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[CLICKBAIT] Ubisoft CEO blames gamers for poor sales of Star Wars


No wonder the gaming industry is fucked. A lot of gamers seem retarded and overreact to everything :

"In today's challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work."

They're saying that providing a bug free, good performing game is not enough because gamers want extraordinary experiences and they must strive for it. Somehow that has turned into this angry mob.
But that’s not what they are providing though.

Outlaws was not a solid big free experience in any shape or form. Neither was Skull and Bones as a separate example. Neither was Avatar.

The only game that fits “solid and fairly bug free” was Mirage and wait, it actually sold decently.


Ooook. What about Life is Strange? It was a cool woke game. It even had the voice of Ash from HAWP.
It was a progressive game , but it wasn’t “woke” as in progressive elements supported storytelling and characters which were the main focus.

To me “woke” game is about the “Message” with characters and storytelling being supporting elements to it.


Solid quality? 🤣
They pushed this out the door this at least 3 months early given they need a 3-month roadmap to get it ready for a Steam release. Surely they knew it was a clusterfuck and yet still has the gall to charge gamers $100+ to access this garbage early. Ubisoft has a broken culture of contempt for gamers. It’s time to move on to supporting developers that can release competent products, and leave Ubisoft as a footnote in history.


But that’s not what they are providing though.

Outlaws was not a solid big free experience in any shape or form. Neither was Skull and Bones as a separate example. Neither was Avatar.

The only game that fits “solid and fairly bug free” was Mirage and wait, it actually sold decently.
Ok not bug free but had a good QA cycle so that it isn't bug ridden. Outlaws wasn't a poor performing buggy mess. It was considered solid in that regard.
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No wonder the gaming industry is fucked. A lot of gamers seem retarded and overreact to everything :

"In today's challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work."

They're saying that providing a bug free, good performing game is not enough because gamers want extraordinary experiences and they must strive for it. Somehow that has turned into this angry mob.
its all of internet discourse honestly, its totally fucked.
nothing other than rage/click baiting drives engagement. and people now made it their profession to farm moronic masses from one outrage to next.

in couple of months these headlines will be a.i farted for maximum clicks, if its not already happening. no need to even bother with rest of the article, as no one has the attn span to bother with that
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Was anyone excited to play as Ma'am Solo? If the game had a male lead or perhaps a character customisation screen which offered a choice then it would have been way more appealing. I guess the audience Ubisoft chased showed up... a shame nobody else did.


I think my biggest issue with Outlaws is... who the fuck wants to be a smuggler that isn't Han?

It's kind of bizzaro world that the last game to capitalize on the success of 2019's Mandalorian came out in 2002.



Looks like rage bait to me. Isn't he basically saying we need to do better? Also it's N4G and the tweet in question doesn't link the the article.

Not defending Ubi here, but I doubt he's openly blaming people who isn't buying Ubi games.

Common sense tells me that this would be a suicidal move for a CEO and he's at least experienced enough not to make such a rookie mistake.
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Solid quality? It was bug ridden and janky as heck at launch. Button mapping changed periodically between braking and acceleration for me. Then I ran into a rock that I got stuck behind, so the only way to get out to an earlier save was to go back 40 minutes earlier to that point. Did the CEO even play it? It just shouldn’t have launched in that state.
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Its a trend.
I blame this generation for allowing them to put the blame in the customers instead of themselves. Lack of self awareness is absurd and only will lead to its downfall.
Both Ubisoft and Disney have been putting in effort to try to tarnish their brands, they push out low quality garbage, they force agendas and politics, they continue to shit on and blame their fanbase.

These are all recipes for success!

troll whats GIF


Was interested in the game until.
- 130 euro price tag to be able to play it day one
- combat looks absolute terrible and not fun
- world feels empty
- performance was abysmal with RT
- Main character and her pet put me off.

Watched some twitch streams of people playing the game and nobody seemed to enjoy there time playing it.
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Why is it whenever somebody has a stupid obnoxious opinion in the gaming industry, they feel the need to share it and make themselves look even worse? Ubisoft guy just keeps talking when really he needs to just STFU until armed with some fake nice guy BS.

The game clearly isn't up to the standards set by their previous games from over a decade ago. Why pretend otherwise? It wasn't horrific like a lot of people make out but it certainly ain't "solid quality".

Or you could just read the quote and realize that you’ve been conned with grade school tier clickbait?


Ubisoft CEO: “We must do better. Gamers demand extraordinary quality. Just making something ‘solid’ won’t cut it”

‘Gamers’ with comprehension challenges: “Ubisoft CEO blames gamers for poor sales of Star Wars Outlaws”

Ryan Reynolds Ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Love how folks are now all about how quality sells, make better games Yves, the same shovelware doesn't sell every year (it does, so often, companies make bank doing this for ages) I'm sure ya all gave Wii and its games its due when it was trashing your favorite systems in sales, you're true gamers.
Admire the solid quality ladies and gentlemen

I like how its juxtaposed with Blacklist which was quite vocally hated in its time over bs (people not recognizing it as the return to form it was just because they hired another actor or didn't allow quicksave scumming with checkpoints only in missions or whatever other crap).

I found it pretty great, it's probably the one SC game to get close to MGS with its AI/gameplay interactions (also vs its contemporary MGS it was better, all about crafted missions rather than repetitive open world bs and gimmicky online modes, the story was pretty good - and complete - too).

It looked great, if perhaps a little bit sterile, not so gritty, and ran really nicely on low end rigs/consoles too. The co-op also worked well (though it was a bit eh you couldn't play the co-op missions solo and vice versa), as did the few FPS missions in the story.

It's a shame it didn't get more content (real extra missions like the boat one, not wave attack challenges) and killed the IP with no sequel since. Gamers are to blame for that one.
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Gold Member
I like how its juxtaposed with Blacklist which was quite vocally hated in its time over bs.

I found it pretty great myself, probably the one SC game to get close to MGS with its AI/gameplay interactions, shame it didn't get more content (real extra missions like the boat one, not wave attack challenges) and killed the IP with no sequel since.
I thought conviction was the most hated one and blacklist was KINDA of a return to the origin but more action...

I didn't played any sc after chaos theory.


I was considering a purchase after much needed patches and a sale. But maybe it is best to just boycott Ubisoft altogether. So many other games to play by developers that do not hate me.


The headline is 100% rage bait.

I'd say that Yves is taking the blame for it. Basically saying that they've been pushing out mediocre games, and in todays climate it's not enough anymore. Which is true. This game was around 20$ more expensive than their usual slop, and with the economy what it is, not a lot of people will buy their shit. Especially since target audience is somewhere along with the people who buy Fifa and CoD.

I'd be fine with people coming after him for the "we are not pushing politics"-talk he pulled during the same interview. That's way more interesting.


I'm not sure what the fuck they are whining about anyway,I'm sure all of their target audience bought the game.....if they had wanted to make some money they just make Han Solo the protag and watch the game fly off the shelves(even if it's still shit,lol).Fucking morons.


Gold Member
Video game employee blames customers for failure.

That’s video game companies for ya.

The industry sure has a love/hate relationship with customers. Make sketchy products or nickel and dime with mtx and they wonder why gamers push back. Lol
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"Solid quality" is not for Ubisoft to define.

Every mom thinks their kids sings like a nightingale, when in fact most sound like a cat's choir.

Game quality is remit of the gamers themselves to determine. This one was poor quality.
No wonder the gaming industry is fucked. A lot of gamers seem retarded and overreact to everything :

"In today's challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough. We must strive for excellence in all aspects of our work."

They're saying that providing a bug free, good performing game is not enough because gamers want extraordinary experiences and they must strive for it. Somehow that has turned into this angry mob.
Unless it’s called out within the first 10 posts, clickbait always wins.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Was anyone excited to play as Ma'am Solo? If the game had a male lead or perhaps a character customisation screen which offered a choice then it would have been way more appealing. I guess the audience Ubisoft chased showed up... a shame nobody else did.

This is too simplistic. The game overall scored a 77 on Metacritic. Meaning it's just okay. It didn't score that because the lead was a woman.


This is too simplistic. The game overall scored a 77 on Metacritic. Meaning it's just okay. It didn't score that because the lead was a woman.
Note that is also 77 for AAA Star Wars game. That inflates the score a bit as well.

And yeah, it’s not because MC is female but because the game is mediocre.

Although the fact that Ubi beat MC with the ugly stick doesn’t help from the customer side.
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