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Two Worlds II |OT| QA Tested, Jerry Approved


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Outtrigger888 said:
Or they could just put these features in the graphics setting in the menu.


Console commands should stay on PC.

*No...NO...HELL NO...FUCK NO...HELL NO...NO...NO.NO.NO.NO.BuddyCopOutMovie.gif*

Console commands should come to consoles for single player portions. Lock them out of multiplayer if you want, but I should be able to get whatever the fuck I want in the singleplayer. Imagine Beth games leaving the console in their games. FINALLY I COULD GET PAST THEIR GLITCHED QUESTS! *faints*


I am really liking my Archer build at the moment... I'm lv 14 and have Quickdraw at the highest possible level I can. I also upgraded a Bow with a 1s draw, the next bow I can use is the Night Bow with a 2s draw, but the damage is only 371 vs 316 with the lower damage bow, but I get twice the shots fired. I also upgraded Multi-Arrow... a point blank Multiarrow with 7 shots totally destroys anything I've encountered so far. Even those Scorpions in the Rune Cave were no match! I also lucked out with finding a 20 Damage Ice Modifier.

Finally a game where an Archer can be useful on it's own!
Jinaar said:
Ahh perfect! Thanks FutureVoid, I'll give those a go tonight. Cheers mate!
No problem! It really does make a huge difference on the PS3 version. The motion blur as you panned the camera around was nauseating. Mind you, I don't mind motion blur in most games when it's well implemented. It's not like that stuff usually bothers me.

When I initially started playing the opening of the game, it didn't bother me too much either since the environments were dark etc. The minute I got into the world proper though....UGH.

I may give the 360 version a try here soon. I took a look at some of the comparison shots and it seems like the PS3 version has an overly extreme use of depth of field and lesser lighting. I'll rent the 360 version tonight and compare the two.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Tip if you want to make extra auras in MP

Try to get to level 25+, with at least 200 in carrying endurance

Now pick strongest weapon/abilities, carry only equipment you wear, nothing else

Play Solo on Adventure #6, The Sarcophogus

Kill everything, try to gain all items in bunches

So try to grab 5 swords, 5 clubs/mace, 5 lances, 5 great swords, etc. try to get all equipments/gear of equal #

Go to your village

If you created a shop and have sold weapons, (if you don't think so, look at what price a sword is selling for if 200+, no go, if 1,000+ auras, your good to go)

Shop cost 3500, if you close it down by degrading it you get back 2000 auras, so -1500

The catch is once you sell a weapon of a type, anytime you sell another type of that weapon, you are undercut by almost 75%

To combat that, you do the Sarcaphogus lootapalooza

So open new shop, the inventory is 0, once you sell them things, it stays forever, unless, you close down shop and reset it back to 0

So you

Open Shop - 3500
Sell items
1x Ring - 500
1x Necklace - 300
1x Sword - 1300
1x Axe - 1400
1x Lance - 1500
1x Club - 1500
1x 2 Handed Club/Mace - 1700
1x 2 Handed Axe - 1600
You can even sell a trap/items also

Net Gain= 10,000+
Sell Shop 3500 - 2000 (ROI) = 1500 net loss

So you get around 10,000+ auras -1500 (due to closing shop) = 8500 x 5 equal items/etc. = 40,000+ auras per hour, easily

I made 95k, with-in 2.5 hours, so there you go
Drinky Crow said:
you are a hero, sir. a thousand blessings upon your house, your kin, your genitals, and your console cabinet.
You are most certainly welcome my friend.

A couple hours in and I'm finally getting the hang of the crafting system (well breaking things down and upgrading.) Very cool.


Impulse-purchased the game for cheap yesterday. So far, it's alright; just reached the first town after that (lame) first island with the Groms. The game looks pretty damn good, and the performance is extremely good.

I have one inventory/stat-related question though (since the manual doesn't explain it): What does the star in an item's stats denote? My Sword is 5+2 currently, but what does it actually mean?


Other than the Motion Blur removal, can anyone comment on whether or not any of the console commands on PS3 seem to make marginal improvements to framerate and/or image quality? Any advice would be appreciated.

I nabbed the PS3 version today ($40 @ KMart), and would like to pre-determine what console commands I should be entering every time, mainly so I don't waste too much time being fiddly with things.
AwRy108 said:
Other than the Motion Blur removal, can anyone comment on whether or not any of the console commands on PS3 seem to make marginal improvements to framerate and/or image quality? Any advice would be appreciated.
engine.mblurscale 0 -> Use to disable motion-blur
engine.mblurintensity 0 -> Use to disable Blur Entirely (works in conjunction with the above command)
graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0 -> Removes blur while running fast

*Keep in mind that removing blur will impact framerate a bit but it's worth it, IMHO.

engine.bloommultiplier 0 -> Turns bloom off
engine.grassuserdistance 0 -> Removes Grass Entirely (can help with framerate)
engine.farplane 1200 -> The number relating to the draw distance. The default is 1200. Try setting it to 800 or 500. Improves framerate though you'll see tons of draw-in at lower numbers.
engine.dstfarplane 6000 -> This should completely turn off far-away rendering, improving the framerate significantly; again, experiment a bit - on PCs default is 6000.
engine.stencilshadows 0 -> This will disable shadows entirely. Again, another help to framerate.
graph.enablefog 0 -> Disable the fog in-game (another framerate booster in some instances)
cam.bank.move 0 -> Remove warbling of cameras as you run (helps reduce your need to vomit)

You just have to play and see what you're comfortable losing and/or keeping from an IQ perspective to boost framerate. I have not been able to disable the depth of field of effects in the PS3 version. The engine.useDOF 0 command does nothing. You still get a ridiculous amount of DOF in the background. For comparisons sake, here's the PS3 and 360 versions at default levels:

PS3 vs 360

It's one of the reasons I want to check out the 360 version and compare the two. The various screens I've seen of the 360 game (and the videos I've watched) seem to show off far better lighting effects as well. If I like it more, I'll likely trade up as I'm only about 4-5 hours in so far.


BeeDog said:
Impulse-purchased the game for cheap yesterday. So far, it's alright; just reached the first town after that (lame) first island with the Groms. The game looks pretty damn good, and the performance is extremely good.

I have one inventory/stat-related question though (since the manual doesn't explain it): What does the star in an item's stats denote? My Sword is 5+2 currently, but what does it actually mean?

The Star is the level of the item from what i read on-line.
Excited to give this a go. My wife is picking it up for me from kmart today.

For some reason I'm really excited to see how quirky and odd it is.


Game seemed to have a slow launch here but it seems to be gaining steam now with user reviews and that Kmart deal. Wonder how much of an improvement Two Worlds III will be over this one :)


I got the import version for my mom for Christmas and the last time I talked to her she was back to playing Gothic 3 so it must not have grabbed her in the way Oblivion did. (Morrowind and Oblivion are still her favorite games).

I'm finally getting around to playing the orginal Two Worlds on the 360 and actually having quite a bit of fun with it. I have this game in my gamefly list and will give a shot soon as well and will probably be adding it to my buy list waiting on a price drop.


Futurevoid said:
engine.mblurscale 0 -> Use to disable motion-blur
engine.mblurintensity 0 -> Use to disable Blur Entirely (works in conjunction with the above command)
graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0 -> Removes blur while running fast

*Keep in mind that removing blur will impact framerate a bit but it's worth it, IMHO.

engine.bloommultiplier 0 -> Turns bloom off
engine.grassuserdistance 0 -> Removes Grass Entirely (can help with framerate)
engine.farplane 1200 -> The number relating to the draw distance. The default is 1200. Try setting it to 800 or 500. Improves framerate though you'll see tons of draw-in at lower numbers.
engine.dstfarplane 6000 -> This should completely turn off far-away rendering, improving the framerate significantly; again, experiment a bit - on PCs default is 6000.
engine.stencilshadows 0 -> This will disable shadows entirely. Again, another help to framerate.
graph.enablefog 0 -> Disable the fog in-game (another framerate booster in some instances)
cam.bank.move 0 -> Remove warbling of cameras as you run (helps reduce your need to vomit)

You just have to play and see what you're comfortable losing and/or keeping from an IQ perspective to boost framerate. I have not been able to disable the depth of field of effects in the PS3 version. The engine.useDOF 0 command does nothing. You still get a ridiculous amount of DOF in the background. For comparisons sake, here's the PS3 and 360 versions at default levels:

PS3 vs 360

It's one of the reasons I want to check out the 360 version and compare the two. The various screens I've seen of the 360 game (and the videos I've watched) seem to show off far better lighting effects as well. If I like it more, I'll likely trade up as I'm only about 4-5 hours in so far.

Thank you very much, sir. I'm def. going to be disabling the vomit-inducing camera wobble and excessive motion blur; other than that, I'll have to see the framerate myself before deciding to disable anything else at the potential cost of IQ and realism.

As others have said, I sure hope they release a patch to automate some or all of these ".ini" tweaks, because I sure don't see myself going through the process of manually entering them every time I boot the game up.
AwRy108 said:
As others have said, I sure hope they release a patch to automate some or all of these ".ini" tweaks, because I sure don't see myself going through the process of manually entering them every time I boot the game up.
I only really run 2-3 of them (camera wobble, motion blur etc.) as you said. On the PS3, it's actually pretty nice since it stores those commands in the preemptive phrase menu on the right. The minute you type in "e" (for engine) you'll get a list of the commands you've entered in the past. Click on the one you want, add the value and hit enter twice and you're set to go. Literally takes less than a minute to do 3 or so commands.

Not sure the Xbox 360 has the same luxury though. I have the 360 version in my hand so I'll be testing tonight.


Futurevoid said:
On the PS3, it's actually pretty nice since it stores those commands in the preemptive phrase menu on the right. The minute you type in "e" (for engine) you'll get a list of the commands you've entered in the past. Click on the one you want, add the value and hit enter twice and you're set to go. Literally takes less than a minute to do 3 or so commands.

Sweet, I was wondering if this would work.


BeeDog said:
Impulse-purchased the game for cheap yesterday. So far, it's alright; just reached the first town after that (lame) first island with the Groms. The game looks pretty damn good, and the performance is extremely good.

I have one inventory/stat-related question though (since the manual doesn't explain it): What does the star in an item's stats denote? My Sword is 5+2 currently, but what does it actually mean?
Which version do you have? Can you comment on the screen tearing.


If there is one command everyone should use it is the one that removes the fog. Man, it is night and day difference when you do that.
Um wow. Listen, I don't have a horse in the console war race. I own every console under the sun and I'm generally a pragmatist when it comes to choosing a platform. I want the best looking version possible. After playing the 360 version for the last two hours, I have to say my PS3 copy is going back for the 360 version. Here's a quick pros and cons for the PS3 version for those interested. (Both versions are being played on a 50inch Panasonic VT25 plasma that has been ISF calibrated)


- Little to no tearing on the PS3 version. The game maintains vsync throughout the experience for a very clean IQ \presentation on that front. The 360 by comparison tends to tear quite often but also runs at a more steady clip, IMHO.
- Whatever anti-aliasing method being used on the PS3 helps to produce an overall jaggy/flicker free quality in comparison to the 360 version.

PS3 Cons:

- Ridiculous overuse of depth of field effects. Likely being used to help maintain framerate but it unfortunately skews the view of far away objects which are completely viewable on the 360 version. I have not found a console command that brings any level of parity on this front. The 360 is simply the winner here.
- Muddled textures. The opening prison escape was night and day. I used the gamma correction to bring the two versions as close as I possibly could and the 360 version has sharp detailed texture work while the PS3 version looks as though someone has smeared vasoline on the walls/floors of the castle. This carries over to the landscape as well.
- The 360 has more pronounced and natural bloom/lighting effects. This leads to the game having a brighter, more colorful and just downright better look to it. The PS3 lighting by comparison looks dim and some effects are just downright missing. That beautiful water we saw in the PC videos is prevalent on the 360 where as many of the small coast line effects are obscured by the PS3's muted lighting.
- I'd be curious for Digital Foundry to do a resolution comparison between the two versions. To my eyes, it looks as though the 360 version is simply running at a higher resolution. The PS3 version just looks mirky. I hate to bring up the vasoline comparison again but it honestly looks like someone lifted a veil of vasoline off of my screen when I put the 360 version in. The lack of detailed textures (which may be due to the AA method implemented on the PS3) by comparison doesn't help but there has to be something more going on.

Another slight difference:
- I can't get the console command window to open while in-game on the PS3. It only works on the main menu. So you make your changes and then load the game etc.
- On the 360 version, the console command window ONLY seems to work in-game. I can't open it from the main menu but can see my changed immediately as I play.

Not a big deal, but I thought that was interesting.

Frankly, my PS3 version is going back tomorrow for the 360 version. In my opinion, it's the console version to get from an visual perspective. The Playstation 3 isn't a terrible port by any means (and the console commands help in many cases), but it falls short in other key areas. The overuse of depth of field and pronounced improvement in lighting effects sealed the deal for me personally. All in my opinion of course.
Futurevoid said:
Um wow. Listen, I don't have a horse in the console war race. I own every console under the sun and I'm generally a pragmatist when it comes to choosing a platform. I want the best looking version possible. After playing the 360 version for the last two hours, I have to say my PS3 copy is going back for the 360 version. Here's a quick pros and cons for the PS3 version for those interested. (Both versions are being played on a 50inch Panasonic VT25 plasma that has been ISF calibrated)


- Little to no tearing on the PS3 version. The game maintains vsync throughout the experience for a very clean IQ experience on that front. The 360 by comparison tends to tear quite often but also runs at a more steady clip, IMHO.
- Whatever anti-aliasing method being used on the PS3 helps to reduce an overall jaggy/flicker free IQ in comparison to the 360 version wh

PS3 Cons:

- Ridiculous overuse of depth of field effects. Likely being used to help maintain framerate but it unfortunately skews the view of far away objects which are completely viewable on the 360 version. I have not found a console command that bring any level of parity on this front. The 360 is simply the winner here.
- Muddled textures. The opening prison escape was night and day. I used the gamma correction to bring the two version as close as I possibly could and the 360 version has sharp detailed texture work while the PS3 version looks as though someone has smeared vasoline on the walls/floors of the castle. This carries over to the landscape as well.
- The 360 has more pronounced and natural bloom/lighting effects. This leads to the game having a brighter, more colorful and just downright better look to it. The PS3 lighting by comparison looks dim and some effects are just downright missing. That beautiful water we saw in the PC videos is prevalent on the 360 where as many of the small coast line effects are obscured by the PS3's muted lighting.
- I'd be curious for Digital Foundry to a resolution comparison between the two versions. To my eyes, it looks as though the 360 version is simply running at a higher resolution. The PS3 version just looks mirky. I hate to bring up the vasoline comparison again but it honestly looks like someone lifted a veil of vasoline off of my screen when I put the 360 version in. The lack of detail textures (which may be due to the AA method implemented on the PS3) by comparison doesn't help but there has to be something more going on.

Another slight difference:
- I can't get the console command window to open while in-game on the PS3. It only works on the main menu. So you make your changes and then load the game etc.
- On the 360 version, the console command window ONLY seems to work in-game. I can't open it from the main menu but can see my changed immediately as I play.

Not a big deal, but I thought that was interesting.

Frankly, my PS3 version is going back tomorrow for the 360 version. In my opinion, it's the console version to get from an visual perspective. The Playstation 3 isn't a terrible port by any means (and the console commands help in many cases), but it falls short in other key areas. The overuse of depth of field and pronounced improvement in lighting effects sealed the deal for me personally. All in my opinion of course.

wow thanks for all the in depth info

could you ever get the xbox 360 to stop tearing even at sacrifice of IQ? man I hate tearing


cleveridea said:
wow thanks for all the in depth info

could you ever get the xbox 360 to stop tearing even at sacrifice of IQ? man I hate tearing

The tearing is not that bad and I hate tearing. You notice the most during the cut scenes in the game. Yeah, you notice it during gameplay, but honestly it is not too bad. I have the PC version as well as the 360 and checked out the Ps3 version and agree with the poster above about the muddied textures, further draw distance on teh 360 version.

But for all that is Holy, you must use the codes (even on PC). The fog is the wrost offender, then the 2 Motion Blur ones (the running one & the other). If you use anything at all, use those three. My 4th pick would be the aa one.

I talked to a friend on my list and while he played I told him about this. I walked him through on how to use the codes and I kid you not, at one point he yells out "ohh shit, that looks so much better". Not sure why/how/who made the decision to use all these effects to ruin the IQ, but they need to patch these options into the settings menu.


Quick question. I like Zelda, Fallout NV, Mass Effect, Fable 2.

Would I like this game?

I just don't want to make a mistake, you can understand after the first game :p


EuropeOG said:
Quick question. I like Zelda, Fallout NV, Mass Effect, Fable 2.

Would I like this game?

I just don't want to make a mistake, you can understand after the first game :p

Did you like the first game at all? I loved it, but it had some really technical issues that dragged the experience down. The core of the game was solid, some good RPG elements, combining items, alchemy and such. The sequel fixes alot of the tech issues and improves on presentation, story, NPC's, voice acting etc. To me it is well put together game and definately something to look into.

It is more RPG'ish than those other titles, you can spend a long time just messing around in the menu configuring things, upgrading, creating etc. Character development is also alot better and you can really get into customizing you characters attributes based on your play style.

Then there is the on-line which I think is really good. The adventure mode only has 7 areas, but it is still alot of fun. They just need to nerf the ability for like a 80 level player to play with a level 2 guy. As it is right now, the level 2 guy can just stand back and level up really quick. They should implement a penalty or not allow the level 2 guy to gain exp unless he/she is within 5 levels of the other player. Outside of that little annoyance, it is pretty solid on-line.


Hawk269 said:
Did you like the first game at all? I loved it, but it had some really technical issues that dragged the experience down. The core of the game was solid, some good RPG elements, combining items, alchemy and such. The sequel fixes alot of the tech issues and improves on presentation, story, NPC's, voice acting etc. To me it is well put together game and definately something to look into.

It is more RPG'ish than those other titles, you can spend a long time just messing around in the menu configuring things, upgrading, creating etc. Character development is also alot better and you can really get into customizing you characters attributes based on your play style.

Then there is the on-line which I think is really good. The adventure mode only has 7 areas, but it is still alot of fun. They just need to nerf the ability for like a 80 level player to play with a level 2 guy. As it is right now, the level 2 guy can just stand back and level up really quick. They should implement a penalty or not allow the level 2 guy to gain exp unless he/she is within 5 levels of the other player. Outside of that little annoyance, it is pretty solid on-line.
To be honest I never played the first because of the reaction to it, and it just didn't look as good.

But TW2 looks very solid, and reaction here seems to be positive, videos look good too (only noticed some animation glitches nothing as bad as New Vegas though).


Futurevoid said:
Um wow. Listen, I don't have a horse in the console war race. I own every console under the sun and I'm generally a pragmatist when it comes to choosing a platform. I want the best looking version possible. After playing the 360 version for the last two hours, I have to say my PS3 copy is going back for the 360 version. Here's a quick pros and cons for the PS3 version for those interested. (Both versions are being played on a 50inch Panasonic VT25 plasma that has been ISF calibrated)


- Little to no tearing on the PS3 version. The game maintains vsync throughout the experience for a very clean IQ \presentation on that front. The 360 by comparison tends to tear quite often but also runs at a more steady clip, IMHO.
- Whatever anti-aliasing method being used on the PS3 helps to produce an overall jaggy/flicker free quality in comparison to the 360 version.

PS3 Cons:

- Ridiculous overuse of depth of field effects. Likely being used to help maintain framerate but it unfortunately skews the view of far away objects which are completely viewable on the 360 version. I have not found a console command that brings any level of parity on this front. The 360 is simply the winner here.
- Muddled textures. The opening prison escape was night and day. I used the gamma correction to bring the two versions as close as I possibly could and the 360 version has sharp detailed texture work while the PS3 version looks as though someone has smeared vasoline on the walls/floors of the castle. This carries over to the landscape as well.
- The 360 has more pronounced and natural bloom/lighting effects. This leads to the game having a brighter, more colorful and just downright better look to it. The PS3 lighting by comparison looks dim and some effects are just downright missing. That beautiful water we saw in the PC videos is prevalent on the 360 where as many of the small coast line effects are obscured by the PS3's muted lighting.
- I'd be curious for Digital Foundry to do a resolution comparison between the two versions. To my eyes, it looks as though the 360 version is simply running at a higher resolution. The PS3 version just looks mirky. I hate to bring up the vasoline comparison again but it honestly looks like someone lifted a veil of vasoline off of my screen when I put the 360 version in. The lack of detailed textures (which may be due to the AA method implemented on the PS3) by comparison doesn't help but there has to be something more going on.

Another slight difference:
- I can't get the console command window to open while in-game on the PS3. It only works on the main menu. So you make your changes and then load the game etc.
- On the 360 version, the console command window ONLY seems to work in-game. I can't open it from the main menu but can see my changed immediately as I play.

Not a big deal, but I thought that was interesting.

Frankly, my PS3 version is going back tomorrow for the 360 version. In my opinion, it's the console version to get from an visual perspective. The Playstation 3 isn't a terrible port by any means (and the console commands help in many cases), but it falls short in other key areas. The overuse of depth of field and pronounced improvement in lighting effects sealed the deal for me personally. All in my opinion of course.

As you mentioned, using the console to turn off the Camera Wobble, all of the Motion Blur, and the Fog has a largely positive effect on the visuals of the PS3 version; that said, I wouldn't be surprised if the game is running at a lower resolution on the PS3 (like most cross-platform titles), especially considering the system's lack of unified RAM and the developers minimal experience with the hardware.

That said, once the console commands are applied, the game still looks terrific (with ZERO screen tearing) and runs very smoothly on the PS3, much better than I would've anticipated. In other words, there's no need for PS3-only owners to be afraid of making the purchase.

Also, here's two tips for PS3 users who plan on entering the console commands: 1) delete the PS3's Predictive Text Dictionary cache (under System Settings); and 2) add the text strings to the Predictive Text Dictionary ahead of time using the "Add/Edit Term" menu under System Settings. Now it should only take a matter of seconds to enter the console commands from the game's main menu.
I was contemplating returning this but the overall positive reviews and this thread (custom soundtracks deserve my damn money) have got me to keep it. Gonna open it sometime eventually. I finally. Have. a. Backlog.

I'm kinda excited.


AwRy108 said:
As you mentioned, using the console to turn off the Camera Wobble, all of the Motion Blur, and the Fog has a largely positive effect on the visuals of the PS3 version; that said, I wouldn't be surprised if the game is running at a lower resolution on the PS3 (like most cross-platform titles), especially considering the system's lack of unified RAM and the developers minimal experience with the hardware.

That said, once the console commands are applied, the game still looks terrific (with ZERO screen tearing) and runs very smoothly on the PS3, much better than I would've anticipated. In other words, there's no need for PS3-only owners to be afraid of making the purchase.

Also, here's two tips for PS3 users who plan on entering the console commands: 1) delete the PS3's Predictive Text Dictionary cache (under System Settings); and 2) add the text strings to the Predictive Text Dictionary ahead of time using the "Add/Edit Term" menu under System Settings. Now it should only take a matter of seconds to enter the console commands from the game's main menu.

Last I read it was possibly 720P on ps3:


Also, old but some comparison shots:



delayed in the UK AGAIN


There's been another UK release hiccup for Two Worlds II; the ambitious fantasy RPG has been pushed back from a 4th February release (this Friday) to 18th February, TopWare Interactive has confirmed to Eurogamer.

That's after slipping from a 25th January date before that, and an autumn 2010 date before that.

Thankfully, the goods are worth the wait.



Futurevoid said:

Another slight difference:
- I can't get the console command window to open while in-game on the PS3. It only works on the main menu. So you make your changes and then load the game etc.
- On the 360 version, the console command window ONLY seems to work in-game. I can't open it from the main menu but can see my changed immediately as I play.

Appriciate the work there. Just want to let you know I am able to pull up the console in game on the PS3 just fine. Or are you talking about certain comands not working? cause I did have that issue.

Weird you mention textures, but textures has not been my problem. It was mostly the blur and even that I got used to by now.Then again I did not compare them.And on the screen comparison fromt hat german site, I dont like the look of the 360 shot and the ps3 shto looks nothing like it does for me, so weird... Overall the game looks great though and no mattet the option you choose I think you will have a fun experience.


Holy shit, apparently one retailer (probably Kmart) already ran out of 50% of its stock for just this game!

Selling a shit ton of copies at other retailers too.
wwm0nkey said:
Holy shit, apparently one retailer (probably Kmart) already ran out of 50% of its stock for just this game!

I know that's where I got mine. Twenty bucks off a new game makes it pretty attractive, especially with positive WOM.
rSpooky said:
Just want to let you know I am able to pull up the console in game on the PS3 just fine.
Interesting, is the command any different? I can pull it off and get the command console to come up every time from the main menu, but cannot for the life of me get it to come up in-game. Even if I pause the game first. Wierd.

rSpooky said:
I dont like the look of the 360 shot and the ps3 shot looks nothing like it does for me, so weird
I think the shot is fairly representative of the PS3 version though keep in mind that apparently those comparison shots were made during beta. Though again, I don't feel the final is too far off. The 360 version *DOES* go overboard in the bloom department in some cases which may be what's offputting in those shots, but then that can be adjusted down fairly easily with the console commands.

rSpooky said:
Overall the game looks great though and no mattet the option you choose I think you will have a fun experience.
Absolutely. If the PS3 is the only console you have, it shouldn't keep you away from the experience at all. As I said, it's far from a bad port and the overuse of the depth of field effects is likely there to maintain the best possible framerate. The ability to make changes with the console commands helps to improve things greatly also.

If you have options though as far as the console releases are concerned, I definitely think the 360 is the way to go unless there are multiplayer concerns etc. (i.e. friends on the PSN and what not).

I ended up playing the 360 version last night for quite awhile. I explored almost the entirety of the tutorial island (though not all as some of those higher level Groms kicked the crap out of me). Just started the Savannah now....


Im pretty sure the sales from the US and Germany are enough to warrant a 3rd game, now it just needs to come to the rest of Europe.

Ranger X

Might be early to judge since one game isn't out yet but what do you guys think the consensus will be?

2Worlds2 or Skyrim



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Ranger X said:
Might be early to judge since one game isn't out yet but what do you guys think the consensus will be?

2Worlds2 or Skyrim


MIGHT be too early? Uh....

Personally, I want to know which is better: Warcraft 7 or Starcraft 5.
wwm0nkey said:
Holy shit, apparently one retailer (probably Kmart) already ran out of 50% of its stock for just this game!

Selling a shit ton of copies at other retailers too.

The more this sells, the better. After the monumental improvements over the first one, this deserves all the praise it can get. I can't even imagine what the developer's next RPG will be going forward. We'll be in for a surprise.


Ranger X said:
Might be early to judge since one game isn't out yet but what do you guys think the consensus will be?

2Worlds2 or Skyrim

Skyrim will probably be better but Two Worlds III should be pretty great :D
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