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Two Virginia television journalists fatally shot in on-air attack[READ OP]

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I feel the most sorrow for their SOs and family.

I couldn't imagine the pain of my fiance being murdered but then having video of it out there would be too much.

I hope the fiance's never watch the pov video but I can imagine at some point they will be so overcome with grief that they will want to be with them in their last moments.

It makes me really sad and angry.


Respectfully disagree. We already, as a nation, believe the taking of life to be horrible. Watching this doesn't help that truth become any more real.


This killer’s video isn’t exposing darkness. It is celebrating darkness. He put forward a kind of pornography of violence, and from that we must turn away.

He might have meant it as that, but we don't have to take it as such. I'm still sorting out where I stand. On the one hand, the videos will inevitably be used as click-bait (which speaks to our morbid curiosity as a species). At the same time, I've never seen something quite so terrifying. I have to admit that -- for me -- it personalized just how abrupt and brutal this sort of crime is. It can be hard to fully "empathize" with something so disturbing from an armchair... We hear about violent crime so often... but for once to actually witness it like that? Shocking and deeply affecting. At least, that was my experience.


Such a sad turn of events. Must be very upsetting for the families and friends.

I saw both videos through curiosity, and the killer seemed so blasé about it. He just meandered up to them and actually waved the gun at them without them even noticing.

And all because he lost his job 2 years ago.

Hari Seldon

Very funny. The Queen had nothing to do with it. It happened via Parliament and was agreed upon for the good of our society. America should do the same. It has nothing to do with democracy and representation.

You just don't understand the reality in teh US to think that this is even a remote possibility.
I'm not surprised that a lot of people don't understand that journalism is bound by ethical considerations as well. There is a huge ethical concern about what to broadcast and what not to broadcast. I'm sure there was a heated debate regarding that manifested. The wrong who were in the right positions won. It's out there now.

Journalism isn't about blindly broadcasting every bit of information that comes across a news desk. There are ethical and safety consideration to be made.


I apologize as well for anything I've said that may have offended anyone in here. I really wish there was an easy answer to this situation. I wish we could just have a discussion where people would make realistic suggestions about how to start fixing the problem rather than just the usual guns are bad and should be banned with no suggestions how to actually implement the policy.
How about a one year waiting period for first time gun buyers. I wonder what percentage of gun homicides are committed by psychotic people who are in a bad state of mind and just went out and bought their first gun that week and only had to wait a few days to get it. A one year wait with mandatory training could curb a large percentage of "Passion Murders".
How about mandatory heavy duty safe ownership as a requirement to own guns. I keep my guns in a 1000lb safe bolted to my floor. Make gun owners fully responsible for keeping their guns secure so Sandy Hook situations can't happen. If they are found to be negligent in securing their guns and the guns are stolen and used to commit a crime, the gun owner should bear some responsibility and face jail time.
Point is, the gun control discussion needs to focus on realistic steps toward disarming rather than immediate sweeping change that will cause every hillbilly in the country to go on the offensive.

These seem like good (and realistic) suggestions to me. Whatever happens, there at least needs to be some stringent protocols like those, for buying guns. Something I'm surprised hasn't happened yet. How the hell did they let it come to this?


I think everyone should see the POV video, specially the 2nd amendment defenders, just look at it and tell me everyone should have the right to carry arms


Very funny. The Queen had nothing to do with it. It happened via Parliament and was agreed upon for the good of our society. America should do the same. It has nothing to do with democracy and representation.

What has nothing to do with democracy and representation?
a conversation implies two people talking to one another and listening to the others points

the years of campaigning against unacceptable lack of regulation of gun ownership with regards to mental illness have
clearly fallen on deaf ears, as evidenced by the fact that we keep having the same tragedies with the same calls to action against the gun problem with the same terrible rhetoric against them with the same inaction leading into the same tragedy again

I think people have entertained conversation and non moving/dropped legislation and regulation would imply that people just dont think it is as important as no gun campaigners make it out to be. Its just hard to imagine people choosing gun control as the no1 thing in a candidate they are aiming for locally or nationally.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
I hope that fax is fake. I really don't want to see racially motivated killings increase.
what fax is that?

ARe you noticing that too? I'm speaking to a friend on gchat, he is FURIOUS over this....

I mean... I've seen a whole lot of people gunned down in the past months, a lot of innocent people.. but this one is really sticking out for people.

Its like the reaction from the Lion.
People tend to react a lot stronger to video evidence. See Ray Rice video.
And unfortunately some people are going to react strongly because this was a black guy killing to white people.
I think everyone should see the POV video, specially the 2nd amendment defenders, just look at it and tell me everyone should have the right to carry arms

I don't think it would make a difference.

People are going to find a way to defend that fucking amendment. It's hilarious.

They'll just say that reporters should have armed guards with them or something to that extent.


People need to stop regurgitating all the excuses about why gun control can't happen in the US. If you believe in the change then get behind it, leave the defending to those who don't.

It's exactly like Bernie Sanders said, if we want any political development to happen at an acceptable pace in this country, we're going to need a Grassroots political movement. BLM is trying and actually fighting for everyones safety and freedoms, but people try to discredit them at every turn because they're associated with the word black. In reality they're fighting the entire system of discrimination that creates the circumstances that allow things like this to happen.

If we want to amend gun laws we should all start working up the courage to do what it takes to start a true grassroots movement in this country that any person of any race or color can get behind. GAF is seriously one of the largest, most influential, most intelligent and most organized communities on the web. Perhaps we should start brainstorming.

No Love

By looking up statistics on drug related murder rates in Mexico and looking up statistics on people shot to death in the US because of their skin colour?

Do you honestly, truly believe that statistics can account for how many people get shot because of their skin color in the U.S.? That makes no sense whatsoever. How many do you think do it for that reason and never let it be known?

Plus, you said "Just to add some perspective - I think there are more cold blooded drug criminals who belong to cartels in Mexico than there are people with enough hate for some demographic in the US." How would looking up those statistics let you know how many "cold blooded drug criminals" are in Mexico? What if only a small percentage of the population is committing those murders?
I admit that this is a controversial opinion, but I don't think this should even require a vote. For the good of the country, they should just be banned, straight up. Emergency legislation.

Don't get me wrong, I think the population should get to vote on pretty much everything. Trouble is, with this problem, there is only one right answer, and a lot of idiots who will defend the wrong answer to the death. The NRA, for example, is just a huge problem at this point.

British people didn't get to vote when handguns were banned in 1996. They were just taken away. The same should happen here. Obviously it's an exponentially bigger job, but it's got to be done.

Saying that guns should just be banned and magically rounded up in a country as huge as the US is about as practical a solution to gun control as Donald Trump's plan of just building a big wall on the Mexico border is as a solution to illegal immigration.

Shit like this is just sickening to me. Its not just a gun control issue but that definitely is a part of it. This guy's mind was warped and he seemingly latched on current events to internally justify the murders he had planned. Then you have how every time some shooting like this happens, the media just laps this stuff up, making all of the nutjobs out there think that they can go out in some ever more grotesque shooting and the media will be plenty happy to let them live on after they're dead. That obviously factored into this guy's angle, what with the GoPro and all.

So Sad, and if he was doing it in some way to "avenge" the Charleston killings, then the national conversation will take a bad turn. I have a bad feeling that maybe someone at the station wasn't as sympathetic to the killings in Charleston and he did this to please his sick mind.
First time I have seen this, what is very much a domestic US story is reaching the world in a way unimaginable before social media.

Virginia shooting tragedy: Britons DEMAND America re-thinks gun control laws

Though I don't think we have any right to 'demand' anything
It's an Express article so just their usual poorly written nonsense, Britons aren't demanding anything.

With regards to this tragedy, I'm surprised to see so many people in this thread depraved enough to want to search for and watch the POV video. That's the last thing I could imagine wanting to spend my time doing today, or any day. Is it to satisfy your curiosity? Is that supposed to make it ok? All you're doing is satisfying this psychopath's desires by watching his video.


As someone who owns a firearm (shotgun - for hunting), if the US straight up banned civilians from owning guns I don't think I would have a problem with it. These shootings are just getting way too out of hand and something needs to be done (and Sandy Hook should have been the catalyst). It wouldn't fully solve gun problems but it sure as hell would help.

I don't think it will ever happen though, there doesn't seem to be enough political motivation to actually do anything about this stuff and the fight against this would make Obamacare look like a mild disagreement at dinner.


what fax is that?

People tend to react a lot stronger to video evidence. See Ray Rice video.
And unfortunately some people are going to react strongly because this was a black guy killing to white people.

As unfortunate as it is... re, the race issue this will clearly create. I think it is good if the pressure heads towards the NRA.


Junior, please.

It was a troll post, see the post he replied to

You just don't understand the reality in teh US to think that this is even a remote possibility.

I do understand actually, I know it would be extremely difficult. I also know that something needs to be done. You can't just sit there and let this continue.

Maybe the system is at fault. A seismic change is needed and you can't get it because your political system won't allow it. Everyone is just bickering back and forth and not actually doing anything for the good of society.
'But no' Isn't a convincing counterpoint.
Read my last few posts about my experience accidentally seeing the video. Or TLDR: Just watched the very beginning when he started shooting at Alison... clicked away as quick as I could... almost puked... had to go for a long walk to clear my head... can't unsee it now.


I admit that this is a controversial opinion, but I don't think this should even require a vote. For the good of the country, they should just be banned, straight up. Emergency legislation.

Don't get me wrong, I think the population should get to vote on pretty much everything. Trouble is, with this problem, there is only one right answer, and a lot of idiots who will defend the wrong answer to the death. The NRA, for example, is just a huge problem at this point.

British people didn't get to vote when handguns were banned in 1996. They were just taken away. The same should happen here. Obviously it's an exponentially bigger job, but it's got to be done.

What makes you think that your opinion is the "right" answer? It's an opinion.

For every shooting that takes place, there are thousands of responsible gun owners. For which many of them, this is a hobby that they enjoy.

Should we outlaw everything that could potentially take a life? No more driving. No more drinking. No more extreme sports. Where does it end?


Shocking, even the way it all played out - sign of the times I guess.
Reminds me of an incident that happened in the UK in 91' Still fresh in my mind when I saw it on TV- Look up Albert Dryden Look North on youtube


i don't mean an actual campaign to arm white people, i mean scared white people continuing to buy more guns, just as this man bought a gun in response to the charleston shooting and used it to commit an atrocity

but you're right, my active language use did imply that i meant there was an organized effort to arm white people as a collective

Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying.

Hari Seldon

Post of the year, right here.

This is the same shit in every thread after a shooting. People go online and want to ignore the entire political process and just decree that a ban should happen. Completely ignoring the reality that american voters don't want a ban, and would not vote for any politician that made this a big issue. The only way a ban will happen in the US is if we somehow rejoin the British Crown and the King decrees it, because it is not going to happen via voters.


Neo Member
@ValleyJoe: First of all, very few people have proposed mandatory disarmament or banning all guns. But you need to understand that the following:

Has no chance of happening in the current climate. The NRA, the gun lobby, and hardcore right-wingers are against virtually any regulation whatsoever.

For what it's worth, I pretty much agree with your suggestions.

I know :( I've been a gun owner for 20 years and it sickens me to see the current state of the NRA and the gun lobby in this country. They really have completely lost their minds. I know that they feel they can't give an inch or they will lose a mile, and they are probably right to an extent, but at some point you have to say enough is enough. Maybe arming every teacher isn't the best idea...maybe not everyone should carry a gun everywhere...I don't even know how they can make these statements with a straight face.. I wish there was another alternative to the NRA that would concede that guns should be harder to get and that a fully armed and packing populace is really not in everyone's best interest, while still supporting the right to own guns. Never gonna happen though :(


What makes you think that your opinion is the "right" answer? It's an opinion.

For every shooting that takes place, there are thousands of responsible gun owners. For which many of them, this is a hobby that they enjoy.

Should we outlaw everything that could potentially take a life? No more driving. No more drinking. No more extreme sports. Where does it end?

Drinking, Extreme Sports and Driving were not designed specifically to kill people. You cant conceal a car or a skateboard inside your jacket and pull it out and murder someone.


Holy shit they just broadcasted the pov shooters video here on the news that's fucking nuts how they had no idea he was pointing a gun at them the whole time

Same happened here, on all the local TV stations. Online newspapers are doing the same stuff.

Patrick S.

Do you honestly, truly believe that statistics can account for how many people get shot because of their skin color in the U.S.? That makes no sense whatsoever. How many do you think do it for that reason and never let it be known?

It is unimaginable to me that thousands of people get murdered in the US because of their skin colour. That can't be true.

Plus, you said "Just to add some perspective - I think there are more cold blooded drug criminals who belong to cartels in Mexico than there are people with enough hate for some demographic in the US." How would looking up those statistics let you know how many "cold blooded drug criminals" are in Mexico? What if only a small percentage of the population is committing those murders?

I just moved his original words around. You can't prove either number, of course.
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