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Ubisoft director blames gamers, says they've been exposed as 'non-decent humans'


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Anyone working for western games publishers and complaining about their toxic fanbase should ask themselves the question why more and more of their customers are abandoning them while at the same time Asian publishers are getting showered with praise by those same "toxic fans".



Gold Member
Thats video game employees for ya. They love going on social media blaming customers.

He's also a monetization director. In other words, He's in charge of mtx nickel and diming tactics. He should look in the mirror. Talk about a shameful job. Kids blowing their money on stupid mtx and he and his department jump for joy at gaas metrics.
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He’s right about the minority being vocal . I have no public social media . No facebook whatsoever. No instagram. I never express my views (outside of Gaf!) that I won’t buy your dumb ass game… I simply don’t buy it. Many of my friends (in our 40s) are exactly the same.

So maybe consider that one of the two loud “minorities” online seem to represent the real life preorder and purchase habits better.

Astral Dog

im sorry but i couldn't help but laugh, thats high and mighty coming from Ubisoft of all places, didn't they had to fire top employees and writte an apology letter because the whole company was a cesspool not long ago? i remember something like that,even resetera sweeping under the rug pretending like the controversies never happened and moving on so quickly i thought it was weird


Gold Member
The "rare incel victory":


Nothing wrong with how they've decided to run their company at all, it's just the vocal minority on the internet causing all the problems.
To be fair, it popped yesterday to 14 due to Tencent rumour buyout.

If Yves G and the rest of the family sell out, the company and wacky employees will be owned by a Chinese company. Good luck pushing politics then. lol

Even funnier, lots of stocks have zoomed up the charts the past 5 years even blowing past covid highs. UBI used to over 100 Euros in 2018, and was around 85 in 2021.

Now in 2024 does Yves finally crack the whip with a statement a week or two ago. Good job! Only took the company going down 90% to take action. lol
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I’m going to talk hypothetically. So imagine that I knew a dev that worked on a branch of a big publishing company. In that branch, and seemingly everywhere in the company, there is a very toxic work environment and said developer suffered for that. Unable to get the courage to fight the system the developer suffers in silence. But then something magic happens. In the home country of the company, in a very important office, there is an scandal because some executive did something to a girl and that brave girl didn’t kept silence. So, there is a big turmoil and word around the industry is that that company is not a good place to be working on. The managers can’t afford that kind of publicity and therefore launch a company wide Independent audit to catch all those pesky evildoers that are damaging the image of the brand. Oh, they’re back on track, some people say. Oh, maybe there is a chance, some people in the little branch think. But alas, a toxic environment is imposed from the top. And the interviews with the guy outside the company that makes the “independent audit” are made in front of the HR person of the company. And any feedback is not anonymous. Therefore nothing changed in the company except that they washed their image. Now let’s suppose that some executive from said company tell anyone that they are ‘non-decent-humans’, just how serious would you take that?

Everything I said is hypothetical, of course.

King Dazzar

You'd think the internal investigation might wonder why senior figures are engaging in company related media comms when its nothing to do with their remit... stay out of the public space and leave it to the right teams. It makes you think the companies culture/structure is unprofessional and dysfunctional - which it likely is.
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At this point do I might not want to see Ubisoft fail if it means that I will get to see more of this clown. He's hilariously ignorant.

He can't be serious, right?


Not taking his job title into consideration, but looking at his comment about “non-decent humans.” How long has this guy been living under a rock? This is what I’m seeing in education. You have kids that are terrible in the classroom, you call their parents in (if they show up) to talk about it and they act the same way as their kids.


This is the end result of when you see that unqualified person being promoted over someone who's qualified. Eventually, no one running the show is qualified and it all goes to hell
I remember that I’ve been told of a company where nepotism was (and probably still is) rampant but for privacy reasons I can’t remember which one…


Gold Member
Are these people not aware that they’re running a business?

Maybe spend more time wondering why their annualized return on investments are so low and less time wondering about their feelings. Ubisofts investors and creditors are critical in them being employed and they are failing their stakeholders badly by failing to deliver.

Sounds like Ubisoft needs to have a general meeting with their leadership to drive some basic points through their skulls. The biggest one right now being for them to shut the fuck up and stay off of social media. Only official personnel in communications making vetted statements should be allowed to say anything as an Ubisoft employee or be fired.
Just keep actively bashing your entire customer base, see how that plays out in the long run. Absolutely fucking idiots in this industry.

"Decent human beings"

Bro has never sat around a family coffee table or anything. Like shit-talk and gossip and all that is new to humanity and that serious.


Gold Member
Monetization Director

"Gamers are non-decent humans"

"Good news execs! Sales reports show our Just Dance songs targeted to kids aged 8-14 are growing. Peak periods seem to be August right before back to school. So our team is going to increase banner ads during the summer to bombard targeted audiences to maximize revenue. We will ensure ads are done all day so kids can see them during the afternoon, and working parents can see them after dinner, since they are the ones who buy the downloads. We estimate digital revenue to grow 25%"
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