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Ubisoft director blames gamers, says they've been exposed as 'non-decent humans'


Gold Member

Ubisoft's continuous downward spiral is seemingly only gaining speed, with the latest speed boost coming from the company Monetization Director for Ubisoft, who took to LinkedIn to call gamers critiquing the company and its products "non-decent human".

Now, in the heat of what could be considered the most tumultuous time for Ubisoft, the company's director for monetization, Stevy Chassard, has taken to LinkedIn to voice his opinion on the public's reaction to Ubisoft and its recent decisions.

"The gaming industry is rough at the moment, we all know it. But seeing how "gamers" react on social medias, wishing ill-fate to companies and people alike is sad. (And not only towards Ubisoft. Even though it is always the vocal minority that express themselves on social media, I was hurt, hurt and ashamed to be part of this community."

"What is even more revolting, is coming on LinkedIn and seeing the same comments from people within the industry. On top of exposing yourself as a clearly non-decent human being, you are affecting thousands of employees that are already impacted by all the hate despite doing their best to deliver incredible experiences."

"How can you wish a company to fail simply because they do not cater to you or that the produce does not please you is beyond me."

"We are all on the same boat, please please please, stop spreading hate, we should all uplift each other instead of bringing each other down,"

- Chassard

via Tweaktown
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
So if hes seeing the same comments from linkedin from people within the gaming industry then surely it's not isolated to a bunch of incels online.

I always find it weird how delusional these people really are when given feedback from multiple different sources. if it was just X then fine, disregard it, but when its everywhere from gaf to reddit and youtube AND fucking linkedin then surely you should be paying attention.

there is no way the focus groups didnt tell them this in advance. Unless the focus groups are not picked from the gaming community which is almost exclusively male. at which point, focus groups are no longer representative of the gaming audience and probably should be fixed as well.


Yeah this is what I’d do if my company was suffering financially also.. what a sausage.

Lets be honest Ubisoft have ridden the wave of formulaic game development for around 3 generations now they have no right to complain that people aren’t buying there slop anymore, Money is tighter and there games aren’t adjusting for inflation on the quality scale let’s be honest.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
What in the actual fuck? I have never seen such embarrassing people. You want to shit on your core audience, call them racists and bigots, tell them the game isn’t made for them and then get sand in their vagina because the games do not sell?

What the hell do I owe any corporation? They make product I like and I buy, they do not and I close my wallet. Now they want you to what, buy their games to prove you’re not a racists?

Yeah, no. I don’t anyone or any corporation shit. I worked hard for my money and if I decide to part with my cash, then that should be enough.

I am truly flabbergasted that they do not seem to reap what is right in front of them. Calling their fans pieces of shit then blaming them for not spending money on their game.

There are some straight retards out there, today.

Here is how you sell a game.

Step one: get a vaccum and suck all that sand out of your Vag.

Step two: make a good game that the biggest part of your audience wants to capture the largest amount sales.

Step three: stop being fucking emotional like women. I cannot stand emotions in business, no one gives a shit about you or your job. Just like no one gives a crap if I die tonight.

Edit: added a few things.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Did he delete it? I can't find the post.

Either way, I'd be a little surprised if LinkedIn didn't surface the same usual cucks offering their usual toxic positivity. It's fucking bullshit. Assholes like this guy are what dragged the AAA side of the industry into the muck it's in now, and they deserve every ounce of ire they get for it.


I don't understand how we've gotten to the point where companies that depend on their products being successful (especially with how much games cost these days) not only don't listen to their potential customers (the ones who have actually been buying their games for years) and focus the product on them (something basic in marketing), but also insult and belittle them when they don't buy it.

But hey, keep making games for the "modern audience" and the new generations of teenagers who only play free-to-play and don't have money to invest in video games, and then release games for 70 bucks and cry because people who can afford it don't want a GAAS with DEI, flags, and pronouns.


I have never wished for a studio to go out of business but every time one of these out-of-touch, narcissistic, fart sniffing Ubisoft executives posts or says things like this, I get dangerously close to wishing Ubisoft would disappear forever.

Monetization Director - a guy whose job it is to put some of the worst elements into modern gaming - whining about gamers? Get fucked, Stevy.


Not often enough as far as I'm concerned.

In general people let things go way too far and get out of hand before appropriately pushing back, even if it's glaringly obvious how bad things will become.
it just takes a bit of time, eventually it works out. That happens often, it always goes too far before things course correct temporarily and get worse again lol
I have never wished for a studio to go out of business but every time one of these out-of-touch, narcissistic, fart sniffing Ubisoft executives posts or says things like this, I get dangerously close to wishing Ubisoft would disappear forever.

Monetization Director - a guy whose job it is to put some of the worst elements into modern gaming - whining about gamers? Get fucked, Stevy.
I hope they do disappear forever. Ubisoft, that is. It'll prove that drastic change is needed in the industry and show that people aren't accepting the bullshit anymore.


it just takes a bit of time, eventually it works out. That happens often, it always goes too far before things course correct temporarily and get worse again lol

Yep, but people really need to learn to see the writing on the wall.

Let me put it this way, in a parallel universe this thread doesn't exist because gamers appropriately pushed back on lootboxes and microtransactions the moment they were first introduced in the AAA space. The reason? Because the cuck this thread is about, his job never needed to exist in this industry.
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