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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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Jesus christ. I just accidentally saw a bit of the POV vid on my FB feed. Thanks facebook auto-play.


This isn't some injustice that needs to be shared to shed light on a social issue. It's a fucking live murder.

I feel sick.

Feel the same way and these websites are showing screen shots of it right on the front page of these articles if you're just on a normal news site browsing around.


There's no need to ban weapons. Just tighten access, control, kinds of weapons available, issue licenses per type of use (sports, hunting, self defence) each with their limitations, and regulate and control second hand market.

Don't think any of this would need any constitution change.

Correct me if I'm wrong but actually very few countries have an absolute ban on fire weapons for civilians, it's just really really hard to get one and your selection is very limited, as it should be.
The point is that people die from either method. Just because the majority of people on this forum are anti-gun doesn't make it an invalid point. Going by the numbers, irresponsibility with alcohol is a much bigger monster than shooting deaths. But apparently that doesn't matter as much as the intent of the killer.

Well see here's the thing right, it's really difficult for me to drunkenly drive my car into a classroom of children, into a church, into a movie theater, onto a college campus, into a high school, onto a military base, etc.

but boy is it easy for me to use a gun instead.

while your argument is essentially THIS OTHER THING KILLS TOO it's just deflecting really. keep your strawmen arguments elsewhere, discuss the merits of gun control here in a thread about 2 innocent people being murdered on live television by someone with a gun, while holding a camera, and did so in a matter of seconds with relative ease. When a drunken driver does the same thing we'll talk about it then, ok?


The reason us Brits always have a go at America about it's gun laws is that we actually know better. We learned from experience. Hungerford, Dumblaine, when these things happened we clamped down on guns and it bloody well works.
The second amendment was created at a time where people would be lucky to fire a single round from and inaccurate musket. I don't think the founding fathers really had any clue that some day you could walk into a fucking supermarket and buy guns. It's pure insanity to believe that a set of rules shouldn't be changed over time if circumstances change. It's the difference between dogmatic obedience to a religion and people changing things in a religion to suit the modern world.
The wording of the second amendment is also woolly as fuck. "The right to bare arms." Okay then how many arms? Can I have one gun or as many as I like? Also what type of arms? Are we talking just handguns or rifles? Where does it end? RPG's? Tanks?. Obviously the answer to this is "We make laws to state what you can and cannot have." Great, now tighten up those laws when you see people doing things they shouldn't do. Tighten the laws saying who can own a gun. Tighten the laws for background checks, Tighten the laws for who can sell a gun. Tighten the laws for the sale of ammunition. Do these things and maybe, just maybe, you will have less mass shootings.
It's common sense. Sadly, just like our own politicians (only to a lesser degree), common sense seems to be lacking in American politics.

The American people lack it a lot, too.


Please show me one democracy that has turned into a fascist state in the last 50+ years after " taking " the guns from its citizens. Not. one. So that stupid argument is invalid.

Also, if the US turned into a fascist state those with guns would be quickly smashed by the army and police.
I am so fucking sick of some of these talking points. Guns are nothing like drunk drivers.

How do you "test" concealed carry? Have the students go walk around in a Walmart while carrying?

There's also a background check and other considerations.

Yeah that Sandy Hook shooter, good thing he had that background check so he couldn't walk into a school and murder a bunch of children

We got background checks, people! No need for additional regulation.


What sporting purpose do bombs and deadly gas have? Guns have sporting purpose in the same way a bow or sword has sporting purpose. That's why the vast majority of people own them. It's really not that hard to understand.

What's crazy to me is that people wouldn't be willing to find a new hobby even if it would save countless lives.


And the most stupid GAF post of the year 2015 goes to...

Yep. Stupid for posting anything that goes against the Liberal-GAF hivemind. The most opinionated and closed-minded people I've ever seen in my life. Yep, your opinion is right, mine is wrong and I'm stupid for even considering otherwise.

I guess those innocent lives of DUI victims don't matter because the driver didn't intend to kill them.


And you can't use an air rifle........ why? You need to puncture a piece of paper with a device so powerful it can smash through bone?

Where exactly do you draw the line? You can buy a lethal air rifle for about half the price of even the cheapest "real" guns. Again, you're asking me to just give away about $5000 worth of personal property due to a small group of others not being responsible. If someone told you to clear out your liquor cabinet for the same reason you'd rightly tell them to fuck off. But I'll be more polite since I know you don't understand what shooting a gun is like.

What's crazy to me is that people wouldn't be willing to find a new hobby even if it would save countless lives.

There are a lot of things in society that are completely unnecessary and that would save a lot of lives if banned. But we as a society have determined that the risk involved with those hobbies isn't enough to get rid of them entirely.
The reason us Brits always have a go at America about it's gun laws is that we actually know better. We learned from experience. Hungerford, Dumblaine, when these things happened we clamped down on guns and it bloody well works.
The second amendment was created at a time where people would be lucky to fire a single round from and inaccurate musket. I don't think the founding fathers really had any clue that some day you could walk into a fucking supermarket and buy guns. It's pure insanity to believe that a set of rules shouldn't be changed over time if circumstances change. It's the difference between dogmatic obedience to a religion and people changing things in a religion to suit the modern world.
The wording of the second amendment is also woolly as fuck. "The right to bare arms." Okay then how many arms? Can I have one gun or as many as I like? Also what type of arms? Are we talking just handguns or rifles? Where does it end? RPG's? Tanks?. Obviously the answer to this is "We make laws to state what you can and cannot have." Great, now tighten up those laws when you see people doing things they shouldn't do. Tighten the laws saying who can own a gun. Tighten the laws for background checks, Tighten the laws for who can sell a gun. Tighten the laws for the sale of ammunition. Do these things and maybe, just maybe, you will have less mass shootings.
It's common sense. Sadly, just like our own politicians (only to a lesser degree), common sense seems to be lacking in American politics.

Australia banned guns after a mass murder in the late '90s. And guess what? It worked there too. Amazing that things which make logical sense actually work, isn't it?

The only argument from people who don't want gun control is WAHHHHH, I WANT MY GUNS

Caja 117

How do you "test" concealed carry? Have the students go walk around in a Walmart while carrying?

There's also a background check and other considerations.

These background check are a joke I have seen people make letter of recommendation to carry without hardy knowing this person. getting a gun is far too easy in this country.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
i'm already getting this crap on my facebook
Today's event makes me sick to my stomach... "An armed African American male walks up to two unsuspecting and unarmed white journalists and opens fire at point blank range killing them both." Based on how murder stories are reported these days, that's honestly what I was expecting to hear verbatim when I heard the story this morning. Although, to hear the media report on it sounds quite differently. Sounds kind of like... "The shooter, previously layed off from the tv station sought revenge... His prior claims with the EEOC of workplace mistreatment based on his African American background had been dismissed." Had it been reversed perhaps Virginia could have a new state flag by the end of the week... Bought his gun in response to the Charleston church shooting... What a tragedy.... !
I want to reach through the screen and punch them, I want to respond and say the only reason you even care about this event is because the victims are white and the perp was black.

good lord can we maybe start a new thread for a gun control debate?


That doesn't change the fact that if someone who is intoxicated gets into a car, it turns the car into a lethal weapon. How many people die each year from alcohol related deaths? I'm guessing more than shooting victims.

You can spin it however you want, but it's a valid argument.

"People die from irresponsible gun usage. People die from irresponsible alcohol usage. Since irresponsible gun usage and irresponsible alcohol usage both cause people to die, they should both be dealt with in the same manner."

This is a pretty clear example of a tu quoque fallacy. Attempting to prove that legislating further restrictions of guns is hypocritical because we aren't trying to legislate further restriction of alcohol does not mean that restricting guns is an illogical line of thought.

Whether or not alcohol should be restricted is an entirely different argument from whether guns should be restricted. Even if they can both cause death, they do so in different manners and require different solutions to minimize harm while preserving personal freedom. For instance, I would propose that to drive a civilian car, one must blow into a breathalizer before the car will switch out of park. This solution would obviously not help much to solve the issue of death via gun. Likewise, requiring the usage of a gun safe to store guns would not help much to solve the issue of death via drunk driving. Notice how these seem to be separate issues even though they both cause death?


I just don't get how some people can be so attached to the hobby of seeing guns go bang and watching paper targets have holes in them, that they're willing to risk mass shootings every single day.

If you could theoretically kill people with video games in the way you could with guns (blu-ray ninja stars?), you damn well bet i'd give up my hobby for the betterment of humanity.

It's just pure selfishness.


That's a very recent statistic. If you consider a longer time-span, gun deaths drop off. Either way, it's very close and can vary widely from year to year.

Drunk driving death's have seen a steady dropoff since the 80s. However, homicide firearm deaths over the same time frame have not seen a consistent dropoff and actually went up in the mid 90s before starting to fall off again. I'm also only looking at firearm homicides, not suicides which are also a very large significant number that might be trimmed down by firearm laws.


Kills Photobucket
Something I don't get...

This didn't appear to be some big event that would be advertised in advance. The station manager called it a puff piece.

So how did he know they would be there?


Well see here's the thing right, it's really difficult for me to drunkenly drive my car into a classroom of children, into a church, into a movie theater, onto a college campus, into a high school, onto a military base, etc.

but boy is it easy for me to use a gun instead.

while your argument is essentially THIS OTHER THING KILLS TOO it's just deflecting really. keep your strawmen arguments elsewhere, discuss the merits of gun control here in a thread about 2 innocent people being murdered on live television by someone with a gun, while holding a camera, and did so in a matter of seconds with relative ease. When a drunken driver does the same thing we'll talk about it then, ok?

See my above post. Yep, no one has ever been killed inside of a building because of a drunk driver. Drunk drivers don't crash into buildings, ever. Right?

Anyway, enjoy your "discussion", GAF Hivemind.
Aaand people wanting to ban guns again. The guns went off by themselves right?

Even as someone who owns guns, it's pretty apparent that it would be the most effective solution to gun violence. It's not something I'm for, nor is it something I think is realistic, but it would be effective.

The only argument from people who don't want gun control is WAHHHHH, I WANT MY GUNS

Or you could call it personal freedoms.
Where exactly do you draw the line? You can buy a lethal air rifle for about half the price of even the cheapest "real" guns. Again, you're asking me to just give away about $5000 worth of personal property due to a small group of others not being responsible. If someone told you to clear out your liquor cabinet for the same reason you'd rightly tell them to fuck off. But I'll be more polite since I know you don't understand what shooting a gun is like.

Nobody's asking you to give anything away. The government can buy it back. What then?

I come from a gun family. I've shot assault rifles (semi and full), handguns, rifles, shotguns, everything. I still support sensible gun regulations.

Caja 117

Australia banned guns after a mass murder in the late '90s. And guess what? It worked there too. Amazing that things which make logical sense actually work, isn't it?

The only argument from people who don't want gun control is WAHHHHH, I WANT MY GUNS

Not to mention prior to the Australian ban of gun, they had 18 Mass shooting in the past 17 years (or something close to that) after that, Zero Mass Shooting have happened (and Homicides and Suicides have had a steady decline) , but please let not talk about Planet X that doesn't have real people.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
The reason us Brits always have a go at America about it's gun laws is that we actually know better. We learned from experience. Hungerford, Dumblaine, when these things happened we clamped down on guns and it bloody well works.
The second amendment was created at a time where people would be lucky to fire a single round from and inaccurate musket. I don't think the founding fathers really had any clue that some day you could walk into a fucking supermarket and buy guns. It's pure insanity to believe that a set of rules shouldn't be changed over time if circumstances change. It's the difference between dogmatic obedience to a religion and people changing things in a religion to suit the modern world.
The wording of the second amendment is also woolly as fuck. "The right to bare arms." Okay then how many arms? Can I have one gun or as many as I like? Also what type of arms? Are we talking just handguns or rifles? Where does it end? RPG's? Tanks?. Obviously the answer to this is "We make laws to state what you can and cannot have." Great, now tighten up those laws when you see people doing things they shouldn't do. Tighten the laws saying who can own a gun. Tighten the laws for background checks, Tighten the laws for who can sell a gun. Tighten the laws for the sale of ammunition. Do these things and maybe, just maybe, you will have less mass shootings.
It's common sense. Sadly, just like our own politicians (only to a lesser degree), common sense seems to be lacking in American politics.

What does "tighten" mean?


Something I don't get...

This didn't appear to be some big event that would be advertised in advance. The station manager called it a puff piece.

So how did he know they would be there?

According to Nancy Grace I know but he was waiting for them in the news channel parking lot.
You can still go target shooting in countries that have tight firearms regulations. I've done it in the UK myself.

Yeah but this is America not some commie euro country. I want to own my gun. When I shoot that fucking can I want to know it was MY gun and MY bullet. I wouldn't give that up, even if it saved thousands of innocent lives.


Also, if the US turned into a fascist state those with guns would be quickly smashed by the army and police.


And honestly, as a French dude, the governments in Europe have way more power over their citizens than the US government. Like if I had to bet on what countries are more likely to maybe one day turn into a fascist state, I wouldn't bet a dime on the US. My country has more chance to turn into a dictatorship than the US. And it's not even close. But again we're talking about infenitesimal chances. The argument doesn't stand.

Just ask anyone if they won't to repeal the gun laws. They'll laugh at your face. The only ones who want to allow guns again are the far right wingnuts who want to shoot muslim and black people and are absolutely convinced that we're heading for a civil war against " dem sand niggers ". They worship the american gun culture. Just shows you the kind of morons who agree with you when you're pro-guns.


The wording of the second amendment is also woolly as fuck. "The right to bare arms." Okay then how many arms? Can I have one gun or as many as I like? Also what type of arms? Are we talking just handguns or rifles? Where does it end? RPG's? Tanks?.

It's worth quoting the full 2nd amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The US Supreme Court has ruled that this guarantees an individual the right to possess firearms, but that ruling only happened in the mid-2000s. Conservative legal scholars only started arguing that interpretation in the 1970s iirc.


The front page still gets no respect
Something I don't get...

This didn't appear to be some big event that would be advertised in advance. The station manager called it a puff piece.

So how did he know they would be there?

He was a former employee plus don't forget news crews, especially doing live video, travel in a branded giant news van with a satellite dish. Most likely he just waited near where the trucks were and just followed one to the destination.


Unconfirmed Member
Yep. Stupid for posting anything that goes against the Liberal-GAF hivemind. The most opinionated and closed-minded people I've ever seen in my life. Yep, your opinion is right, mine is wrong and I'm stupid for even considering otherwise.

I guess those innocent lives of DUI victims don't matter because the driver didn't intend to kill them.

Actually this may be the winner.


The idea of having the gun talk in a different thread doesn't seem like such a bad one right now...

Something I don't get...

This didn't appear to be some big event that would be advertised in advance. The station manager called it a puff piece.

So how did he know they would be there?

Not quite sure on that either. Simplest guess would be having worked there, he would know where to stakeout and/or what specific van to follow.


Yeah, shooting a gun makes you a MAN, man!

No it's fun. Simple as that.

Nobody's asking you to give anything away. The government can buy it back. What then?

I come from a gun family. I've shot assault rifles (semi and full), handguns, rifles, shotguns, everything. I still support sensible gun regulations.

I also support sensible gun regulation. "Ban em all" is not sensible gun regulation. It's dumb fantasy tripe that will never happen.
Something I don't get...

This didn't appear to be some big event that would be advertised in advance. The station manager called it a puff piece.

So how did he know they would be there?

Followed them from the new station? They probably first meet at the station and then drive together to the location.


Yep. Stupid for posting anything that goes against the Liberal-GAF hivemind. The most opinionated and closed-minded people I've ever seen in my life. Yep, your opinion is right, mine is wrong and I'm stupid for even considering otherwise.

I guess those innocent lives of DUI victims don't matter because the driver didn't intend to kill them.
You know, we care because people are being fucking killed. :/ :(


I don't know why you gun dudes even bother to post in threads like these. The only thing that comes from it is getting ad hominem'd to death.


You're actually wrong. Homicide via firearm outnumbers deaths from drunk drivers.



You do realize the poster was comparing all alcohol related deaths right?

Kod1ak said:
How many people die each year from alcohol related deaths?

Not vehicle only.

Corrected information below.

Nearly 88,000 people (approximately 62,000 men and 26,000 women) die from alcohol-related causes annually, making it the third leading preventable cause of death in the United States.


All firearm is about 33,636 annually.



The point is that people die from either method. Just because the majority of people on this forum are anti-gun doesn't make it an invalid point. Going by the numbers, irresponsibility with alcohol is a much bigger monster than shooting deaths. But apparently that doesn't matter as much as the intent of the killer.

yes, just because the majority of people are for something does not make it right

no, just because one illegal action causes more deaths than another (and in this case it actually doesn't even cause more deaths) does not mean that the other illegal action that causes a lesser but still unacceptably high number (in this case in reality the number caused by the perceived lesser danger of guns actually causes more deaths) of deaths should not be dealt with

simple enough?
One of the bad side effects (one of many to be clear) of this incident is how many people (posting in comments on Facebook for example) I have seen that seem to relish that it was a black guy who went on a shooting spree to kill white people, and that it was possibly related to a racial issues. Like they can excuse what happen in Charleston now, because of this, or it gives them a chance to make statements that reak of closet racism. It seems white people now love to yell 'It's them being racist, not us".
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