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Two Worlds II |OT| QA Tested, Jerry Approved

Opened this up last night....I kinda immediately regretted it. The cutscenes were uber janky with pop in being present in every. single. scene. Jeez. The motion blur when running (which I know can be turned off) is so annoying and the jumping looks like somebody air swimming through caramel. And the melee with lack of real lock on is hard for me to get used to.

But it isnt all bad, I do like the salvaging of weapons for parts. The Custom Soundtracks are a nice addition. I do like the shortcut system they have for spells and things. Once I get a boat I hope I'll like that. I'll give it a little more time before I pass final judgment but as of now its a solid 2.5 - 3/5 game.
xKilltheMx said:
Opened this up last night....I kinda immediately regretted it. The cutscenes were uber janky with pop in being present in every. single. scene. Jeez. The motion blur when running (which I know can be turned off) is so annoying and the jumping looks like somebody air swimming through caramel. And the melee with lack of real lock on is hard for me to get used to.

But it isnt all bad, I do like the salvaging of weapons for parts. The Custom Soundtracks are a nice addition. I do like the shortcut system they have for spells and things. Once I get a boat I hope I'll like that. I'll give it a little more time before I pass final judgment but as of now its a solid 2.5 - 3/5 game.
The graphics, controls and everything can be a bit of a shock at first. I've really warmed up to it over time though. My advice is to stick with it until the end of chapter 1.


So, I've decided that this game is definitely going back. I know there are a lot of people who have been defending this game -- but I really honestly believe that for the most part this has to be players playing on the PC or even perhaps the Xbox 360. The PS3 version of this game is absolutely atrocious, and even it's redeeming qualities that I felt that the game had are in no way enough to warrant me chugging through this mess any longer. I know the reasons for the DOF overuse effect (it's a FEATURE!), but in the PS3 version of the game, I can't go into any open area without being able to see details of anything any greater than a few feet in front of my character's face. This is with all of the console commands being used and altered to the 'suggestions' being made by others. It really does look like someone has taken that Photoshop smear tool and just smeared everything in front of you for the vast majority of the game.

I've been in a number of dungeons so far and the dungeons themselves are really well done and since they are all corridor based, the obscenely overused blurring of the backgrounds is not a big deal. Especially since anything outside of that perspective is usually outside of your torchlight anyway.

Had this game been one giant dungeon crawl without any wide open vistas, I probably would be keeping it right now. But considering just how much of the game is spent above surface, this is a bit of a moot point.

This may be one of the most graphically impressive PS3 games out there (I wouldn't know with all the blur), but considering the 'artistic' choice they made with smearing everything, you wouldn't be able to tell because it seems like I'm playing the game without my glasses 98% of the time. But hey, at least the main character's armor looks nice! This game causes a shit ton of eye strain for me, and seriously - what the hell is the point of having these huge expanses if you really can't even make out the details of items in the background that you want or need to go investigate (such as for alchemy supplies, enemies, or interesting locations).

I'm going to be returning my PS3 version of the game and just waiting until my wife gets done with her Thesis and pick up the PC version on sale (if I even do that... I'm going to send out a letter to the companies support staff and see what their response is before I decide if they are getting any more of my money... which sucks because the PC version looks spectacular).

This is a bit of a shame for me, I was really hoping for a solid 3rd person, open world action rpg with a decent melee system to hold me over for a while.

Let this be a word of warning for those considering the console version... I don't think the Xbox 360 version is like this based on what I've read, but the PS3 version may be playable, but the game is a pain to look at and a pain to try to struggle through. And this is completely ignoring the horrible control system they have set up for the PS3 for melee attacks and combat in general... (context sensitive l2 and r2 triggers are not the way to go if you are going to have multiple uses for each on the PS3) I can go on a completely different tirade on this aspect of it.
I'm playing it on PS3 - 30 hours in so far - and while I too am not a fan of the over-zealous DOF, it's ultimately a pretty minor annoyance and one that I certainly haven't let get in the way of exploring and adventuring in the game's expansive and, yes, beautiful looking environment (crazy DOF and all). And what's the problem with the controls? Beyond some context-sensitive annoyances that pop up occasionally, I've found the melee combat to be pretty damn satisfying (especially at higher levels).


Bootaaay said:
I'm playing it on PS3 - 30 hours in so far - and while I too am not a fan of the over-zealous DOF, it's ultimately a pretty minor annoyance and one that I certainly haven't let get in the way of exploring and adventuring in the game's expansive and, yes, beautiful looking environment (crazy DOF and all). And what's the problem with the controls? Beyond some context-sensitive annoyances that pop up occasionally, I've found the melee combat to be pretty damn satisfying (especially at higher levels).

Maybe I'm just really annoyed with the overuse of the DOF, but I just can't appreciate the environments in the PS3 version of the game. Go to an edge of a cliff, expect to see a grand visage of an ocean rolling against a shoreline. What do you get? An mess of smears and smudges that make it extremely difficult to appreciate what it is you are actually looking at. Am I expecting too much out of the PS3 in this case maybe? I don't know, but nothing I'm seeing in this game is really driving me forward because even what I would consider to be an impressive environment, I'm not able to really appreciate without being forced to deal with the DOF effects that makes it seem like my character (and me!) are extremely near-sighted throughout the entire game. Gah. Maybe I'm just being spoiled, but I haven't played a game on the PS3 that has disappointed me so much, and I hate to be a graphics whore about it, but the vast majority of the reason is that the way the graphics are coming across means that in an open world RPG where the driving factor of the experience is to set out and explore, I have no interest in doing so.

As for the control issues, they all revolve around the overuse of context sensitive controls and the mapping of key features to the same controls. Such as running/sprinting/mapped to sneaking/mapped to blocking. And the use of the L2 and R2 triggers for these context sensitive controls on the PS3 is driving me nuts because I'm not a huge fan of the PS3's triggers anyway... There are so many times that I attempt to do one task and I end up doing something completely different because of the way the control scheme is currently mapped. This would be resolved if we could map our own controls, but of course they don't let us do this. This started out as a minor occurrence for me, but after 8 hours of play time, I shouldn't still be making the same mistakes over and over again. Accompany this with the generally floaty feel of the entire game means that I'm getting frustrated when i play games to enjoy myself. I'm not getting that out of Two Worlds 2. Maybe part of it is because I just got done with another play through of Demon's Souls before starting this, but I just can't stomach continuing with the way Two Worlds 2 controls currently feel.

To each his own though. I'm probably oversensitive to a lot of these issues. Or perhaps because they are compounding on me they are really taking away any joy I had in playing Two Worlds 2. I'm really, really glad I passed on Two Worlds 1 though if this is really that much of an improvement over the first game.

I'm not completely writing off the franchise though, I really think I may pick up the PC version if it goes on sale after my wife's thesis. I like certain aspects of the game a lot (mostly the crafting engine), just not enough to force me through my complaints for the PS3 version.

As a side note, since you are playing on the PS3 version as well, have you found the dialog clipping thing I've talked about in my previous post? Where it seems like your character is being interrupted in mid-dialog stream and that you are missing out on a portion of what is being said in the scenes?
If the DOF is ruining the game that much for you, then I guess the PC version is the way to go - from the few screenshots I've seen, it looks great maxed out.

RyanDG said:
As for the control issues, they all revolve around the overuse of context sensitive controls and the mapping of key features to the same controls. Such as running/sprinting/mapped to sneaking/mapped to blocking. And the use of the L2 and R2 triggers for these context sensitive controls on the PS3 is driving me nuts because I'm not a huge fan of the PS3's triggers anyway...

I hadn't honestly thought of that - I'm playing as a melee/mage character and I don't think I've used sneak at all except during the tutorial, so I don't really have that problem. I'd agree that if I could map the controls though, I would have put attack/block on L1/R1.

RyanDG said:
I'm really, really glad I passed on Two Worlds 1 though if this is really that much of an improvement over the first game.

I guess that's part of why I'm pleasantly surprised with TW2, it's got it's faults for sure, but comparing it to TW1 is like night and day. Not really sure how I ever pushed myself to complete the original.

RyanDG said:
As a side note, since you are playing on the PS3 version as well, have you found the dialog clipping thing I've talked about in my previous post? Where it seems like your character is being interrupted in mid-dialog stream and that you are missing out on a portion of what is being said in the scenes?

Yeah, I definitely noticed it in the early stages on the tutorial island, but have been seeing it less and less throughout the game - there's so much damn dialogue at times though and the writing can be just awful, so I've been skipping a lot of dialogue, lol.
Game just keeps getting better and better, got to New Ashos and I love the Asian style of buildings and everything there. Also,

For those complaining about DOF, have you tried messing around with the console commands? I really think these 3 options make the game look MUCH better. I have the 360 version BTW.

cam.bank.move 0

engine.usedof 1

graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0

I know it's a pain in the ass to have to enter in every time but it's worth it in my opinion. If memory serves, first one turns off camera shake when running, second one turns down the DOF to a manageable level, and the third one turns off the motion blur when running.


Neuromancer said:
Game just keeps getting better and better, got to New Ashos and I love the Asian style of buildings and everything there.

For those complaining about DOF, have you tried messing around with the console commands? I really think these 3 options make the game look MUCH better. I have the 360 version BTW.

cam.bank.move 0

engine.usedof 1

graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0

I know it's a pain in the ass to have to enter in every time but it's worth it in my opinion.

The DOF effect can't be turned off in the PS3 version. The fog can, but then it just makes the DOF effects even more pronounced. But yeah, I've messed with all the console commands. No luck with making things better for me. :(
RyanDG said:
The DOF effect can't be turned off in the PS3 version. The fog can, but then it just makes the DOF effects even more pronounced. But yeah, I've messed with all the console commands. No luck with making things better for me. :(
That sucks dude, I didn't realize that. Wonder why you can't turn it off on the PS3. =(
seeing as Gothic 4 disappeared from my gamefly queue, i went ahead and moved this to the top.

but i have to admit- the melee combat looks absolutely ridiculous. it's a weapon, not a marching band baton. does it really need to be twirled around so much like that?


Made it to the first big city yesterday on the PS3 version after about 6-7 hours. Overall it has been a positive experience but the lack of a good feeling and looking combat mechanic and several tedious quests that zone you in and out of buildings located very near each other may tilt the scale the other way.

There seems to be a pattern developing of one part of actually doing things and three parts of quest dialog. Hopefully the game will start to flow more smoothly soon. Right now it seems to be very start stop.


Subconscious Brolonging
Picked this up on Steam and I'm enjoying it so far, even if the storytelling is a bit rough around the edges. One thing I can't figure out though, on the item tooltips, what do the yellow star icons mean? I have some rings and seemingly the only "stat" on them are these stars, but I have no idea what they are.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Spire said:
Picked this up on Steam and I'm enjoying it so far, even if the storytelling is a bit rough around the edges. One thing I can't figure out though, on the item tooltips, what do the yellow star icons mean? I have some rings and seemingly the only "stat" on them are these stars, but I have no idea what they are.

It's just the item level. Jewelry with just starts is just there for socketing or selling off.


Getting the Achievement to Explore 25 Dungeons was a real pain in the ass. The game seems to randomly choose which Dungeon add to the total on your stat page. There are way too many entrances that won't show up on your map when you find them, but I got it done! Now to just complete Chapter IV and then on to the Multi-player.
For me to be interested in this game, I need it to contain an interesting gameworld and story, have descent dialogues (which means they has to be much better than what Divinity II and Gothic 4 offered) and have a very free world with interesting places to explore, with good rewards.

After reading a couple of pages in this thread, it really doesn´t sound like this game can offer me those things. Right or wrong? I´m always interested in good open world RPG´s, but I have enough games to play that I don´t need to mediocre ones.
So what do I need to do to get off the first "real" island (ie not the first one with the Groms)

I don't see a sailing boat or anything, and I already unlocked the entire map. I don't see anything under the quest log for "Chapter 1" so I am confused.

REALLY enjoying the game though, very addictive. counterattacks with pole arms are insanely damaging (have maxed retribution) AND have area of attack.

Joe Molotov

cleveridea said:
So what do I need to do to get off the first "real" island (ie not the first one with the Groms)

I don't see a sailing boat or anything, and I already unlocked the entire map. I don't see anything under the quest log for "Chapter 1" so I am confused.

Have you done the Tower of Fangs yet? You need to meet up with The Captain and the head of the Mage's Guild and do a few quests for them, then they'll take you to the tower.


Hey guys.

I just got finished playing Dragon Age (put about 50 hours into it before completion), loved it. I'm looking for another open-ended RPG to tide me over till Dragon Age 2 and some other games. I loved Oblivion and Morrowind, never played the first Two Worlds (heard it was buggy), and I was wondering if Two Worlds was my kind of RPG. I've heard good things about it and am looking for some opinions on if I should buy it or not. Thanks :)

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
zsswimmer said:
Hey guys.

I just got finished playing Dragon Age (put about 50 hours into it before completion), loved it. I'm looking for another open-ended RPG to tide me over till Dragon Age 2 and some other games. I loved Oblivion and Morrowind, never played the first Two Worlds (heard it was buggy), and I was wondering if Two Worlds was my kind of RPG. I've heard good things about it and am looking for some opinions on if I should buy it or not. Thanks :)

This game will be right up your alley.
Joe Molotov said:
Have you done the Tower of Fangs yet? You need to meet up with The Captain and the head of the Mage's Guild and do a few quests for them, then they'll take you to the tower.

ah nice thanks, yeah havent done that.

also, how do I summon creatures? I picked up the necromancy book, but presumably I need a card for "Summon" effect
zsswimmer said:
Hey guys.

I just got finished playing Dragon Age (put about 50 hours into it before completion), loved it. I'm looking for another open-ended RPG to tide me over till Dragon Age 2 and some other games. I loved Oblivion and Morrowind, never played the first Two Worlds (heard it was buggy), and I was wondering if Two Worlds was my kind of RPG. I've heard good things about it and am looking for some opinions on if I should buy it or not. Thanks :)

yeah that describes me, and I love Two Worlds 2.


CecilRousso said:
For me to be interested in this game, I need it to contain an interesting gameworld and story, have descent dialogues (which means they has to be much better than what Divinity II and Gothic 4 offered) and have a very free world with interesting places to explore, with good rewards.

After reading a couple of pages in this thread, it really doesn´t sound like this game can offer me those things. Right or wrong? I´m always interested in good open world RPG´s, but I have enough games to play that I don´t need to mediocre ones.

Good rewards: Check (at least for melee. I'm still going into every house I see and opening every chest after ~30 hours)
Free world: Check (once you get past the intro)
Interesting story: Check (definitely arguable, and I skipped a lot of the dialogue so I'm not sure if I'm really qualified to answer this, but even if I'm wrong some of the side quests have make up for it)
Descent Dialogue: Nope (but what it lacks in quality it makes up for with hilarious hand gestures and a ridiculous quantity of voice recording)

Perhaps a movie analogy will help:
Oblivion - Lord of the Rings
Sacred 2/Two Worlds 2 - Krull
Two Worlds 1/Gothic 4 - Dungeons & Dragons


Just got this game on Steam. It won't start up.

When I try to run the game, the "Preparing to launch Two Worlds II" steam window pops up, fades out, and then-----nothing.


edit: Forgot to update this last night but I had to reboot my PC before the game started to work.


Okay, I've played this game for about 20 hours now (still on chapter 1 - doing every single sidequest I see), and I've come to one single conclusion:

This game is an asshole simulator.

Two Worlds II is a game that was made around the idea of, "what if the main character was an asshole".

In this game, you play as some dude who had some thing happen and then he escaped and now he's trying to do a thing. Whatever. I didn't really pay attention to that part from the mix of "worst voice acting ever" and "worst dialog ever" and "holy shit this game is really pretty I'm going to look at these rocks for the next 20 minutes - wait what was that? saving the world? Forget that! FUCKING GRASS AND WATER".

So somewhere into my character's re-enactment of Momentum, I discovered through absolutely no fault of my own ADD, that the main character in this game is basically an easily distractible Adolf Hitler.

I'll start with the basics. Your guy is a fucking SARCASTIC PRICK to everyone he encounters. Even the simplest gestures from NPCs results in this dickweed rolling his eyes, slapping his forehead and mumbling the most borderline offensively snide remarks back on these poor shit covered villagers. He's the embodiment of the phrase "not my problem". GUESS WHAT, ASSHOLE? YOU'RE IN AN RPG. Someone didn't give this guy the memo that everyone's fucking wishes and desires ARE his problem, because if he doesn't collect 10 bear pelts by the next main storyline mission, he will be absolutely murdered in his ass because he forgot the game doesn't scale to his level.

This guy is never NOT a complete twat. Even with the friendliest people, even with the most badass evil assholes, even with people starving to death or trying to extort him, to anybody at all, he gives no amount of fuck about anything. Here's a dramatic re-enactment of one of the early main mission quests:

Ass-ninny: Gee, a town in the desert. Great.
Citizen: Oh please thank the nine - please sir, do you have any food? We are starving?
Twatternator: Well, I was saving all these sausages for a sausage party later on, which YOU weren't invited to, because you don't have any sausages. But I guess if I really super have to, you can have... uh, have this inside of a baboon. I don't know what it is but... I don't really care, honestly.
Citizen: Oh thank you! Bless you! :')
CockClown: Fuck off.
So at some point later, you learn to ride a horse and after you get it stuck in some rocks and try to navigate it past some tree branches unsuccessfully, you go to this town up the road. They have some food and you need to settle a trade agreement. You speak to what is probably the fantasy equivalent of the town mayor, because he's the first NPC you see, and his house has the best loot to steal (your character steals everything without penalty because he played too much Zelda as a kid). After a few sarcastic remarks and two needless horse races for whatever fucking reason, you swim across 300 metres of ocean to a lighthouse and meet with what I guess was The Mafia, who control the town and the trade routes. At this point you're given a MORALE CHOICE or your character's best guess at what morality is. The choice is as follows:

* Let the Mafia take over the starving village by overthrowing its current mayor, and electing the mayor's mentally disabled brother as new leader to be manipulated by these guys, and quite possibly lead to the entire extortion of this town.

* Say no to the Mafia, not doing anything else to stop them, and letting the town starve to death.

So, wanting to stay in character, I went to the mentally disabled brother and let him know he's the boss now. But it wasn't enough to simply let him know. I had to wait around for his voice actor to try and read his dialogue with the best worst mentally disabled voice he could come up with, which was apparently an exaggerated stutter. And WHILE I was listening to him?

Sarcastic remarks, general dumbfoundedness, and general douchery.

This guy can't even give a fucking break to someone who is mentally ill. What an asshole.

Some other notes I want to add, not in full detail:

At one point I slaughter an entire tribe of monkeys simply because someone told me to. What's worse? They only asked me to go and kill them because THEY WANTED ME TO GO AWAY BECAUSE I WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE. The NPC at the end of the quest tells me I'm an idiot for doing so.

Another time, you're walking down one of the many corridor mountain valleys and you see two parents digging a grave for their son who is so OBVIOUSLY still alive. He's rolling around on the ground. There is no disputing that this guy is alive. A second later, a third NPC comes up and tells you that the guy's still alive. Captain Oblivious responds,

"Are you sure?"







Joe Molotov

Kritz said:
* Let the Mafia take over the starving village by overthrowing its current mayor, and electing the mayor's mentally disabled brother as new leader to be manipulated by these guys, and quite possibly lead to the entire extortion of this town.

* Say no to the Mafia, not doing anything else to stop them, and letting the town starve to death.

Actually, you can kill the mafia chick and make the current mayor give the food to the town, implying that you might kill him too if he doesn't.
I'm loving this game. I feel like a badass in combat. I look badass in armor. The game runs great and i can turn off annoying stuff like fog. Its a great experience.

Except that running down stairs or a hill will kill me.

The way this game ruthlessly takes off what looks like 10% of my HP for what looks like a foot drop from sprinting down stairs or a hill is freaking crazy to me. I'm so use to fall damage being proportional to a drop and usually starting at around double a characters height that its impossible for me to get use to. Especially because your character pauses for a sec everytime he takes damage from it.

Is that kind of thing patchable?


I do appreciate the irony in the tomb quests that the archeologists are so quick to point out that they are there to study the tombs and are not just vile graverobbers, when in fact your character is there just to be a shady graverobber himself.


Made it through the Tower of Fangs but the fight with the reaper magnified the problems that really take away from the game.

The camera is atrocious, not just in close quarters but even out in the wilds sniping with a bow. The lag time between issuing a command for, say like, I dunno, something not too important like a health potion can be a real pain in the ass. The movement is very much like sliding about on a ice rink, not too big a deal until you are trying to perch on a ledge to use your bow only to slide off into a pit of Tailers. Many of the quests are zonefests extraordinaire like the last one prior to departing to the second chapter. You hand a book to person who tells you to step 10 feet away, zone, step another 10 feet, speak to the person which finishes the quest.

The open world is plus in TW2 and would be a great game in 1999 but not getting all the love for this today.
Sorry im sure this has been posted a bunch but how do I get to the console command on the xbox 360 version, and what are some of the essential commands. I looked it up and tried some of the ways to get to the command menu and none of them worked.
Outtrigger888 said:
Sorry im sure this has been posted a bunch but how do I get to the console command on the xbox 360 version, and what are some of the essential commands. I looked it up and tried some of the ways to get to the command menu and none of them worked.
Hold RB + LB at the same time (keep holding), then hit start, up, start, down. (Up and down on d-pad.)

Here are the three I use:

cam.bank.move 0

engine.usedof 1

graph.setfastrunspecialefx 0 0 0.0
First one disables camera wobble.

Second one turns down depth of field (makes things farther away less blurry.)

Third turns off blur when running.

Combined they make the game look 100x better I think.
One thing i havent seen anyone mention. Yo there is a fucking multiplayer mode to this game. Did you guys know about this? Apparently you have a character online and hes persistent. So upon learning this i hopped online made a dark elf character and joined the first US hub world i could find. And im fairly certain i saw some RP guilds on this game. Not really sure whats going on with that but i also saw a ton of higher level dudes rolling around in pimp ass armor and ton of gandalf alikes. So is GAF gonna get down on this and and coordinate some adventures?


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Neuromancer said:
I killed that whole tribe of baboons, for no reason.

Their blood is on my hands.


I felt like such a moron when I went back to turn that quest in. Dude's all like "Really? Really?.
kafka rock opera said:
One thing i havent seen anyone mention. Yo there is a fucking multiplayer mode to this game. Did you guys know about this? Apparently you have a character online and hes persistent. So upon learning this i hopped online made a dark elf character and joined the first US hub world i could find. And im fairly certain i saw some RP guilds on this game. Not really sure whats going on with that but i also saw a ton of higher level dudes rolling around in pimp ass armor and ton of gandalf alikes. So is GAF gonna get down on this and and coordinate some adventures?
All I've seen of multiplayer are pretty linear, 2 person co-op levels. They're pretty neat.

I've also done the village mode, should be good for earning some extra gold on the side.


I thought TW2 didn't level scale?

Because I'm doing the main mission where you go into this mummy tomb thing to murder everything to go to a fang tower or something (wasn't really paying attention?) and I'm level 26. This shit is fuckin WHACK. Like, it's not hard, but holy shit these enemies have a lot of health. These fucking stone motherfuckers be stabbing me like nobody's business.

And every fucking lock is a master lock now. Like, the game went from always giving me super simple locks, to every single lock in the game being a master lock in every single house, sidequest and camp I can find. It HAS to be scaling at least the loot.

But, yeah. Before even attempting the main quest I have done... just about every sidequest the game has given me. In the past 5 hours I went to the magic and town bulletin board and took every single quest, activated them, and went on a treasure hunt of murder and revenge and indifference. Every single enemy was a one hit kill due to overlevelling myself so much. I have a sweet two handed sword and mad points into every single melee stat that I'm just going apeshit spinning around in circles with my sword and killing motherfuckers.

And it's like, main quest, what the fuck. I hope you're level scaling because people would be FUCKED if they weren't the best at everything like Capitan Asshole is.

24 hours played. Only just started Chapter 1's main quest. Game is as amazing as it is the worst thing in the world.


Anybody else still happen to be waiting on their GameStop to get the Royal Edition in?

I know there's been lots of bad weather delaying all sorts of shipments, shipment setbacks on the behalf of TopWare, etc... but when the manager is saying "It should be in...," I'm just wondering if I should cancel and order directly from TopWare while they still have stock.


Q: Any other Aussies playing this? Wouldn't mind running through the coop stuff later with somebody.

Also, kinda disappointed that the boss in chapter 1 was the same boss from the end of the arena questline. Exactly the same move set. And on the topic of level scaling... that entire tower was a massive breeze compared to the tomb part that came before it.


holy shit is there an inventory mod for this shit yet because holy fuck the inventory in this game is so unacceptably bad.
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