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[CLICKBAIT] Ubisoft CEO blames gamers for poor sales of Star Wars


Dawg, a literal screenshot of a headline posted on twitter, shared without a link to the article 👍

Who knows if this is a accurate recent quote, or a quote from last weeks investors call, just misquote to stir up clickbate. Great job in media literacy.

""In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough" - Yves Guillemot

That's the only source this article has. The rest is filler text and ads. Saved you the click.
Tech4Gamers strikes again as being in the top 3 most useless clickbait garbage N4G websites that clearly uses AI to extend one sentence into entire articles. I have absolutely no idea how they always get approved.

N4G User Sajjad_Hussain works for this site [blog, really] and constantly spams N4G with these "articles". He doesn't do literally anything else - doesn't comment on anything or engage with the community. He simply uses N4G to get ad revenue on this AI nothingness. Please don't click it and please stop approving this annoying bait"

There ya go. I did your homework for you. It's misquoted clickbate. Next
Its better to quote this to the new page in case some missed it.
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Writes a lot, says very little
Solid in this context probably means a 7/10. Glad even Ubi is acknowledging that their games aren't very good. 'Exceptional quality' should always be the target.

I have nothing against 7-10 games, I play them all the time with zero issue, everything isn't going to be The Last Of Us 2 / God Of War 2018 / RDR2 etc I get it, but with the Star Wars IP, they need to shoot for the stars and have all hands on deck, that means all their teams involved to make sure it rock solid.

I'm enjoying Star Wars Outlaws for what it is, but its clear it could have been more and for as great of a job as Massive did, maybe they could have had more the help to add more of an "Outlaw" experience, like allow the player to steal ships like Starfield, allow players to hijack ships in zero G in Space etc, you can make it more like a Outlaw Star, Starfiled space cowboy type concept, while still remaining in that license as I'm sure Disney has their own rules on what they will allow or not.


Gold Member
Bored Blah Blah Blah GIF by ABC Network

Adapt or die.

I’m thinking the latter seems more likely at the moment.



I have nothing against 7-10 games, I play them all the time with zero issue, everything isn't going to be The Last Of Us 2 / God Of War 2018 / RDR2 etc I get it, but with the Star Wars IP, they need to shoot for the stars and have all hands on deck, that means all their teams involved to make sure it rock solid.

I'm enjoying Star Wars Outlaws for what it is, but its clear it could have been more and for as great of a job as Massive did, maybe they could have had more the help to add more of an "Outlaw" experience, like allow the player to steal ships like Starfield, allow players to hijack ships in zero G in Space etc, you can make it more like a Outlaw Star, Starfiled space cowboy type concept, while still remaining in that license as I'm sure Disney has their own rules on what they will allow or not.
Have you fucking "seen" the Star Wars "brand" lately? Name one thing coming from the Star Wars name that has all hands on deck pumping out nothing but quality. Disney, nor ubisoft, have put out anything of quality for a very long time, and you expect either of these two to produce quality?


What does this even mean? Doing better is not buying their mediocre games. and that's what people are doing. The cattle eat whatever shit comes from the asses of guys like this.
that part should be in quotation marks, added.
he is not blaming anyone but themselves for not delivering a great product. title is totally made up bullshit. feel free to add the part where he blames "gamers" and ill join the mob lol


Writes a lot, says very little
lol im probably last person to give benefit of doubt to ubi ceo, but this is pure rage baiting bs, and of course gamers are farmed like the cattle they are.

dude is basically saying "we should do better"


with how sheep gamers are today, you need to look deeper lol

Looking into it, the headline is wildly sensational and his exact comment is "In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough."

The person writing the article then goes on to say "He seems to be blaming the fandom" and "Even though it might seem like Guillemot is blaming gamers"

Look.....I'd rather have a headline that is fact vs someone forcing an opinion and trying to make some article seem more like what it is.

Have you fucking "seen" the Star Wars "brand" lately? Name one thing coming from the Star Wars name that has all hands on deck pumping out nothing but quality. Disney, nor ubisoft, have put out anything of quality for a very long time, and you expect either of these two to produce quality?
I don't care lol Thats not even what the fuck I stated lol

I don't care about the Star Wars IP sir, my comment is merely about Ubisoft as they could have had all their teams assist in rolling this game out with maybe a bigger scope, more features etc. Thats it.

If you think you are arguing with some Star Wars fan, you are wrong.

Rage else where. I don't care.

Angry_Megalodon Angry_Megalodon "Imagine telling people that they shouldn't expect an excellent product" Thats wild, where exactly does he stay this? Like the exact quote and link?
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Golden Boy
Let’s stop for a moment here.

Gamers = Customers
Games = Products

If the Customer isn’t buying the product the product is either not fulfilling its purpose, is of subpar quality, or simply is not anything the market wants.

Star Wars Outlaws:
- nobody asked for it
- it’s story and gameplay is apparently not what people are willing to pay money for

The CEO is apparently convicted of the product, that’s fine, but the customers seem to disagree. To the customers it wasn’t solid; it was subpar and not relevant.
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It feels like companies are very late with games sometimes. I think an open-world Star Wars game would have been big 5 or 6 years ago. The Avengers game was released few years late too.
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I haven't played Outlaws so I might be wrong here, but I had the impression that it was a solid game and that they distanced themselves quite a bit from the typical Ubi formula. No Radio Towers, no countless symbols on the map etc etc.
Yet a lot of people seem to blame exactly what we're used to from their open world games. Weird. Seems like a situation in which Ubi just can't get it right. But I guess they also did a lot to earn their reputation.


'CEO blames gamers' is a skewed headline for rage bait. Here's the real quote by Yves Guillemot:

"In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough."
Perception often equals reality, regardless of what was actually said/done.

From my understanding this quote was from an earnings call. The CEO, and upper management have to know that these calls will get quoted, and if they don't, they should be removed just for that.

What should have been said, is something along the lines of;

"We are to blame for games of low quality, and trying to inject messaging into games, instead of just building a fun, memorable experience."

Instead he indirectly blamed gamers for low/slow sales. Ubisoft is under a microscope right now, and gamers want to hear, in no uncertain terms;

"Yeah, we fucked up. Sorry. We'll be better."


He's not blaming anyone.
He's actually acknowledging that gamers are fed up of mid games full of bugs and if they offer these products they won't sell well.
Headline is clickbait.
Well, he is delusional if he thinks Outlaws is solid quality.

  • Ugly MC for no foreseeable reason.
  • “Boink” melee combat.
  • No Jedi but only a single weapon type to use on permanent basis
  • Mediocre level design
  • Mediocre stealth mechanics with mandatory stealth and insta fails
  • Bad animation quality
  • Tons of bugs
  • Game requires online activation and the version of disk can’t be completed without patching
  • Broke save games for their $100+ tier “early access” customers
The above shouldn’t even have been a 78/100 or whatever they got. It’s a mediocre game for $70/€80+ so surprise it fucking crashed.
Call me crazy but looking at the recent elections across Europe, it seems to me like both the economic and political elites in the West have grown to believe they are somehow entitled to remain in their positions of power indefinitely. But in a democracy, the voters elect who's in charge. And in a free market, the customers vote with their wallets what products get to be produced, how they are produced, and how much they are allowed to cost. It's time people told them what they think how they're performing. Get f****d


If the game got 76 MC while being a high profile Star Wars game with it on record that Disney wished to ensure its good reception, that is catastrophic.

Luckily, Ubisoft decided just last week what MC score is "solid". So us gamers and investors get to save ourselves the trouble of critical thinking.


with how sheep gamers are today, you need to look deeper lol
I actually strongly diseagree gamers, at least core/male gamers are sheep.

We loved gaming back decades ago when it was considered nothing more than nerds/kids activity, and we didnt give a flying fuck.

Same thing nowadays- we get bombarded by professional journos/inluencers and all kinds of other paid media with how good those woke games of terrible quality are and that its our fault they bomb- and yet we are strong in our convictions, we like what we like, we arent women who need social proof for liking some1/something- we simply like only things we ourselfs actually like :D

and 3 praise to the max reviews for SW:O not made by some unknown youtubers but 3 very "reputable" outlets =D



Well, he is delusional if he thinks Outlaws is solid quality.

  • Ugly MC for no foreseeable reason.
  • “Boink” melee combat.
  • No Jedi but only a single weapon type to use on permanent basis
  • Mediocre level design
  • Mediocre stealth mechanics with mandatory stealth and insta fails
  • Bad animation quality
  • Tons of bugs
  • Game requires online activation and the version of disk can’t be completed without patching
  • Broke save games for their $100+ tier “early access” customers
The above shouldn’t even have been a 78/100 or whatever they got. It’s a mediocre game for $70/€80+ so surprise it fucking crashed.

But he doesn't think it's solid quality,the fact players weren't happy with Star Wars and they don't want to repeat the same mistakes is the official reason they delayed Shadows.

Quite frankly I think Ubisoft is pretty much fucked as a publisher for the next few years but people should not report as news/facts clickbait and ultimately false stuff.


No wonder the gaming industry is fucked. A lot of gamers seem retarded and overreact to everything :

"In today's challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work."

They're saying that providing a bug free, good performing game is not enough because gamers want extraordinary experiences and they must strive for it. Somehow that has turned into this angry mob.
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Gold Member
I have to wonder if this guy and Patcher actually played this game? They were probably around when Star Wars came out. Do they actually think this was that great to begin with? I always thought I was a Star Wars fan, but this looked terrible. The plot looked like it was made for someone besides an OG Star Wars fan.


Writes a lot, says very little
No wonder the gaming industry is fucked. A lot of gamers seem retarded and overreact to everything :

"In today's challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work."

They're saying that providing a bug free, good performing game is not enough because gamers want extraordinary experiences and they must strive for it. Somehow that has turned into this angry mob.

No no, stop, that isn't hateful enough, you need to cut out that other part, add in some rage bait and finish it up with some Youtube Thumbnail of a person screaming in shock lol

Gamer's today have basically turned into House Waves in the 90's overacting from every tabloid they see telling them what to think, what to fear etc.

Its so odd cause this is like a few seconds to just google. I don't believe shit from some of these sites lol Some are just sheep, they want to be fed something, react and talk about it without even seeing if it is even actually true. They can be led pretty damn easily to believe anything.

For me to give my point on something I still need to be sure that is the truth, that is what was really stated and then I can give my opinion, but I can't stand when folks see something they WANT to be true and then repeat it as if its a fact instead of just posting the entire quote in context
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World’s Biggest Weeb
i saw this earlier and i don't really agree with how it's being head-lined.

Yves Guillemot saying gamers have extraordinary expectations and that 'solid' games aren't enough, is to me not him whining but a call to action. He's admitting to shareholders that their games are only 'solid' (which means they're actually bad since a CEO has to overstate their products to the public). Thus they will need to work harder and release better games.
Yeah that is some editorializing in the headline. Very misleading.
You made a product “gamers” never asked for??
I feel very strongly, that if this game had a character creator sales would be in much better shape…..

You know what, fuck that they should’ve just remake Shadows of the Empire.


I'm starting to feel bad for these higher-ups. They are in a position where if they don't bow to the horde, they will be personally attacked into oblivion and their game lampooned by default by media controllers. But it's hitting critical mass where if they don't disobey, their product will falter. They can no longer depreciate the value of old brands in exchange for putting it off another day.

I'm not saying none of them are personally responsible or that there's an excuse for making a bad product. Just saying I wouldn't want to have their job right now, what a nightmare.


I'm starting to feel bad for these higher-ups. They are in a position where if they don't bow to the horde, they will be personally attacked into oblivion and their game lampooned by default by media controllers. But it's hitting critical mass where if they don't disobey, their product will falter. They can no longer depreciate the value of old brands in exchange for putting it off another day.

I'm not saying none of them are personally responsible or that there's an excuse for making a bad product. Just saying I wouldn't want to have their job right now, what a nightmare.
No need to feel bad bro.
https://www.marketscreener.com/insider/YVES-GUILLEMOT-A03YEB/ he has 22m usd net worth as of end of august =]
Likely he makes yearly more than i will ever make over my whole life :p

Article from june 2022
Details: Guillemot will forgo payment of about €310,607 (approximately $327,000) that he otherwise would have received over the next year. That will drop his compensation for the next year by a third to €624,824 (approximately $656,000), not counting additional stock awards that won't be available until after 2023


It sold before it went full retard. I was there I bought it and played it a few years. It slowly then rapidly became a F2P wokefest that shed players while making a different character gay every time they wanted to cover up a mistake.

Great example of how we had diversity before woke. Overwatch was simply diverse (and it was cool) until the bluehairs commandeered the wheel. I don't even own the game I bought anymore, it's wiped from existence and replaced with this "sequel" I don't want; don't count my sale in your "gangbusters" number please.
Ooook. What about Life is Strange? It was a cool woke game. It even had the voice of Ash from HAWP.
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