get their hands on guns.

Totally for this. I just don't believe in an outright ban of all firearms. And I'm not some backwoods gun nut. There's just a source to all of these shootings that goes beyond guns, with the exception of terrorism.
Driving a car drunk is also illegal.

Carrying a gun in public is not, so far as I understand.

That's one of numerous problems with the argument, which is barely coherent, let alone valid.

Also: loving the 'England' shit.


That doesn't change the fact that if someone who is intoxicated gets into a car, it turns the car into a lethal weapon. How many people die each year from alcohol related deaths? I'm guessing more than shooting victims.

You can spin it however you want, but it's a valid argument.

You're actually wrong. Homicide via firearm outnumbers deaths from drunk drivers.

Firearm homicides
Number of deaths: 11,208
Deaths per 100,000 population: 3.5


In 2013, 10,076 people were killed in alcohol-impaired driving crashes, accounting for nearly one-third (31%) of all traffic-related deaths in the United States



Guns make killing incredibly easy and accessible, I don't know if people are trolling or not when they are comparing it to drunk driving.

More than gun accessibility there is gun culture, that one is I guess the hardest part, US people really have it ingrained that gun possession is a "right", when the rest of the world does not.
As a Canadian, America you make me sad :(

It's just stuff like this every single week. Every day. How many more times does this have to happen before you'll realize that maybe you might have an issue with guns.
Watch a portion of that POV video and tell me that it takes a sane mind to point and shoot a loaded gun at another human being for any kind of slight, percieved or otherwise.

GIANT can of worms on aisle 9! Unless you're Ghandi-Jesus you're gonna have a hard time arguing that one.


Oh I'm sorry, so I HAVE to use my guns for killing? I use them for target shooting, particularly paper targets and skeet shooting (which is an Olympic sport if you haven't noticed). I know, I'm a huge danger to society.

The fact that it's an Olympic sport means that countries with gun control laws practice it too.

Caja 117

Driving a car drunk is also illegal.

Carrying a gun in public is not, so far as I understand.

That's one of numerous problems with the argument, which is barely coherent, let alone valid.

Also: loving the 'England' shit.

Not to mention you get tested to be a licensed driver.


Oh I'm sorry, so I HAVE to use my guns for killing? I use them for target shooting, particularly paper targets and skeet shooting (which is an Olympic sport if you haven't noticed). I know, I'm a huge danger to society.

By that logic I should be allowed to own bombs and sarin gas

Just because they were designed for killing does not mean I'M GOING TO USE THEM LIKE THAT.

What if I enjoy mining on my own property with bombs or want to scientifically study gasses in my house?

Individuals in the US are not responsible enough to own guns, or nukes or bio-weapons or any other tools of mass murder.


Well gee, I guess you might have to find another hobby. Seriously, what kind of argument is that? "I like my target shooting, so guns shouldn't be banned." Unbelievable.

You personally are not a danger to society. However, your hobby involves lethal weapons that can be a danger to society. Stop pretending that guns aren't a problem because they can be used in a hobby.

Actually I don't have to find another hobby, because guns aren't going to be banned in this country in our lifetimes.

You're arguing that something should be banned because a very VERY tiny minority of people abuse that ownership right. Sorry, but most people don't have that same opinion.
Aaand people wanting to ban guns again. The guns went off by themselves right?
You're right, they should ban people from accessing guns. The guns can't go off by themselves.

Realistically, I don't know what can be done. The US isn't going to ban guns, so things like this are going to keep happening.


Aaand people wanting to ban guns again. The guns went off by themselves right?
It's about granting people easy access to lethal weapons and growing a culture of violence and killing culture that again enables people to get easy into thinking as weapons as normal.
It's like you think that no one has ever been hit and killed by a drunk driver.

This is like that drunk girl at a party sketch with Cecily Strong.

Reading your posts reminds me of that.

"We have to ban all the cars Seth.. cause guns shot people today."


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
What makes you think that your opinion is the "right" answer? It's an opinion.

For every shooting that takes place, there are thousands of responsible gun owners. For which many of them, this is a hobby that they enjoy.

Should we outlaw everything that could potentially take a life? No more driving. No more drinking. No more extreme sports. Where does it end?

Guns have one purpose and one purpose only - to kill people.

Suggesting that outlawing guns is the same as outlawing cars and extreme sports is absolutely ridiculous. I don't see how you don't see that they're completely different.


someone who gets into a car drunk isn't seeking to murder someone. That they might accidentally do so is a possibility but it sure as shit isn't the reason the average person would do such a thing

someone who uses a gun on a person is seeking to kill them or cause them great harm. There's no other way around it. they're not accidentally pointing a gun at someone and pulling the trigger like the drunk driver is hypothetically doing.

cmon now

The point is that people die from either method. Just because the majority of people on this forum are anti-gun doesn't make it an invalid point. Going by the numbers, irresponsibility with alcohol is a much bigger monster than shooting deaths. But apparently that doesn't matter as much as the intent of the killer.


That doesn't change the fact that if someone who is intoxicated gets into a car, it turns the car into a lethal weapon. How many people die each year from alcohol related deaths? I'm guessing more than shooting victims.

You can spin it however you want, but it's a valid argument.

Driving while intoxicated is illegal so dude, I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make.


There's no need to ban weapons. Just tighten access, control, kinds of weapons available, issue licenses per type of use (sports, hunting, self defence) each with their limitations, and regulate and control second hand market.

Don't think any of this would need any constitution change.


The point is that people die from either method. Just because the majority of people on this forum are anti-gun doesn't make it an invalid point. Going by the numbers, irresponsibility with alcohol is a much bigger monster than shooting deaths. But apparently that doesn't matter as much as the intent of the killer.

You clearly skipped over my last post
As a Canadian, America you make me sad :(

It's just stuff like this every single week. Every day. How many more times does this have to happen before you'll realize that maybe you might have an issue with guns.
B'cuz second amendment, bruh! This is the land of the free!

Seriously though, even though this country has dealt with these shootings for the better part of the past four decades, I do wonder if we're going to hit a breaking point where all the non-gun fanatics will finally overrule the opposition and say enough's enough.

Caja 117

The point is that people die from either method. Just because the majority of people on this forum are anti-gun doesn't make it an invalid point. Going by the numbers, irresponsibility with alcohol is a much bigger monster than shooting deaths. But apparently that doesn't matter as much as the intent of the killer.

Is ilegal to drive while drunk, You need a license to Drive legally, You need a written test plus a practical test to have a license to drive.


This is like that drunk girl at a party sketch with Cecily Strong.

Reading your posts reminds me of that.

"We have to ban all the cars Seth.. cause guns shot people today."

And reading your post reminds me of all the people who ignore or favor certain facts to prove their point. Be snarky if you'd like, I don't give a damn about your opinion of me.


The US is the only western country who has it aaaaaaaaaalll figured out. Guns aren't the issue. People are ! That's why every fucking western country banned guns and saw the statistics plummet in a heart-beat. But oooh god nooo banning guns won't save lives ! Never !

Like have you been to Europe ? Do you watch the news ? Do you think people there live in constant fear for their lives because they don't own guns ? What about the big part of the American people who don't have guns ? Do you think they're stupid ? Reckless ? Do you think they don't care about the safety of their families ? Are gun owners the only intelligent life form on this planet ?

Please show me one democracy that has turned into a fascist state in the last 50+ years after " taking " the guns from its citizens. Not. one. So that stupid argument is invalid.


Is ilegal to drive while drunk, You need a license to Drive legally, You need a written test plus a practical test to have a license to drive.

It's illegal to kill people with guns, but you can legally own them and must take a class and be licensed to concealed-carry. Thousand of people do, every day.


By that logic I should be allowed to own bombs and sarin gas

Just because they were designed for killing does not mean I'M GOING TO USE THEM LIKE THAT.

What if I enjoy mining on my own property with bombs or want to scientifically study gasses in my house?

Individuals in the US are not responsible enough to own guns, or nukes or bio-weapons or any other tools of mass murder.

What sporting purpose do bombs and deadly gas have? Guns have sporting purpose in the same way a bow or sword has sporting purpose. That's why the vast majority of people own them. It's really not that hard to understand.

The US is the only western country who has it aaaaaaaaaalll figured out. Guns aren't the issue. People are ! That's why every fucking western country banned guns and saw the statistics plummet in a heart-beat. But oooh god nooo banning guns won't save lives ! Never !

Like have you been to Europe ? Do you watch the news ? Do you think people there live in constant fear for their lives because they don't own guns ? What about the big part of the American people who don't have guns ? Do you think they're stupid ? Reckless ? Do you think they don't care about the safety of their families ? Are gun owners the only intelligent life form on this planet ?

Please show me one democracy that has turned into a fascist state in the last 50+ years after " taking " the guns from its citizens. Not. one. So that stupid argument is invalid.

This view assumes absolutely zero knowledge of US history and culture. The typical "it worked for Europe so it can work for the US too if they'd just wake up!" view. Hilarious.
Jesus christ. I just accidentally saw a bit of the POV vid on my FB feed. Thanks facebook auto-play.


This isn't some injustice that needs to be shared to shed light on a social issue. It's a fucking live murder.

I feel sick.
The US is the only western country who has it aaaaaaaaaalll figured out. Guns aren't the issue. People are ! That's why every fucking western country banned guns and saw the statistics plummet in a heart-beat. But oooh god nooo banning guns won't save lives ! Never !

Like have you been to Europe ? Do you watch the news ? Do you think people there live in constant fear for their lives because they don't own guns ? What about the big part of the American people who don't have guns ? Do you think they're stupid ? Reckless ? Do you think they don't care about the safety of their families ? Are gun owners the only intelligent life form on this planet ?

Please show me one democracy that has turned into a fascist state in the last 50+ years after " taking " the guns from its citizens. Not. one. So that stupid argument is invalid.

This post makes way too much sense.


The car argument is ridiculous since vehicles serve many purposes. They act as transportation to make getting places much quicker. They also allow moving things much heavier than what we're capable of carrying such as multiple people, furniture, groceries, etc.

A gun's whole purpose is to do damage. That's it.


GIANT can of worms on aisle 9! Unless you're Ghandi-Jesus you're gonna have a hard time arguing that one.

Ok, sane from the perspective of a society/community/species that across many different countries and time frames has in some form outlawed or punished murderous behavior without any form of provocation. And at the very least, in a society of Americans who don't kill or maim over any sort of religious issues either.
Should we outlaw everything that could potentially take a life? No more driving. No more drinking. No more extreme sports. Where does it end?
And the most stupid GAF post of the year 2015 goes to...

I'll give you a stupid opposite reply. Let's legalise all drugs. Hell, let's legalise nuclear bombs for all the hobbyists out there, not fair to tar all nuclear bomb hobbyists with the same brush.


What sporting purpose do bombs and deadly gas have? Guns have sporting purpose in the same way a bow or sword has sporting purpose. That's why the vast majority of people own them. It's really not that hard to understand.

And you can't use an air rifle........ why? You need to puncture a piece of paper with a device so powerful it can smash through bone?

Patrick S.

What sporting purpose do bombs and deadly gas have? Guns have sporting purpose in the same way a bow or sword has sporting purpose. That's why the vast majority of people own them. It's really not that hard to understand.

A device not used for its intended purpose of killing things is still a device built for the purpose of killing things.


The reason us Brits always have a go at America about it's gun laws is that we actually know better. We learned from experience. Hungerford, Dumblaine, when these things happened we clamped down on guns and it bloody well works.
The second amendment was created at a time where people would be lucky to fire a single round from and inaccurate musket. I don't think the founding fathers really had any clue that some day you could walk into a fucking supermarket and buy guns. It's pure insanity to believe that a set of rules shouldn't be changed over time if circumstances change. It's the difference between dogmatic obedience to a religion and people changing things in a religion to suit the modern world.
The wording of the second amendment is also woolly as fuck. "The right to bare arms." Okay then how many arms? Can I have one gun or as many as I like? Also what type of arms? Are we talking just handguns or rifles? Where does it end? RPG's? Tanks?. Obviously the answer to this is "We make laws to state what you can and cannot have." Great, now tighten up those laws when you see people doing things they shouldn't do. Tighten the laws saying who can own a gun. Tighten the laws for background checks, Tighten the laws for who can sell a gun. Tighten the laws for the sale of ammunition. Do these things and maybe, just maybe, you will have less mass shootings.
It's common sense. Sadly, just like our own politicians (only to a lesser degree), common sense seems to be lacking in American politics.
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