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Two Worlds II |OT| QA Tested, Jerry Approved


DennisK4 said:
Someone tell me what the key for toggling 'always walk' is? I forgot :lol

Also, can I toggle that with the 360 controller?

i think it is tab. Haven't tried the 360 controller yet.
Ceebs said:
Once you get to the city the game all of a sudden makes you wonder if the guys at RP played a bit too much Assassins Creed. It however looks great and is a very unique setting for this kind of game.

Conan vibes with the tower as well.

Someone tell me what the key for toggling 'always walk' is? I forgot

after getting the quest "the package" I know crash everytime i quickload aka every 20-30 seconds. That is a shame. It appears others on the forum also have this issue. Hopefully it is hotfixed


Having read this thread I can understand why players feel "disappointed" or "cheated" despite the fact that the game is pretty large. Basically they saw an open land mass and assumed they could explore it believing it to be part of the main quest line and story/game experience.

I think they are for the most part correct by basing their purchasing decisions on what they saw in the marketing campaigns.

The dev/publisher messed up by either not clarifying the difference and location of the MP and SP or by including that island in the first place to be a visible part of the world.

Now for what its worth I think that what they are providing to gamers is still considerable. As someone mentioned before if we never saw that island no one would be complaining.

I am looking forward to getting my copy for the 360 and maybe for the PC here in the States.

In a crowded sea of games that have recently been getting shorter and shorter like Star Wars Unleashed 2 which had a 4 hour campaign I am really looking forward to playing a 25-35 hour main story game. I know my example is not an RPG, apples to oranges but my point is that 20-35 hours at the minimum is considerable by my standards.

Now I can play co-op or MP that is different that makes it even better and extends the value. I don't know how TW2 is structured for MP but I remember that TW1 allowed you to lock out a room and play MP just by yourself and explore. Thats what I did most of the time in TW1 and I was one of the few people that actually enjoyed the game considerably even with the terrible horses. I popped in a map and just killed monsters by myself and had allot of fun doing it.

The graphics by what I have seen in this thread are pretty amazing and the gameplay seems pretty solid. Its getting high reviews from European mags and for the most part positive reactions here with the exception of the map size issue. its a huge frikkin game and like night and day at least in the looks department compared to the first one.

So its not as big as some of you wanted. Come on....I mean what did you want?... an MMO? 100+ hours of the main quest and a map the size of New York? Seriously, I mean what were you expecting? We are talking about Two Worlds here, a game that has been universally bashed across the Internet and who many of you trashed every chance you got, so expectations shouldn't have been that high to begin with. Some of you guys are acting now like this game was a sequel based on a AAA IP and you got screwed.

This is Two Worlds people. Lets put some things into perspective here. Instead of bitching about what you are not getting or how you were "mislead" how about saying "hey Devs thank you for making a game that looks better then Just Cause 2 and is an RPG and for improving on the initial TW1 experience in numerous ways and giving us a 30 hour-100 hour package scattered across different modes."

I mean hell we are getting co-op and MP...has Bioware done that in any of their games? has Fallout done that? Does Risen or Divinity have MP?

Shit I'm impressed and amazed that THERE EVEN IS A SEQUEL TO TW1. Most other devs would have closed shop if a game was released to the reception that TW1 got. It shows that this developer is dedicated to their IP and they will support it whether its via DLC or a sequel. Stop feeling like you have been "cheated" play the MP cop op or whatever other modes are available, or make a new SP character and do some of the side quests this time
and say "thank you" that you got an RPG to begin with and didn't get another 4-6 hour SP action game like Star Wars Unleashed 2.

Any time a decent 20-30 hour western style RPG releases I rejoice as in today's action and FPS oriented ADD world its a rate commodity.


DennisK4 said:
But that doen't seem to work for me.....maybe because the controller is plugged in?
I had to unplug my 360 pad to even get KB/M to work at all. No On the fly switching and it defaults to 360 if it detects it.


DennisK4 said:
Tweaking time!

Removing or reducing Bloom without turning of HDR:

Engine.BloomMultiplier 0 (1=default, 0=turned off, inbetween value reduce bloom)

Note: this is a fantastic tweak for use in the Savannah area.

Is that correct? Do you mean values like 0.1 - 0.9?


How do you force 16x AF? Is there a config setting for it? Doing it through the nvidia control panel doesn't do anything for me.


nataku said:
How do you force 16x AF? Is there a config setting for it? Doing it through the nvidia control panel doesn't do anything for me.
I am forcing it through my ATI card. I don't know about Nivida.

But you could try this console command:

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16


I started playing yesterday and like I expected: I love it. I was really looking to ArcaniA for my rpg fix, but that turned out to be a dud, then I started hearing about how Two Worlds 2 was looking pretty good. The game sure didn't disappoint! In tone I feel this is closer ro Oblivion than say Risen (the rpg of 2009 if it wasn't for Demon's Souls) but in every single aspect this is clearly superior (and it should be given Oblivion's age). I was afraid my pc wasn't gonna handle it too well, but after I can safely put the setting to the max with very playable fps. It could run better, but I'm not seeing any difference in fps when I lower the settings.

Anyway tech talk is boring, the game is where it's at. The one thing I demand of my rpg's is that it lets me wander off the beaten path. The main draw in these games for me is exploration and Two Worlds 2 work nicely in this regard. The fantastic graphics obviously really help. I love that you have to actually find dungeons and such, instead of them being visible on your map or compass like in Oblivion (which was terrible in that regard, how many ancient ruins can there be?).

Combat works pretty well I think. That is, for this kind of game. One big plus is the animation. Far from being the best, I've seen, this nontheless could be the best animation I've seen for this kind of game. It feels fluid, not wooden like so many other games, which really compliments the combat. Button mashing will get you far, but it feels good, like you're actually fighting.

One tiny thing that I really like and that I've been hoping for in games for years and years is the fact that you go up hills slowly and run down them really fast. It's far from perfect here and, to be honest, it looks really silly, but the fact that its in the game makes me a happy camper. It's stuff like this that devs should put in their games, it makes for a much more convincing game. That said, it's a shame the game doesn't have weather effects, but maybe next time.

I'm still firmly in the beginning stretch (I hope anyway), but I 've played enough to know this is gonna end up pretty highly in my top 10 list this year.


eXistor said:
I started playing yesterday and like I expected: I love it.

I'm still firmly in the beginning stretch (I hope anyway), but I 've played enough to know this is gonna end up pretty highly in my top 10 list this year.
Good to see I am not the only.

Gaffers have begun calling me crazy :lol
It's good... I dunno about GOTY though. I'll wait till it's finished before I pass ultimate judgement, but it hasn't swept me away like some other RPGs this year.


lastplayed said:
It's good... I dunno about GOTY though. I'll wait till it's finished before I pass ultimate judgement, but it hasn't swept me away like some other RPGs this year.
Well, it's not like other games aren't better in some aspects, but these games are slowly, but seemingly becoming extinct. So when a game like this comes around I tend to really embrace it, like I did with Risen last year.

Whenever an rpg comes along that offers me a pretty and well-designed world with plenty of opportunity for exploration, then it immediately makes it worth my time and money. I don't really care about combat in games anyway (again, Demon's Souls being an exception), which is why I wouldn't really score Risen any lower than I would because it's just not an important part of the game. The game could have a lot of flaws besides said points and I still would play the hell out of it because it nails its exploration aspect. I won't deny a games' flaws, but sometimes you just take the good with the bad, just because its mindset is completely right.


eXistor said:
One tiny thing that I really like and that I've been hoping for in games for years and years is the fact that you go up hills slowly and run down them really fast. .
This is one of those great concepts that just does not work in actual gameplay. Running up hills on foot is going to drive me crazy in this game especially if you are out of stamina and unable to sprint.


DennisK4 said:
I am forcing it through my ATI card. I don't know about Nivida.

But you could try this console command:

Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16

Didn't work either. Oh well.

It seems like sometimes the texture filtering is really good, but other times it's downright nasty looking. It's really odd.


sooo.. no one knows what the green and gold star in the items stats mean ?

On another note, I just finished my firts mage guild quest
killin fluffy
and now that I'm back in Savannah, I'm running a 10 fps. Game ran smooth as butter before that. Weird.
eXistor said:
Well, it's not like other games aren't better in some aspects, but these games are slowly, but seemingly becoming extinct. So when a game like this comes around I tend to really embrace it, like I did with Risen last year.

Whenever an rpg comes along that offers me a pretty and well-designed world with plenty of opportunity for exploration, then it immediately makes it worth my time and money. I don't really care about combat in games anyway (again, Demon's Souls being an exception), which is why I wouldn't really score Risen any lower than I would because it's just not an important part of the game. The game could have a lot of flaws besides said points and I still would play the hell out of it because it nails its exploration aspect. I won't deny a games' flaws, but sometimes you just take the good with the bad, just because its mindset is completely right.

Sure, it's a good game, just not the best is all I'm saying. And I'm not sure they're becoming extinct are they? Seems like they're having a bit of a resurgence.


Beaulieu said:
sooo.. no one knows what the green and gold star in the items stats mean ?

On another note, I just finished my firts mage guild quest
killin fluffy
and now that I'm back in Savannah, I'm running a 10 fps. Game ran smooth as butter before that. Weird.

The gold star is the item level. Not sure which green star you are talking about though.
I got totally side tracked on a side quest
Getting a water source for that town at the beginning of the game
and forgot all about the main quest until I came to a section I couldn't beat at my current level so continued on the main quest (once I remembered what I was doing). :lol

I thought it was pretty cool that a side quest could do that during a game. Fully intend to go back to slaughter those Varns when I can.

Also question about teleporting, spoiler from start of game.
Can I teleport back to the Orc island after I've teleported to the Savannah?
DualShadow said:
Also question about teleporting, spoiler from start of game.
Can I teleport back to the Orc island after I've teleported to the Savannah?

Yep. You can come and go as you please.
lastplayed said:
Yep. You can come and go as you please.

Thanks. This is probably a dumb question but how do I do it?

I've got the teleport item thingy to let me teleport but how do I select the Orc island?, I'm playing on PC if that matters

Thanks for your help :D
DualShadow said:
Thanks. This is probably a dumb question but how do I do it?

I've got the teleport item thingy to let me teleport but how do I select the Orc island?, I'm playing on PC if that matters

Thanks for your help :D

When you use the teleporter a map should appear showing all discovered teleporters, then just click on the teleporter you wish to travel to. :D
lastplayed said:
When you use the teleporter a map should appear showing all discovered teleporters, then just click on the teleporter you wish to travel to. :D

Yep I just couldn't find the Orc one. I must be going blind :lol


one thing i absolutely love about this game are the load times...or lack thereof. I mean from the time i double click the shortuct it literally takes about 10 seconds to get into this gorgeous game. Take notes Bethesda!


timkunedo said:
one thing i absolutely love about this game are the load times...or lack thereof. I mean from the time i double click the shortuct it literally takes about 10 seconds to get into this gorgeous game. Take notes Bethesda!

I agree that this game is great when it comes to loading, certainly is fast to just get going. But I don't remember having issues with load times in any Bethesda game, always really fast unless heavily modded in my experience.


I really like the game, playing as a mage, it is very fun once you've levelled up enough to start experimenting on spells.

However, on the one hand, I definitly prefer the combat system of games like Baldur's gate (and to a lesser extent Dragon Age) with active pause and team based gameplay (with a tank, healer, damage dealer etc). But on the other hand, I like to explore huge, varied territories and the game is just gorgeous.

Does anyone know of a game that combines both :D ? (my dream game)


timkunedo said:
one thing i absolutely love about this game are the load times...or lack thereof. I mean from the time i double click the shortuct it literally takes about 10 seconds to get into this gorgeous game. Take notes Bethesda!
Wait, Fallout takes a while for you? It's very fast for me (I'm in-game ~20 seconds after clicking Play in the launcher).

Risen, on the other hand, has one of the longest initial load times of anything I own.


epmode said:
Wait, Fallout takes a while for you? It's very fast for me (I'm in-game ~20 seconds after clicking Play in the launcher).

Risen, on the other hand, has one of the longest initial load times of anything I own.
Risen is pretty much seamless once you get in though.
fizzelopeguss said:
Conan vibes with the tower as well.

The tower looks how I imagined Orthanc to look before WETA got their hands on it. I guess a dark tower with spikes is a common fantasy element.


keuja said:
I really like the game, playing as a mage, it is very fun once you've levelled up enough to start experimenting on spells.

However, on the one hand, I definitly prefer the combat system of games like Baldur's gate (and to a lesser extent Dragon Age) with active pause and team based gameplay (with a tank, healer, damage dealer etc). But on the other hand, I like to explore huge, varied territories and the game is just gorgeous.

Does anyone know of a game that combines both :D ? (my dream game)
Those kind of games are hard to come by these days. I was hoping that Dragon Age might come close but that's a lot more KOTOR than Baldur's Gate.

After the Infinity Engine games... I can't even think of a game that hits all of this:

1. party-based
2. open-ended
2. focused on exploration
4. Strategic combat
Ceebs said:
Risen is pretty much seamless once you get in though.
True. Great game. I was just talking about that first lonnnnnnnnnnng load.
(Early game spoilers) Fuck those
scamming bastards in Bayan (I think?), I had to load twice cause I thought no way both of them would scam me haha.

Also it seems like saving isn't working? Only Auto-Save?


keuja said:
I really like the game, playing as a mage, it is very fun once you've levelled up enough to start experimenting on spells.

However, on the one hand, I definitly prefer the combat system of games like Baldur's gate (and to a lesser extent Dragon Age) with active pause and team based gameplay (with a tank, healer, damage dealer etc). But on the other hand, I like to explore huge, varied territories and the game is just gorgeous.

Does anyone know of a game that combines both :D ? (my dream game)
Look into Drakensang if you want another RPG in that style. It does not have the production values of something like Dragon Age, but it's a fantastic RPG if a bit bland in terms of setting.


yep it's on my list after I'm done with TW2. Actually, it got on my radar because of Dennis4k pimping it in the high-res thread lol.


flyinpiranha said:
Thanks Dennis4k! Those settings were a major help.

This is my @settings.txt file now

Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0
Engine.GrassUserDistance 5
Engine.GrassUserMultiplier 1
Engine.FarPlane 1600
Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.dstfarplane 15000
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.MBlurIntensity 0
Engine.edgeaaBlend 0
Engine.FOV 80

I use:
Engine.ParalaxOnTerrain 0
Engine.MaxAnisotrophy 16
Engine.MBlurIntensity 0
Engine.Farplane 1600
Engine.dstfarplane 15000
Engine.edgeaablend 0
Engine.BloomMultiplier 0
Engine.FOV 65

It makes the game looks so much better. I removed the grass tweaks because I noticed it made the grass patches flicker or even disappear when I look around in the savanah
The game seems big enough for me. Nearly 14hrs and I'm still on Chapter One! I like going hunting in the Savannah with my bow killing Rhinos. Now I found a potion so I can walk on water. Excellent!


Unlimited Capacity
Slackbladder said:
The game seems big enough for me. Nearly 14hrs and I'm still on Chapter One! I like going hunting in the Savannah with my bow killing Rhinos. Now I found a potion so I can walk on water. Excellent!

Ya, even if I don't get 100 like the devs claim I know I'll most likely get a good 40+ out of it, sans multiplayer.


Spend most of the weekend playing this game. Got pretty hyped from the posts here, but was disappointed when i started playing the game. Graphics look really nice and the game runs smooth, but it controls (pc, kb&m) really crappy.
Nothing feels like it responds directly, it has this weird wavy feel to it and melee combat is really frustrating against harder enemies. Also, there has been made absolutely no effort to make a decent gui on the pc, it's doable but still bad.

However, gotten used to those annoyances after some hours i've began appreciating the game for the things it does great. Exploration is fantastic, the world is filled with stuff and it is really rewarding to go your own way and sidequests are fun because of this. There is alot of enemy variety and the loot is nice. Even the combat(melee) got a bit better with new skills, although it's still a clickfest. Overall a great game, having lot's of fun with it after a slow start and glad i purchased it.


Naeblish said:
Spend most of the weekend playing this game. Got pretty hyped from the posts here, but was disappointed when i started playing the game. Graphics look really nice and the game runs smooth, but it controls (pc, kb&m) really crappy.
I can't speak for KB/M since I am using a 360 controller but it is quite possible it was developed with a controller in mind. The 360 contoller is native and very good.

About controllers in general for PC: I love my controller. The wired 360 pad for Windows I got have got to be the best purchase I have done in years. Some games like AC2 and Arkham Asylum, GTA IV and now TWII just seem to control best with this, and all these games have native support.
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