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Two Worlds II |OT| QA Tested, Jerry Approved


Doh! I missed the option to make the icons smaller. That is the FIRST thing that's happening tonight. So I have a wired 360 controller I bought just for PC games - should I be using this instead of KB+M? In my experience there have been very few games that honestly are superior to play on PC with a controller?

And yes, I really am kicking myself for waiting 3 months to play this game - I even saw the stuff in the OP way back and knew that I could do it, but it seemed like a hassle and I wasn't sure about buying online in something other than USD since I had never done that. Basically I was worried about nothing. Can't wait to get a couple real hours into this after work!


Have played this game for roughly 6 hours, and am not completely feeling it. I think it's mainly because of the horribly designed game world; the game funnels you through long tunnels and doesn't reward any kind of exploration whatsoever, with tons of dead ends and bland-looking copy-paste areas. I think a summary of the crappy game world would be "artificial".

So far, the game simply doesn't hold a candle to, say, Risen.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
I'm having the opposite happen to me, BeeDog. I've spent hours just wandering around the areas around Bayan and Hatmandor, just finding random houses to explore, random dungeons to check out, etc. I guess the savannah area might kind of "copy-paste" some, but there's still little dungeons and caves to find. I went on a quest last night for one of the job boards (to save some folks being harassed by killer ostriches!) and found a cave nearby that ended up being fuggin' HUGE, filled with killer scorpions and stuffs.


I am loving this game, the size of the world and the amount of things to do is just staggering IMO. I have put right at 15 hours into the game and have just hit level 24 and I am still in the first chapter with many more quest to do on Erimos. That is crazy, especially once you factor in there is four chapters and I haven't even left the first island yet.


Anyone able to open the door to the cave that you get the key for to complete the Door Leads to where? Quest on the PS3, I cannot open the door even though I got the key


I agree.... This game is really sucking me in, even with its niggling faults.

Really enjoying the story, NPC's and varied quests.
Really like the atmopshere. I am getting a sense of reality while exploring the lands.
Graphics are very good (albiet some graphical issus at times)
I am liking the fighting system. So far I am building a fighter/archer. Magic not so much yet.
I love the cities and how alive they feel.
I loved the Savannah. Wow......

Menu system is a mess. Really wish there was a way to better organize your loot.
White text on the game screen is very hard to read. I have trouble reading some of the items I am looting from my victims.

So far this game is much better then what I expected.
Playing on Xbox360 about 10hrs in.


methos75 said:
I am loving this game, the size of the world and the amount of things to do is just staggering IMO. I have put right at 15 hours into the game and have just hit level 24 and I am still in the first chapter with many more quest to do on Erimos. That is crazy, especially once you factor in there is four chapters and I haven't even left the first island yet.

What I find interesting is that when installing the game to he HDD (360 version) it is only 3.6gigs! That's it. Most games on average are about 6-6.5 gigs, rarely are larger RPG's that small. So they must have one hell of a compression system running, but I was shocked at how small the install was for the game.


Ha. Saw thread, checked steam, spent $50, downloading now.

Exactly what I've been needing recently. I'd recently run so low on all my games that I'd be willing to play I ended up playing Mw2 for a while. :(

Time for a nice mostly broken really inconsistent East European mess of a game with a few redeeming elements that'll have me playing the game longer than any AAA release this year.

(That wasn't slander - I have a thing for broken, clumsy game design)

Oh, FYI Internode customers, this game is hosted on an Australian content mirror (Western Australian Internet Association) so it won't count towards bandwidth. :D


Kritz said:
Time for a nice mostly broken really inconsistent East European mess of a game with a few redeeming elements that'll have me playing the game longer than any AAA release this year.

I've put in about 10 hours so far, and I'd say its only a slightly broken, kinda inconsistent mess. Charming though, and I'm really enjoying my time in it. The only problem I see is that I'll probably be playing this until Torchlight XBLA drops, and that until DA2 arrives, so after all that I'm gonna have my fix of Fantasy RPG's for about a year. :)

One dumb question though, is it possible to make a ridiculously awesome fighter without ever putting a skill point into any of the fighter skills? None of them seem very useful and just upping my strength and health seems to be good enough.


epmode said:

Where is everyone?! American PC release! Out now! Good times!

Am I the only one who waited?
I wasn't sure when this game would come out on steam so I blew my load on GOG purchases, instead. This game will have to wait till my next payday


AkuMifune said:
I've put in about 10 hours so far, and I'd say its only a slightly broken, kinda inconsistent mess. Charming though, and I'm really enjoying my time in it. The only problem I see is that I'll probably be playing this until Torchlight XBLA drops, and that until DA2 arrives, so after all that I'm gonna have my fix of Fantasy RPG's for about a year. :)

I played the tutorial section and am now in some orcy camp thing. Impressions so far:

Jumping is hella fucked.
Animations weren't mocapped very well. There's nothing SUPER bad about them, they just feel really stiff.
The tessellation on textures is great. But for some reason it only seems to take effect on textures within like 1-2 metres of my guy. I can't find any way in the options to make this game look radder. Any clues?
At that, the game seems to have some kinda MLAA / super crazy depth of field on. It has the option for AA but I don't seem to be able to enable it. Does anyone know any good resources to get this game looking better?
On that note, game looks really good technically. Water looks nice, and close up textures are great. The character design for the main dude is pathetic, but the other characters are a bit better. Hair looks really nice.

Combat seems super janky. Will need to do a lot of remapping from the default keys. I don't like the context-sensitive nature of the space button and right click button. They both do too much. Right click as sneak, run, block, pick multiple targets with crossbow, and probably a billion other things is way too much for one button to do.

The lockpicking minigame was pretty cool.

Foliage in game looks pretty two dimensional and the way it moves about when you push into it seems really stupid. It's like there's a spring in each plant that instantly swings the thing back into position when you move out. Would be cooler if the grass slightly deformed when you walked through it.

Menus and inventory system are super clunky. Don't really like them.

Voice acting seems fine. Main character's voice actor is a bit of a dope. The story seems slightly more than mediocre. Who can say after just the main chunk of tutorials though.

In short, will probably really like this game. Seems super shit in areas, but nothing that's absolutely broken. And if anyone has any ideas of what to do to make this game look better, I'm all ears.

EDIT: Oh, was running it in DX9 by accident. Got AA going, and found DOF in the options. Still don't know what to do with the blurry textures in the distance (4+ metres), though...


Can someone help me with a Quest? It's the Necromancer's Guild and I found a "Mysterious Skeleton" At the Arena and all the description says is that maybe it has something to do with a Magically Locked chest? The Flag is located in the Arena itself... what do I do?


Kritz said:
EDIT: Oh, was running it in DX9 by accident. Got AA going, and found DOF in the options. Still don't know what to do with the blurry textures in the distance (4+ metres), though...
Anistropic filtering maybe? It was set to 1 by default for me. Bumped that right up to 16.


rayner said:
Can someone help me with a Quest? It's the Necromancer's Guild and I found a "Mysterious Skeleton" At the Arena and all the description says is that maybe it has something to do with a Magically Locked chest? The Flag is located in the Arena itself... what do I do?

As you go down the stairs into the arena, straight ahead is a small encave with a treasure chest and a Skeleton behind some wood. Go to the skeleton and click on it too use the tooth which brings the skeleton alive, and it unlocks the chest. Take all the items and then go to the menu screen to read the will, quest completed.


methos75 said:
As you go down the stairs into the arena, straight ahead is a small encave with a treasure chest and a Skeleton behind some wood. Go to the skeleton and click on it too use the tooth which brings the skeleton alive, and it unlocks the chest. Take all the items and then go to the menu screen to read the will, quest completed.

The Tooth? I don't remember having this item. I clicked the skeleton once and it brought up the quest. I'll try this when I get home thanx
I checked a guide on gamefaqs but didn't find an answer

Where is the Necromancer skill book (or maybe its called the Death skillbook)? I've been finding a lot of spell cards for it but I can't use it until I find the skill book.

Anyone remember where it is?

Also, I'm still just playing around in the Savanna after 5 hours, any other good skill books I should keep an eye out for? I've only looted houses when no one is home so maybe that is the problem.
That wet blanket Arthur Gies didn't like Two Worlds 2.

IGN: 6.0

Good thing I've learned to disregard his reviews ever since Hydro Thunder Hurricane. If I had to guess, I'd say he just doesn't like fun.
Thought I'd write a small guide to sailing in Two Worlds II, as for me it's been a highly enjoyable and unexpected extension to the game that I feel a lot of players will miss, as it's not at all necessary to completing the game;

Mini-Guide to Sailing in Two Worlds II

One of the first things any player should do when starting Chapter II and arriving in New Ashos on the continent of Eollas is purchase a boat - a guard you encountered while escaping prison at the start of the game has one for sale for 3000 auras, and you can find him on the pier directly south of the city of New Ashos. But what point does sailing serve in Two Worlds II, and how much of the land can be explored?

Well, to start off you won't just be able to sail to the 3rd continent of Eikronas to the north and start visiting places meant for later in the game - due to barrier walls of rock the interior of the continents aren't explorable by boat, however there are a large number of interesting locations to explore along the shorlines of Eikronas and Eollas.

To begin with, as sailing in Two Worlds II can often be a time consuming process, you'll want to travel somewhere close, and although the small island to the south of New Ashos is a tempting destination, it's best left until you have a good grasp on how to handle the boat when sailing into the wind. A better course of action would be in exploring Eollas' southern coastline to familiarise yourself with sailing.

To control the boat, you simply adjust the sail's boom to catch the wind using the left and right triggers and then steer the rudder using the left stick. The key to maintaining speed is to keep the boom parallel to the direction of the wind - your mini-map will show the force and direction of the wind, as will the red flag on top of the boat's mast which is handy for lining up the boom.

While it is impossible to sail directly into the wind, you can 'tack' into the wind by pointing the boat at a 45 degree angle and adjusting the boom so that it still catches some of the wind - ideally the sails should be taut and not billowing, although either way you aren't going to be able to maintain much speed. Sometimes it's best to just land the boat and explore for a bit, while you wait for the wind direction to change, and even then then wind direction will never have changed dramatically.

When landing your boat it's best to beach it on the shore, rather than leave it bobbing in the water, as if the wind direction changes while you are off exploring you might return to find your boat a few hundred metres out into the water. Once your boat is beached you can push it back into the water when you're done exploring, but be aware that a physics glitch sometimes occurs that causes your boat to launch into the air when disembarking, and this can be a real pain if it lands in-land. Also, it's always a good idea to use a map-marker to remind yourself where you've beached your boat.

Also, when travelling to the shorelines of the various continents in Two Worlds II you will want to bring a lot of personal teleporters, as there are no fixed teleports on the shorelines (with two notable exceptions) and placing personal teleporters makes it easier to return to areas you've explored that aren't accessible from the mainlands.

Now, the best reason for sailing in Two Worlds II (other than exploration) is the loot - there are a lot of enemies to be found on the shorelines, and often they drop some valuable, rare and high-level loot, or have chests (usually master locked) full of loot for the player to find. The two main enemy types you will face for this loot are Vidons and Scapulari - the Scapulari are primitive octopus or shark-headed men that live in small fishing communities on the coastlines of Eikronas, while the Vidons are beast-men that live further in-land and are marginally more advanced (as well as more dangerous, Vidon arch-mage's can be quite tough in large groups).

And finally, here's a list of places of interest for you to sail to;

. Un-named island to the south of Eollas and west of Erimos - this island is slightly smaller than the starting island of Alsorna, and is inhabited by a number of Vidon tribes. There is no fixed-teleporter on this island, but there is a fair amount of loot available to intrepid explorers.

. Eollas' islands and shoreline - there are six main islands off the coast of Eollas. The two western-most isles are self-contained dungeons not accessible by boat (the northern-most island can be reached by a teleport north of New Ashos, the southern-most isle by a quest for the Mage's guild). The rest of the islands are largely unremarkable, but a boat is needed to access the western shoreline (and the Ancient Tombs where the Human Runestone is located for the runestones quest). The western-most island in the collection of small islands on the northern shore houses a trap-door to a secret room with a number of chests and a large quantity of potions.

. Un-named island to the south-east of Eikronas and north of Erimos - this island is particularly difficult to get to, as it will almost certainly require you to set sail from Eollas and make the lengthy journey north-east across the ocean. It's quite a rewarding journey however, as the un-named island is a beautiful site, with the ruins of an ancient society to explore and a large number of Vidon tribes to kill and loot.

. Eikronas' eastern shoreline - although largely uninhabited, the eastern shoreline of Eirkonas is a beautiful place with a distinctly North American feel, as timber wolves roam between the pine trees. A path into the Eikronan mainland is visible, but crossing the barrier causes the game to re-set you on the beach and chastise you for 'straying from the path'.

. The abandoned settlement - in the large bay along the southern coastline of Eikronas there are a number of notable features, the first being an abandoned settlement complete with ramshackle houses and a crumbling lighthouse which is located. Although the village is entirely uninhabited, there are a number of chests and wardrobes for the player to loot. The settlement is located on the northern side of the bay, north-west of the un-named island.

. The Scapulari fishing village - in the mouth of the bay is a fishing village that features a large number of Scapulari, as well as a water altar and a number of chests.

. The Jungle Temple - heading inland from the Scapulari fishing village the terrain will turn distinctly tropical. Heading through a swampy region marked by a number of altars and a mix of Vidon's and Scapulari, the player will find a fixed-teleporter. Head further inland still and you'll find an ancient jungle temple filled to the brim with Vidon's. This can be difficult to explore, as much of the best loot is found high on platforms that often require precise jumps to reach. Also, the sheer number of enemies means that you're going to need a ton of health potions, but the rewards are definitely worth it as there is a TON of loot to be had.

. Eikronas' western shoreline - the west side of Eikronas has no real notable features or landmarks, but there are many jungle and beach settlements with the usual Vidon & Scapulari presence.

. Northern Scapulari settlement - on the northern shoreline of Eikronas (near the small, crescent-shaped island) is a large settlement with a ton of Scapulari to kill and a lot of chests with loot. Also, this is the location of the second fixed teleport I mentioned earlier.


Neuromancer said:
That wet blanket Arthur Gies didn't like Two Worlds 2.

IGN: 6.0

Good thing I've learned to disregard his reviews ever since Hydro Thunder Hurricane. If I had to guess, I'd say he just doesn't like fun.

Wow, he only spent 14 hours completing the game? Man, I'd sunk 14 hours into Two Worlds II before even completing the first damn chapter! And now I'm at something like 25 hours in, still on chapter 2, still loving it.
HamPster PamPster said:
Great stuff. For those locations you should include about what level you should be for each. I don't want to go there too early and get killed right away after spending the time to sail there

That's a good point - I'm not really sure what the ideal level should be to be honest, the only area I had difficulty with was the Jungle Temple (due to the sheer number of enemies) and I was about level 26 when I did that. The other places are fairly easy, and I'd say that by the time you're starting Chapter II and have arrived in New Ashos you should at least be ready to try the un-named islands to the south and north-east.
Neuromancer said:
That wet blanket Arthur Gies didn't like Two Worlds 2.

IGN: 6.0

Good thing I've learned to disregard his reviews ever since Hydro Thunder Hurricane. If I had to guess, I'd say he just doesn't like fun.

But the game didn't have perfect combat and there were glitches and the graphics weren't perfect and they couldn't afford top tier voice talent and

hmm. Nothing in there about if the game is fun or not. Didn't fill enough of the "AAA game" criteria.


To be fair, 3/5 is probably very close to what Two Worlds might be to some people.

I just found the Guitar Hero minigame. Oh jesus. ><_


The only spot in the game deserving of a 6 is the first 30 minutes of voicework---and even a 6 might be a stretch. The rest of the game is a solid 8.


GameStop is reporting that Two Worlds 2 for PC has been cancelled. Which means there will be no retail copies....? I'm confused!
6.0 is a kinda fair score if you want but he gave it for all the wrong reasons. TW2 would be a 8 or 9 in my book if the game world was as big as promised. You have to consider that all things were probably planned for a 100+ hour game. He wouldn't give a Bethesda game a 6.0 for clunky menus and bad voice acting.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Heh, created water walking potions

I feel like Jesus running on Water (timed, fuck me I want it as an ability)

Looks hilarious

I still have no clue how magic works, god damn these stupid cards and other varying options

Joe Molotov

I'm still in Chapter 1, but I'm loving it so far. I just did the Rustler's Run race. Trying to find water, but Varns keep kicking my butt so I probably need to level up some more.


I purchased this game and I have to admit I think I'm disappointed. I purchased the PS3 version because my computer is pretty much occupied by my wife while she is working on her thesis for the next couple of months... This may have something to do with it - the PC version may end up making the game a lot more palatable.

I'm trying to pin point where my complaints are really originating from right now, but mostly it has to do with the fact that I really am not 'getting' the combat system from a melee perspective. I guess I could probably solve this by playing as a mage or an archer, but to be perfectly honest, that wasn't what I wanted out of this game. I guess more than anything the controls just seem extremely chunky right now. The overuse of context sensitive buttons is awkward for me... I'm having a hard time really making my guy do what I want him to do. And the positioning of block being on the same trigger as sprint for the PS3s control just exacerbates the problems the PS3's triggers have as a flawed design. It doesn't help matters for me that a lot of the times I feel as though most of the fights are breaking down to the same basic rote patterns.

The cut-scenes/story scenes on the PS3 look incredibly janky. Yes, that's not unusual for the genre, but coupled by the fact that I really have no interest in the characters or the story makes it incredibly difficult to press forward. Secondly, in the dialog scenes, even if I'm not even touching the controller, the character's comments seem to always be getting cut off and interrupted by the other character speaking... Has anyone else noticed this? I feel like I'm missing out on swaths of dialog because my character gets one word out before the other character starts talking and abruptly cuts him off. This isn't a situation that is intended because I know there is dialog that should be finishing my character's statement before the other character speaks - the game just isn't giving it to me.

The third major issue that I'm having right now, is that no matter what settings I'm using on the PS3 version with the console controls, I just am not getting the game to perform or look reasonably enough to really draw me into the game. Once again, this is probably a limitation for the PS3 and would not be something the PC version would have (since the PC version screens that I see are in a completely different league compared to what I'm getting on the PS3 - understandable, absolutely). It seems that you really have to either put up with a lot of frame rate hiccups if you go one direction with the commands or a lot of muddiness if you go another direction - and there doesn't seem to be a sweet spot in the middle that allows me to feel satisfied with the performance as well as really allows me to appreciate the world that they have created here.

As for the good, I love the customization and crafting engines in this game. It is the one thing that is getting me to continue playing despite my hang ups I'm having right now. And is something that it really should be lauded for. It's just a shame that for me personally, the other aspects of this game are really bringing me out of the experience. This crafting engine though is extremely deep and well developed though and the menu system behind it is definitely not as obtuse as people make it out to be. Why can't more fantasy RPGs learn some more from just how much Two Worlds 2 gives you to work with?

I don't know. I think this game is probably going to be returned. I think I really, really made a mistake purchasing the PS3 version rather than simply waiting until when my wife's thesis is done and picking it up on the PC. I don't think I could give this game higher than a 3/5 on the PS3 with what I've played, and even that may be stretching it a bit. I'm really torn on where I stand here, because I love the genre, but this game just isn't scratching the itch I have. With the performance issues, combat mechanics, and control issues, the PS3 version just isn't cutting it for me. I can see where the PC version probably has a good potential of solving a lot of these concerns though.
TheExodu5 said:
How's the multiplayer?
I like it a lot. You get 6 or 7 adventures, the ones I've done took me and my friend about 2 hours apiece. You make your own multiplayer character, separate from your single player dude, and they come partially spec'ced out (fire mage, swordsman etc). The levels are more linear and it's not part of the big open world but it's still pretty cool.

Joe Molotov

Is there anyway to not make the screen blur when you're running? That's really starting to bug me. I turned Motion Blur to 0, but that didn't help.
Joe Molotov said:
Is there anyway to not make the screen blur when you're running? That's really starting to bug me. I turned Motion Blur to 0, but that didn't help.
These are the 3 I use, I forget exactly what all they do. Try them all, one of them should work.

cam.bank.move 0

graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0

engine.usedof 1


Kritz said:
To be fair, 3/5 is probably very close to what Two Worlds might be to some people.

I just found the Guitar Hero minigame. Oh jesus. ><_

yeah...what`s up with that?? I chose to play with the guy who explained the whole thing to me but man,the notes come down way too fast and you have to hit those buttons all at once or what? did I start on a level 20 sheet of music with a level 1 guitar or something? it`s way too fast and confusing so I just gave up...


Is it possible to create perma-potions (e.g. potions that give free skill points etc.)? I want to know if it's worth saving some ingredients for special cases.


This game has raised my interest by reading this thread enough to make me wanna get it lol. How big is the download from steam?
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