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[CLICKBAIT] Ubisoft CEO blames gamers for poor sales of Star Wars


Did he mention that the disk version of a hardcore game made for physical media attached people is basically worthless because requieres an online activation and has a built-in game breaking bug in the save system? Curious.

Oh and stop it with the DEI ffs. Nobody is stopping buying games because they are woke. Overwatch sold gangbusters.

Optimus Lime

(L3) + (R3) | Spartan rage activated
It's certainly a strange strategic turn that the CEO of a major development studio feels that he isn't obliged to earn the patronage of his userbase by creating products that they want to buy, instead, they should be buying his games to prove that they aren't racist right wingers.

Just fuck off. For the love of god.



Excuse me Ubisoft for not allowing me to run over or steal vehicles in the game.

And I was going to buy it.

The CEO is basically saying the game should've been better.

It's certainly a strange strategic turn that the CEO of a major development studio feels that he isn't obliged to earn the patronage of his userbase by creating products that they want to buy, instead, they should be buying his games to prove that they aren't racist right wingers.

Just fuck off. For the love of god.
And yet he didn't say any of this.
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If the lead in Outlaws looked bad ass, and the action was bad ass.

But this is another curated to hell shitty game with a shitty and forgettable Mary Sue no one gives a fuck about. You have this IP and all you come up with is this shit.

Had instead created something like a gritty Darth Vader slasher. I would've been on board.


1 million copies in 1 month for their biggest budget for marketing ever across multiple platforms is shit. Selling poorly is an understatement.

Most of its sales will be front-loaded given the poor word of mouth and reviews. Don't expect more sales after that. It's a certified flop.

Next time hire competent people instead of DIE hires based on who they fuck and leave identity politics out of your games. White men = Bad came back and bit you in the ass. Get good at management Mr. CEO. You have one job.
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Dawg, a literal screenshot of a headline posted on twitter, shared without a link to the article 👍

Who knows if this is a accurate recent quote, or a quote from last weeks investors call, just misquote to stir up clickbate. Great job in media literacy.

"In today’s challenging market and with gamers expecting extraordinary experiences, delivering solid quality is no longer enough" - Yves Guillemot

That's the only source this article has. The rest is filler text and ads. Saved you the click.
Tech4Gamers strikes again as being in the top 3 most useless clickbait garbage N4G websites that clearly uses AI to extend one sentence into entire articles. I have absolutely no idea how they always get approved.

N4G User Sajjad_Hussain works for this site [blog, really] and constantly spams N4G with these "articles". He doesn't do literally anything else - doesn't comment on anything or engage with the community. He simply uses N4G to get ad revenue on this AI nothingness. Please don't click it and please stop approving this annoying bait.
There ya go. I did your homework for you. It's misquoted clickbate. Next
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Changing mc to a look like nathan drake/young han solo and having gow3 sex alike scenes would easily double the copies sold even while keeping all the bugs/outdated mechanics and poor story/gameplay the current game has, it would still not be enough tho(coz 2m copies sold is nothing with that budget, they likely need over 5m copies sold to barely break even ;p).
I'm sorry but what. There is nothing solid about Ubisoft games. Yes, gamers don't want to see NPCs heads turned inside our. .w
When the industry can go back to delivering the kind of solid games you had on the SNES then people will stop complaining. That's how far things have fallen.


Blaming gamers for not paying money for poorly made subpar games instead of blaming himself says it all, we don't have to, nor should we. Let them go extinct, they deserve it, they have been treating their customers and fans badly for a few years now, who do they think they are!
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Gold Member
Only in the entertainment industry would you have companies blaming their failures on their own consumers.

When has insulting your customer ever led to more sales?

These companies have had it so good that making money came almost naturally. They could push buggy slop and still sell millions. But now that time is over and they literally have no idea what to do. Companies like Ubisoft are so far from reality and so out of touch that at this point they probably deserve to go under.


Why is it whenever somebody has a stupid obnoxious opinion in the gaming industry, they feel the need to share it and make themselves look even worse? Ubisoft guy just keeps talking when really he needs to just STFU until armed with some fake nice guy BS.

The game clearly isn't up to the standards set by their previous games from over a decade ago. Why pretend otherwise? It wasn't horrific like a lot of people make out but it certainly ain't "solid quality".


The tweet is of course clickbait with the headline. One can interpret the wordings from Ubisoft to form the headline but it seems like a stretched.

I must say though that Ubisoft criteria for solid quality does explain the reception their games are getting from the media and gamers alike.

I just know I buy their games usually months or years later due to discount and quality.
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The problems never get solved if you cant accept the issue is yourself and blame others. If this cunt represents the overall feeling of the company then I fully expect more of this trash from Ubi. Its a real shame as they have some of my favourite series in AC, Ghost Recon, Rainbow, Splinter Cell and Brothers in Arms (RIP tp a great 1), but they are just crushing all of these and churning out shit and expect us to act on our duty as gamers to buy this mid trash.

I was going to buy this Starwars when it hit a bargain price but im thinking there not even worth that now. Go fuck yoself.

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Dawg, a literal screenshot of a headline posted on twitter, shared without a link to the article 👍

Who knows if this is a accurate recent quote, or a quote from last weeks investors call, just misquote to stir up clickbate. Great job in media literacy.


There ya go. I did your homework for you. It's misquoted clickbate. Next

Always sus when they don't link to the original article.


Gold Member
In a world where mediocrity is already the norm.
One man has the courage to rise up and tell his peers to lower their expectations because it's hard to do stuff and a doing a great job should not be expected even if you're handsomely paid for it.

This is his story :

Whiney douche strikes back

Right now on social media
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Always sus when they don't link to the original article.
I get why. It's fun to shit on Ubi at the moment and that's all fine and good.

But it also leaves a lot of people easily open to taking in/spreading misinfo, which isn't good. But media literacy is at an all time low, and ai article slop is only making it worse 👍


It's odd how triple A thinks they can pump 100+ million into a game and expect a return. That's not how it works. Start small and build up the audience.
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Gold Member
This looks like WWE wrestling. This is when the impact happens… yes… the fist does nothing get much closer than this. It just shows the impact effect and the reaction animation… it looks sooo fake and even more so in motion.

I have no idea how they regressed so much in terms of animations.


Well he's not wrong.

We didn't buy it. As everyone knows as a gamer you must consume and not ask questions.

Next up dragon age veilguard... just consume. Don't worry about how the game actually looks like shit to play, the story looks bad, the game runs like shit, just consume. Other wise it's your fault.


Admire the solid quality ladies and gentlemen

Even though they were completely pointless for the majority of the game time. The grapple melee kills in breakpoint were vicious and cool.

One unusually good thing that game did at launch (I'd say overall it's a good game now, but initially it had it's issues)

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Neo Member
I'll never understand how we went from companies making something people want to buy, to actively hating their customer base and telling them off. There's only one way this can end.

Its really strange but its because then they would need to take responsibility for their actions. Its all about protecting their paycheck.


I have no idea how they regressed so much in terms of animations.
A friend of mine worked in animations for one of Ubisoft's main studios but jumped ship 6 or 7 years ago. He said lots of the top talent (3d and software engineers) have quit. Which is normal in the industry, people often change jobs looking for something better/new. I'm just guessing the new hires aren't that good.
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Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
Dawg, a literal screenshot of a headline posted on twitter, shared without a link to the article 👍

Who knows if this is a accurate recent quote, or a quote from last weeks investors call, just misquote to stir up clickbate. Great job in media literacy.


There ya go. I did your homework for you. It's misquoted clickbate. Next

Say what you will about ResetEra, but there the first responses immediately stated that the headline was click bait and the thread got closed. I love Neogaf but here we enjoy drama a bit too much ...


I friend of mine worked in animations for one of Ubisoft's main studios but jumped ship 6 or 7 years ago. He said lots of the top talent (3d and software engineers) have quit. Which is normal in the industry, people often change jobs looking for something better/new. I'm just guessing the new hires aren't that good.
Every generation is less technically proficient due to the Apple effect. Unfortunately, this also means that, when issues arise, they are unable to properly investigate the root cause and/or actually fix them.


A friend of mine worked in animations for one of Ubisoft's main studios but jumped ship 6 or 7 years ago. He said lots of the top talent (3d and software engineers) have quit. Which is normal in the industry, people often change jobs looking for something better/new. I'm just guessing the new hires aren't that good.
That and the new talent hasn't had time or training to work on a big project like this yet. You don't just walk in off the street and expect them to understand it all.


Oh and stop it with the DEI ffs. Nobody is stopping buying games because they are woke. Overwatch sold gangbusters.

It sold before it went full retard. I was there I bought it and played it a few years. It slowly then rapidly became a F2P wokefest that shed players while making a different character gay every time they wanted to cover up a mistake.

Great example of how we had diversity before woke. Overwatch was simply diverse (and it was cool) until the bluehairs commandeered the wheel. I don't even own the game I bought anymore, it's wiped from existence and replaced with this "sequel" I don't want; don't count my sale in your "gangbusters" number please.


Gold Member
Even though they were completely pointless for the majority of the game time. The grapple melee kills in breakpoint were vicious and cool.

One unusually good thing that game did at launch (I'd say overall it's a good game now, but initially it had it's issues)

Ghost Recon Breakpoint is another perfect example of a completely botched product filled to the brim with misguided design principles and poor understanding of the target audience.

They have this decades old and very well known IP called Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon based around squad-based tactical mil-sim, and what do they do? Remove the squad, add survival elements and crafting, add gear score and loot tiers, randomized loot, health bars, raid bosses, enemy level system and GaaS seasonal release nonsense. Unbelievable fumble.

Absolutely baffling how they let this happen. To their credit Ubi tried to course correct after the huge backlash and basically reworked the entire game improving it in many ways, but it's still not really an actual good game. Imagine if all those extra resources were spent on making a better game from the start.

Ubi management is killing their business chasing trends and fads while oblivious to what makes their games click with consumers.

Extremely frustrating to see them squander and tarnish very potent IP's like Splinter Cell, Watchdogs, Ghost Recon, Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Division...
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I think there is also a very misguided approach to how games are built.

Games are much much bigger with tons of features, tons of times spent in visuals (not a new thing, even ICO was apparently heavily criticised because it was not targeting all the newest bells and whistles in rendering tech… see GoT’s original game and sequel criticism, it is sometimes justified but more often than not completely out of hand… in this case expectations are insane and companies are going with what they think will be easier to sell on day 1 / pre-orders… and they are doing it badly), etc…

It is likely that the same level of polish / refinement of each feature in modern games is prohibitively expensive… not sure when and how we can crack this aside from just reducing back scope and complexity (people do not react well to paying $70 if they are told that the game will be smaller, shorter, with less features, but that each thing would be very very polished… not for all IPs at least). You see more and more jank everywhere.


Ghost Recon Breakpoint is another perfect example of a completely botched product filled to the brim with misguided design principles and poor understanding of the target audience.

They have this decades old and very well known IP called Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon based around squad-based tactical mil-sim, and what do they do? Remove the squad, add survival elements and crafting, add gear score and loot tiers, randomized loot, health bars, raid bosses, enemy level system and GaaS seasonal release nonsense. Unbelievable fumble.

Absolutely baffling how they let this happen. To their credit Ubi tried to course correct after the huge backlash and basically reworked the entire game improving it in many ways, but it's still not really an actual good game. Imagine if all those extra resources were spent on making a better game from the start.

Ubi management is killing their business chasing trends and fads while oblivious to what makes their games click with consumers.
yeah, breakpoints' biggest issue which was more of a thing back then was trend chasing.

They really wanted that game to be another destiny, which makes no sense since Wildlands did well, had a solid player base and wanted a sequel.

I'd say in premise the idea was interesting, trapped behind enemy lines, essentially having to rambo it up. But what we didn't need was freaking raids and gear score and social hubs etc.

Trend chasing just became modern audience chasing and games have remained cruddy. (again Breakpoint did manage to turn itself around, especially with its wildlands version of a campaign, they literally had to make an entire campaign just to fix things, but it was too little too late).


That and the new talent hasn't had time or training to work on a big project like this yet. You don't just walk in off the street and expect them to understand it all.
You're right of course, that could also be part of the problem. I'm just speculating here of course, could also be that incredibly talented and experienced people worked on the game but short dev time and poor design played part too. Who knows.

In my opinion, whoever designed the game have to take the largest portion of the blame. Technical difficulties can be overcome in time with patches etc but the core gameplay is there to stay.
Blaming the customers is always an excellent way to get more business.

Seriously, he is either too stressed that he can't think straight or this is how he has always perceived Ubisoft's userbase.


It sold before it went full retard. I was there I bought it and played it a few years. It slowly then rapidly became a F2P wokefest that shed players while making a different character gay every time they wanted to cover up a mistake.

Great example of how we had diversity before woke. Overwatch was simply diverse (and it was cool) until the bluehairs commandeered the wheel. I don't even own the game I bought anymore, it's wiped from existence and replaced with this "sequel" I don't want; don't count my sale in your "gangbusters" number please.
I find it strange people have a short memory on overwatch.

that game 100% sold because of ass and titties at launch, the whole "look how much overwatch porn there is" was a huge factor in its popularity.

then there was the Tracers ass incident and then from there the game just went a bit nutterbutters on the modern audiences, the "Which character is gay now" became a meme in gaming circles well after I had bounced from the game.
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I think there is also a very misguided approach to how games are built.

Games are much much bigger with tons of features, tons of times spent in visuals (not a new thing, even ICO was apparently heavily criticised because it was not targeting all the newest bells and whistles in rendering tech… see GoT’s original game and sequel criticism, it is sometimes justified but more often than not completely out of hand… in this case expectations are insane and companies are going with what they think will be easier to sell on day 1 / pre-orders… and they are doing it badly), etc…

It is likely that the same level of polish / refinement of each feature in modern games is prohibitively expensive… not sure when and how we can crack this aside from just reducing back scope and complexity (people do not react well to paying $70 if they are told that the game will be smaller, shorter, with less features, but that each thing would be very very polished… not for all IPs at least). You see more and more jank everywhere.
I would argue the $70 tag hasn't been justified for a lot of games either. If they want the 100+ open world, best graphics etc, then sure, but if your game is not chasing that, the lower price tag could benefit it. Like indie, it needs to be scalable.
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